项目开发使用【Mu 编辑器】
SIZE = 15 # 每个格子的大小
WIDTH = SIZE * 30 # 游戏场景总宽度
HEIGHT = SIZE * 30 # 游戏场景总高度def draw():screen.fill((255,255,255)) # 设置背景色为白色
snake_head = Actor("snake_head",(30, 30)) # 绘制蛇头图标,初始坐标为(30,30)def draw():screen.fill((255,255,255)) snake_head.draw() # 绘制蛇头
direction = "R" # 蛇头初始移动方向
counter = 0 # 循环标识,控制蛇头位置变更频率
# 监测按下的按键
def check_keys():global direction# ←键被按下,且当前方向不为向右if keyboard.left and direction != "R":direction = "L"# →键被按下,且当前方向不为向左elif keyboard.right and direction != "L":direction = "R"# ↑键被按下,且当前方向不为向下elif keyboard.up and direction != "D":direction = "U"# ↓键被按下,且当前方向不为向上elif keyboard.down and direction != "U":direction = "D"
# 蛇头移动位置逻辑
def update_snake(): global countercounter += 1# 每执行10次update函数,才执行一次下方代码,减缓蛇头位置变更速度if counter < 10:returnelse:counter = 0# 蛇头移动逻辑,改变蛇头位置实现移动效果if direction == "L":snake_head.x -= SIZEelif direction == "R":snake_head.x += SIZEelif direction == "U":snake_head.y -= SIZEelif direction == "D":snake_head.y += SIZE
def update():check_keys()update_snake()
# 监测按下的按键
def check_keys():global direction# ←键被按下,且当前方向不为向右if keyboard.left and direction != "R":direction = "L"snake_head.angle = 0# →键被按下,且当前方向不为向左elif keyboard.right and direction != "L":direction = "R"snake_head.angle = 180# ↑键被按下,且当前方向不为向下elif keyboard.up and direction != "D":direction = "U"snake_head.angle = 90# ↓键被按下,且当前方向不为向上elif keyboard.down and direction != "U":direction = "D"snake_head.angle = -90
food = Actor("snake_food")
# 在窗口内生成随机坐标,作为食物出现的位置
food.x = random.randint(2,WIDTH // SIZE - 2) * SIZE
food.y = random.randint(2,HEIGHT // SIZE - 2) * SIZEdef draw():screen.fill((255,255,255)) snake_head.draw()food.draw() # 绘制食物
length = 1 # 贪吃蛇当前的初始长度
body = [] # 贪吃蛇蛇身各部位位置,不含蛇头
# draw函数中添加蛇身绘制方法
def draw():screen.fill((255,255,255)) snake_head.draw() food.draw() # 通过循环列表绘制出所有蛇身for b in body:b.draw()
# 蛇头移动位置逻辑中增加蛇身移动逻辑
def update_snake():global countercounter += 1if counter < 10:returnelse:counter = 0# 如果蛇身数量等于蛇的总长度,则移除列表记录的第一个蛇身,实际是移除蛇尾if len(body) == length:body.remove(body[0])# 在列表后追加当前蛇头的坐标,用于绘制新的蛇身;配合上面删除实现蛇身位置变更效果body.append(Actor("snake_body",(snake_head.x, snake_head.y)))if direction == "L":snake_head.x -= SIZEelif direction == "R":snake_head.x += SIZEelif direction == "U":snake_head.y -= SIZEelif direction == "D":snake_head.y += SIZE
# 吃食物逻辑
def eat_food():global length# 如果当前食物坐标与蛇头坐标位置重叠if food.x == snake_head.x and food.y == snake_head.y:# 在窗口内随机坐标位置重新生成食物food.x = random.randint(2,WIDTH // SIZE - 2) * SIZEfood.y = random.randint(2,HEIGHT // SIZE - 2) * SIZElength += 1 # 每吃一个食物,贪吃蛇长度+1
# 将eat_food方法写入update中
def update():check_keys()update_snake()eat_food()
finished = False # 游戏结束标识
# draw函数中添加失败弹窗
def draw():screen.fill((255,255,255)) snake_head.draw() food.draw() for b in body:b.draw()# 绘制失败提示图像if finished:screen.draw.text("Game Over!",center=(WIDTH // 2,HEIGHT // 2),fontsize = 50,color = "red")
# 检测游戏是否结束
def check_gameover():global finished# 如果蛇头的位置超出窗口,则判定失败if snake_head.left < 0 or snake_head.right > WIDTH or snake_head.top < 0 or snake_head.bottom > HEIGHT:finished = True# 遍历蛇身,判断是否存在与蛇头重叠的蛇身,有,则判定失败for n in range(len(body) - 1):if(body[n].x == snake_head.x and body[n].y == snake_head.y):finished = True
# update函数中调用检测方法
def update():# 如果游戏已结束,则不再更新游戏,即暂停游戏 if finished:returncheck_gameover()check_keys()eat_food()update_snake()
import random
SIZE = 15 # 每个格子的大小
WIDTH = SIZE * 30 # 游戏场景总宽度
HEIGHT = SIZE * 30 # 游戏场景总高度
direction = "R" # 蛇头初始移动方向
counter = 0 # 循环标识
snake_head = Actor("snake_head",(30, 30)) # 绘制蛇头图标,初始坐标为(30,30)
length = 1 # 贪吃蛇当前的初始长度
body = [] # 贪吃蛇蛇身各部位位置,不含蛇头
finished = False # 游戏结束标识food = Actor("snake_food")
# 在窗口内生成随机坐标,作为食物出现的位置
food.x = random.randint(2,WIDTH // SIZE - 2) * SIZE
food.y = random.randint(2,HEIGHT // SIZE - 2) * SIZEdef draw():screen.fill((255,255,255)) # 设置背景色为白色snake_head.draw() # 绘制蛇头food.draw() # 绘制食物# 通过循环列表绘制出所有蛇身for b in body:b.draw()# 绘制失败提示图像if finished:screen.draw.text("Game Over!",center=(WIDTH // 2,HEIGHT // 2),fontsize = 50,color = "red")# 监测按下的按键
def check_keys():global direction# ←键被按下,且当前方向不为向右if keyboard.left and direction != "R":direction = "L"snake_head.angle = 180# →键被按下,且当前方向不为向左elif keyboard.right and direction != "L":direction = "R"snake_head.angle = 0# ↑键被按下,且当前方向不为向下elif keyboard.up and direction != "D":direction = "U"snake_head.angle = 90# ↓键被按下,且当前方向不为向上elif keyboard.down and direction != "U":direction = "D"snake_head.angle = -90# 贪吃蛇移动位置各部位变化逻辑
def update_snake():global countercounter += 1# 每执行10次update函数,才执行一次下方代码,减缓蛇头位置变更速度if counter < 10:returnelse:counter = 0# 如果蛇身数量等于蛇的总长度,则移除列表记录的第一个蛇身,实际是移除蛇尾if len(body) == length:body.remove(body[0])# 在列表后追加当前蛇头的坐标,用于绘制新的蛇身;配合上面删除实现蛇身位置变更效果body.append(Actor("snake_body",(snake_head.x, snake_head.y)))# 蛇头移动逻辑,改变蛇头位置实现移动效果if direction == "L":snake_head.x -= SIZEelif direction == "R":snake_head.x += SIZEelif direction == "U":snake_head.y -= SIZEelif direction == "D":snake_head.y += SIZE# 吃食物
def eat_food():global length# 如果当前食物坐标与蛇头坐标位置重叠if food.x == snake_head.x and food.y == snake_head.y:# 在窗口内随机坐标位置重新生成食物food.x = random.randint(2,WIDTH // SIZE - 2) * SIZEfood.y = random.randint(2,HEIGHT // SIZE - 2) * SIZElength += 1 # 每吃一个食物,贪吃蛇长度+1
# 检测游戏是否结束
def check_gameover():global finished# 如果蛇头的位置超出窗口,则判定失败if snake_head.left < 0 or snake_head.right > WIDTH or snake_head.top < 0 or snake_head.bottom > HEIGHT:finished = True# 遍历蛇身,判断是否存在与蛇头重叠的蛇身,有,则判定失败for n in range(len(body) - 1):if(body[n].x == snake_head.x and body[n].y == snake_head.y):finished = True def update():# 如果游戏已结束,则不再更新游戏,即暂停游戏 if finished:returncheck_gameover()check_keys()eat_food()update_snake()