Project name : allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date: 2022年8月13日17点38分
Last Version: V1.0
Descriptions: 无序的双端队列的抽象类的头文件
#pragma once
#ifndef _DEQUE_H_
#define _DEQUE_H_
template<class T>
class deque
public:virtual ~deque() {}virtual bool empty() const = 0;//返回true,当且仅当队列为空virtual int size() const = 0;//返回队列中元素个数virtual T& front() = 0;//返回头元素的引用virtual T& back() = 0;//返回尾元素的引用virtual void pop_front() = 0;//删除首元素virtual void pop_back() = 0;//删除尾元素virtual void push_front(const T& theElement) = 0;//把元素theELment加入队首virtual void push_back(const T& theElement) = 0;//把元素theELment加入队尾
Project name : allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date: 2022年8月13日17点38分
Last Version: V1.0
Descriptions: 数组存储的无序的双端队列类的头文件
#pragma once
#ifndef _ARRAYDEQUE_H_
#define _ARRAYDEQUE_H_
#include "_1myExceptions.h"
#include "_19deque.h"
void arrayDequeTest();
template<class T>
class arrayDeque : public deque<T>
public:/*成员函数*//*构造函数*/arrayDeque(int initialCapacity = 10);/*析构函数*/~arrayDeque() {delete[] deque;}bool empty() const { return theFront == theBack; };//返回true,当且仅当队列为空int size() const { return (dequeLength - theFront + theBack)%dequeLength; };//返回队列中元素个数int capacity() const {return dequeLength - 1;}void clear() { theFront = theBack = 0; }T& front();//返回头元素的引用T& back();//返回尾元素的引用void pop_front();//删除首元素void pop_back();//删除尾元素void push_front(const T& theElement);//把元素theELment加入队首void push_back(const T& theElement);//把元素theELment加入队尾/*调整队列容量大小*/void resizeDeque(int newLength);void meld(arrayDeque<T>& a, arrayDeque<T>& b);void split(arrayDeque<T>& a, arrayDeque<T>& b);/*重载操作符*//*重载[]操作符*/T operator[](int i) { return deque[(theFront + i + 1) % dequeLength]; }/*友元函数*/friend istream& operator>> <T>(istream& in, arrayDeque<T>& m);//输出但是不pop()元素friend ostream& operator<< <T>(ostream& out, arrayDeque<T>& m);
private:int theFront; // 第一个元素的前一个位置int theBack; // 最后一个元素的位置int dequeLength; // 队列的容量,实质上比队列容量(不包含queueFront指向的那一个位置)大1T* deque;
template<class T>
istream& operator>>(istream& in, arrayDeque<T>& m)
{int numberOfElement = 0;cout << "Please enter the number of element:";while (!(in >> numberOfElement)){in.clear();//清空标志位while (in.get() != '\n')//删除无效的输入continue;cout << "Please enter the number of element:";}T cinElement;for (int i = 0; i < numberOfElement; i++){cout << "Please enter the element " << i + 1 << ":";while (!(in >> cinElement)){in.clear();//清空标志位while (in.get() != '\n')//删除无效的输入continue;cout << "Please enter the element " << i + 1 << ":";}m.push_back(cinElement);}return in;
template<class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, arrayDeque<T>& m)
{int size = m.size();for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)out << m.deque[(m.theFront + i + 1) % m.dequeLength] << " ";out << endl;return out;
template<class T>
arrayDeque<T>::arrayDeque(int initialCapacity)
{if (initialCapacity < 1){ostringstream s("");s << "Initial capacity = " << initialCapacity << "Must be > 0";throw illegalParameterValue(s.str());}deque = new T[initialCapacity + 1];dequeLength = initialCapacity + 1;theFront = theBack = 0;
template<class T>
T& arrayDeque<T>::front()
{if(theFront == theBack)throw queueEmpty();return deque[(theFront + 1) % dequeLength];
template<class T>
T& arrayDeque<T>::back()
{if (theFront == theBack)throw queueEmpty();return deque[theBack];
template<class T>
void arrayDeque<T>::pop_front()
{/*检查是否为空,为空就抛出异常*/if (theFront == theBack)throw queueEmpty();/*不为空就删除首元素*/theFront = (theFront + 1) % dequeLength;deque[theFront].~T();
template<class T>
void arrayDeque<T>::pop_back()
{/*检查是否为空,为空就抛出异常*/if (theFront == theBack)throw queueEmpty();/*不为空就删除尾元素*/deque[theBack].~T();if (theBack == 0)theBack = dequeLength - 1;elsetheBack--;
template<class T>
void arrayDeque<T>::push_front(const T& theElement)
{/*判断队列是否满了,如果满了,就调整容量为原来的两倍*/if ((theFront + 1) % dequeLength == theBack)resizeDeque(2 * (dequeLength-1));deque[theFront] = theElement;if (theFront == 0)theFront = dequeLength - 1;elsetheFront = theFront - 1;
template<class T>
void arrayDeque<T>::push_back(const T& theElement)
{/*判断队列是否满了,如果满了,就调整容量为原来的两倍*/if ((theBack + 1) % dequeLength == theFront)resizeDeque(2 * (dequeLength - 1));theBack = (theBack + 1) % dequeLength;deque[theBack] = theElement;
template<class T>
void arrayDeque<T>::resizeDeque(int newLength)
{T* temp = new T[newLength + 1];int size = min((*this).size(), newLength);for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)temp[i] = deque[(theFront + i + 1) % dequeLength];dequeLength = newLength + 1;theFront = newLength;theBack = size - 1;delete[] deque;deque = temp;
template <class T>
void arrayDeque<T>::meld(arrayDeque<T>& a, arrayDeque<T>& b)
{(*this).clear();int i = 0;while (i < a.size() && i < b.size()){push_back(a[i]);push_back(b[i]);i++;}while (i < a.size()){push_back(a[i]);i++;}while (i < b.size()){push_back(b[i]);i++;}
template<class T>
void arrayDeque<T>::split(arrayDeque<T>& a, arrayDeque<T>& b)
{a.clear();b.clear();int size = (*this).size();for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){if (i % 2 == 0)a.push_back(deque[(theFront + i + 1) % dequeLength]);elseb.push_back(deque[(theFront + i + 1) % dequeLength]);}
Project name : allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date: 2022年8月13日17点38分
Last Version: V1.0
Descriptions: 测试_20arrayDeque.h头文件中的所有函数
#include <iostream>
#include "_20arrayDeque.h"
using namespace std;
void arrayDequeTest()
{cout << endl << "*********************************arrayDequeTest()函数开始*************************************" << endl;arrayDeque<int> a;//测试输入和输出cout << endl << "测试友元函数*******************************************" << endl;cout << "输入输出************************" << endl;cin >> a;cout << "arrayDeque a is:" << a;cout << endl << "测试成员函数*******************************************" << endl;cout << "empty()*************************" << endl;cout << "a.empty() = " << a.empty() << endl;cout << "size()**************************" << endl;cout << "a.size() = " << a.size() << endl;cout << "capacity()**********************" << endl;cout << "a.capacity() = " << a.capacity() << endl;cout << "push_front()********************" << endl;cout << "before push_front() arrayDeque a is:" << a;a.push_front(99);a.push_front(22);cout << "after push_front() arrayDeque a is:" << a;cout << "push_back()*********************" << endl;cout << "before push_back() arrayDeque a is:" << a;a.push_back(99);a.push_back(22);cout << "after push_back() arrayDeque a is:" << a;cout << "front()*************************" << endl;cout << "a.front() = " << a.front() << endl;cout << "back()**************************" << endl;cout << "a.back() = " << a.back() << endl;cout << "pop_front()*********************" << endl;cout << "before pop_front arrayDeque a is:" << a;a.pop_front();a.pop_front();cout << "after pop_front arrayDeque a is:" << a;cout << "pop_back()**********************" << endl;cout << "before pop_back arrayDeque a is:" << a;a.pop_back();a.pop_back();cout << "after pop_back arrayDeque a is:" << a;cout << "resizeDeque()*******************" << endl;cout << "before resizeDeque a.capacity() = " << a.capacity() << endl;a.resizeDeque(4);cout << "after resizeDeque a.capacity() = " << a.capacity() << endl;cout << "resizeDeque a is:" << a;cout << "a.front() = " << a.front() << endl;cout << "a.back() = " << a.back() << endl;a.push_back(88);cout << "after resizeDeque a.capacity() = " << a.capacity() << endl;cout << "meld()**************************" << endl;arrayDeque<int> b;cin >> b;cout << "arrayDeque a is:" << a;cout << "arrayDeque b is:" << b;arrayDeque<int> c;c.meld(a, b);cout << "arrayDeque c is:" << c;cout << "split()*************************" << endl;arrayDeque<int> d;arrayDeque<int> e;c.split(d, e);cout << "arrayDeque c is:" << c;cout << "arrayDeque d is:" << d;cout << "arrayDeque e is:" << e;cout << "*********************************arrayDequeTest()函数结束*************************************" << endl;}
Project name : allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date: 2022年8月13日17点38分
Last Version: V1.0
Descriptions: main()函数,控制运行所有的测试函数
#include <iostream>
#include "_20arrayDeque.h"int main()
{arrayDequeTest();return 0;
Project name : allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date: 2022年8月13日17点38分
Last Version: V1.0
Descriptions: 综合各种异常
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include<iostream>using namespace std;// illegal parameter value
class illegalParameterValue
{public:illegalParameterValue(string theMessage = "Illegal parameter value"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}private:string message;
};// illegal input data
class illegalInputData
{public:illegalInputData(string theMessage = "Illegal data input"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}private:string message;
};// illegal index
class illegalIndex
{public:illegalIndex(string theMessage = "Illegal index"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}private:string message;
};// matrix index out of bounds
class matrixIndexOutOfBounds
{public:matrixIndexOutOfBounds(string theMessage = "Matrix index out of bounds"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}private:string message;
};// matrix size mismatch
class matrixSizeMismatch
{public:matrixSizeMismatch(string theMessage = "The size of the two matrics doesn't match"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}private:string message;
};// stack is empty
class stackEmpty
{public:stackEmpty(string theMessage = "Invalid operation on empty stack"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}private:string message;
};// queue is empty
class queueEmpty
{public:queueEmpty(string theMessage = "Invalid operation on empty queue"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}private:string message;
};// hash table is full
class hashTableFull
{public:hashTableFull(string theMessage = "The hash table is full"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}private:string message;
};// edge weight undefined
class undefinedEdgeWeight
{public:undefinedEdgeWeight(string theMessage = "No edge weights defined"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}private:string message;
};// method undefined
class undefinedMethod
{public:undefinedMethod(string theMessage = "This method is undefined"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}private:string message;