- 1、概述
- 2、线程池
- 2、异步请求池
- 3、内存池
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>#define LL_ADD(item, list) do { \item->prev = NULL; \item->next = list; \list = item; \
} while(0)#define LL_REMOVE(item, list) do { \if (item->prev != NULL) item->prev->next = item->next; \if (item->next != NULL) item->next->prev = item->prev; \if (list == item) list = item->next; \item->prev = item->next = NULL; \
} while(0)// 工作线程结构体
typedef struct NWORKER{pthread_t id; // 线程idint terminate; // 终止条件struct NTHREADPOLL *worqueue;struct NWORKER *prev; // 前向指针struct NWORKER *next; // 后项指针
}nWorker;// 任务队列
typedef struct NJOB{void (*job_function)(struct NJOB* job);void* user_data;struct NJOB *prev;struct NJOB *next;
}nJob;typedef struct NTHREADPOLL{struct NWORKER *workers;struct NJOB *wait_jobs;pthread_cond_t cond;pthread_mutex_t mtx;
}nThreadpoll;// 操作线程池函数
#define MAX_PTHREAD 80
#define MAX_JOB 8// 毁掉函数
void job_fun(nJob *job){if(job == NULL) return;int *data = (int*)job->user_data;printf("user_data:%d-thread_id:%ld,line:%d\n",*data,pthread_self(),__LINE__);free(job->user_data);job->user_data = NULL;free(job);job = NULL;return;
}// 线程入口函数
void* thread_func(void* data){nWorker *worker = (nWorker*)data;while (1){pthread_mutex_lock(&(worker->worqueue->mtx));while(worker->worqueue->wait_jobs == NULL){if(worker->terminate) break;pthread_cond_wait(&(worker->worqueue->cond),&(worker->worqueue->mtx));}if(worker->terminate){pthread_mutex_unlock(&(worker->worqueue->mtx));break;}nJob *job = worker->worqueue->wait_jobs;if(job != NULL)LL_REMOVE(job,worker->worqueue->wait_jobs);pthread_mutex_unlock(&(worker->worqueue->mtx));if(job == NULL) continue;job->job_function(job);}// free(worker);// worker = NULL;pthread_exit(0);
}// 创造线程
int CreatePthreadPool(nThreadpoll* threadpoll,int max_pthread)
{if(max_pthread <= 0) max_pthread = MAX_PTHREAD;memset(threadpoll,0x00,sizeof(nThreadpoll));pthread_cond_t blank_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;memcpy(&threadpoll->cond, &blank_cond, sizeof(threadpoll->cond));pthread_mutex_t blank_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;memcpy(&threadpoll->mtx, &blank_mutex, sizeof(threadpoll->mtx));int i;for(i=0; i<max_pthread; i++){nWorker *worker = (nWorker*)malloc(sizeof(nWorker));if(worker == NULL){perror("threadpoll->workers");return -1;}memset(worker,0x00,sizeof(nWorker));worker->worqueue = threadpoll;worker->terminate = 0;int ret = pthread_create(&(worker->id),NULL,thread_func,(void*)worker);if(ret != 0){perror("pthread_create");free(worker);worker = NULL;return -1;}LL_ADD(worker,worker->worqueue->workers);}return 0;
}// 向线程中添加任务,唤醒一个线程去处理
void threadPoolQueue(nThreadpoll* threadpool,nJob *job){pthread_mutex_lock(&(threadpool->mtx));LL_ADD(job,threadpool->wait_jobs);pthread_cond_signal(&(threadpool->cond));pthread_mutex_unlock(&(threadpool->mtx));return;
}void threadPoolShutdown(nThreadpoll *workerqueue){nWorker *woker = NULL;for(woker = workerqueue->workers;woker!=NULL;woker = woker->next){woker->terminate = 1;}pthread_cond_broadcast(&workerqueue->cond);struct NWORKER *tmp = workerqueue->workers;while (tmp){pthread_join(tmp->id,NULL);if(tmp){free(tmp);tmp = NULL;}tmp = tmp->next;}pthread_cond_destroy(&workerqueue->cond);pthread_mutex_destroy(&workerqueue->mtx);workerqueue->workers = NULL;workerqueue->wait_jobs = NULL;
}int main(){nThreadpoll workerQueue;if(CreatePthreadPool(&workerQueue,MAX_PTHREAD) != 0){perror("CreatePthreadPool faile");return -1;}int i;for(i=0;i<MAX_JOB;i++){nJob *job = (nJob*)malloc(sizeof(nJob));if(job == NULL){perror("nJob malloc faile");exit(-1);}job->job_function = job_fun;job->user_data = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));*(int*)job->user_data = i;threadPoolQueue(&workerQueue,job);}getchar();return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>#include <pthread.h>#define DNS_SVR ""#define DNS_HOST 0x01
#define DNS_CNAME 0x05struct dns_header {unsigned short id;unsigned short flags;unsigned short qdcount;unsigned short ancount;unsigned short nscount;unsigned short arcount;
};struct dns_question {int length;unsigned short qtype;unsigned short qclass;char *qname;
};struct dns_item {char *domain;char *ip;
};int dns_create_header(struct dns_header *header) {if (header == NULL) return -1;memset(header, 0, sizeof(struct dns_header));srandom(time(NULL));header->id = random();header->flags |= htons(0x0100);header->qdcount = htons(1);return 0;
}int dns_create_question(struct dns_question *question, const char *hostname) {if (question == NULL) return -1;memset(question, 0, sizeof(struct dns_question));question->qname = (char*)malloc(strlen(hostname) + 2);if (question->qname == NULL) return -2;question->length = strlen(hostname) + 2;question->qtype = htons(1);question->qclass = htons(1);const char delim[2] = ".";char *hostname_dup = strdup(hostname);char *token = strtok(hostname_dup, delim);char *qname_p = question->qname;while (token != NULL) {size_t len = strlen(token);*qname_p = len;qname_p ++;strncpy(qname_p, token, len+1);qname_p += len;token = strtok(NULL, delim);}free(hostname_dup);return 0;}int dns_build_request(struct dns_header *header, struct dns_question *question, char *request) {int header_s = sizeof(struct dns_header);int question_s = question->length + sizeof(question->qtype) + sizeof(question->qclass);int length = question_s + header_s;int offset = 0;memcpy(request+offset, header, sizeof(struct dns_header));offset += sizeof(struct dns_header);memcpy(request+offset, question->qname, question->length);offset += question->length;memcpy(request+offset, &question->qtype, sizeof(question->qtype));offset += sizeof(question->qtype);memcpy(request+offset, &question->qclass, sizeof(question->qclass));return length;}static int is_pointer(int in) {return ((in & 0xC0) == 0xC0);
}static void dns_parse_name(unsigned char *chunk, unsigned char *ptr, char *out, int *len) {int flag = 0, n = 0, alen = 0;char *pos = out + (*len);while (1) {flag = (int)ptr[0];if (flag == 0) break;if (is_pointer(flag)) {n = (int)ptr[1];ptr = chunk + n;dns_parse_name(chunk, ptr, out, len);break;} else {ptr ++;memcpy(pos, ptr, flag);pos += flag;ptr += flag;*len += flag;if ((int)ptr[0] != 0) {memcpy(pos, ".", 1);pos += 1;(*len) += 1;}}}}static int dns_parse_response(char *buffer, struct dns_item **domains) {int i = 0;unsigned char *ptr = buffer;ptr += 4;int querys = ntohs(*(unsigned short*)ptr);ptr += 2;int answers = ntohs(*(unsigned short*)ptr);ptr += 6;for (i = 0;i < querys;i ++) {while (1) {int flag = (int)ptr[0];ptr += (flag + 1);if (flag == 0) break;}ptr += 4;}char cname[128], aname[128], ip[20], netip[4];int len, type, ttl, datalen;int cnt = 0;struct dns_item *list = (struct dns_item*)calloc(answers, sizeof(struct dns_item));if (list == NULL) {return -1;}for (i = 0;i < answers;i ++) {bzero(aname, sizeof(aname));len = 0;dns_parse_name(buffer, ptr, aname, &len);ptr += 2;type = htons(*(unsigned short*)ptr);ptr += 4;ttl = htons(*(unsigned short*)ptr);ptr += 4;datalen = ntohs(*(unsigned short*)ptr);ptr += 2;if (type == DNS_CNAME) {bzero(cname, sizeof(cname));len = 0;dns_parse_name(buffer, ptr, cname, &len);ptr += datalen;} else if (type == DNS_HOST) {bzero(ip, sizeof(ip));if (datalen == 4) {memcpy(netip, ptr, datalen);inet_ntop(AF_INET , netip , ip , sizeof(struct sockaddr));printf("%s has address %s\n" , aname, ip);printf("\tTime to live: %d minutes , %d seconds\n", ttl / 60, ttl % 60);list[cnt].domain = (char *)calloc(strlen(aname) + 1, 1);memcpy(list[cnt].domain, aname, strlen(aname));list[cnt].ip = (char *)calloc(strlen(ip) + 1, 1);memcpy(list[cnt].ip, ip, strlen(ip));cnt ++;}ptr += datalen;}}*domains = list;ptr += 2;return cnt;}int dns_client_commit(const char *domain) {int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);if (sockfd < 0) {perror("create socket failed\n");exit(-1);}printf("url:%s\n", domain);struct sockaddr_in dest;bzero(&dest, sizeof(dest));dest.sin_family = AF_INET;dest.sin_port = htons(53);dest.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(DNS_SVR);int ret = connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&dest, sizeof(dest));printf("connect :%d\n", ret);struct dns_header header = {0};dns_create_header(&header);struct dns_question question = {0};dns_create_question(&question, domain);char request[1024] = {0};int req_len = dns_build_request(&header, &question, request);int slen = sendto(sockfd, request, req_len, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&dest, sizeof(struct sockaddr));char buffer[1024] = {0};struct sockaddr_in addr;size_t addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);int n = recvfrom(sockfd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, (socklen_t*)&addr_len);printf("recvfrom n : %d\n", n);struct dns_item *domains = NULL;dns_parse_response(buffer, &domains);return 0;
}char *domain[] = {
// "www.ntytcp.com","bojing.wang","www.baidu.com","tieba.baidu.com","news.baidu.com","zhidao.baidu.com","music.baidu.com","image.baidu.com","v.baidu.com","map.baidu.com","baijiahao.baidu.com","xueshu.baidu.com","cloud.baidu.com","www.163.com","open.163.com","auto.163.com","gov.163.com","money.163.com","sports.163.com","tech.163.com","edu.163.com","www.taobao.com","q.taobao.com","sf.taobao.com","yun.taobao.com","baoxian.taobao.com","www.tmall.com","suning.tmall.com","www.tencent.com","www.qq.com","www.aliyun.com","www.ctrip.com","hotels.ctrip.com","hotels.ctrip.com","vacations.ctrip.com","flights.ctrip.com","trains.ctrip.com","bus.ctrip.com","car.ctrip.com","piao.ctrip.com","tuan.ctrip.com","you.ctrip.com","g.ctrip.com","lipin.ctrip.com","ct.ctrip.com"
};int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {int count = sizeof(domain) / sizeof(domain[0]);int i = 0;for (i = 0;i < count;i ++) {dns_client_commit(domain[i]);}getchar();}
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>#include <pthread.h>#define DNS_SVR ""#define DNS_HOST 0x01
#define DNS_CNAME 0x05#define ASYNC_CLIENT_NUM 1024struct dns_header {unsigned short id;unsigned short flags;unsigned short qdcount;unsigned short ancount;unsigned short nscount;unsigned short arcount;
};struct dns_question {int length;unsigned short qtype;unsigned short qclass;char *qname;
};struct dns_item {char *domain;char *ip;
};typedef void (*async_result_cb)(struct dns_item *list, int count);struct async_context {int epfd;
};struct ep_arg {int sockfd;async_result_cb cb;
};int dns_create_header(struct dns_header *header) {if (header == NULL) return -1;memset(header, 0, sizeof(struct dns_header));srandom(time(NULL));header->id = random();header->flags |= htons(0x0100);header->qdcount = htons(1);return 0;
}int dns_create_question(struct dns_question *question, const char *hostname) {if (question == NULL) return -1;memset(question, 0, sizeof(struct dns_question));question->qname = (char*)malloc(strlen(hostname) + 2);if (question->qname == NULL) return -2;question->length = strlen(hostname) + 2;question->qtype = htons(1);question->qclass = htons(1);const char delim[2] = ".";char *hostname_dup = strdup(hostname);char *token = strtok(hostname_dup, delim);char *qname_p = question->qname;while (token != NULL) {size_t len = strlen(token);*qname_p = len;qname_p ++;strncpy(qname_p, token, len+1);qname_p += len;token = strtok(NULL, delim);}free(hostname_dup);return 0;}int dns_build_request(struct dns_header *header, struct dns_question *question, char *request) {int header_s = sizeof(struct dns_header);int question_s = question->length + sizeof(question->qtype) + sizeof(question->qclass);int length = question_s + header_s;int offset = 0;memcpy(request+offset, header, sizeof(struct dns_header));offset += sizeof(struct dns_header);memcpy(request+offset, question->qname, question->length);offset += question->length;memcpy(request+offset, &question->qtype, sizeof(question->qtype));offset += sizeof(question->qtype);memcpy(request+offset, &question->qclass, sizeof(question->qclass));return length;}static int is_pointer(int in) {return ((in & 0xC0) == 0xC0);
}static int set_block(int fd, int block) {int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);if (flags < 0) return flags;if (block) { flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK; } else { flags |= O_NONBLOCK; }if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags) < 0) return -1;return 0;
}static void dns_parse_name(unsigned char *chunk, unsigned char *ptr, char *out, int *len) {int flag = 0, n = 0, alen = 0;char *pos = out + (*len);while (1) {flag = (int)ptr[0];if (flag == 0) break;if (is_pointer(flag)) {n = (int)ptr[1];ptr = chunk + n;dns_parse_name(chunk, ptr, out, len);break;} else {ptr ++;memcpy(pos, ptr, flag);pos += flag;ptr += flag;*len += flag;if ((int)ptr[0] != 0) {memcpy(pos, ".", 1);pos += 1;(*len) += 1;}}}}static int dns_parse_response(char *buffer, struct dns_item **domains) {int i = 0;unsigned char *ptr = buffer;ptr += 4;int querys = ntohs(*(unsigned short*)ptr);ptr += 2;int answers = ntohs(*(unsigned short*)ptr);ptr += 6;for (i = 0;i < querys;i ++) {while (1) {int flag = (int)ptr[0];ptr += (flag + 1);if (flag == 0) break;}ptr += 4;}char cname[128], aname[128], ip[20], netip[4];int len, type, ttl, datalen;int cnt = 0;struct dns_item *list = (struct dns_item*)calloc(answers, sizeof(struct dns_item));if (list == NULL) {return -1;}for (i = 0;i < answers;i ++) {bzero(aname, sizeof(aname));len = 0;dns_parse_name(buffer, ptr, aname, &len);ptr += 2;type = htons(*(unsigned short*)ptr);ptr += 4;ttl = htons(*(unsigned short*)ptr);ptr += 4;datalen = ntohs(*(unsigned short*)ptr);ptr += 2;if (type == DNS_CNAME) {bzero(cname, sizeof(cname));len = 0;dns_parse_name(buffer, ptr, cname, &len);ptr += datalen;} else if (type == DNS_HOST) {bzero(ip, sizeof(ip));if (datalen == 4) {memcpy(netip, ptr, datalen);inet_ntop(AF_INET , netip , ip , sizeof(struct sockaddr));printf("%s has address %s\n" , aname, ip);printf("\tTime to live: %d minutes , %d seconds\n", ttl / 60, ttl % 60);list[cnt].domain = (char *)calloc(strlen(aname) + 1, 1);memcpy(list[cnt].domain, aname, strlen(aname));list[cnt].ip = (char *)calloc(strlen(ip) + 1, 1);memcpy(list[cnt].ip, ip, strlen(ip));cnt ++;}ptr += datalen;}}*domains = list;ptr += 2;return cnt;}int dns_client_commit(const char *domain) {int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);if (sockfd < 0) {perror("create socket failed\n");exit(-1);}printf("url:%s\n", domain);set_block(sockfd, 0); //nonblockstruct sockaddr_in dest;bzero(&dest, sizeof(dest));dest.sin_family = AF_INET;dest.sin_port = htons(53);dest.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(DNS_SVR);int ret = connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&dest, sizeof(dest));//printf("connect :%d\n", ret);struct dns_header header = {0};dns_create_header(&header);struct dns_question question = {0};dns_create_question(&question, domain);char request[1024] = {0};int req_len = dns_build_request(&header, &question, request);int slen = sendto(sockfd, request, req_len, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&dest, sizeof(struct sockaddr));while (1) {char buffer[1024] = {0};struct sockaddr_in addr;size_t addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);int n = recvfrom(sockfd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, (socklen_t*)&addr_len);if (n <= 0) continue;printf("recvfrom n : %d\n", n);struct dns_item *domains = NULL;dns_parse_response(buffer, &domains);break;}return 0;
}void dns_async_client_free_domains(struct dns_item *list, int count) {int i = 0;for (i = 0;i < count;i ++) {free(list[i].domain);free(list[i].ip);}free(list);
//result callback
static void* dns_async_client_proc(void *arg) {struct async_context *ctx = (struct async_context*)arg;int epfd = ctx->epfd;while (1) {struct epoll_event events[ASYNC_CLIENT_NUM] = {0};int nready = epoll_wait(epfd, events, ASYNC_CLIENT_NUM, -1);if (nready < 0) {if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) {continue;} else {break;}} else if (nready == 0) {continue;}printf("nready:%d\n", nready);int i = 0;for (i = 0;i < nready;i ++) {struct ep_arg *data = (struct ep_arg*)events[i].data.ptr;int sockfd = data->sockfd;char buffer[1024] = {0};struct sockaddr_in addr;size_t addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);int n = recvfrom(sockfd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, (socklen_t*)&addr_len);struct dns_item *domain_list = NULL;int count = dns_parse_response(buffer, &domain_list);data->cb(domain_list, count); //call cbint ret = epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, sockfd, NULL);//printf("epoll_ctl DEL --> sockfd:%d\n", sockfd);close(sockfd); /dns_async_client_free_domains(domain_list, count);free(data);}}}//dns_async_client_init()
//epoll init
//thread init
struct async_context *dns_async_client_init(void) {int epfd = epoll_create(1); // if (epfd < 0) return NULL;struct async_context *ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct async_context));if (ctx == NULL) {close(epfd);return NULL;}ctx->epfd = epfd;pthread_t thread_id;int ret = pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, dns_async_client_proc, ctx);if (ret) {perror("pthread_create");return NULL;}usleep(1); //child go firstreturn ctx;
}//dns_async_client_commit(ctx, domain)
//socket init
//sendto dns send
int dns_async_client_commit(struct async_context* ctx, const char *domain, async_result_cb cb) {int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);if (sockfd < 0) {perror("create socket failed\n");exit(-1);}printf("url:%s\n", domain);set_block(sockfd, 0); //nonblockstruct sockaddr_in dest;bzero(&dest, sizeof(dest));dest.sin_family = AF_INET;dest.sin_port = htons(53);dest.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(DNS_SVR);int ret = connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&dest, sizeof(dest));//printf("connect :%d\n", ret);struct dns_header header = {0};dns_create_header(&header);struct dns_question question = {0};dns_create_question(&question, domain);char request[1024] = {0};int req_len = dns_build_request(&header, &question, request);int slen = sendto(sockfd, request, req_len, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&dest, sizeof(struct sockaddr));struct ep_arg *eparg = (struct ep_arg*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct ep_arg));if (eparg == NULL) return -1;eparg->sockfd = sockfd;eparg->cb = cb;struct epoll_event ev;ev.data.ptr = eparg;ev.events = EPOLLIN;ret = epoll_ctl(ctx->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, sockfd, &ev); //printf(" epoll_ctl ADD: sockfd->%d, ret:%d\n", sockfd, ret);return ret;}char *domain[] = {"www.ntytcp.com","bojing.wang","www.baidu.com","tieba.baidu.com","news.baidu.com","zhidao.baidu.com","music.baidu.com","image.baidu.com","v.baidu.com","map.baidu.com","baijiahao.baidu.com","xueshu.baidu.com","cloud.baidu.com","www.163.com","open.163.com","auto.163.com","gov.163.com","money.163.com","sports.163.com","tech.163.com","edu.163.com","www.taobao.com","q.taobao.com","sf.taobao.com","yun.taobao.com","baoxian.taobao.com","www.tmall.com","suning.tmall.com","www.tencent.com","www.qq.com","www.aliyun.com","www.ctrip.com","hotels.ctrip.com","hotels.ctrip.com","vacations.ctrip.com","flights.ctrip.com","trains.ctrip.com","bus.ctrip.com","car.ctrip.com","piao.ctrip.com","tuan.ctrip.com","you.ctrip.com","g.ctrip.com","lipin.ctrip.com","ct.ctrip.com"
};static void dns_async_client_result_callback(struct dns_item *list, int count) {int i = 0;for (i = 0;i < count;i ++) {printf("name:%s, ip:%s\n", list[i].domain, list[i].ip);}
}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#if 0dns_client_commit(argv[1]);
#elsestruct async_context *ctx = dns_async_client_init();if (ctx == NULL) return -2;int count = sizeof(domain) / sizeof(domain[0]);int i = 0;for (i = 0;i < count;i ++) {dns_async_client_commit(ctx, domain[i], dns_async_client_result_callback);//sleep(2);}getchar();
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>#include <fcntl.h>#define MP_ALIGNMENT 32
#define MP_PAGE_SIZE 4096
#define MP_MAX_ALLOC_FROM_POOL (MP_PAGE_SIZE-1)#define mp_align(n, alignment) (((n)+(alignment-1)) & ~(alignment-1))
#define mp_align_ptr(p, alignment) (void *)((((size_t)p)+(alignment-1)) & ~(alignment-1))struct mp_large_s {struct mp_large_s *next;void *alloc;
};struct mp_node_s {unsigned char *last;unsigned char *end;struct mp_node_s *next;size_t failed;
};struct mp_pool_s {size_t max;struct mp_node_s *current;struct mp_large_s *large;struct mp_node_s head[0];};struct mp_pool_s *mp_create_pool(size_t size);
void mp_destory_pool(struct mp_pool_s *pool);
void *mp_alloc(struct mp_pool_s *pool, size_t size);
void *mp_nalloc(struct mp_pool_s *pool, size_t size);
void *mp_calloc(struct mp_pool_s *pool, size_t size);
void mp_free(struct mp_pool_s *pool, void *p);struct mp_pool_s *mp_create_pool(size_t size) {struct mp_pool_s *p;int ret = posix_memalign((void **)&p, MP_ALIGNMENT, size + sizeof(struct mp_pool_s) + sizeof(struct mp_node_s));if (ret) {return NULL;}p->max = (size < MP_MAX_ALLOC_FROM_POOL) ? size : MP_MAX_ALLOC_FROM_POOL;p->current = p->head;p->large = NULL;p->head->last = (unsigned char *)p + sizeof(struct mp_pool_s) + sizeof(struct mp_node_s);p->head->end = p->head->last + size;p->head->failed = 0;return p;}void mp_destory_pool(struct mp_pool_s *pool) {struct mp_node_s *h, *n;struct mp_large_s *l;for (l = pool->large; l; l = l->next) {if (l->alloc) {free(l->alloc);}}h = pool->head->next;while (h) {n = h->next;free(h);h = n;}free(pool);}void mp_reset_pool(struct mp_pool_s *pool) {struct mp_node_s *h;struct mp_large_s *l;for (l = pool->large; l; l = l->next) {if (l->alloc) {free(l->alloc);}}pool->large = NULL;for (h = pool->head; h; h = h->next) {h->last = (unsigned char *)h + sizeof(struct mp_node_s);}}static void *mp_alloc_block(struct mp_pool_s *pool, size_t size) {unsigned char *m;struct mp_node_s *h = pool->head;size_t psize = (size_t)(h->end - (unsigned char *)h);int ret = posix_memalign((void **)&m, MP_ALIGNMENT, psize);if (ret) return NULL;struct mp_node_s *p, *new_node, *current;new_node = (struct mp_node_s*)m;new_node->end = m + psize;new_node->next = NULL;new_node->failed = 0;m += sizeof(struct mp_node_s);m = mp_align_ptr(m, MP_ALIGNMENT);new_node->last = m + size;current = pool->current;for (p = current; p->next; p = p->next) {if (p->failed++ > 4) {current = p->next;}}p->next = new_node;pool->current = current ? current : new_node;return m;}static void *mp_alloc_large(struct mp_pool_s *pool, size_t size) {void *p = malloc(size);if (p == NULL) return NULL;size_t n = 0;struct mp_large_s *large;for (large = pool->large; large; large = large->next) {if (large->alloc == NULL) {large->alloc = p;return p;}if (n ++ > 3) break;}large = mp_alloc(pool, sizeof(struct mp_large_s));if (large == NULL) {free(p);return NULL;}large->alloc = p;large->next = pool->large;pool->large = large;return p;
}void *mp_memalign(struct mp_pool_s *pool, size_t size, size_t alignment) {void *p;int ret = posix_memalign(&p, alignment, size);if (ret) {return NULL;}struct mp_large_s *large = mp_alloc(pool, sizeof(struct mp_large_s));if (large == NULL) {free(p);return NULL;}large->alloc = p;large->next = pool->large;pool->large = large;return p;
}void *mp_alloc(struct mp_pool_s *pool, size_t size) {unsigned char *m;struct mp_node_s *p;if (size <= pool->max) {p = pool->current;do {m = mp_align_ptr(p->last, MP_ALIGNMENT);if ((size_t)(p->end - m) >= size) {p->last = m + size;return m;}p = p->next;} while (p);return mp_alloc_block(pool, size);}return mp_alloc_large(pool, size);}void *mp_nalloc(struct mp_pool_s *pool, size_t size) {unsigned char *m;struct mp_node_s *p;if (size <= pool->max) {p = pool->current;do {m = p->last;if ((size_t)(p->end - m) >= size) {p->last = m+size;return m;}p = p->next;} while (p);return mp_alloc_block(pool, size);}return mp_alloc_large(pool, size);}void *mp_calloc(struct mp_pool_s *pool, size_t size) {void *p = mp_alloc(pool, size);if (p) {memset(p, 0, size);}return p;}void mp_free(struct mp_pool_s *pool, void *p) {struct mp_large_s *l;for (l = pool->large; l; l = l->next) {if (p == l->alloc) {free(l->alloc);l->alloc = NULL;return ;}}}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {int size = 1 << 12;struct mp_pool_s *p = mp_create_pool(size);int i = 0;for (i = 0;i < 10;i ++) {void *mp = mp_alloc(p, 512);
// mp_free(mp);}//printf("mp_create_pool: %ld\n", p->max);printf("mp_align(123, 32): %d, mp_align(17, 32): %d\n", mp_align(24, 32), mp_align(17, 32));//printf("mp_align_ptr(p->current, 32): %lx, p->current: %lx, mp_align(p->large, 32): %lx, p->large: %lx\n", mp_align_ptr(p->current, 32), p->current, mp_align_ptr(p->large, 32), p->large);int j = 0;for (i = 0;i < 5;i ++) {char *pp = mp_calloc(p, 32);for (j = 0;j < 32;j ++) {if (pp[j]) {printf("calloc wrong\n");}printf("calloc success\n");}}//printf("mp_reset_pool\n");for (i = 0;i < 5;i ++) {void *l = mp_alloc(p, 8192);mp_free(p, l);}mp_reset_pool(p);//printf("mp_destory_pool\n");for (i = 0;i < 58;i ++) {mp_alloc(p, 256);}mp_destory_pool(p);return 0;}