Jetpack Compose
提供了强大的 Material Design
组件,其中 TabRow
组件可以用于实现 Material Design 规范的选项卡界面。但是默认的 TabRow
样式可能无法满足所有场景,所以我们有时需要自定义 TabRow 的样式。
Jetpack Compose 中使用 TabRow
简单使用 TabRow 一般可以分为以下几步:
定义 Tab 数据模型
每个 Tab 对应一个数据类,包含标题、图标等信息:
data class TabItem(val title: String,val icon: ImageVector? )
在 TabRow 中添加 Tab 项
使用 Tab 组件添加选项卡,传入标题、图标等:
TabRow {tabItems.forEach { item ->Tab(text = {Text(item.title) },icon = {item.icon?.let { Icon(it) }}) } }
处理 Tab 选择事件
跟踪选中的 tab,在onTabSelected
回调中处理点击事件:var selectedTabIndex by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }TabRow(selectedTabIndex = selectedTabIndex,onTabSelected = {selectedTabIndex = it} ){// ... }
具体详细可以看我之前的文章 Jetpack Compose TabRow与HorizontalPager 联动
我新开发的笔记共享App 也用上了TabRow与HorizontalPager联动效果
自定义 TabRow 的样式
val lastNames = arrayOf(
"赵", "钱", "孙", "李", "周", "吴", "郑", "王", "刘", "张", "杨", "陈", "郭", "林", "徐", "罗", "陆", "海"
val firstNames = arrayOf(
"伟", "芳", "娜", "敏", "静", "立", "丽", "强", "华", "明", "杰", "涛", "俊", "瑶", "琨", "璐"
val secondNames =
arrayOf("燕", "芹", "玲", "玉", "菊", "萍", "倩", "梅", "芳", "秀", "苗", "英")
// 随机选择一个姓氏
val lastName = lastNames.random() // 随机选择一个名字
val firstName = firstNames.random()
val secondName = secondNames.random()
通过查看TabRow 组件的源代码 ,单单自定义indicator 指示器是行不通的
layout(tabRowWidth, tabRowHeight) {//绘制 tab文本tabPlaceables.forEachIndexed { index, placeable ->placeable.placeRelative(index * tabWidth, 0)}//绘制 divider 分割线 subcompose(TabSlots.Divider, divider).forEach {val placeable = it.measure(constraints.copy(minHeight = 0))placeable.placeRelative(0, tabRowHeight - placeable.height)}//最后绘制 Indicator 指示器subcompose(TabSlots.Indicator) {indicator(tabPositions)}.forEach {it.measure(Constraints.fixed(tabRowWidth, tabRowHeight)).placeRelative(0, 0)}}
先绘制文本 再绘制 指示器,这的显示效果,当Indicator
layout(tabRowWidth, tabRowHeight) {//先绘制 Indicator 指示器subcompose(TabSlots.Indicator) {indicator(tabPositions)}.forEach {it.measure(Constraints.fixed(tabRowWidth, tabRowHeight)).placeRelative(0, 0)}//因为divider用不上,我便注释了//subcompose(TabSlots.Divider, divider).forEach {// val placeable = it.measure(constraints.copy(minHeight = 0))// placeable.placeRelative(0, tabRowHeight - placeable.height)//}//再绘制 tab文本tabPlaceables.forEachIndexed { index, placeable ->placeable.placeRelative(index * tabWidth, 0)}}
SubcomposeLayout(Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) { constraints ->//最大宽度val tabRowWidth = constraints.maxWidthval tabMeasurables = subcompose(TabSlots.Tabs, tabs)val tabCount = tabMeasurables.sizevar tabWidth = 0if (tabCount > 0) {tabWidth = (tabRowWidth / tabCount)}...}
接着封装一个函数,使用标签内容宽度的求和作为 TabRow
的宽度,不再和 maxWidth
fun measureTabRow(measurables: List<Measurable>,minWidth: Int
): Int {// 依次测量标签页宽度并求和val widths = measurables.map {it.minIntrinsicWidth(Int.MAX_VALUE)}var width = widths.max() * measurables.sizemeasurables.forEach {width += it.minIntrinsicWidth(Int.MAX_VALUE)}//maxWidth的作用// 如果标签较多,可以取一个较小值作为最大标签宽度,防止过宽return minOf(width, minWidth)
自定义的 Indicator
主要逻辑是在 Canvas 上绘制指示器
- indicator 的宽度根据当前 tab 的宽度及百分比计算
- indicator 的起始 x 轴坐标根据切换进度在当前 tab 和前/后 tab 之间插值
- indicator 的高度是整个 Canvas 的高度,即占据了 TabRow 的全高
fraction 和前后 tab 的 lerping 实现了滑动切换时指示器平滑过渡的效果
val pagerState = rememberPagerState(initialPage = 1, pageCount = { 3 } )WordsFairyTabRow(modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.BottomCenter).padding(bottom = 86.dp, start = 24.dp, end = 24.dp),selectedTabIndex = pagerState.currentPage,indicator = { tabPositions ->if (tabPositions.isNotEmpty()) {PagerTabIndicator(tabPositions = tabPositions, pagerState = pagerState)}},) {// 添加选项卡tabs.forEachIndexed { index, title ->val selected = (pagerState.currentPage == index)Tab(selected = selected,selectedContentColor = WordsFairyTheme.colors.textWhite,unselectedContentColor = WordsFairyTheme.colors.textSecondary,onClick = {scope.launch {feedback.vibration()pagerState.animateScrollToPage(index)}},modifier = Modifier.wrapContentWidth() // 设置Tab的宽度为wrapContent) {Text(text = title,fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,modifier = Modifier.padding(9.dp))}}}
fun PagerTabIndicator(tabPositions: List<TabPosition>, // TabPosition列表pagerState: PagerState, // PageState用于获取当前页和切换进度color: Color = WordsFairyTheme.colors.themeUi, // 指示器颜色@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) percent: Float = 1f // 指示器宽度占Tab宽度的比例
) {// 获取当前选中的页和切换进度val currentPage by rememberUpdatedState(newValue = pagerState.currentPage) val fraction by rememberUpdatedState(newValue = pagerState.currentPageOffsetFraction)// 获取当前tab、前一个tab、后一个tab的TabPositionval currentTab = tabPositions[currentPage]val previousTab = tabPositions.getOrNull(currentPage - 1) val nextTab = tabPositions.getOrNull(currentPage + 1)Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), // 充满TabRow的大小onDraw = {// 计算指示器宽度val indicatorWidth = currentTab.width.toPx() * percent // 计算指示器x轴起始位置val indicatorOffset = if (fraction > 0 && nextTab != null) {// 正在向右滑动到下一页,在当前tab和下一tab之间插值lerp(currentTab.left, nextTab.left, fraction).toPx() } else if (fraction < 0 && previousTab != null) {// 正在向左滑动到上一页,在当前tab和上一tab之间插值 lerp(currentTab.left, previousTab.left, -fraction).toPx()} else {// 未在滑动,使用当前tab的leftcurrentTab.left.toPx()}// 绘制指示器val canvasHeight = size.height // 高度为整个Canvas高度drawRoundRect(color = color, topLeft = Offset( // 设置圆角矩形的起始点indicatorOffset + (currentTab.width.toPx() * (1 - percent) / 2), 0F),size = Size( // 设置宽高indicatorWidth + indicatorWidth * abs(fraction),canvasHeight),cornerRadius = CornerRadius(26.dp.toPx()) // 圆角半径)})
fun WordsFairyTabRow(selectedTabIndex: Int,modifier: Modifier = Modifier,indicator: @Composable (tabPositions: List<TabPosition>) -> Unit = @Composable { tabPositions ->if (selectedTabIndex < tabPositions.size) {TabRowDefaults.Indicator(Modifier.tabIndicatorOffset(tabPositions[selectedTabIndex]))}},tabs: @Composable () -> Unit
) {ImmerseCard(modifier = modifier.selectableGroup(),shape = RoundedCornerShape(26.dp),backgroundColor = WordsFairyTheme.colors.whiteBackground.copy(alpha = 0.7f)) {SubcomposeLayout(Modifier.wrapContentWidth()) { constraints ->val tabMeasurables = subcompose(TabSlots.Tabs, tabs)val tabRowWidth = measureTabRow(tabMeasurables, constraints.maxWidth)val tabCount = tabMeasurables.sizevar tabWidth = 0if (tabCount > 0) {tabWidth = (tabRowWidth / tabCount)}val tabRowHeight = tabMeasurables.fold(initial = 0) { max, curr ->maxOf(curr.maxIntrinsicHeight(tabWidth), max)}val tabPlaceables = tabMeasurables.map {it.measure(constraints.copy(minWidth = tabWidth,maxWidth = tabWidth,minHeight = tabRowHeight,maxHeight = tabRowHeight,))}val tabPositions = List(tabCount) { index ->TabPosition(tabWidth.toDp() * index, tabWidth.toDp())}layout(tabRowWidth, tabRowHeight) {subcompose(TabSlots.Indicator) {indicator(tabPositions)}.forEach {it.measure(Constraints.fixed(tabRowWidth, tabRowHeight)).placeRelative(0, 0)}tabPlaceables.forEachIndexed { index, placeable ->placeable.placeRelative(index * tabWidth, 0)}}}}
}fun measureTabRow(measurables: List<Measurable>,minWidth: Int
): Int {// 依次测量标签页宽度并求和val widths = measurables.map {it.minIntrinsicWidth(Int.MAX_VALUE)}var width = widths.max() * measurables.sizemeasurables.forEach {width += it.minIntrinsicWidth(Int.MAX_VALUE)}// 如果标签较多,可以取一个较小值作为最大标签宽度,防止过宽return minOf(width, minWidth)
class TabPosition internal constructor(val left: Dp, val width: Dp) {val right: Dp get() = left + widthoverride fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {if (this === other) return trueif (other !is TabPosition) return falseif (left != other.left) return falseif (width != other.width) return falsereturn true}override fun hashCode(): Int {var result = left.hashCode()result = 31 * result + width.hashCode()return result}override fun toString(): String {return "TabPosition(left=$left, right=$right, width=$width)"}
}/*** Contains default implementations and values used for TabRow.*/
object TabRowDefaults {/** Default container color of a tab row. */val containerColor: Color@Composable get() =WordsFairyTheme.colors.whiteBackground/** Default content color of a tab row. */val contentColor: Color@Composable get() =WordsFairyTheme.colors.whiteBackground@Composablefun Indicator(modifier: Modifier = Modifier,height: Dp = 3.0.dp,color: Color =WordsFairyTheme.colors.navigationBarColor) {Box(modifier.fillMaxWidth().height(height).background(color = color))}fun Modifier.tabIndicatorOffset(currentTabPosition: TabPosition): Modifier = composed(inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {name = "tabIndicatorOffset"value = currentTabPosition}) {val currentTabWidth by animateDpAsState(targetValue = currentTabPosition.width,animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 250, easing = FastOutSlowInEasing))val indicatorOffset by animateDpAsState(targetValue = currentTabPosition.left,animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 250, easing = FastOutSlowInEasing))fillMaxWidth().wrapContentSize(Alignment.BottomStart).offset(x = indicatorOffset).width(currentTabWidth)}
}private enum class TabSlots {Tabs,Divider,Indicator
}/*** Class holding onto state needed for [ScrollableTabRow]*/
private class ScrollableTabData(private val scrollState: ScrollState,private val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope
) {private var selectedTab: Int? = nullfun onLaidOut(density: Density,edgeOffset: Int,tabPositions: List<TabPosition>,selectedTab: Int) {// Animate if the new tab is different from the old tab, or this is called for the first// time (i.e selectedTab is `null`).if (this.selectedTab != selectedTab) {this.selectedTab = selectedTabtabPositions.getOrNull(selectedTab)?.let {// Scrolls to the tab with [tabPosition], trying to place it in the center of the// screen or as close to the center as possible.val calculatedOffset = it.calculateTabOffset(density, edgeOffset, tabPositions)if (scrollState.value != calculatedOffset) {coroutineScope.launch {scrollState.animateScrollTo(calculatedOffset,animationSpec = ScrollableTabRowScrollSpec)}}}}}private fun TabPosition.calculateTabOffset(density: Density,edgeOffset: Int,tabPositions: List<TabPosition>): Int = with(density) {val totalTabRowWidth = tabPositions.last().right.roundToPx() + edgeOffsetval visibleWidth = totalTabRowWidth - scrollState.maxValueval tabOffset = left.roundToPx()val scrollerCenter = visibleWidth / 2val tabWidth = width.roundToPx()val centeredTabOffset = tabOffset - (scrollerCenter - tabWidth / 2)// How much space we have to scroll. If the visible width is <= to the total width, then// we have no space to scroll as everything is always visible.val availableSpace = (totalTabRowWidth - visibleWidth).coerceAtLeast(0)return centeredTabOffset.coerceIn(0, availableSpace)}
}private val ScrollableTabRowMinimumTabWidth = 90.dp/*** The default padding from the starting edge before a tab in a [ScrollableTabRow].*/
private val ScrollableTabRowPadding = 52.dp/*** [AnimationSpec] used when scrolling to a tab that is not fully visible.*/
private val ScrollableTabRowScrollSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = tween(durationMillis = 250,easing = FastOutSlowInEasing