


    • ChatGPT 4’s Current Limitations ChatGPT 4 的当前限制
    • 1. Crafting Complex Prompts 制作复杂的提示
    • 2. Logic Problems 逻辑问题
    • 3. Verifying GPT 3.5 Text 验证 GPT 3.5 文本
    • 4. Complex Coding 复杂编码
    • 5.Nuanced Text Transformation 细微的文本转换
    • 6. Complex Knowledge Work 复杂的知识工作

Access to OpenAI’s GPT-4 model, whether in ChatGPT or through the API, is still much more limited than GPT-3.5. This means you have to be selective about what jobs you give to the big-brain version of GPT everyone’s talking about.
无论是在ChatGPT中还是通过API访问OpenAI的GPT-4模型,仍然比GPT-3.5受到更多限制。这意味着你必须有选择性地选择你给每个人都在谈论的大大脑版本的 GPT 提供哪些工作。

ChatGPT 4’s Current Limitations ChatGPT 4 的当前限制

To use GPT-4 with ChatGPT at the time of writing, you must be a paying ChatGPT Plus subscriber. Additionally, you can only give GPT-4 25 prompts every three hours, and its responses are painfully slow.
要在撰写本文时将 GPT-4 与 ChatGPT 一起使用,您必须是付费的 ChatGPT Plus 订阅者。此外,您每三小时只能给 GPT-4 25 个提示,而且它的响应非常慢。
In contrast, the default GPT-3.5 Turbo model is fast, efficient, and there are no usage limits we’ve yet encountered. Yet, at the same time, GPT-4 is significantly better at doing some types of tasks than GPT-3.5 Turbo. So much better, in fact, that in some cases it’s the clear choice.
相比之下,默认的 GPT-3.5 Turbo 模型快速、高效,并且我们尚未遇到任何使用限制。然而,与此同时,GPT-4 在执行某些类型的任务方面明显优于 GPT-3.5 Turbo。事实上,要好得多,在某些情况下,这是明确的选择。

1. Crafting Complex Prompts 制作复杂的提示

GPT-4 is slow but smart, GPT-3.5 Turbo is fast, but sometimes a little too quick on the draw. One excellent use of GPT-4 in ChatGPT is making prompts for GPT-3.5. You can use a short prompt in GPT-4 to generate a long and detailed prompt, which can then be used with GPT-3.5 Turbo to get more precise and accurate responses. This approach can help you obtain better results in less time than if you tried to work solely with GPT-4.
GPT-4 缓慢但聪明,GPT-3.5 Turbo 速度很快,但有时在抽奖时有点太快了。GPT-4 在 ChatGPT 中的一个出色用途是提示 GPT-3.5。您可以在 GPT-4 中使用简短的提示来生成长而详细的提示,然后可以与 GPT-3.5 Turbo 一起使用以获得更精确和准确的响应。与尝试仅使用 GPT-4 相比,这种方法可以帮助您在更短的时间内获得更好的结果。
Simply explain briefly to GPT-4 what you need GPT 3.5 to do, and ask for a prompt to get that result. Then copy and paste the prompt into 3.5.
只需向 GPT-4 简要解释您需要 GPT 3.5 做什么,并要求提示以获得该结果。然后将提示复制并粘贴到 3.5 中。

2. Logic Problems 逻辑问题

GPT-4 excels at solving logic problems thanks to its improved reasoning capabilities. It can handle puzzles and riddles that would stump GPT-3.5 Turbo, making it an invaluable tool for those who enjoy brain teasers or need assistance with logical analysis. Just be mindful of the prompts and response time limitations when using GPT-4 for this purpose; it’s better to include multi-step instructions so you don’t hit that message limit too quickly.
GPT-4 凭借其改进的推理能力,擅长解决逻辑问题。它可以处理会难倒 GPT-3.5 Turbo 的谜题和谜语,使其成为那些喜欢脑筋急转弯或需要逻辑分析帮助的人的宝贵工具。只需注意为此目的使用 GPT-4 时的提示和响应时间限制;最好包含多步骤说明,这样您就不会太快达到该消息限制。

3. Verifying GPT 3.5 Text 验证 GPT 3.5 文本

You can use GPT-4’s advanced language understanding to verify and improve text generated by GPT-3.5 Turbo. You can refine the output by running GPT-3.5 Turbo-generated content through GPT-4 and ensure it meets higher quality standards. This is particularly useful for professional writing projects, where accuracy and clarity are paramount.
您可以使用 GPT-4 的高级语言理解来验证和改进 GPT-3.5 Turbo 生成的文本。您可以通过 GPT-3.5 运行 GPT-4 Turbo 生成的内容来优化输出,并确保其符合更高的质量标准。这对于准确性和清晰度至关重要的专业写作项目特别有用。

4. Complex Coding 复杂编码

When it comes to generating or understanding complex code, GPT-4 holds a clear advantage over its predecessor. Its enhanced learning capabilities make it a valuable resource for developers seeking assistance with debugging, optimizing, or even creating new code from scratch. It can provide insights and suggestions that GPT-3.5 Turbo may overlook, helping to streamline the development process.
在生成或理解复杂代码方面,GPT-4 比其前身具有明显的优势。其增强的学习功能使其成为开发人员寻求调试、优化甚至从头开始创建新代码帮助的宝贵资源。它可以提供 GPT-3.5 Turbo 可能忽略的见解和建议,有助于简化开发过程。
So you can create code fast with GPT 3.5 Turbo, and then use GPT 4 to debug or refine that code in one big sweep.
因此,您可以使用 GPT 3.5 Turbo 快速创建代码,然后使用 GPT 4 一次性调试或优化该代码。

5.Nuanced Text Transformation 细微的文本转换

GPT-4’s heightened understanding of context and subtlety allows it to excel at nuanced text transformation tasks. Whether you’re looking to rephrase sentences, translate text, or adapt content for different audiences, GPT-4 can handle these tasks with greater accuracy and finesse than GPT-3.5 Turbo. This is particularly valuable for writers, marketers, and content creators who need to repurpose their work for various platforms and readerships.
GPT-4 对上下文和微妙之处的高度理解使其能够在细微的文本转换任务中表现出色。无论您是想改写句子、翻译文本还是针对不同的受众调整内容,GPT-4 都可以比 GPT-3.5 Turbo 更准确、更精细地处理这些任务。这对于需要将工作重新用于各种平台和读者群的作家、营销人员和内容创作者来说尤其有价值。
You can generate tons of draft text with GPT 3.5 Turbo, and then feed it into GPT-4 in ChatGPT with a prompt to rewrite or modify it in some way. Then wait for the smarter AI model to work its magic.
您可以使用 GPT 3.5 Turbo 生成大量草稿文本,然后将其输入 ChatGPT 中的 GPT-4,并提示以某种方式重写或修改它。然后等待更智能的AI模型发挥其魔力。

6. Complex Knowledge Work 复杂的知识工作

For tasks that require a deep understanding of a subject, GPT-4 is the go-to choice. Its improved comprehension of complex topics enables it to provide more accurate and detailed information than GPT-3.5 Turbo. Researchers, academics, and professionals can leverage GPT-4 for tasks like literature reviews, in-depth analysis, and expert-level insights.
对于需要深入了解主题的任务,GPT-4 是首选。它对复杂主题的改进理解使其能够提供比 GPT-3.5 Turbo 更准确和详细的信息。研究人员、学者和专业人士可以利用 GPT-4 执行文献综述、深入分析和专家级见解等任务。





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