当ChatGPT遇上Stable Diffusion

之前有在前面的图文和大家分享过stable diffusion--二次元福利 (qq.com),缺点就是prompt很难准确的把握,受限于自己的文字表达能力,以及中英文对照不恰当。



鉴于这么强大的文本生成能力,把它应用在Stable Diffusion上岂不是完美。心动不如行动,于是有了下面的骚操作。






:He was a man of ice and steel, his heart as cold as the frozen tundra, his sword as sharp as a winter's chill, and his blood as frigid as the arctic sea. His gaze was steady and unflinching, and his voice was as sharp as a blade.
He moved through the world with an air of detachment, aloof from the passions and desires of mortals. His every action was calculated, precise, and efficient, driven by a single-minded determination to achieve his goals.
His sword was his constant companion, an extension of his will and an embodiment of his mastery over the art of combat. Its icy edge cut through his enemies with effortless ease, leaving only frozen corpses in its wake.
Though he was feared and respected by all who knew him, he was a man of few words and even fewer emotions. He had long ago learned to suppress the warmth of his heart, the fire of his passions, and the flow of his blood in order to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium.
But even in his cold and frozen heart, there lay a spark of something deeper, a glimmer of humanity that he could not extinguish. It was a memory of a time long past, when he too had known the warmth of the sun and the touch of another's hand.
Yet, he pushed these thoughts aside, for they were a weakness that he could not afford. He was a man of ice and steel, and he would allow nothing to stand in his way.

然后启动Stable Diffusion,python webui.py,网页进入如下界面







Amidst the roaring thunder and flashes of lightning, two armies of immortals clashed in a fierce and epic battle. The sky was ablaze with the brilliant light of magic and the air was thick with the smell of burning incense.
The gods of the north, led by the powerful and fearsome Xuanwu, surged forward, their weapons glinting in the flickering light. On the other side of the battlefield, the southern gods, under the command of the legendary Zhu Rong, stood their ground, their bodies wreathed in flames.
The clash was ferocious and unrelenting. Xuanwu's dragon-like form soared through the air, its scales flashing in the light, while Zhu Rong wielded his mighty spear, driving back wave after wave of enemies. Lightning bolts streaked across the sky as the gods hurled spells at one another, and the earth trembled beneath the stampede of their celestial armies.
For hours the battle raged on, neither side gaining the upper hand. But then, with a roar that shook the heavens, Xuanwu unleashed his ultimate weapon, a sword that blazed with the power of a thousand suns. The earth shook and the sky turned red as he charged towards Zhu Rong, determined to vanquish his foe once and for all.
But Zhu Rong was not so easily defeated. Summoning all his strength, he raised his spear high and called upon the might of the fire element. Flames erupted from the ground and surrounded him, and with a final burst of energy, he sent a searing beam of fire hurtling towards Xuanwu.
The collision was cataclysmic. The ground split apart and the air filled with smoke and ash. When the dust cleared, both armies were gone, and only the smoldering ruins of the battlefield remained as a testament to the epic clash of the gods.

然后灌到Stable Diffusion






The Fairy of Chinese mythology was a vision of ethereal beauty, with features that were both delicate and divine. Her skin was porcelain-white, her eyes as bright as stars, and her hair as dark as the night sky.Her clothing was equally stunning, often made of gossamer silk or other fine materials that shimmered and flowed with her every movement. She wore a crown of flowers on her head, each petal perfectly formed, and carried a magical instrument, like a jade flute or a stringed instrument, which she played with enchanting skill.In some legends, she had delicate wings, like those of a butterfly, that allowed her to soar through the air with ease. And in all depictions, she radiated a sense of otherworldly grace and beauty that made all who beheld her feel as if they were in the presence of something truly divine.Some stories tell of how she would appear to mortals in times of need, offering guidance, comfort, and aid. Others speak of how she would sing sweet melodies that would fill the air with a sense of peace and harmony.Overall, the Fairy of Chinese mythology was a symbol of purity, beauty, and grace, embodying the highest ideals of human nature and inspiring all who beheld her to strive for something greater.

然后灌到Stable Diffusion,生成如下图片





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