
CAFE(Computational Analysis of gene Family Evolution)是一款以解释系统发育历史的方式分析基因家族大小变化的软件,这种分析常被称为基因家族收缩扩张(Gene family expansions and contractions)分析。





git clone https://github.com/hahnlab/CAFE5.git
cd CAFE5



2.1 常用参数

--infile, -iPath to tab delimited gene families file to be analyzed - Required for estimation.--n_gamma_cats, -kNumber of gamma categories to use. If specified, the Gamma model will be used to run calculations; otherwise the Base model will be used.--pvalue, -PP-value to use for determining significance of family size change, Default=0.05.--tree, -tPath to file containing newick formatted tree - Required for estimation.--lambda_tree, -yPath to lambda tree, for use with multiple lambdas.--output_prefix, -oOutput directory - Name of directory automatically created for output. Default=results.

2.2 输入文件准备

2.2.1 数据准备识别基因家族:

(2)建立BLAST数据库,使用blastp进行 all-by-all 的比对;


python python_scripts/cafetutorial_longest_iso.py -d twelve_spp_proteins/ 
cat twelve_spp_proteins/longest_*.fa | /data1/spider/ytbiosoft/seqkit rmdup - > makeblastdb_input.fa

(2)All-by-all BLAST

conda activate bioinforspace##先用makeblastdb建立BLAST数据库
makeblastdb -in makeblastdb_input.fa -dbtype prot -out blastdb##之后用blastp进行序列搜索,得到每个序列的相似序列
blastp -num_threads 20 -db blastdb -query makeblastdb_input.fa -outfmt 7 -seg yes > blast_output.txt &


##使用shell命令将BLAST转成MCL能够识别的ABC格式grep -v "#"  blast_output.txt | cut -f 1,2,11 > blast_output.abc##创建网络文件(.mci)和字典文件(.tab),然后进行聚类
source /data1/spider/miniconda3/bin/activateconda activate orthofinder    ##mcxload安装在orthofinder环境中
mcxload -abc blast_output.abc --stream-mirror --stream-neg-log10 -stream-tf 'ceil(200)' -o blast_output.mci -write-tab blast_output.tab &#参数:
--stream-mirror: 为输入创建镜像,即每一个X-Y都有一个Y-X
--stream-neg-log10: 对输入的数值做-log10 转换
-stream-tf: 对输入的数值进行一元函数转换,这里用到的是ceil(200)
#根据mci文件进行聚类, 其中主要调整的参数是-I,它决定了聚类的粒度,值越小那么聚类密度越大。一般设置为3。
mcl blast_output.mci -I 3
mcxdump -icl out.blast_output.mci.I30 -tabr blast_output.tab -o dump.blast_output.mci.I30


python python_scripts/cafetutorial_mcl2rawcafe.py -i dump.blast_output.mci.I30 -o unfiltered_cafe_input.txt -sp "ENSG00 ENSPTR ENSPPY ENSPAN ENSNLE ENSMMU ENSCJA ENSRNO ENSMUS ENSFCA ENSECA ENSBTA"
python python_scripts/cafetutorial_clade_and_size_filter.py -i unfiltered_cafe_input.txt -o filtered_cafe_input.txt -s
sed  -i -e 's/ENSPAN/baboon/' -e 's/ENSFCA/cat/' -e 's/ENSBTA/cow/' -e 's/ENSNLE/gibbon/' -e 's/ENSECA/horse/' -e 's/ENSG00/human/' -e 's/ENSMMU/macaque/' -e 's/ENSCJA/marmoset/' -e 's/ENSMUS/mouse/' -e 's/ENSPPY/orang/' -e 's/ENSRNO/rat/' -e 's/ENSPTR/chimp/' filtered_cafe_input.txt
sed  -i -e 's/ENSPAN/baboon/' -e 's/ENSFCA/cat/' -e 's/ENSBTA/cow/' -e 's/ENSNLE/gibbon/' -e 's/ENSECA/horse/' -e 's/ENSG00/human/' -e 's/ENSMMU/macaque/' -e 's/ENSCJA/marmoset/' -e 's/ENSMUS/mouse/' -e 's/ENSPPY/orang/' -e 's/ENSRNO/rat/' -e 's/ENSPTR/chimp/' large_filtered_cafe_input.txt物种树推断

使用系统发育树推测软件进行建树(软件: RAxML, PhyML, FastTree; MrBayes),生成的系统发育树用NEWICK格式保存为twelve_spp_raxml_cat_tree_midpoint_rooted.txt;

cat twelve_spp_raxml_cat_tree_midpoint_rooted.txt
(((cow:0.09289 ,(cat:0.07151,horse:0.05727):0.00398):0.02355,((((orang:0.01034,(chimp:0.00440,human:0.00396):0.00587):0.00184,gibbon:0.01331):0.00573,(macaque:0.00443,baboon:0.00422):0.01431):0.01097,marmoset:0.03886):0.04239):0.03383,(rat:0.04110,mouse:0.03854):0.10918);

超度量树(ultrametric tree)也叫时间树,就是将系统发育树的标度改成时间,从根到所有物种的距离都相同。构建方法有很多,比较常用的就是r8s。详情参考文章

python python_scripts/cafetutorial_prep_r8s.py -i twelve_spp_raxml_cat_tree_midpoint_rooted.txt -o r8s_ctl_file.txt -s 35157236 -p 'human,cat' -c '94'
/data1/spider/liupiao/biosoft/r8s1.81/src/r8s -b -f r8s_ctl_file.txt > r8s_tmp.txt &
tail -n 1 r8s_tmp.txt | cut -c 16- > twelve_spp_r8s_ultrametric.txt

2.2.2. Genefamilies_Count.tsv


Desc    Family ID   human   chimp   orang   baboon  gibbon  macaque marmoset rat    mouse   cat horse   cow
ATPase  ORTHOMCL1    52  55  54  57  54   56      56     53  52 57  55   54
(null)  ORTHOMCL2    76  51  41  39  45   36      37     67  79 37  41   49
HMG box ORTHOMCL3    50  49  48  48  46   49      48     55  52 51  47   55
(null)  ORTHOMCL4    43  43  47  53  44   47      46     59  58 51  50   55
Dynamin ORTHOMCL5    43  40  43  44  31   46      33     79  70 43  49   50
DnaJ    ORTHOMCL10016    45  46  50  46  46       47      46     48  49 45  44   48


cp Results_May02/Orthogroups/Orthogroups.GeneCount.tsv CAFE/
awk 'OFS="\t" {$NF=""; print}' Orthogroups.GeneCount.tsv > tmp && awk '{print "(null)""\t"$0}' tmp > cafe.input.tsv && sed -i '1s/(null)/Desc/g' cafe.input.tsv && rm tmp


Desc    Orthogroup      Aof.pro Ath.pro Atr.pro Cba.pro Cri.pro Csa.pro Csu.pro Kle.pro Mpo.pro Nco.pro Osa.pro Ppa.pro Smo.pro Tpl.pro Vca.pro Vvi.pro Zma.pro
(null)  OG0000000       145     112     95      5       372     129     3       1       2       217     126     16      206     419     4       177     117
(null)  OG0000001       9       4       3       1691    9       96      2       56      2       4       21      0       2       5       3       2       0
(null)  OG0000002       32      117     62      1       92      117     2       0       20      81      119     77      40      193     5       107     161
(null)  OG0000003       37      104     54      3       89      76      4       5       10      74      144     22      47      134     8       79      154
(null)  OG0000004       73      104     51      4       40      80      2       10      12      76      87      33      22      136     5       97      135
(null)  OG0000005       28      46      36      11      37      47      0       3       50      81      81      32      48      120     0       54      73
(null)  OG0000006       41      43      74      6       38      57      0       4       25      57      52      19      33      155     0       87      40
(null)  OG0000007       58      52      60      0       18      42      0       0       12      50      56      17      57      99      1       82      52
(null)  OG0000008       38      57      26      7       52      47      4       6       19      40      59      43      20      29      1       41      80
(null)  OG0000009       46      57      26      1       25      46      1       2       11      52      65      29      13      50      1       48      87


python ~/soft/CAFE5/tutorial/clade_and_size_filter.py -i cafe.input.tsv -o gene_family_filter.txt -s 


awk 'NR==1 || $3<100 && $4<100 && $5<100 && $6<100 && $7<100 && $8<100 && $9<100 && $10<100 && $11<100 && $12<100 && $13<100 && $14<100 && $15<100 && $16<100 && $17<100 && $18<100 && $19<100 {print $0}' cafe.input.tsv >gene_family_filter.txt


Desc    Orthogroup      Aof     Ath     Atr     Cba     Cri     Csa     Csu     Kle     Mpo     Nco     Osa     Ppa     Smo     Tpl     Vca     Vvi     Zma
(null)  OG0000020       26      37      23      4       35      28      0       1       24      28      43      24      27      47      0       35      42
(null)  OG0000021       49      41      31      7       30      31      8       2       7       26      49      15      11      31      0       36      45
(null)  OG0000022       27      25      31      0       27      34      2       1       23      25      46      18      27      44      1       39      45
(null)  OG0000024       37      40      27      0       22      30      1       11      9       33      38      18      25      43      0       37      39
(null)  OG0000029       28      26      23      2       24      25      1       2       5       32      34      31      17      35      1       30      40
(null)  OG0000030       23      30      16      1       23      27      1       1       27      26      26      16      15      49      1       28      35
(null)  OG0000031       28      36      26      3       27      23      8       1       3       17      37      10      18      38      3       34      28
(null)  OG0000032       18      16      25      0       24      19      0       5       4       25      36      6       38      49      1       38      35
(null)  OG0000033       19      17      20      0       12      16      4       6       18      35      42      4       23      39      3       45      28
(null)  OG0000035       17      37      17      8       28      24      2       2       5       30      41      8       6       26      2       32      37
(null)  OG0000036       22      15      17      3       22      19      7       12      13      20      24      20      30      38      3       35      22
(null)  OG0000039       14      27      36      0       34      24      0       2       2       12      41      4       47      13      0       37      26
(null)  OG0000040       15      30      9       1       19      35      0       2       11      25      26      19      12      48      0       39      27

2.2.2. tree.txt


grep  "UTREE 1 =" FigTree.tre | sed -E -e "s/\[[^]]*\]//g" -e "s/[ \t]//g" -e "/^$/d" -e "s/UTREE1=//" > tree.txt

3.1 运行CAFE5

 cafe5 -i gene_family_filter.txt -t tree.txt -o out -c 1
## 如果使用Gamma模型与泊松分布cafe5 -i gene_family_filter.txt -t tree.txt -o out -c 1 -k 2 -p ##注意-k可以调,一般为2-5

3.2 CAFE5输出结果

3.2.1 结果文件

Gamma_asr.tre ## 每个基因家族的树文件
Gamma_branch_probabilities.tab  ## 每个分支计算的概率
Gamma_change.tab ## 每一个基因家族在每个节点的收缩与扩增数目
Gamma_clade_results.txt ##每个节点基因家族的扩增/收缩数目
Gamma_count.txt ## 每一个基因家族在每个节点的数目
Gamma_family_results.txt ## 基因家族变化的p值和是否显著的结果
Gamma_results.txt ## 模型,最终似然值,最终Lambda值等参数信息。


3.2.2 每个节点基因家族收缩/扩增数目的体现


cat Gamma_clade_results.txt
#Taxon_ID       Increase        Decrease
Mpo<21> 232     1298
Ppa<20> 2231    371
<31>    134     65
<25>    949     220
<23>    134     209
Atr<13> 516     922
Kle<29> 493     741
<12>    245     56
<28>    314     340
<4>     118     176
Cri<17> 1669    287
<22>    214     184
<19>    445     93
<16>    291     352
Osa<3>  579     572
Aof<6>  935     840
<8>     142     112
Csa<1>  326     834
<7>     640     138
Tpl<15> 1147    395
<14>    204     273
Nco<11> 631     559
Zma<2>  1776    232
Vvi<5>  958     433
<10>    413     112
<9>     345     66
Smo<18> 842     1315
Cba<24> 744     1664
<30>    23      17
Ath<0>  1090    291
Csu<27> 305     1560
Vca<26> 438     1040

less Gamma_asr.tre
BEGIN TREES;TREE OG0000021 = ((Kle<29>*_2:820.007,(((Mpo<21>*_7:428.285,Ppa<20>*_15:428.285)<23>_12:70.3982,((Cri<17>_30:404.796,(Tpl<15>_31:308.175,(Atr<13>_31:208.47,(Nco<11>*_26:176.909,(((Osa<3>*_49:45.2652,Zma<2>_45:45.2652)<7>_45:60.4652,Aof<6>*_49:105.73)<9>*_44:25.8965,(Vvi<5>_36:101.378,(Csa<1>*_31:83.0358,Ath<0>*_41:83.0358)<4>_36:18.3421)<8>_36:30.2489)<10>*_36:45.2824)<12>_31:31.5605)<14>_31:99.7053)<16>*_30:96.6205)<19>*_27:48.1939,Smo<18>_11:452.99)<22>*_13:45.694)<25>*_12:190.787,Cba<24>_7:689.47)<28>*_7:130.537)<31>_5:177.864,(Csu<27>*_8:874.03,Vca<26>*_0:874.03)<30>_5:123.841)<32>_5



3.2.3 其他整理


cat Gamma_family_results.txt |grep "y"|cut -f1 >p0.05.significant 
grep -f p0.05.significant Gamma_change.tab > Gamma_p0.05change.tab
cat Gamma_p0.05change.tab | cut -f1,2 | grep "+[1-9]" | cut -f1 > node0significant.expand
wc -l node0significant.expand
cp ../../Results_May02/Orthogroups/Orthogroups.tsv ./
grep -f node0significant.expand Orthogroups.tsv | cut -f3 | sed "s/ /\n/g" | sed "s/\t/\n/g" | sed "s/,//g" | sort | uniq > node0significant.expand.genes
cp ../../Results_May02/Orthogroups/Orthogroups.txt ./
grep -f node0significant.expand Orthogroups.txt |sed "s/ /\n/g" | grep "Ath" | sort | uniq  > node0significant.expand.genes











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