微信公众号“dotNET跨平台”的文章《c#实现图片文体提取》(参考文献3)介绍了C#图像文本识别模块Tesseract,后者是tesseract-ocr(参考文献2) 的C#封装版本,目前版本为5.2,关于Tesseract的详细介绍请见参考文献1和5,本文主要测试Tesseract模块的基本用法。
public TesseractEngine(string datapath, string language, EngineMode engineMode)public enum EngineMode
{//// 摘要:// Only the legacy tesseract OCR engine is used.TesseractOnly,//// 摘要:// Only the new LSTM-based OCR engine is used.LstmOnly,//// 摘要:// Both the legacy and new LSTM based OCR engine is used.TesseractAndLstm,//// 摘要:// The default OCR engine is used (currently LSTM-ased OCR engine).Default
public Page Process(Pix image, PageSegMode? pageSegMode = null)public enum PageSegMode
{//// 摘要:// Orientation and script detection (OSD) only.OsdOnly,//// 摘要:// Automatic page sementation with orientantion and script detection (OSD).AutoOsd,//// 摘要:// Automatic page segmentation, but no OSD, or OCR.AutoOnly,//// 摘要:// Fully automatic page segmentation, but no OSD.Auto,//// 摘要:// Assume a single column of text of variable sizes.SingleColumn,//// 摘要:// Assume a single uniform block of vertically aligned text.SingleBlockVertText,//// 摘要:// Assume a single uniform block of text.SingleBlock,//// 摘要:// Treat the image as a single text line.SingleLine,//// 摘要:// Treat the image as a single word.SingleWord,//// 摘要:// Treat the image as a single word in a circle.CircleWord,//// 摘要:// Treat the image as a single character.SingleChar,SparseText,//// 摘要:// Sparse text with orientation and script detection.SparseTextOsd,//// 摘要:// Treat the image as a single text line, bypassing hacks that are specific to Tesseract.RawLine,//// 摘要:// Number of enum entries.Count