

pdftools是一个专门用来处理pdf文件的包 pdftools


pdf_text()#将pdf每页返回成(return)成一个character vector.
> #举个例子
> a <- pdf_text("41375_2012_BFleu2012127_MOESM29_ESM.pdf")
> #查看pdf页数
> length(a)
[1] 23
> #看看第一页,不过好像不能读取公式
> a[1]


#还是举个例子,我想提取第十页的gene symbol
> b <- pdf_text("41375_2012_BFleu2012127_MOESM29_ESM.pdf")
> #查看pdf页数
> length(b)
[1] 23
> #看看第一页,不过好像不能读取公式
> b[1]
[1] "                                      SUPPLEMENTAL METHODS\n\nPatients in training dataset\nThe HOVON-65/GMMG-HD4 randomized clinical trial (ISRCTN64455289) consists of newly diagnosed,\ntransplant-eligible patients with multiple myeloma. Patients were randomly assigned to either bortezomib based\ntreatment or vincristine based treatment. Vincristine based treatment: three cycles of induction treatment with\nvincristine 0.4 mg intravenously on days 1-4, doxorubicin 9 mg/m² intravenously on days 1-4, and dexamethasone\n40 mg orally on days 1-4, 9-12, and 17-20; bortezomib based treatment: bortezomib 1.3 mg/m² intravenously on\ndays 1, 4, 8, and 11, doxorubicin 9 mg/m² intravenously on days 1-4, and dexamethasone 40 mg orally on days 1-4,\n9-12, and 17-20. Stem-cells were mobilized by use of cyclophosphamide 1000 mg/m² intravenously on day 1,\ndoxorubicin 15 mg/m² intravenously on days 1-4, dexamethasone 40 mg orally on days 1-4, and granulocyte colony-\nstimulating factor (filgrastim) 10 μg/kg per day subcutaneously, divided in two doses per day, from day 5 until last\nstem cell collection. A minimum of 2.5 × 106 CD34+ cells per transplantation procedure was required. After\ninduction therapy, patients received one (HOVON-65) or two (GMMG-HD4) cycles of high-dose melphalan (200\nmg/m² intravenously) with autologous stem-cell rescue followed by maintenance treatment with thalidomide (50 mg\nper day orally; group assigned to vincristine-based induction treatment) or bortezomib (1.3 mg/m² intravenously\nonce every 2 weeks; group assigned to bortezomib-based induction treatment) for 2 years. Treatment was not\nmasked for physicians and patients (see Figure S1).\nInformed consent to treatment protocols and sample procurement was obtained for all cases included in this study, in\naccordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Use of diagnostic tumour material was approved by the institutional\nreview board of the Erasmus Medical Centre.\n\nPatients in validation datasets\nUAMS-TT2 is a randomized trial in which patients received thalidomide during all treatment phases (UAMS-TT2;\nn=351; GSE2658; NCT00573391).1 UAMS-TT3 is a similar regimen with the addition of bortezomib to the\nthalidomide arm (UAMS-TT3; n=142; E-TABM-1138; NCT00081939).2 The MRC-IX trial (n=247; GSE15695;\nISRCTN68454111) included both transplant-eligible and non-transplant-eligible newly diagnosed patients. For\ntransplant-eligible patients treatment consisted of induction high-dose therapy while non-transplant-eligible patients\nwere treated initially with either thalidomide or melphalan. Maintenance for both age classes was a comparison of\nthalidomide vs. no thalidomide.3, 4 The trial and dataset denoted here as APEX consisted of the three trials APEX,\nSUMMIT and CREST (n=264; GSE9782; registered under M34100-024, M34100-025 and\nNCT00049478/NCT00048230).5-8 The APEX trial included patients with relapsed myeloma who received either\nbortezomib or high-dose dexamethasone, with the possibility to cross-over to receive bortezomib after disease\nprogression.5 In the SUMMIT trial patients received bortezomib. In patients with a suboptimal response, oral\ndexamethasone was added to the regimen.8 The CREST trial included relapsed or refractory patients who received\nbortezomib. Dexamethasone was permitted in patients with progressive or stable disease. 7\n\nSurvival signature\nThe MAS5 normalized, log2 transformed and mean-variance scaled HOVON-65/GMMG-HD4 dataset was used as a\ntraining set for building a GEP based survival classifier.9, 10 The model was built using a Supervised Principal\nComponent Analysis (SPCA) framework.11 This technique is widely used in biological settings.12-19 The underlying\nassumption is the existence of a high-risk group which can be separated from a standard-risk group on the basis of\nprogression free survival. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a rotation of a n  m centered feature space\nX in such a way that the largest variance in the data is projected on the top principal components. 20 This rotation\ncan be described by a m  m rotation matrix R pca\n\n                                                    X rot  XR pca\n\nX rot is rotated in such a way that the first principal component (PC) is the axis that points in the direction\nexhibiting the largest variance. Every subsequent PC is perpendicular to all previous while capturing as much as\npossible of the remaining variance. SPCA is a PCA whereby the feature space has undergone a selection X sel . In\nthis study the initial selection is based on selecting the top  probe sets that were ranked by a univariate Cox\nproportional hazard regression. This will result in high variance due to survival so it is likely survival is projected\nonto the top  PC's on which a Cox proportional hazard regression is applied. This yields regression coefficients β.\nThe resulting model can be summarized as:\n\n\n                                                          1\n"
> #提取第十页信息
> b[10]#杂乱无章!
[1] "                                      SUPPLEMENTAL TABLES\n\nTable S1. EMC-92 gene signature. Probe sets are ordered by decreasing magnitude of weighting coefficient\n(beta)\n                              Weighting         Symbol\nRank   Probes                                                   GO-term/description1\n                           coefficient (beta)\n  1    202728_s_at             -0.1105          LTBP1           negative regulation of TGFbeta receptor signaling\n  2    239054_at               -0.1088          SFMBT1          regulation of transcription\n  3    208942_s_at             -0.0997          SEC62           cotranslational protein targeting to membrane\n  4    208747_s_at             -0.0874          C1S             proteolysis\n  5    202542_s_at              0.0870          AIMP1           negative regulation of endothelial cell proliferation\n  6    214482_at                0.0861          ZBTB25          transcription\n  7    228416_at               -0.0778          ACVR2A          transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling\n  8    217728_at                0.0773          S100A6          signal transduction\n  9    215177_s_at             -0.0768          ITGA6           cell-substrate junction assembly\n  10   225601_at                0.0750          HMGB3           multicellular organismal development\n  11   207618_s_at              0.0746          BCS1L           mitochondrion organization\n  12   231989_s_at              0.0730          LOC100271836    ---\n  13   202884_s_at              0.0714          PPP2R1B         control of cell growth and division\n  14   231738_at                0.0686          PCDHB7          calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion\n  15   238116_at                0.0661          DYNLRB2         microtubule-based movement\n  16   226218_at               -0.0644          IL7R            regulation of DNA recombination\n  17   202842_s_at             -0.0626          DNAJB9          protein folding\n  18   208732_at               -0.0618          RAB2A           ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport\n  19   204379_s_at              0.0594          FGFR3           MAPKKK cascade\n  20   242180_at               -0.0585          TSPAN16         cellular activation and adhesion\n  21   216473_x_at             -0.0576          DUX4            regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent\n  22   209683_at               -0.0561          FAM49A          ---\n  23   219550_at                0.0559          ROBO3           axon guidance\n  24   223811_s_at              0.0556          SUN1 / GET4     cytoskeletal anchoring at nuclear membrane\n  25   202813_at                0.0548          TARBP1          regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter\n  26   212282_at                0.0530          TMEM97          cholesterol homeostasis\n  27   238780_s_at             -0.0529          EST/ BX647543   ---\n  28   M97935_MA_at2            0.0525          STAT1           transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter\n  29   221041_s_at             -0.0520          SLC17A5         anion transport\n  30   224009_x_at             -0.0520          DHRS9           androgen metabolic process\n  31   214612_x_at              0.0496          MAGEA6          ---\n  32   208232_x_at             -0.0493          ---             ---\n  33   238662_at                0.0490          ATPBD4          ---\n  34   206204_at                0.0477          GRB14           signal transduction\n  35   233437_at                0.0446          GABRA4          transport\n  36   200875_s_at              0.0437          NOP56           rRNA processing\n  37   38158_at                 0.0423          ESPL1           apoptosis\n  38   217548_at               -0.0423          C15orf38        ---\n  39   220351_at                0.0420          CCRL1           chemotaxis\n  40   213002_at               -0.0418          MARCKS          actin filament crosslinking\n  41   243018_at                0.0407          EST/BE568408    ---\n  42   221755_at                0.0396          EHBP1L1         ---\n  43   208667_s_at             -0.0390          ST13            protein folding\n  44   212055_at                0.0384          C18orf10        cytoskeleton\n  45   201292_at               -0.0372          TOP2A           DNA ligation\n  46   201102_s_at              0.0349          PFKL            fructose 6-phosphate metabolic process\n  47   214150_x_at             -0.0349          ATP6V0E1        proton transport\n  48   226742_at               -0.0345          SAR1B           transport\n  49   215181_at               -0.0342          CDH22           cell adhesion\n  50   208904_s_at             -0.0334          RPS28           rRNA processing\n\n                                                         10\n"
> #去掉分隔符"\n"
> b[10] %>% str_split("\n")
[[1]][1] "                                      SUPPLEMENTAL TABLES"                                                                       [2] ""                                                                                                                                [3] "Table S1. EMC-92 gene signature. Probe sets are ordered by decreasing magnitude of weighting coefficient"                        [4] "(beta)"                                                                                                                          [5] "                              Weighting         Symbol"                                                                          [6] "Rank   Probes                                                   GO-term/description1"                                            [7] "                           coefficient (beta)"                                                                                   [8] "  1    202728_s_at             -0.1105          LTBP1           negative regulation of TGFbeta receptor signaling"               [9] "  2    239054_at               -0.1088          SFMBT1          regulation of transcription"                                     
[10] "  3    208942_s_at             -0.0997          SEC62           cotranslational protein targeting to membrane"                   
[11] "  4    208747_s_at             -0.0874          C1S             proteolysis"                                                     
[12] "  5    202542_s_at              0.0870          AIMP1           negative regulation of endothelial cell proliferation"           
[13] "  6    214482_at                0.0861          ZBTB25          transcription"                                                   
[14] "  7    228416_at               -0.0778          ACVR2A          transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling"
[15] "  8    217728_at                0.0773          S100A6          signal transduction"                                             
[16] "  9    215177_s_at             -0.0768          ITGA6           cell-substrate junction assembly"                                
[17] "  10   225601_at                0.0750          HMGB3           multicellular organismal development"                            
[18] "  11   207618_s_at              0.0746          BCS1L           mitochondrion organization"                                      
[19] "  12   231989_s_at              0.0730          LOC100271836    ---"                                                             
[20] "  13   202884_s_at              0.0714          PPP2R1B         control of cell growth and division"                             
[21] "  14   231738_at                0.0686          PCDHB7          calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion"                            
[22] "  15   238116_at                0.0661          DYNLRB2         microtubule-based movement"                                      
[23] "  16   226218_at               -0.0644          IL7R            regulation of DNA recombination"                                 
[24] "  17   202842_s_at             -0.0626          DNAJB9          protein folding"                                                 
[25] "  18   208732_at               -0.0618          RAB2A           ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport"                          
[26] "  19   204379_s_at              0.0594          FGFR3           MAPKKK cascade"                                                  
[27] "  20   242180_at               -0.0585          TSPAN16         cellular activation and adhesion"                                
[28] "  21   216473_x_at             -0.0576          DUX4            regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent"                      
[29] "  22   209683_at               -0.0561          FAM49A          ---"                                                             
[30] "  23   219550_at                0.0559          ROBO3           axon guidance"                                                   
[31] "  24   223811_s_at              0.0556          SUN1 / GET4     cytoskeletal anchoring at nuclear membrane"                      
[32] "  25   202813_at                0.0548          TARBP1          regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter"     
[33] "  26   212282_at                0.0530          TMEM97          cholesterol homeostasis"                                         
[34] "  27   238780_s_at             -0.0529          EST/ BX647543   ---"                                                             
[35] "  28   M97935_MA_at2            0.0525          STAT1           transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter"                   
[36] "  29   221041_s_at             -0.0520          SLC17A5         anion transport"                                                 
[37] "  30   224009_x_at             -0.0520          DHRS9           androgen metabolic process"                                      
[38] "  31   214612_x_at              0.0496          MAGEA6          ---"                                                             
[39] "  32   208232_x_at             -0.0493          ---             ---"                                                             
[40] "  33   238662_at                0.0490          ATPBD4          ---"                                                             
[41] "  34   206204_at                0.0477          GRB14           signal transduction"                                             
[42] "  35   233437_at                0.0446          GABRA4          transport"                                                       
[43] "  36   200875_s_at              0.0437          NOP56           rRNA processing"                                                 
[44] "  37   38158_at                 0.0423          ESPL1           apoptosis"                                                       
[45] "  38   217548_at               -0.0423          C15orf38        ---"                                                             
[46] "  39   220351_at                0.0420          CCRL1           chemotaxis"                                                      
[47] "  40   213002_at               -0.0418          MARCKS          actin filament crosslinking"                                     
[48] "  41   243018_at                0.0407          EST/BE568408    ---"                                                             
[49] "  42   221755_at                0.0396          EHBP1L1         ---"                                                             
[50] "  43   208667_s_at             -0.0390          ST13            protein folding"                                                 
[51] "  44   212055_at                0.0384          C18orf10        cytoskeleton"                                                    
[52] "  45   201292_at               -0.0372          TOP2A           DNA ligation"                                                    
[53] "  46   201102_s_at              0.0349          PFKL            fructose 6-phosphate metabolic process"                          
[54] "  47   214150_x_at             -0.0349          ATP6V0E1        proton transport"                                                
[55] "  48   226742_at               -0.0345          SAR1B           transport"                                                       
[56] "  49   215181_at               -0.0342          CDH22           cell adhesion"                                                   
[57] "  50   208904_s_at             -0.0334          RPS28           rRNA processing"                                                 
[58] ""                                                                                                                                
[59] "                                                         10"                                                                     
[60] ""                                                                                                                                > #变整齐了,再去掉空行
> b[10] %>% str_split("\n") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[-c(1:7)] %>% .[-c(51:53)][1] "  1    202728_s_at             -0.1105          LTBP1           negative regulation of TGFbeta receptor signaling"               [2] "  2    239054_at               -0.1088          SFMBT1          regulation of transcription"                                     [3] "  3    208942_s_at             -0.0997          SEC62           cotranslational protein targeting to membrane"                   [4] "  4    208747_s_at             -0.0874          C1S             proteolysis"                                                     [5] "  5    202542_s_at              0.0870          AIMP1           negative regulation of endothelial cell proliferation"           [6] "  6    214482_at                0.0861          ZBTB25          transcription"                                                   [7] "  7    228416_at               -0.0778          ACVR2A          transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling"[8] "  8    217728_at                0.0773          S100A6          signal transduction"                                             [9] "  9    215177_s_at             -0.0768          ITGA6           cell-substrate junction assembly"                                
[10] "  10   225601_at                0.0750          HMGB3           multicellular organismal development"                            
[11] "  11   207618_s_at              0.0746          BCS1L           mitochondrion organization"                                      
[12] "  12   231989_s_at              0.0730          LOC100271836    ---"                                                             
[13] "  13   202884_s_at              0.0714          PPP2R1B         control of cell growth and division"                             
[14] "  14   231738_at                0.0686          PCDHB7          calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion"                            
[15] "  15   238116_at                0.0661          DYNLRB2         microtubule-based movement"                                      
[16] "  16   226218_at               -0.0644          IL7R            regulation of DNA recombination"                                 
[17] "  17   202842_s_at             -0.0626          DNAJB9          protein folding"                                                 
[18] "  18   208732_at               -0.0618          RAB2A           ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport"                          
[19] "  19   204379_s_at              0.0594          FGFR3           MAPKKK cascade"                                                  
[20] "  20   242180_at               -0.0585          TSPAN16         cellular activation and adhesion"                                
[21] "  21   216473_x_at             -0.0576          DUX4            regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent"                      
[22] "  22   209683_at               -0.0561          FAM49A          ---"                                                             
[23] "  23   219550_at                0.0559          ROBO3           axon guidance"                                                   
[24] "  24   223811_s_at              0.0556          SUN1 / GET4     cytoskeletal anchoring at nuclear membrane"                      
[25] "  25   202813_at                0.0548          TARBP1          regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter"     
[26] "  26   212282_at                0.0530          TMEM97          cholesterol homeostasis"                                         
[27] "  27   238780_s_at             -0.0529          EST/ BX647543   ---"                                                             
[28] "  28   M97935_MA_at2            0.0525          STAT1           transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter"                   
[29] "  29   221041_s_at             -0.0520          SLC17A5         anion transport"                                                 
[30] "  30   224009_x_at             -0.0520          DHRS9           androgen metabolic process"                                      
[31] "  31   214612_x_at              0.0496          MAGEA6          ---"                                                             
[32] "  32   208232_x_at             -0.0493          ---             ---"                                                             
[33] "  33   238662_at                0.0490          ATPBD4          ---"                                                             
[34] "  34   206204_at                0.0477          GRB14           signal transduction"                                             
[35] "  35   233437_at                0.0446          GABRA4          transport"                                                       
[36] "  36   200875_s_at              0.0437          NOP56           rRNA processing"                                                 
[37] "  37   38158_at                 0.0423          ESPL1           apoptosis"                                                       
[38] "  38   217548_at               -0.0423          C15orf38        ---"                                                             
[39] "  39   220351_at                0.0420          CCRL1           chemotaxis"                                                      
[40] "  40   213002_at               -0.0418          MARCKS          actin filament crosslinking"                                     
[41] "  41   243018_at                0.0407          EST/BE568408    ---"                                                             
[42] "  42   221755_at                0.0396          EHBP1L1         ---"                                                             
[43] "  43   208667_s_at             -0.0390          ST13            protein folding"                                                 
[44] "  44   212055_at                0.0384          C18orf10        cytoskeleton"                                                    
[45] "  45   201292_at               -0.0372          TOP2A           DNA ligation"                                                    
[46] "  46   201102_s_at              0.0349          PFKL            fructose 6-phosphate metabolic process"                          
[47] "  47   214150_x_at             -0.0349          ATP6V0E1        proton transport"                                                
[48] "  48   226742_at               -0.0345          SAR1B           transport"                                                       
[49] "  49   215181_at               -0.0342          CDH22           cell adhesion"                                                   
[50] "  50   208904_s_at             -0.0334          RPS28           rRNA processing"                                                 
> #看着更规整了,再去掉空格
> b[10] %>% str_split("\n") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[-c(1:7)] %>% .[-c(51:53)] %>% str_split(" ")                                                              
[[1]][1] ""            ""            "1"           ""            ""            ""           [7] "202728_s_at" ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] ""            "-0.1105"     ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            "LTBP1"      
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            ""            ""            "negative"    "regulation" 
[43] "of"          "TGFbeta"     "receptor"    "signaling"  [[2]][1] ""              ""              "2"             ""              ""             [6] ""              "239054_at"     ""              ""              ""             
[11] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[16] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[21] ""              "-0.1088"       ""              ""              ""             
[26] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[31] ""              "SFMBT1"        ""              ""              ""             
[36] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[41] ""              "regulation"    "of"            "transcription"[[3]][1] ""                ""                "3"               ""               [5] ""                ""                "208942_s_at"     ""               [9] ""                ""                ""                ""               
[13] ""                ""                ""                ""               
[17] ""                ""                ""                "-0.0997"        
[21] ""                ""                ""                ""               
[25] ""                ""                ""                ""               
[29] ""                "SEC62"           ""                ""               
[33] ""                ""                ""                ""               
[37] ""                ""                ""                ""               
[41] "cotranslational" "protein"         "targeting"       "to"             
[45] "membrane"       [[4]][1] ""            ""            "4"           ""            ""            ""           [7] "208747_s_at" ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] ""            "-0.0874"     ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            "C1S"        
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[43] "proteolysis"[[5]][1] ""              ""              "5"             ""              ""             [6] ""              "202542_s_at"   ""              ""              ""             
[11] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[16] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[21] "0.0870"        ""              ""              ""              ""             
[26] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[31] "AIMP1"         ""              ""              ""              ""             
[36] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[41] ""              "negative"      "regulation"    "of"            "endothelial"  
[46] "cell"          "proliferation"[[6]][1] ""              ""              "6"             ""              ""             [6] ""              "214482_at"     ""              ""              ""             
[11] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[16] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[21] ""              ""              "0.0861"        ""              ""             
[26] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[31] ""              ""              "ZBTB25"        ""              ""             
[36] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[41] ""              ""              "transcription"[[7]][1] ""                 ""                 "7"                ""                [5] ""                 ""                 "228416_at"        ""                [9] ""                 ""                 ""                 ""                
[13] ""                 ""                 ""                 ""                
[17] ""                 ""                 ""                 ""                
[21] ""                 "-0.0778"          ""                 ""                
[25] ""                 ""                 ""                 ""                
[29] ""                 ""                 ""                 "ACVR2A"          
[33] ""                 ""                 ""                 ""                
[37] ""                 ""                 ""                 ""                
[41] ""                 "transmembrane"    "receptor"         "protein"         
[45] "serine/threonine" "kinase"           "signaling"       [[8]][1] ""             ""             "8"            ""             ""            [6] ""             "217728_at"    ""             ""             ""            
[11] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[16] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[21] ""             ""             "0.0773"       ""             ""            
[26] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[31] ""             ""             "S100A6"       ""             ""            
[36] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[41] ""             ""             "signal"       "transduction"[[9]][1] ""               ""               "9"              ""               ""              [6] ""               "215177_s_at"    ""               ""               ""              
[11] ""               ""               ""               ""               ""              
[16] ""               ""               ""               ""               "-0.0768"       
[21] ""               ""               ""               ""               ""              
[26] ""               ""               ""               ""               "ITGA6"         
[31] ""               ""               ""               ""               ""              
[36] ""               ""               ""               ""               ""              
[41] "cell-substrate" "junction"       "assembly"      [[10]][1] ""              ""              "10"            ""              ""             [6] "225601_at"     ""              ""              ""              ""             
[11] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[16] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[21] ""              "0.0750"        ""              ""              ""             
[26] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[31] ""              "HMGB3"         ""              ""              ""             
[36] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[41] ""              ""              "multicellular" "organismal"    "development"  [[11]][1] ""              ""              "11"            ""              ""             [6] "207618_s_at"   ""              ""              ""              ""             
[11] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[16] ""              ""              ""              ""              "0.0746"       
[21] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[26] ""              ""              ""              ""              "BCS1L"        
[31] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[36] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[41] "mitochondrion" "organization" [[12]][1] ""             ""             "12"           ""             ""            [6] "231989_s_at"  ""             ""             ""             ""            
[11] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[16] ""             ""             ""             ""             "0.0730"      
[21] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[26] ""             ""             ""             ""             "LOC100271836"
[31] ""             ""             ""             "---"         [[13]][1] ""            ""            "13"          ""            ""            "202884_s_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] ""            "0.0714"      ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            "PPP2R1B"    
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            "control"     "of"          "cell"        "growth"     
[43] "and"         "division"   [[14]][1] ""                  ""                  "14"                ""                 [5] ""                  "231738_at"         ""                  ""                 [9] ""                  ""                  ""                  ""                 
[13] ""                  ""                  ""                  ""                 
[17] ""                  ""                  ""                  ""                 
[21] ""                  "0.0686"            ""                  ""                 
[25] ""                  ""                  ""                  ""                 
[29] ""                  ""                  ""                  "PCDHB7"           
[33] ""                  ""                  ""                  ""                 
[37] ""                  ""                  ""                  ""                 
[41] ""                  "calcium-dependent" "cell-cell"         "adhesion"         [[15]][1] ""                  ""                  "15"                ""                 [5] ""                  "238116_at"         ""                  ""                 [9] ""                  ""                  ""                  ""                 
[13] ""                  ""                  ""                  ""                 
[17] ""                  ""                  ""                  ""                 
[21] ""                  "0.0661"            ""                  ""                 
[25] ""                  ""                  ""                  ""                 
[29] ""                  ""                  ""                  "DYNLRB2"          
[33] ""                  ""                  ""                  ""                 
[37] ""                  ""                  ""                  ""                 
[41] "microtubule-based" "movement"         [[16]][1] ""              ""              "16"            ""              ""             [6] "226218_at"     ""              ""              ""              ""             
[11] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[16] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[21] "-0.0644"       ""              ""              ""              ""             
[26] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[31] "IL7R"          ""              ""              ""              ""             
[36] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[41] ""              ""              "regulation"    "of"            "DNA"          
[46] "recombination"[[17]][1] ""            ""            "17"          ""            ""            "202842_s_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] "-0.0626"     ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            "DNAJB9"      ""           
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            "protein"     "folding"    [[18]][1] ""                 ""                 "18"               ""                [5] ""                 "208732_at"        ""                 ""                [9] ""                 ""                 ""                 ""                
[13] ""                 ""                 ""                 ""                
[17] ""                 ""                 ""                 ""                
[21] "-0.0618"          ""                 ""                 ""                
[25] ""                 ""                 ""                 ""                
[29] ""                 ""                 "RAB2A"            ""                
[33] ""                 ""                 ""                 ""                
[37] ""                 ""                 ""                 ""                
[41] ""                 "ER"               "to"               "Golgi"           
[45] "vesicle-mediated" "transport"       [[19]][1] ""            ""            "19"          ""            ""            "204379_s_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] ""            "0.0594"      ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            "FGFR3"      
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            ""            ""            "MAPKKK"      "cascade"    [[20]][1] ""           ""           "20"         ""           ""           "242180_at" [7] ""           ""           ""           ""           ""           ""          
[13] ""           ""           ""           ""           ""           ""          
[19] ""           ""           "-0.0585"    ""           ""           ""          
[25] ""           ""           ""           ""           ""           ""          
[31] "TSPAN16"    ""           ""           ""           ""           ""          
[37] ""           ""           ""           "cellular"   "activation" "and"       
[43] "adhesion"  [[21]][1] ""               ""               "21"             ""               ""              [6] "216473_x_at"    ""               ""               ""               ""              
[11] ""               ""               ""               ""               ""              
[16] ""               ""               ""               "-0.0576"        ""              
[21] ""               ""               ""               ""               ""              
[26] ""               ""               ""               "DUX4"           ""              
[31] ""               ""               ""               ""               ""              
[36] ""               ""               ""               ""               ""              
[41] "regulation"     "of"             "transcription," "DNA-dependent" [[22]][1] ""          ""          "22"        ""          ""          "209683_at" ""         [8] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[15] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          "-0.0561"  
[22] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[29] ""          ""          "FAM49A"    ""          ""          ""          ""         
[36] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          "---"      [[23]][1] ""          ""          "23"        ""          ""          "219550_at" ""         [8] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[15] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[22] "0.0559"    ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[29] ""          ""          ""          "ROBO3"     ""          ""          ""         
[36] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[43] "axon"      "guidance" [[24]][1] ""             ""             "24"           ""             ""            [6] "223811_s_at"  ""             ""             ""             ""            
[11] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[16] ""             ""             ""             ""             "0.0556"      
[21] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[26] ""             ""             ""             ""             "SUN1"        
[31] "/"            "GET4"         ""             ""             ""            
[36] ""             "cytoskeletal" "anchoring"    "at"           "nuclear"     
[41] "membrane"    [[25]][1] ""              ""              "25"            ""              ""             [6] "202813_at"     ""              ""              ""              ""             
[11] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[16] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[21] ""              "0.0548"        ""              ""              ""             
[26] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[31] ""              "TARBP1"        ""              ""              ""             
[36] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[41] ""              "regulation"    "of"            "transcription" "from"         
[46] "RNA"           "polymerase"    "II"            "promoter"     [[26]][1] ""            ""            "26"          ""            ""            "212282_at"  [7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] ""            ""            ""            "0.0530"      ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[31] ""            "TMEM97"      ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            "cholesterol"
[43] "homeostasis"[[27]][1] ""            ""            "27"          ""            ""            "238780_s_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] "-0.0529"     ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            "EST/"        "BX647543"   
[31] ""            ""            "---"        [[28]][1] ""              ""              "28"            ""              ""             [6] "M97935_MA_at2" ""              ""              ""              ""             
[11] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[16] ""              ""              "0.0525"        ""              ""             
[21] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[26] ""              ""              "STAT1"         ""              ""             
[31] ""              ""              ""              ""              ""             
[36] ""              ""              ""              "transcription" "from"         
[41] "RNA"           "polymerase"    "II"            "promoter"     [[29]][1] ""            ""            "29"          ""            ""            "221041_s_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] "-0.0520"     ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            "SLC17A5"     ""           
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            "anion"       "transport"  [[30]][1] ""            ""            "30"          ""            ""            "224009_x_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] "-0.0520"     ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            "DHRS9"       ""           
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            ""            "androgen"    "metabolic"   "process"    [[31]][1] ""            ""            "31"          ""            ""            "214612_x_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] ""            "0.0496"      ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            "MAGEA6"     
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            ""            "---"        [[32]][1] ""            ""            "32"          ""            ""            "208232_x_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] "-0.0493"     ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            "---"         ""           
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            "---"        [[33]][1] ""          ""          "33"        ""          ""          "238662_at" ""         [8] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[15] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[22] "0.0490"    ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[29] ""          ""          ""          "ATPBD4"    ""          ""          ""         
[36] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          "---"      [[34]][1] ""             ""             "34"           ""             ""            [6] "206204_at"    ""             ""             ""             ""            
[11] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[16] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[21] ""             "0.0477"       ""             ""             ""            
[26] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[31] ""             "GRB14"        ""             ""             ""            
[36] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[41] ""             ""             "signal"       "transduction"[[35]][1] ""          ""          "35"        ""          ""          "233437_at" ""         [8] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[15] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[22] "0.0446"    ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[29] ""          ""          ""          "GABRA4"    ""          ""          ""         
[36] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          "transport"[[36]][1] ""            ""            "36"          ""            ""            "200875_s_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] ""            "0.0437"      ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            "NOP56"      
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            ""            ""            "rRNA"        "processing" [[37]][1] ""          ""          "37"        ""          ""          "38158_at"  ""         [8] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[15] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[22] ""          "0.0423"    ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[29] ""          ""          ""          ""          "ESPL1"     ""          ""         
[36] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[43] ""          "apoptosis"[[38]][1] ""          ""          "38"        ""          ""          "217548_at" ""         [8] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[15] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          "-0.0423"  
[22] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[29] ""          ""          "C15orf38"  ""          ""          ""          ""         
[36] ""          ""          ""          "---"      [[39]][1] ""           ""           "39"         ""           ""           "220351_at" [7] ""           ""           ""           ""           ""           ""          
[13] ""           ""           ""           ""           ""           ""          
[19] ""           ""           ""           "0.0420"     ""           ""          
[25] ""           ""           ""           ""           ""           ""          
[31] ""           "CCRL1"      ""           ""           ""           ""          
[37] ""           ""           ""           ""           ""           ""          
[43] "chemotaxis"[[40]][1] ""             ""             "40"           ""             ""            [6] "213002_at"    ""             ""             ""             ""            
[11] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[16] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[21] "-0.0418"      ""             ""             ""             ""            
[26] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[31] "MARCKS"       ""             ""             ""             ""            
[36] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[41] "actin"        "filament"     "crosslinking"[[41]][1] ""             ""             "41"           ""             ""            [6] "243018_at"    ""             ""             ""             ""            
[11] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[16] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[21] ""             "0.0407"       ""             ""             ""            
[26] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[31] ""             "EST/BE568408" ""             ""             ""            
[36] "---"         [[42]][1] ""          ""          "42"        ""          ""          "221755_at" ""         [8] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[15] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[22] "0.0396"    ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[29] ""          ""          ""          "EHBP1L1"   ""          ""          ""         
[36] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          "---"      [[43]][1] ""            ""            "43"          ""            ""            "208667_s_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] "-0.0390"     ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            "ST13"        ""           
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            ""            ""            "protein"     "folding"    [[44]][1] ""             ""             "44"           ""             ""            [6] "212055_at"    ""             ""             ""             ""            
[11] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[16] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[21] ""             "0.0384"       ""             ""             ""            
[26] ""             ""             ""             ""             ""            
[31] ""             "C18orf10"     ""             ""             ""            
[36] ""             ""             ""             ""             "cytoskeleton"[[45]][1] ""          ""          "45"        ""          ""          "201292_at" ""         [8] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[15] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          "-0.0372"  
[22] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[29] ""          ""          "TOP2A"     ""          ""          ""          ""         
[36] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          "DNA"      
[43] "ligation" [[46]][1] ""            ""            "46"          ""            ""            "201102_s_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] ""            "0.0349"      ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            "PFKL"       
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            "fructose"   
[43] "6-phosphate" "metabolic"   "process"    [[47]][1] ""            ""            "47"          ""            ""            "214150_x_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] "-0.0349"     ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            "ATP6V0E1"    ""           
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] "proton"      "transport"  [[48]][1] ""          ""          "48"        ""          ""          "226742_at" ""         [8] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[15] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          "-0.0345"  
[22] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[29] ""          ""          "SAR1B"     ""          ""          ""          ""         
[36] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          "transport"[[49]][1] ""          ""          "49"        ""          ""          "215181_at" ""         [8] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[15] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          "-0.0342"  
[22] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""         
[29] ""          ""          "CDH22"     ""          ""          ""          ""         
[36] ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          ""          "cell"     
[43] "adhesion" [[50]][1] ""            ""            "50"          ""            ""            "208904_s_at"[7] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[13] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[19] "-0.0334"     ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[25] ""            ""            ""            ""            "RPS28"       ""           
[31] ""            ""            ""            ""            ""            ""           
[37] ""            ""            ""            "rRNA"        "processing" > #只用把""去掉然后提取gene就好啦,可用for循环,也可以用lapply函数,道理都是相同的
> # gene <- list()
> # for (i in 1:50){
> #   gene_name <- b2 %>% .[[i]] %>% .[.!=""] %>% .[4] # gene名排在第四个,根据不同的数据做不同的处理
> #   gene <- rbind(gene,gene_name)
> # }
> b[10] %>% str_split("\n") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[-c(1:7)] %>% .[-c(51:53)] %>% str_split(" ") %>% lapply(\(x){x[x!=""]%>%.[4]})
[1] "LTBP1"[[2]]
[1] "SFMBT1"[[3]]
[1] "SEC62"[[4]]
[1] "C1S"[[5]]
[1] "AIMP1"[[6]]
[1] "ZBTB25"[[7]]
[1] "ACVR2A"[[8]]
[1] "S100A6"[[9]]
[1] "ITGA6"[[10]]
[1] "HMGB3"[[11]]
[1] "BCS1L"[[12]]
[1] "LOC100271836"[[13]]
[1] "PPP2R1B"[[14]]
[1] "PCDHB7"[[15]]
[1] "DYNLRB2"[[16]]
[1] "IL7R"[[17]]
[1] "DNAJB9"[[18]]
[1] "RAB2A"[[19]]
[1] "FGFR3"[[20]]
[1] "TSPAN16"[[21]]
[1] "DUX4"[[22]]
[1] "FAM49A"[[23]]
[1] "ROBO3"[[24]]
[1] "SUN1"[[25]]
[1] "TARBP1"[[26]]
[1] "TMEM97"[[27]]
[1] "EST/"[[28]]
[1] "STAT1"[[29]]
[1] "SLC17A5"[[30]]
[1] "DHRS9"[[31]]
[1] "MAGEA6"[[32]]
[1] "---"[[33]]
[1] "ATPBD4"[[34]]
[1] "GRB14"[[35]]
[1] "GABRA4"[[36]]
[1] "NOP56"[[37]]
[1] "ESPL1"[[38]]
[1] "C15orf38"[[39]]
[1] "CCRL1"[[40]]
[1] "MARCKS"[[41]]
[1] "EST/BE568408"[[42]]
[1] "EHBP1L1"[[43]]
[1] "ST13"[[44]]
[1] "C18orf10"[[45]]
[1] "TOP2A"[[46]]
[1] "PFKL"[[47]]
[1] "ATP6V0E1"[[48]]
[1] "SAR1B"[[49]]
[1] "CDH22"[[50]]
[1] "RPS28"



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PythonPow&#xff1a;一个强大的Python库 PythonPow是一个强大的Python库&#xff0c;可以帮助开发者在Python中更轻松地实现各种功能。本文将介绍PythonPow的特点和优势&#xff0c;并探讨如何使用PythonPow提高编程效率。 PythonPow的特点 PythonPow的特点主要包括以下几…


Python如何删除重复值 介绍 Python是一种高级编程语言&#xff0c;广泛用于各种领域。随着数据量越来越大&#xff0c;处理数据的需求也越来越大&#xff0c;其中一个常见的问题是如何删除重复的值。在Python中&#xff0c;删除重复值可以使用一些方法&#xff0c;本文将介绍…


Python中寻找不重复字符的方法 Python是一种著名界面友好、易学易用且功能强大的编程语言&#xff0c;广泛应用于各种需求中。在本篇文章中&#xff0c;我们将会讨论如何使用Python编程语言来寻找一个字符串中的不重复字符。我们将简单介绍如何实现这个过程以及为什么这个过程…


Python中如何重复一段代码 在Python编程中&#xff0c;我们经常会遇到需要重复执行一段代码的情况。有些初学者可能会采用CtrlC和CtrlV的复制粘贴方式&#xff0c;或是手动多次调用同一个方法的方式来达到重复执行的目的。但其实Python提供了简单有效的方法来实现代码重复执行…


Python列表去除重复项的方法 Python 中的列表是常用的数据类型&#xff0c;在实际项目中大量使用。有时候&#xff0c;在列表中可能会出现重复项&#xff0c;这会影响程序的正确性和效率。因此&#xff0c;如何去除Python列表中的重复项成为一个常见的需求。 本文将介绍 Pyth…


第一章&#xff1a;引言 在当今数字化时代&#xff0c;人工智能技术的迅猛发展使得对话系统成为一个备受关注的领域。随着语言模型的进步&#xff0c;像ChatGPT这样的模型正在改变我们与计算机进行交流的方式。本文将探索ChatGPT作为一种语言模型在对话系统中的应用&#xff0…


当大语言模型遇上扩散模型&#xff08;一、简要介绍&#xff09; 文章目录 当大语言模型遇上扩散模型&#xff08;一、简要介绍&#xff09;总览正文资源汇总 总览 本系列文章对近期学习的大语言模型&#xff08;LLM&#xff09;和扩散模型&#xff08;Diffusion Model&#x…

AI平台Bard、文心一言、New Bing介绍

提起ai产品&#xff0c;大家用的多的&#xff0c;可能还是chatgpt,今天&#xff0c;让我们来了解下另外几款&#xff1a; 一、谷歌公司推出的Bard: https://bard.google.com/ 缺点就是&#xff1a;目前只支持英文提问&#xff1a; 还是具备一定的上写文的能力的&#xff0c;比如…


ChatGPT丨小智ai丨chatgpt丨人工智能丨OpenAI丨聊天机器人丨AI语音助手丨GPT-3.5丨OpenAI ChatGPT|GPT-4|GPT-3|人机对话|ChatGPT应用|小智ai|小智ai|小智ai|小智ai|小智AI|chatgpt小智AI 引言&#xff1a; 无论你是在寂寞的夜晚需要伴侣&#xff0c;还是在烦恼的时刻需要倾诉…


推荐阅读&#xff1a;突然曝出降薪&#xff01;幅度5000至10000&#xff1f; 前几天刷知乎&#xff0c;看到一个很意思的问题&#xff01;浏览量高达1800万&#xff0c;说明大家对这类话题还是比较关注的。 这里大家整理一些网友的回答&#xff0c;仅供参考。 匿名用户 A 回复 …


导读 在智源大会「AI 安全与对齐」论坛上&#xff0c;与会嘉宾针对目前人们关心的 AI 安全控制标准、多智能体强化学习环境下的安全、开源对 AI 安全的影响、对智能涌现安全的思考等问题展开了讨论。 能力越大&#xff0c;责任越大。 嘉宾名单 谢旻希丨主持人&#xff0c;安远A…

