什么是变分法(Calculus of Variations)?以及 欧拉-拉格朗日方程(Euler-Lagrange Equation)具体推导:中英双语


什么是变分法(Calculus of Variations)?

变分法(Calculus of Variations)是一种数学方法,用于求解在某种条件下,使某个函数达到极值(最大值或最小值)的变量。变分法主要用于优化问题,尤其是在物理、工程、经济学等领域。通过变分法,我们能够解决一些看似复杂的最优化问题,找到最优解。



变分法的基本思想是:给定一个目标函数 ( J [ y ] J[y] J[y] ),它是某个函数 ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) ) 在某一区间 ( [ a , b ] [a, b] [a,b] ) 上的积分。我们希望找到一个函数 ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) ),使得这个目标函数 ( J [ y ] J[y] J[y] ) 取得极值。

我们将目标函数 ( J [ y ] J[y] J[y] ) 定义为:
J [ y ] = ∫ a b F ( x , y ( x ) , y ′ ( x ) ) d x J[y] = \int_a^b F(x, y(x), y'(x)) \, dx J[y]=abF(x,y(x),y(x))dx
其中,( F ( x , y ( x ) , y ′ ( x ) ) F(x, y(x), y'(x)) F(x,y(x),y(x)) ) 是关于 ( x x x )、( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) ) 以及 ( y ′ ( x ) y'(x) y(x) ) 的函数,通常被称为拉格朗日函数(Lagrangian)。我们的目标是通过变分法来求解使得 ( J [ y ] J[y] J[y] ) 极值的函数 ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) )。



欧拉-拉格朗日方程的推导基于一个重要的概念——变分。假设 ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) ) 是我们需要求解的最优函数,并且我们引入一个小的变化 ( η ( x ) \eta(x) η(x) ),使得 ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) ) 变成 ( y ( x ) + ϵ η ( x ) y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x) y(x)+ϵη(x) ),其中 ( ϵ \epsilon ϵ ) 是一个小参数。我们考察在这种变化下,目标函数的变动情况。

J [ y + ϵ η ] = ∫ a b F ( x , y ( x ) + ϵ η ( x ) , y ′ ( x ) + ϵ η ′ ( x ) ) d x J[y + \epsilon \eta] = \int_a^b F(x, y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x), y'(x) + \epsilon \eta'(x)) \, dx J[y+ϵη]=abF(x,y(x)+ϵη(x),y(x)+ϵη(x))dx
为了使 ( J [ y ] J[y] J[y] ) 取得极值,我们需要对 ( ϵ \epsilon ϵ ) 求导并令其为零,得到以下方程:
d d ϵ J [ y + ϵ η ] ∣ ϵ = 0 = 0 \frac{d}{d\epsilon} J[y + \epsilon \eta] \Big|_{\epsilon = 0} = 0 dϵdJ[y+ϵη] ϵ=0=0
∂ F ∂ y − d d x ( ∂ F ∂ y ′ ) = 0 \frac{\partial F}{\partial y} - \frac{d}{dx} \left( \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \right) = 0 yFdxd(yF)=0


1. 最短路径问题:求解费马原理

最经典的变分法应用之一是最短路径问题。假设我们想要计算从点 ( A A A ) 到点 ( B B B ) 的最短路径。在光学中,光线从一个点到另一个点总是沿着时间最短的路径传播,这就是著名的费马原理(Fermat’s Principle)。

假设光线的路径可以表示为 ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) ),我们希望最小化光线传播的时间 ( T T T )。如果光线的传播速度为 ( v v v ),则光线传播的时间是光程与速度的比值。光程的表达式为:
T = ∫ a b 1 + ( y ′ ( x ) ) 2 v ( x ) d x T = \int_a^b \frac{\sqrt{1 + (y'(x))^2}}{v(x)} \, dx T=abv(x)1+(y(x))2 dx
其中,( v ( x ) v(x) v(x) ) 表示不同点之间的光速。

现在,应用变分法,我们要求解使得 ( T T T ) 最小化的路径 ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) )。这就是一个变分法问题,其拉格朗日函数为:
F ( x , y , y ′ ) = 1 + ( y ′ ( x ) ) 2 v ( x ) F(x, y, y') = \frac{\sqrt{1 + (y'(x))^2}}{v(x)} F(x,y,y)=v(x)1+(y(x))2

2. 弹簧的振动问题

另一个常见的变分法应用是弹簧振动问题。假设我们有一个质量为 ( m m m ) 的物体,连接在一个弹簧上,弹簧的力学特性遵循胡克定律,弹簧的恢复力与位移成正比。

L = T − U L = T - U L=TU
其中,( T T T ) 是动能,( U U U ) 是势能。动能为 ( T = 1 2 m y ˙ 2 T = \frac{1}{2} m \dot{y}^2 T=21my˙2 ),势能为 ( U = 1 2 k y 2 U = \frac{1}{2} k y^2 U=21ky2 ),其中 ( k k k ) 是弹簧常数,( y y y ) 是位移,( y ˙ \dot{y} y˙ ) 是速度。

L = 1 2 m y ˙ 2 − 1 2 k y 2 L = \frac{1}{2} m \dot{y}^2 - \frac{1}{2} k y^2 L=21my˙221ky2
m y ¨ + k y = 0 m \ddot{y} + k y = 0 my¨+ky=0



  1. 物理学:在经典力学中,变分法可以用来推导出物体的运动方程,例如拉格朗日方程和哈密顿方程,这些方程是描述物理系统演化的基本方程。

  2. 工程学:变分法被广泛应用于结构优化、电路设计、机械工程等领域,通过优化设计参数来实现最优的系统性能。

  3. 经济学:在经济学中,变分法用于求解最优决策问题,例如最优投资策略、最优消费决策等。

  4. 计算机科学:在图像处理、机器学习等领域,变分法被用来求解最优化问题,例如图像去噪、图像分割、最小化损失函数等。


变分法(Calculus of Variations)是一种强大的数学工具,用于求解极值问题,尤其是在目标函数是积分形式的情况下。通过求解欧拉-拉格朗日方程,我们能够找到最优解,并应用于物理、工程、经济学等多个领域。变分法的核心思想是通过对目标函数进行变分,从而得到极值的必要条件,它在最短路径问题、弹簧振动等经典问题中都有广泛的应用。


What is the Calculus of Variations?

Calculus of Variations is a mathematical method used to find the function that makes a certain quantity attain an extremum (maximum or minimum) under specific conditions. It is primarily used in optimization problems and has applications in fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and more. The method enables us to solve seemingly complex optimization problems and find the optimal solution.

In simple terms, the goal of the calculus of variations is to find a function that, under certain constraints, minimizes or maximizes a specific quantity (usually in an integral form).

Basic Idea of the Calculus of Variations

The fundamental idea of the calculus of variations is that we are given a functional ( J [ y ] J[y] J[y] ), which is the integral of a function over some interval ( [ a , b ] [a, b] [a,b] ), and we want to find a function ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) ) that makes this functional attain an extremum.

We define the functional ( J [ y ] J[y] J[y] ) as:
J [ y ] = ∫ a b F ( x , y ( x ) , y ′ ( x ) ) d x J[y] = \int_a^b F(x, y(x), y'(x)) \, dx J[y]=abF(x,y(x),y(x))dx
where ( F ( x , y ( x ) , y ′ ( x ) ) F(x, y(x), y'(x)) F(x,y(x),y(x)) ) is a function that depends on ( x x x ), ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) ), and ( y ′ ( x ) y'(x) y(x) ), known as the Lagrangian. Our goal is to use the calculus of variations to find the function ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) ) that minimizes or maximizes this functional.

Euler-Lagrange Equation

To solve extremum problems using the calculus of variations, we need to perform a variation on the functional and obtain the Euler-Lagrange equation, which is at the core of this method.

The derivation of the Euler-Lagrange Equation is based on an important concept: variation. Suppose ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) ) is the function we need to solve for, and we introduce a small variation ( η ( x ) \eta(x) η(x) ), such that ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) ) becomes ( y ( x ) + ϵ η ( x ) y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x) y(x)+ϵη(x) ), where ( ϵ \epsilon ϵ ) is a small parameter. We then examine how the functional changes under this variation.

We define the perturbed functional as:
J [ y + ϵ η ] = ∫ a b F ( x , y ( x ) + ϵ η ( x ) , y ′ ( x ) + ϵ η ′ ( x ) ) d x J[y + \epsilon \eta] = \int_a^b F(x, y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x), y'(x) + \epsilon \eta'(x)) \, dx J[y+ϵη]=abF(x,y(x)+ϵη(x),y(x)+ϵη(x))dx
To find the extremum, we take the derivative of this expression with respect to ( ϵ \epsilon ϵ ) and set it to zero, obtaining:
d d ϵ J [ y + ϵ η ] ∣ ϵ = 0 = 0 \frac{d}{d\epsilon} J[y + \epsilon \eta] \Big|_{\epsilon = 0} = 0 dϵdJ[y+ϵη] ϵ=0=0
This results in the Euler-Lagrange Equation:
∂ F ∂ y − d d x ( ∂ F ∂ y ′ ) = 0 \frac{\partial F}{\partial y} - \frac{d}{dx} \left( \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \right) = 0 yFdxd(yF)=0
This equation provides the necessary condition for a function to make the functional attain an extremum, and it is the core of the calculus of variations.

Applications of the Calculus of Variations

1. The Shortest Path Problem: Fermat’s Principle

One of the most classic applications of the calculus of variations is the shortest path problem. Suppose we want to find the shortest path from point ( A A A ) to point ( B B B ). In optics, light always travels along the path that minimizes the travel time, which is known as Fermat’s Principle.

Let’s assume the path of light is ( y(x) ), and we want to minimize the time ( T T T ) for light to travel. If the speed of light along the path is ( v v v ), the travel time is the integral of the distance over the speed. The travel time is given by:
T = ∫ a b 1 + ( y ′ ( x ) ) 2 v ( x ) d x T = \int_a^b \frac{\sqrt{1 + (y'(x))^2}}{v(x)} \, dx T=abv(x)1+(y(x))2 dx
where ( v ( x ) v(x) v(x) ) represents the speed of light at different points.

Now, using the calculus of variations, we want to find the path ( y ( x ) y(x) y(x) ) that minimizes ( T T T ). This becomes a variational problem, with the Lagrangian given by:
F ( x , y , y ′ ) = 1 + ( y ′ ( x ) ) 2 v ( x ) F(x, y, y') = \frac{\sqrt{1 + (y'(x))^2}}{v(x)} F(x,y,y)=v(x)1+(y(x))2
By applying the Euler-Lagrange equation, we can derive the necessary condition for the path that minimizes the travel time. This equation leads us to the optimal path.

2. Spring Vibration Problem

Another common application of the calculus of variations is the spring vibration problem. Suppose we have a mass ( m ) attached to a spring, and the spring follows Hooke’s law, meaning the restoring force is proportional to the displacement.

The system’s Lagrangian function is given by:
L = T − U L = T - U L=TU
where ( T ) is the kinetic energy and ( U ) is the potential energy. The kinetic energy is ( T = 1 2 m y ˙ 2 T = \frac{1}{2} m \dot{y}^2 T=21my˙2 ), and the potential energy is ( U = 1 2 k y 2 U = \frac{1}{2} k y^2 U=21ky2 ), where ( k k k ) is the spring constant, ( y y y ) is the displacement, and ( y ˙ \dot{y} y˙ ) is the velocity.

Thus, the Lagrangian becomes:
L = 1 2 m y ˙ 2 − 1 2 k y 2 L = \frac{1}{2} m \dot{y}^2 - \frac{1}{2} k y^2 L=21my˙221ky2
Applying the Euler-Lagrange equation gives us the equation of motion:
m y ¨ + k y = 0 m \ddot{y} + k y = 0 my¨+ky=0
This is the standard simple harmonic oscillator equation, and by solving this equation, we can find the motion of the mass attached to the spring.

Applications and Value of the Calculus of Variations

The calculus of variations has significant applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and computer science. By using the calculus of variations, we can effectively solve complex optimization problems and find the optimal solutions. Specifically, the value of the calculus of variations lies in the following areas:

  1. Physics: In classical mechanics, the calculus of variations helps derive the equations of motion for physical systems, such as the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian equations, which describe how physical systems evolve over time.

  2. Engineering: In engineering, the calculus of variations is widely used in structural optimization, circuit design, mechanical engineering, etc., to achieve the best possible system performance by optimizing design parameters.

  3. Economics: In economics, the calculus of variations is used to solve optimal decision problems, such as optimal investment strategies and optimal consumption decisions.

  4. Computer Science: In fields like image processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, the calculus of variations is used to solve optimization problems, such as image denoising, image segmentation, and minimizing loss functions in training models.


The Calculus of Variations is a powerful mathematical tool used to solve extremum problems, particularly when the objective function is in the form of an integral. By solving the Euler-Lagrange equation, we can find the optimal solution and apply this method in various fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and computer science. The core idea of the calculus of variations is to vary the objective function and derive the necessary conditions for the extremum, and this method has broad applications in real-world optimization problems like the shortest path problem and spring vibration problems.

要详细解释这个步骤,我们需要回顾如何使用 Leibniz 法则 来对包含积分的函数进行求导。这个步骤涉及到的过程是对含有参数 ( ϵ \epsilon ϵ ) 的泛函进行微分。我们从以下的泛函开始:

J [ y + ϵ η ] = ∫ a b F ( x , y ( x ) + ϵ η ( x ) , y ′ ( x ) + ϵ η ′ ( x ) ) d x J[y + \epsilon \eta] = \int_a^b F(x, y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x), y'(x) + \epsilon \eta'(x)) \, dx J[y+ϵη]=abF(x,y(x)+ϵη(x),y(x)+ϵη(x))dx


Euler-Lagrange Equation

步骤 1:应用 Leibniz 法则

首先,我们要对 ( J [ y + ϵ η ] J[y + \epsilon \eta] J[y+ϵη] ) 关于 ( ϵ \epsilon ϵ ) 进行求导。应用 Leibniz 法则时,重要的一点是,积分上下限 ( a a a ) 和 ( b b b ) 是常数,并且积分的变量是 ( x x x ),因此我们可以直接对被积函数进行求导并将导数移到积分符号外。也就是说,我们有:

d d ϵ J [ y + ϵ η ] = d d ϵ ( ∫ a b F ( x , y ( x ) + ϵ η ( x ) , y ′ ( x ) + ϵ η ′ ( x ) ) d x ) \frac{d}{d\epsilon} J[y + \epsilon \eta] = \frac{d}{d\epsilon} \left( \int_a^b F(x, y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x), y'(x) + \epsilon \eta'(x)) \, dx \right) dϵdJ[y+ϵη]=dϵd(abF(x,y(x)+ϵη(x),y(x)+ϵη(x))dx)

根据 Leibniz 法则,可以将导数与积分交换,得到:

d d ϵ J [ y + ϵ η ] = ∫ a b d d ϵ F ( x , y ( x ) + ϵ η ( x ) , y ′ ( x ) + ϵ η ′ ( x ) ) d x \frac{d}{d\epsilon} J[y + \epsilon \eta] = \int_a^b \frac{d}{d\epsilon} F(x, y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x), y'(x) + \epsilon \eta'(x)) \, dx dϵdJ[y+ϵη]=abdϵdF(x,y(x)+ϵη(x),y(x)+ϵη(x))dx

步骤 2:求导被积函数

接下来我们需要对被积函数 ( F ( x , y ( x ) + ϵ η ( x ) , y ′ ( x ) + ϵ η ′ ( x ) ) F(x, y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x), y'(x) + \epsilon \eta'(x)) F(x,y(x)+ϵη(x),y(x)+ϵη(x)) ) 关于 ( ϵ \epsilon ϵ ) 进行求导。这里的被积函数是包含 ( ϵ \epsilon ϵ ) 的,因此我们将对其进行链式法则求导:

d d ϵ F ( x , y ( x ) + ϵ η ( x ) , y ′ ( x ) + ϵ η ′ ( x ) ) \frac{d}{d\epsilon} F(x, y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x), y'(x) + \epsilon \eta'(x)) dϵdF(x,y(x)+ϵη(x),y(x)+ϵη(x))

按照链式法则,我们对 ( F F F ) 的三个变量分别求导:

  1. 对 ( y ( x ) + ϵ η ( x ) y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x) y(x)+ϵη(x) ) 求导:
    ∂ F ∂ ( y ) ⋅ d d ϵ ( y ( x ) + ϵ η ( x ) ) = ∂ F ∂ y ⋅ η ( x ) \frac{\partial F}{\partial (y)} \cdot \frac{d}{d\epsilon}(y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x)) = \frac{\partial F}{\partial y} \cdot \eta(x) (y)Fdϵd(y(x)+ϵη(x))=yFη(x)
    其中 ( η ( x ) \eta(x) η(x) ) 是 ( ϵ \epsilon ϵ ) 的线性函数。

  2. 对 ( y ′ ( x ) + ϵ η ′ ( x ) y'(x) + \epsilon \eta'(x) y(x)+ϵη(x) ) 求导:
    ∂ F ∂ ( y ′ ) ⋅ d d ϵ ( y ′ ( x ) + ϵ η ′ ( x ) ) = ∂ F ∂ y ′ ⋅ η ′ ( x ) \frac{\partial F}{\partial (y')} \cdot \frac{d}{d\epsilon}(y'(x) + \epsilon \eta'(x)) = \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \cdot \eta'(x) (y)Fdϵd(y(x)+ϵη(x))=yFη(x)
    同理,( η ′ ( x ) \eta'(x) η(x) ) 是 ( ϵ \epsilon ϵ ) 的导数部分。


d d ϵ F ( x , y ( x ) + ϵ η ( x ) , y ′ ( x ) + ϵ η ′ ( x ) ) = ∂ F ∂ y ⋅ η ( x ) + ∂ F ∂ y ′ ⋅ η ′ ( x ) \frac{d}{d\epsilon} F(x, y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x), y'(x) + \epsilon \eta'(x)) = \frac{\partial F}{\partial y} \cdot \eta(x) + \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \cdot \eta'(x) dϵdF(x,y(x)+ϵη(x),y(x)+ϵη(x))=yFη(x)+yFη(x)

步骤 3:代入积分中


d d ϵ J [ y + ϵ η ] = ∫ a b ( ∂ F ∂ y ⋅ η ( x ) + ∂ F ∂ y ′ ⋅ η ′ ( x ) ) d x \frac{d}{d\epsilon} J[y + \epsilon \eta] = \int_a^b \left( \frac{\partial F}{\partial y} \cdot \eta(x) + \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \cdot \eta'(x) \right) dx dϵdJ[y+ϵη]=ab(yFη(x)+yFη(x))dx

步骤 4:分部积分

对于第二项 ( ∂ F ∂ y ′ ⋅ η ′ ( x ) \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \cdot \eta'(x) yFη(x) ),我们将使用 分部积分法。根据分部积分法的公式:

∫ a b u ( x ) v ′ ( x ) d x = [ u ( x ) v ( x ) ] a b − ∫ a b u ′ ( x ) v ( x ) d x \int_a^b u(x) v'(x) \, dx = \left[ u(x) v(x) \right]_a^b - \int_a^b u'(x) v(x) \, dx abu(x)v(x)dx=[u(x)v(x)]ababu(x)v(x)dx

我们将 ( u ( x ) = ∂ F ∂ y ′ u(x) = \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} u(x)=yF ) 和 ( v ′ ( x ) = η ′ ( x ) v'(x) = \eta'(x) v(x)=η(x) ),然后对 ( ∂ F ∂ y ′ \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} yF ) 求导,得到:

∫ a b ∂ F ∂ y ′ ⋅ η ′ ( x ) d x = [ ∂ F ∂ y ′ ⋅ η ( x ) ] a b − ∫ a b d d x ( ∂ F ∂ y ′ ) ⋅ η ( x ) d x \int_a^b \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \cdot \eta'(x) \, dx = \left[ \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \cdot \eta(x) \right]_a^b - \int_a^b \frac{d}{dx} \left( \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \right) \cdot \eta(x) \, dx abyFη(x)dx=[yFη(x)]ababdxd(yF)η(x)dx

因为 ( η ( a ) = η ( b ) = 0 \eta(a) = \eta(b) = 0 η(a)=η(b)=0 ),所以边界项为零。因此我们得到了:

∫ a b ∂ F ∂ y ′ ⋅ η ′ ( x ) d x = − ∫ a b d d x ( ∂ F ∂ y ′ ) ⋅ η ( x ) d x \int_a^b \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \cdot \eta'(x) \, dx = - \int_a^b \frac{d}{dx} \left( \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \right) \cdot \eta(x) \, dx abyFη(x)dx=abdxd(yF)η(x)dx

步骤 5:最终结果


d d ϵ J [ y + ϵ η ] = ∫ a b ( ∂ F ∂ y − d d x ( ∂ F ∂ y ′ ) ) η ( x ) d x \frac{d}{d\epsilon} J[y + \epsilon \eta] = \int_a^b \left( \frac{\partial F}{\partial y} - \frac{d}{dx} \left( \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \right) \right) \eta(x) \, dx dϵdJ[y+ϵη]=ab(yFdxd(yF))η(x)dx

这就是对泛函 ( J [ y ] J[y] J[y] ) 的关于 ( ϵ \epsilon ϵ ) 的导数。为了使得 ( J [ y ] J[y] J[y] ) 在 ( ϵ = 0 \epsilon = 0 ϵ=0 ) 处取得极值,必须要求上述积分式为零。因此,我们得到 欧拉-拉格朗日方程

∂ F ∂ y − d d x ( ∂ F ∂ y ′ ) = 0 \frac{\partial F}{\partial y} - \frac{d}{dx} \left( \frac{\partial F}{\partial y'} \right) = 0 yFdxd(yF)=0



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一、DINOv2 模型简介及使用 DINOv2是由Meta AI开发的第二代自监督视觉变换器模型,采用 Vision Transformer (ViT) 架构 。其核心特点是在无需人工标签的情况下,通过自监督学习技术,从海量无标注图像中学习有意义的视觉特征表示,类…

STM32高级 以太网通讯案例1:网络搭建(register代码)

需求描述 驱动W5500芯片,设置好IP,测试网络是否连通。 思考: 驱动W5500芯片是通过spi协议,所以和spi相关的有四个引脚,MOSI(主出从入)MISO(主入从出)SCK(时…


1.概述 仿真测试平台文件(Testbench)是可以用来验证所设计的硬件模型正确性的 VHDL模型,它为所测试的元件提供了激励信号,可以以波形的方式显示仿真结果或把测试结果存储到文件中。这里所说的激励信号可以直接集成在测试平台文件中,也可以从…


单链表的使用 1、基本概念2、链表的分类3、链表的基本操作a、单链表节点设计b、单链表初始化c、单链表增删节点**节点头插:****节点尾插:****新节点插入指定节点后:**节点删除: d、单链表修改节点e、单链表遍历,并打印…


文章目录 1. 写在前面2. 内容反爬3. 账号风控3. 接口验签 【🏠作者主页】:吴秋霖 【💼作者介绍】:擅长爬虫与JS加密逆向分析!Python领域优质创作者、CSDN博客专家、阿里云博客专家、华为云享专家。一路走来长期坚守并致…

如何在网页端使用 IDE 高效地阅读 GitHub 源码?

如何在网页端使用 IDE 高效地阅读 GitHub 源码? 前言什么是 GitHub1s?使用 GitHub1s 阅读 browser-use 项目源码步骤 1: 打开 GitHub 项目页面步骤 2: 修改 URL 使用 GitHub1s步骤 3: 浏览文件结构步骤 4: 使用代码高亮和智能补全功能步骤 5: 快速跳转和…

Web Bluetooth API 开发记录

搞了一天的蓝牙串口协议被几个软件和AI带沟里面去了。 1.00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 是spp协议。但是我用的称是使用的49535343-fe7d-4ae5-8fa9-9fafd205e455蓝牙低功耗spp协议 2.推荐一款软件Android-nRF-Connect github地址:https://github.com/Nor…

使用VS Code开发ThinkPHP项目

【图书介绍】《ThinkPHP 8高效构建Web应用》-CSDN博客 《ThinkPHP 8高效构建Web应用 夏磊 编程与应用开发丛书 清华大学出版社》【摘要 书评 试读】- 京东图书 ThinkPHP 8开发环境安装-CSDN博客 安装ThinkPHP项目的IDE 常用的集成开发环境(IDE)包括P…

开源轻量级文件分享服务Go File本地Docker部署与远程访问

???欢迎来到我的博客,很高兴能够在这里和您见面!希望您在这里可以感受到一份轻松愉快的氛围,不仅可以获得有趣的内容和知识,也可以畅所欲言、分享您的想法和见解。 推荐:kwan 的首页,持续学习,不断总结,共同进步,活到老学到老…


一、文件丢失问题:Windows上缺少xaudio2_9.dll是什么原因? xaudio2_9.dll是DirectX音频处理库的一个组件,它支持游戏中的音频处理功能。当你在Windows系统上运行某些游戏或音频软件时,如果系统提示缺少xaudio2_9.dll文件&#xf…

缓存管理自动化:JuiceFS 企业版 Cache Group Operator 新特性发布

近期,JuiceFS 企业版推出了 Cache Group Operator,用于自动化创建和管理缓存组集群。Operator 是一种简化 Kubernetes 应用管理的工具,它能够自动化应用程序的生命周期管理任务,使部署、扩展和运维更加高效。 在推出 Operator 之前…


文章目录 摘要1 引言2 相关工作2.1 多语义空间信息2.2 注意力分解 3 方法3.1 共享多语义空间注意力:空间与通道分解3.2 渐进式通道自注意力3.3 协同效应3.4 注意力机制的整合 4 实验4.1 实验设置4.2 图像分类4.3 目标检测4.4 分割4.5 消融研究 5 可视化与分析5.1 注…

Grok 2.0:马斯克的大模型挑战ChatGPT,AI竞争再升级

引言:马斯克Grok 2.0的横空出世 在人工智能(AI)领域,竞争从未停止。随着大型语言模型(LLM)的快速发展,各大科技巨头纷纷推出自己的AI模型,试图在激烈的竞争中占据领先地位。最近&am…

基于Spring Boot的宠物领养系统的设计与实现(代码+数据库+LW)

摘 要 如今社会上各行各业,都在用属于自己专用的软件来进行工作,互联网发展到这个时候,人们已经发现离不开了互联网。互联网的发展,离不开一些新的技术,而新技术的产生往往是为了解决现有问题而产生的。针对于宠物领…


有同事反馈集成apk时安装失败 PackageManager: Failed to scan /product/app/test: No APK Signature Scheme v2 signature in package /product/app/test/test.apk 查看编译后的apk签名信息 DOES NOT VERIFY ERROR: JAR signer CERT.RSA: JAR signature META-INF/CERT.SF indi…


关于本课程: 本次课程是一套面向对自主空中机器人感兴趣的学生、爱好者、相关从业人员的免费课程,包含了从硬件组装、机载电脑环境设置、代码部署、实机实验等全套详细流程,带你从0开始,组装属于自己的自主无人机,并让…