
1. 简介

本篇介绍一个强大的开源工具PySceneDetect,它是一款基于opencv的视频场景切换检测和分析工具,项目地址: https://github.com/Breakthrough/PySceneDetect

2. 创建使用环境

conda create -n pyscenedetect python=3.7
conda activate pyscenedetect
conda install ffmpeg -y
pip install scenedetect opencv-python

3. 命令行测试


Usage: scenedetect [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...For example:scenedetect -i video.mp4 -s video.stats.csv detect-content list-scenesNote that the following options represent [OPTIONS] above. To list theoptional [ARGS] for a particular COMMAND, type `scenedetect help COMMAND`.You can also combine commands (e.g. scenedetect [...] detect-content save-images --png split-video).Options:-i, --input VIDEO             [Required] Input video file. May be specifiedmultiple times to concatenate several videostogether. Also supports image sequences andURLs.-o, --output DIR              Output directory for all files (stats file,output videos, images, log files, etc...).-f, --framerate FPS           Force framerate, in frames/sec (e.g. -f29.97). Disables check to ensure that allinput videos have the same framerates.-d, --downscale N             Integer factor to downscale frames by (e.g. 2,3, 4...), where the frame is scaled to width/Nx height/N (thus -d 1 implies no downscaling).Each increment speeds up processing by afactor of 4 (e.g. -d 2 is 4 times quicker than-d 1). Higher values can be used for highdefinition content with minimal effect onaccuracy. [default: 2 for SD, 4 for 720p, 6for 1080p, 12 for 4k]-fs, --frame-skip N           Skips N frames during processing (-fs 1 skipsevery other frame, processing 50% of thevideo, -fs 2 processes 33% of the frames, -fs3 processes 25%, etc...). Reduces processingspeed at expense of accuracy.  [default: 0]-m, --min-scene-len TIMECODE  Minimum size/length of any scene. TIMECODE canbe specified as exact number of frames, a timein seconds followed by s, or a timecode in theformat HH:MM:SS or HH:MM:SS.nnn  [default:0.6s]--drop-short-scenes           Drop scenes shorter than `--min-scene-len`instead of combining them with neighbors-s, --stats CSV               Path to stats file (.csv) for writing framemetrics to. If the file exists, any metricswill be processed, otherwise a new file willbe created. Can be used to determine optimalvalues for various scene detector options, andto cache frame calculations in order to speedup multiple detection runs.-v, --verbosity LEVEL         Level of debug/info/error information to show.Setting to none will suppress all outputexcept that generated by actions (e.g.timecode list output). Can be overriden by`-q`/`--quiet`.-l, --logfile LOG             Path to log file for writing applicationlogging information, mainly for debugging.Make sure to set `-v debug` as well if you aresubmitting a bug report.-q, --quiet                   Suppresses all output of PySceneDetect exceptfor those from the specified commands.Equivalent to setting `--verbosity none`.Overrides the current verbosity level, even if`-v`/`--verbosity` is set.-h, --help                    Show this message and exit.Commands:about             Print license/copyright info.detect-content    Perform content detection algorithm on input video(s).detect-threshold  Perform threshold detection algorithm on input video(s).export-html       Exports scene list to a HTML file.help              Print help for command (help [command]).list-scenes       Prints scene list and outputs to a CSV file.save-images       Create images for each detected scene.split-video       Split input video(s) using ffmpeg or mkvmerge.time              Set start/end/duration of input video(s).version           Print version of PySceneDetect.


scenedetect -i lldq.mp4 detect-content split-video



scenedetect -i lldq.mp4 time -s 5s detect-content split-video


scenedetect.exe -i lldq.mp4 -o video_scenes detect-content save-images

4. 场景切割算法


  • detect-content
  • detect-threshold
  • 自定义检测算法
from scenedetect.scene_detector import SceneDetectorclass CustomDetector(SceneDetector):"""CustomDetector class to implement a scene detection algorithm."""def __init__(self):passdef process_frame(self, frame_num, frame_img, frame_metrics, scene_list):"""Computes/stores metrics and detects any scene changes.Prototype method, no actual detection."""returndef post_process(self, scene_list):pass




  • frame_num: 当前处理到的帧数
  • frame_img: 返回的帧数据,格式是numpy数组
  • frame_metrics: 保存检测算法计算结果的字典
  • scene_list: 视频中所有场景切换包含的帧数列表

5. Python API的使用



from scenedetect.video_manager import VideoManager
from scenedetect.scene_manager import SceneManager
from scenedetect.stats_manager import StatsManager
from scenedetect.detectors.content_detector import ContentDetectordef find_scenes(video_path):video_manager = VideoManager([video_path])stats_manager = StatsManager()scene_manager = SceneManager(stats_manager)# 使用contect-detectorscene_manager.add_detector(ContentDetector())try:video_manager.set_downscale_factor()video_manager.start()scene_manager.detect_scenes(frame_source=video_manager)scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list()print('List of scenes obtained:')for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list):print('Scene %2d: Start %s / Frame %d, End %s / Frame %d' % (i + 1,scene[0].get_timecode(), scene[0].get_frames(),scene[1].get_timecode(), scene[1].get_frames(),))finally:video_manager.release()if __name__ == '__main__':find_scenes('lldq.mp4')


6. 参考






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