6.business english--updates

be able to use a range of expression to give and receive updates
and to discuss follow-up action items

in a typical week 在平常的一周里

The company promises that the quality will be improved to meet customers’ higher requirements

senior executive

our market share went up by 5%.
the project is failing behind a bit
Looking at this pie chart,we can see the completion rate of the second team fell by 5% points.

There’s been a scheduling problem, and too much work for that team.We might need to get our support team involved.

Over here on the left side of this slide,we’ve automated the whole manufacturing process.How are we doing with the AI engineers?

They worked on various algorithms and increased efficiency by 15%.
We’re also plannning to invite some experts to join the team.

According his statement, the market share increased by 5%.

The completion rate of the project fell by 5% .
The AI engineers increased efficiency by 15% through their work on algorithms.
We need some fresh minds,What’s the latest on the tire quality?

Compared to the last quarter,there’s been a slight increase in tire defects. 轮胎缺陷略有增加。
The reason may lie in a particular raw material we received.Our quality control team is working to resolve the problem.

I also noticed a rise in customer complaints about delivery delays.Can you bring me up to date on it?

Definitely! We’ve been taking note of the delivery process.But it was affected by the recent typhoon近期的台风.

We are adjusting by using different ways to transport goods and improving our delivery network.

Well done,Thanks for taking care of it. 谢谢你处理这件事情

Always here to help.Just tell me if you need anything else or have more updates.随时乐意帮忙。要是你还需要别的什么或者有更多新情况,尽管跟我说就行。

what steps is the company taking to address the issue of delivery delays?

Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words or phrases

The prices of raw materials have go up by 5% each month.

We plan to automate several repetitive重复的 tasks to increase productivity.

Doing these repetitive jobs can be really boring.

The athlete has been doing the same repetitive training exercises every day.
Her job mainly involves 涉及 some repetitive tasks like data entry.

Our projects’ completion rate has improved significantly.


The quality control team identified a defect in the latest batch of products.

identified a defect 发现了缺陷

The inspector carefully examined the machine and identified a defect in its internal structure.


During the testing process,they identified a defect that might affect the product’s performance.


The presentation included a detailed analysis of our sales data,presented in a pie chart format.

Asking for and giving updates:

How are we doing with the AI engineers?
What's the latest on the tire quality?
can you bring me up to date on it?

Refer to an impediment 提及一个障碍

In his report,he didn’t refer to an impediment that we had already known about

The marketing campaign has seen a 10% increase.营销活动取得了 10% 的增长。

However we are facing resource constraints for phase 2.然而,我们在第二阶段面临着资源限制的问题。
The customer satisfaction survey results indicate a 90% satisfaction rate.

Read the notes on the situation.Think about how would you use the format to give updates on the issues to your leader.

The final budget is expected by this Friday,but it may not be sufficient.

national top 3 全国排名前三

closely monitor any updates to the expected final budget 密切监控预期最终预算的任何更新情况。

I can see that you’ve put in a lot of effort in mastering the skill

be able to use a range of expression to give and receive updates
and to discuss follow-up action items

in a typical week 在平常的一周里

The company promises that the quality will be improved to meet customers’ higher requirements

senior executive

our market share went up by 5%.
the project is failing behind a bit
Looking at this pie chart,we can see the completion rate of the second team fell by 5% points.

There’s been a scheduling problem, and too much work for that team.We might need to get our support team involved.

Over here on the left side of this slide,we’ve automated the whole manufacturing process.How are we doing with the AI engineers?

They worked on various algorithms and increased efficiency by 15%.
We’re also plannning to invite some experts to join the team.

According his statement, the market share increased by 5%.

The completion rate of the project fell by 5% .
The AI engineers increased efficiency by 15% through their work on algorithms.
We need some fresh minds,What’s the latest on the tire quality?

Compared to the last quarter,there’s been a slight increase in tire defects. 轮胎缺陷略有增加。
The reason may lie in a particular raw material we received.Our quality control team is working to resolve the problem.

I also noticed a rise in customer complaints about delivery delays.Can you bring me up to date on it?

Definitely! We’ve been taking note of the delivery process.But it was affected by the recent typhoon近期的台风.

We are adjusting by using different ways to transport goods and improving our delivery network.

Well done,Thanks for taking care of it. 谢谢你处理这件事情

Always here to help.Just tell me if you need anything else or have more updates.随时乐意帮忙。要是你还需要别的什么或者有更多新情况,尽管跟我说就行。

what steps is the company taking to address the issue of delivery delays?

Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words or phrases

The prices of raw materials have go up by 5% each month.

We plan to automate several repetitive重复的 tasks to increase productivity.

Doing these repetitive jobs can be really boring.

The athlete has been doing the same repetitive training exercises every day.
Her job mainly involves 涉及 some repetitive tasks like data entry.

Our projects’ completion rate has improved significantly.


The quality control team identified a defect in the latest batch of products.

identified a defect 发现了缺陷

The inspector carefully examined the machine and identified a defect in its internal structure.


During the testing process,they identified a defect that might affect the product’s performance.


The presentation included a detailed analysis of our sales data,presented in a pie chart format.

Asking for and giving updates:

How are we doing with the AI engineers?
What's the latest on the tire quality?
can you bring me up to date on it?

Refer to an impediment 提及一个障碍

In his report,he didn’t refer to an impediment that we had already known about

The marketing campaign has seen a 10% increase.营销活动取得了 10% 的增长。

However we are facing resource constraints for phase 2.然而,我们在第二阶段面临着资源限制的问题。
The customer satisfaction survey results indicate a 90% satisfaction rate.

Read the notes on the situation.Think about how would you use the format to give updates on the issues to your leader.

The final budget is expected by this Friday,but it may not be sufficient.

national top 3 全国排名前三

closely monitor any updates to the expected final budget 密切监控预期最终预算的任何更新情况。

I can see that you’ve put in a lot of effort in mastering the skill

be able to participate in a project management meeting

make a decision on the main priorities for an event就一项活动的主要优先事项做出决定。

workshop introduction 工作坊介绍

are going to participate in a project management meeting to duscuss project updates and main priorities for an upcoming
event in the automobile industry

I need a quick update on how things are going with our supply chain processes.
Could you reply by the end of today?
I understand you’re really busy with all that and focusing on meeting the new deadlines.
we can set up a quick 5-minute call to go through the data.

you ask the director for instructions on the report about project updates.你向主管询问有关项目更新报告的指示。

Can you guide me on the report I’m goding to present?

There are potential risks in this scheme


The government has put forward a new scheme to improve publick transportation

put forward 提出(想法,建议,计划)

We have throught of some countermeasures to the potential risks.

countermeasures 应对措施

The government has taken a series of countermeasures to deal with the economic crisis.

We need to work out effective countermeasures against cyber attacks.

The company discussed various countermeasures for potential market changes.

I have no question, thank you for the guidence.

discussion on financial metrics
financial metrics 即财务指标
Eric emphasized the importance of financial metrics ,particularly stock performance.

关于各项指标:该股票以预计营收的 10 倍以及 2019 年盈利的 150 倍的价格进行交易。
About metrics: stock trading at 10 times estimated revenue and 150 times earnings for 2019

Analyze data to refine strategies for the marketing campaign.
refine 提炼,改善,完善

campagin 活动
advertising campaign 广告宣传活动
election campagin 竞选活动

The company is launching a new advertising campaign to promote its latest product.

Develop strategies to address the assembly department bottleneck and provide updates on progress.

assembly department 装配部门,组装部门
The assembly department is responsible for putting together all the parts of the product.


Include regular updates on financial metrics in future reports.

last month’s performance review indicated a decrease in revenue and profits.

review 评审,审核,回顾,复习

preview 预习 review 复习

I’m reviewing my notes to prepare for the exam.
She always goes over the knowledge he learned in class

regular updates 定期更新,常规更新

He suggested that the marketing campaign faced no challenges.
suggested 表示建议,意味着,暗示,表明的意思,但是这里,做认为,表示


He proposed addressing the assembly department bottleneck through intuition and guesswork.

intuition 直觉,直觉力

guesswork 猜测,推测


Eric highlighted the importance of analyzing stock performance as a financial metric.

We have completed Phase 1 within the timeframe.However ,we are facing resource constraints for Phase 2.

The marketing campaign has seen a 10% increase. —be concise
Although we have delays in the supply chain,we have identified alternative suppliers. 找到了替代供应商—address challenges
The customer satisfaction survey results indicate a 90% satisfaction rate.





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