平面方程可以由其法线N=(A, B, C)和一个点Q=(x0,y0,z0)定义,其形式为:
A ( x − x 0 ) + B ( y − y 0 ) + C ( z − z 0 ) = 0 A(x-x_{0})+B(y-y_{0})+C(z-z_{0})=0 A(x−x0)+B(y−y0)+C(z−z0)=0 整理变为: A x + B y + C z + D = 0 Ax+By+Cz+D=0 Ax+By+Cz+D=0, 其中 D = − A x 0 − B y 0 − C z 0 D=−Ax_{0}−By_{0}−Cz_{0} D=−Ax0−By0−Cz0
A A 2 + B 2 + C 2 x + B A 2 + B 2 + C 2 y + C A 2 + B 2 + C 2 z + D A 2 + B 2 + C 2 = 0 \frac{A}{\sqrt{A^{2}+B^{2}+C^{2} } } x + \frac{B}{\sqrt{A^{2}+B^{2}+C^{2} } }y+\frac{C}{\sqrt{A^{2}+B^{2}+C^{2} } }z+\frac{D}{\sqrt{A^{2}+B^{2}+C^{2} } } = 0 A2+B2+C2Ax+A2+B2+C2By+A2+B2+C2Cz+A2+B2+C2D=0 写成通用格式 a x + b y + c z + d = 0 ax+by+cz+d=0 ax+by+cz+d=0
那么点 p = ( x 1 , y 1 , z 1 ) p=(x_{1}, y_{1}, z_{1}) p=(x1,y1,z1)到平面的距离为:
D = a x 1 + b y 1 + c z 1 + d D=ax_{1}+by_{1}+cz_{1}+d D=ax1+by1+cz1+d
一个平面会将空间分成两个半空间(halfspace),进一步法线的朝向的空间称为正半空间(positive halfspace),法线背离的空间称为反半空间(negative halfspace)。根据D的符号可以判断点的相对位置:
- D < 0, 点位于反半空间
- D = 0, 点位于平面上
- D > 0, 点位于正半空间
class Frustum
public:/*** 根据视图投影矩阵提取视锥体* @param p_viewProjection*/ void CalculateFrustum(const OvMaths::FMatrix4& _viewProjection);/*** 判断点是不是在视锥体内* @param p_x* @param p_y* @param p_z*/bool PointInFrustum(float p_x, float p_y, float _z) const;/*** 判断球是不是在视锥体内* @param p_x* @param p_y* @param p_z* @param p_radius*/bool SphereInFrustum(float p_x, float p_y, loat p_z, float p_radius) const;/*** 判断立方体是不是在视锥体内* @param p_x* @param p_y* @param p_z* @param p_size*/bool CubeInFrustum(float p_x, float p_y, float _z, float p_size) const;/*** 判断包围球是不是在视锥体内* @param p_boundingSphere* @param p_transform*/bool BoundingSphereInFrustum(const vRendering::Geometry::BoundingSphere& _boundingSphere, const OvMaths::FTransform& _transform) const;/*** 返回近平面*/std::array<float, 4> GetNearPlane() const;/*** 返回远平面*/std::array<float, 4> GetFarPlane() const;
private:float m_frustum[6][4]; // 6个平面的方程参数
enum FrustumSide
{RIGHT = 0, // The RIGHT side of the frustumLEFT = 1, // The LEFT side of the frustumBOTTOM = 2, // The BOTTOM side of the frustumTOP = 3, // The TOP side of the frustumBACK = 4, // The BACK side of the frustumFRONT = 5 // The FRONT side of the frustum
};// 平面方程的参数索引
enum PlaneData
{A = 0, // The X value of the plane's normalB = 1, // The Y value of the plane's normalC = 2, // The Z value of the plane's normalD = 3 // The distance the plane is from the origin
bool OvRendering::Data::Frustum::PointInFrustum(float x, float y, float z) const
{for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){if (m_frustum[i][A] * x + m_frustum[i][B] * y + m_frustum[i][C] * z + m_frustum[i][D] <= 0){return false;}}return true;
Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World View-Projection Matrix