
To use ChatGPT with Siri on an iPhone or iPad, get an OpenAI API key and download the ChatGPT Siri shortcut. Enter your API key in the shortcut setup and select the GPT model you want to use, then hit “Add Shortcut.” Trigger the shortcut manually first to allow permissions, then start asking Siri to trigger the shortcut.
要在 iPhone 或 iPad 上将 ChatGPT 与 Siri 配合使用,请获取 OpenAI API 密钥并下载 ChatGPT Siri 快捷方式。在快捷方式设置中输入您的 API 密钥并选择您要使用的 GPT 模型,然后点击“添加快捷方式”。先手动触发快捷指令以允许权限,然后开始让 Siri 触发快捷指令。
Siri can control your iPhone, but it’s nowhere near as powerful as ChatGPT. Fortunately, you can add ChatGPT to your iPhone and talk to it with your voice, using Siri as a gateway to ChatGPT. Here’s how.
Siri可以控制你的iPhone,但它远没有ChatGPT那么强大。幸运的是,您可以将 ChatGPT 添加到您的 iPhone 中,并使用 Siri 作为通往 ChatGPT 的网关,用您的声音与之交谈。方法如下。

Add the ChatGPT Shortcut to Your iPhone 将 ChatGPT 快捷方式添加到您的 iPhone

ChatGPT Siri integration works using Apple’s Shortcuts app and the OpenAI API. You can trigger the ChatGPT shortcut using Siri, after which you can dictate your request. This request is sent to OpenAI’s servers, processed, and a response is returned to you. Note that using the OpenAI API is not free—you’ll get some sign-on credit to start with, but to keep using it, you’ll eventually have to pay up, as we’ll explain. (However, it’s very cheap—much cheaper than even ChatGPT Plus.)
ChatGPT Siri集成使用Apple的Shortcuts应用程序和OpenAI API工作。您可以使用 Siri 触发 ChatGPT 快捷方式,之后您可以口述您的请求。此请求将发送到 OpenAI 的服务器,进行处理,并返回响应给您。请注意,使用 OpenAI API 不是免费的——一开始你会得到一些登录信用,但要继续使用它,你最终必须付费,正如我们将解释的那样。(然而,它非常便宜 - 甚至比ChatGPT Plus便宜得多。
There are many different methods of invoking ChatGPT through Siri using a Shortcut; you could even build your own. Today we’ll be using ChatGPT Siri by Yue-Yang. We chose this because it works and has been updated several times, and new versions of the shortcut are available alongside the old on the author’s GitHub page.
有许多不同的方法可以使用快捷方式通过Siri调用ChatGPT;您甚至可以构建自己的。今天我们将使用Yue-Yang的ChatGPT Siri。我们之所以选择它,是因为它有效并且已经更新了几次,并且新版本的快捷方式与作者的 GitHub 页面上的旧版本一起可用。
To start with, you’ll need to generate an OpenAI API key for use with the Shortcut. You can do this by heading to the OpenAI API Keys page in your user settings. If you don’t already have an account, register with OpenAI, log in, and access the API key page.
首先,您需要生成一个 OpenAI API 密钥以用于快捷方式。您可以通过前往用户设置中的 OpenAI API 密钥页面来执行此操作。如果您还没有帐户,请在 OpenAI 注册、登录并访问 API 密钥页面。
Click on the “Create New Secret Key” button, and a new API key will be generated. Copy this to a safe place, and don’t show it to anyone else; you’ll need it to set up the shortcut we’ll be using.
You can complete this next step on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac, and the Shortcut will sync between platforms. Head to the ChatGPT Siri GitHub page and grab the latest version of the shortcut. You’ll find it listed on the main page via a link for the “English Version.” At the time of writing, the latest version is ChatGPT Siri 1.2.4.
您可以在 iPhone、iPad 或 Mac 上完成下一步,快捷方式将在平台之间同步。前往 ChatGPT Siri GitHub 页面并获取最新版本的快捷方式。您可以通过“英文版”的链接在主页上找到它。在撰写本文时,最新版本是ChatGPT Siri 1.2.4。
When you tap or click on the shortcut, you’ll see a “Set Up Shortcut” button. Tap or click it, and you’ll be asked to provide your API key. Paste the API key into the text field provided and move on to the next step.
当您点击或单击快捷方式时,您将看到“设置快捷方式”按钮。点击或单击它,系统会要求你提供 API 密钥。将 API 密钥粘贴到提供的文本字段中,然后继续下一步。

Now you’ll see the default prompt that seeds every ChatGPT interaction. You can leave this as-is, or you can change it depending on your preference.
现在,您将看到默认提示,该提示为每个 ChatGPT 交互提供种子。您可以保持原样,也可以根据自己的喜好进行更改。

Lastly, select the model you want to use. You can choose between GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4. The former is cheaper in terms of API calls and faster, while GPT-4 is more advanced, requires more processing, and is slower.
最后,选择要使用的模型。您可以在 GPT-3.5 涡轮增压和 GPT-4 之间进行选择。前者在 API 调用方面更便宜,速度更快,而 GPT-4 更先进,需要更多的处理,并且速度更慢。

Hit the “Add Shortcut” button. You can now trigger this from the Shortcuts app on iPhone, iPad, and Mac; using the macOS menu bar, or using a home screen widget.
点击“添加快捷方式”按钮。您现在可以从 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 上的快捷方式应用程序触发此操作;使用 macOS 菜单栏,或使用主屏幕小部件。

It’s a good idea to run the Shortcut manually on your iPhone before doing so via Siri. Hit the “ChatGPT 1.2.4” shortcut you just made and ask ChatGPT a random question (try “tell me a story”), then you’ll get a prompt asking you to grant access to OpenAI’s website, which you should accept.
在通过Siri执行此操作之前,最好先在iPhone上手动运行快捷方式。点击您刚刚制作的“ChatGPT 1.2.4”快捷方式并随机向 ChatGPT 提问(尝试“告诉我一个故事”),然后您将收到一个提示,要求您授予对 OpenAI 网站的访问权限,您应该接受。

Finally, grant the shortcut access to your clipboard (so it can automatically copy responses to your clipboard). You should now see the response to your query appear in a window.

Trigger ChatGPT Using Siri 使用 Siri 触发 ChatGPT

You can trigger ChatGPT by mentioning the shortcut by name to Siri. So if you have Siri on always-listening mode, you can say “Hey Siri, ChatGPT 1.2.4” (or whatever the shortcut you created is called). If all goes well, you’ll see the response “I am here, always at your service!”
您可以通过向Siri提及快捷方式的名称来触发ChatGPT。因此,如果您的 Siri 处于始终收听模式,您可以说“嘿 Siri,ChatGPT 1.2.4”(或您创建的快捷方式的名称)。如果一切顺利,您会看到“我在这里,随时为您服务!
This is your cue to hit ChatGPT with a query. If you wait too long, Siri will stop listening and you’ll see messages like “Still working…” and “One sec…” before being notified that “I’m having trouble with the connection” or similar.
这是您通过查询命中 ChatGPT 的提示。如果您等待的时间过长,Siri 将停止收听,并且您会看到“仍在工作…”之类的信息。和“一秒钟…”在收到“我连接出现问题”或类似通知之前。

For best results, consider naming your ChatGPT shortcut something else so that Siri better understands you. You can do this by launching Shortcuts on your iPhone, tapping and holding the Shortcut, and selecting “Rename” from the available options.
为了获得最佳效果,请考虑将您的 ChatGPT 快捷方式命名为其他名称,以便 Siri 更好地理解您。您可以通过在iPhone上启动快捷方式,点击并按住快捷方式,然后从可用选项中选择“重命名”来执行此操作。


Now Siri will run your ChatGPT shortcut using your new name. So if you rename the shortcut “GPT” you can say “Hey, Siri GPT” to start your chat.
现在,Siri 将使用您的新名称运行您的 ChatGPT 快捷方式。因此,如果您将快捷方式重命名为“GPT”,您可以说“嘿,Siri GPT”来开始聊天。

Use the ChatGPT Shortcut for Text Chats Too 也可以使用 ChatGPT 快捷方式进行文本聊天

The ChatGPT shortcut will quickly move on to the next prompt once you have received a reply, so it works best for short queries. Remember you can always ask the chatbot to “repeat your last answer” to see the response in full. Alternatively, running the shortcut from within the Shortcuts app lets you take the conversation at your own pace.
收到回复后,ChatGPT 快捷方式将快速转到下一个提示,因此最适合短查询。请记住,您可以随时要求聊天机器人“重复您的最后一个答案”以查看完整的回复。或者,从“快捷指令”App 中运行快捷指令可让您按照自己的节奏进行对话。

You’ll need to hit “Done” after every response received before typing a reply to keep the conversation going. This works best for more in-depth responses, like recipes, long explainers, stories, quizzes, lists, and other things ChatGPT is good at.
您需要在每次收到回复后点击“完成”,然后再输入回复以保持对话。这最适合更深入的响应,例如食谱、长解释器、故事、测验、列表和 ChatGPT 擅长的其他内容。

Use of the ChatGPT API Isn’t Free 使用 ChatGPT API 不是免费的

When you first sign up for an account to use ChatGPT, you’ll get $18 in credit to use across OpenAI’s APIs. This credit will eventually expire, and you’ll need to purchase more to continue making API calls. That means that this method of using ChatGPT won’t be free forever.
当您首次注册使用ChatGPT的帐户时,您将获得18美元的信用额度,用于OpenAI的API。此信用额度最终将过期,您需要购买更多积分才能继续进行 API 调用。这意味着这种使用 ChatGPT 的方法不会永远免费。

You can see your current usage on the OpenAI Usage page. Each ChatGPT response amounts to a fraction of a cent, with a full breakdown available on the OpenAI Pricing page.
您可以在 OpenAI 使用情况页面上查看您当前的使用情况。每个 ChatGPT 响应都相当于几分之一美分,在 OpenAI 定价页面上提供了完整的细分。
Add your card details and set usage limits on the OpenAI Billing page if you want to continue using OpenAI’s APIs.
如果您想继续使用 OpenAI 的 API,请在 OpenAI 计费页面上添加您的卡详细信息并设置使用限制。

Use ChatGPT in a Browser for Free 在浏览器中免费使用 ChatGPT

If you’ve run out of OpenAI credit and don’t fancy setting up a paid account to continue using ChatGPT via Siri, use the good old ChatGPT website instead.

You can use the web-based version of ChatGPT for free from a mobile device like your iPhone or a desktop web browser on a Mac or PC. It’s subject to limits on usage during busy periods unless you’re subscribed to ChatGPT Plus, and you’ll need to log in and verify you’re human to use it so it’s not seamless like Siri integration.
您可以在移动设备(如iPhone)或Mac或PC上的桌面Web浏览器免费使用基于Web的ChatGPT。除非您订阅了 ChatGPT Plus,否则它在繁忙时段的使用受到限制,并且您需要登录并验证您是人类才能使用它,因此它不像 Siri 集成那样无缝。

Use Bing Chat (GPT-4) With the Bing App 将必应聊天 (GPT-4) 与必应应用配合使用

While standard free-tier users of ChatGPT must wait for GPT-4 integration, Bing has been using the latest version of the model for a while now. All you need to do is sign up for Bing Chat to use Microsoft’s search AI assistant. Microsoft has removed the waiting period for its GPT-based chat function, but usage is still limited to certain apps.
虽然 ChatGPT 的标准免费层用户必须等待 GPT-4 集成,但必应已经使用该模型的最新版本已有一段时间了。您需要做的就是注册Bing Chat以使用Microsoft的Sea r ch AI助手。微软已经取消了其基于GPT的聊天功能的等待期,但使用仍然仅限于某些应用程序。
On the desktop, you’ll need to use Microsoft Edge (at the time of writing), while mobile users are limited to the Bing apps for iPhone and Android. Download Bing for your iPhone, log in with an account that has Bing Chat access, and start chatting right away.
在桌面上,您需要使用Microsoft Edge(在撰写本文时),而移动用户仅限于适用于iPhone和Android的Bing应用程序。为您的 iPhone 下载必应,使用具有必应聊天访问权限的帐户登录,然后立即开始聊天。

Why Use ChatGPT with Siri? 为什么要将 ChatGPT 与 Siri 配合使用?

Siri is useful for doing things with apps and services that reside on your iPhone. You can compose messages, place calls, add reminders, take new notes, launch apps, and even restart your iPhone using Siri. Siri can handle simple web requests too, but it’s simply not as good as Google’s or Amazon’s assistants in this regard.
Siri 对于使用驻留在 iPhone 上的应用程序和服务执行操作非常有用。您可以使用 Siri 撰写信息、拨打电话、添加提醒事项、做新笔记、启动 App,甚至重新启动 iPhone。Siri也可以处理简单的网络请求,但在这方面它根本不像谷歌或亚马逊的助手那样好。

为什么ChatGPT不能替代Siri和Google Assistant?

By comparison, ChatGPT has been trained on a huge snapshot of the web’s knowledge. OpenAI’s chatbot is far from perfect, but its ability to provide interesting, useful, or just plain amusing answers to queries cannot be matched by Siri.
For example, you can ask ChatGPT to create you a recipe using items you have in your fridge (even if they don’t go well together). You can use it to create a quiz about any topic you can think of (though it’s answers aren’t always correct), tell you jokes that might not make sense, or “make up” a story about a random topic.
例如,您可以要求 ChatGPT 使用冰箱中的物品为您创建食谱(即使它们不能很好地搭配在一起)。您可以使用它来创建有关您能想到的任何主题的测验(尽管它的答案并不总是正确的),告诉您可能没有意义的笑话,或者“编造”有关随机主题的故事。
ChatGPT and other AI generative systems aren’t “thinking” or being creative in the way that human beings are, rather they’re predicting patterns based on the underlying language model.

More ChatGPT Alternatives 更多聊天GPT替代品

Google Bard is another search-engine-driven AI chatbot you might want to try if Bing isn’t cutting it. OpenAI Playground, GitHub CoPilot, and Jasper are among some of the other ChatGPT alternatives you might want to try.
谷歌巴德是另一个搜索引擎驱动的人工智能聊天机器人,如果Bing没有削减它,你可能想尝试一下。OpenAI Playground,GitHub CoPilot和Jasper是您可能想要尝试的其他一些ChatGPT替代品。
Siri is still useful too. Check out some of the useful things you can do with Siri.
Siri仍然有用。查看您可以使用 Siri 执行的一些有用操作。




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