BDD - Python Behave 配置文件 behave.ini

BDD - Python Behave 配置文件 behave.ini

  • 引言
  • behave.ini
    • 配置参数的类型
    • 配置项
  • behave.ini 应用
    • feature 文件
    • step 文件
    • 创建 behave.ini
    • 执行 Behave
    • 查看配置默认值 behave -v


前面文章 《BDD - Python Behave Runner Script》就是为了每次执行 Behave 时不用手动敲一长串选项,其实还有另外一种实现方式,那就是通过配置文件指定 Behave 的命令行参数和设置。今天就来了解一下 Behave 的配置。

想了解更多 Behave 相关的文章,欢迎阅读《Python BDD Behave 系列》,持续更新中。


behave.ini 文件是 Behave 的配置文件,用于设置 Behave 命令行选项,配置文件必须以标签 “[behave]” 开头。


  1. text 文本
  1. bool 布尔值
    为配置设置分配一个布尔值。文本描述当值为 true 时的功能。
    True 值为" 1 “,” yes ", " True “和” on "。
    False 值为“0”、“no”、“False”和“off”。
dry_run = false
  1. sequence 系列文本
    字段在新行上接受一个或多个值,例如 tags 的配置
    tag 带不带 @, Behave 都无所谓能识别到。

相当于 --tags= @foo,~@bar --tags=@zap


基本上 Behave 的配置项跟 Behave 命令行选项是对应的,但是这里请注意配置项的名字并不是一一对应的,具体可参考官方文档 Behave Configuration

命令选项 –dry-run,配置项名字却是 dry_run
命令选项 –o 或 --outfile,配置项名字却是 outfiles

查看 Behave 命令行选项
执行命令:behave -h

PS C:\Automation\Test> behave -h
usage: behave [options] [ [DIR|FILE|FILE:LINE] ]+Run a number of feature tests with behave.positional arguments:paths                 Feature directory, file or file location (FILE:LINE).optional arguments:-h, --help            show this help message and exit-c, --no-color        Disable the use of ANSI color escapes.--color               Use ANSI color escapes. This is the default behaviour. This switch is    used to override a configuration file setting.-d, --dry-run         Invokes formatters without executing the steps.-D NAME=VALUE, --define NAME=VALUEDefine user-specific data for the config.userdata dictionary. Example:   -D foo=bar to store it in config.userdata["foo"].-e PATTERN, --exclude PATTERNDon't run feature files matching regular expression PATTERN.-i PATTERN, --include PATTERNOnly run feature files matching regular expression PATTERN.--no-junit            Don't output JUnit-compatible reports.--junit               Output JUnit-compatible reports. When junit is enabled, all stdout and   stderr will be redirected and dumped to the junit report, regardless of  the "--capture" and "--no-capture" options.--junit-directory PATHDirectory in which to store JUnit reports.-f FORMAT, --format FORMATSpecify a formatter. If none is specified the default formatter is       used. Pass "--format help" to get a list of available formatters.        --steps-catalog       Show a catalog of all available step definitions. SAME AS:--format=steps.catalog --dry-run --no-summary -q-k, --no-skipped      Don't print skipped steps (due to tags).--show-skipped        Print skipped steps. This is the default behaviour. This switch is used  to override a configuration file setting.--no-snippets         Don't print snippets for unimplemented steps.--snippets            Print snippets for unimplemented steps. This is the default behaviour.   This switch is used to override a configuration file setting.-m, --no-multiline    Don't print multiline strings and tables under steps.--multiline           Print multiline strings and tables under steps. This is the default      behaviour. This switch is used to override a configuration filesetting.-n NAME, --name NAME  Only execute the feature elements which match part of the given name.    If this option is given more than once, it will match against all the    given names.--no-capture          Don't capture stdout (any stdout output will be printed immediately.)    --capture             Capture stdout (any stdout output will be printed if there is afailure.) This is the default behaviour. This switch is used tooverride a configuration file setting.--no-capture-stderr   Don't capture stderr (any stderr output will be printed immediately.)    --capture-stderr      Capture stderr (any stderr output will be printed if there is afailure.) This is the default behaviour. This switch is used tooverride a configuration file setting.--no-logcapture       Don't capture logging. Logging configuration will be left intact.        --logcapture          Capture logging. All logging during a step will be captured anddisplayed in the event of a failure. This is the default behaviour.      This switch is used to override a configuration file setting.--logging-level LOGGING_LEVELSpecify a level to capture logging at. The default is INFO - capturing   everything.--logging-format LOGGING_FORMATSpecify custom format to print statements. Uses the same format as used  by standard logging handlers. The default is"%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s".--logging-datefmt LOGGING_DATEFMTSpecify custom date/time format to print statements. Uses the same       format as used by standard logging handlers.--logging-filter LOGGING_FILTERSpecify which statements to filter in/out. By default, everything is     captured. If the output is too verbose, use this option to filter out    needless output. Example: --logging-filter=foo will capture statements   issued ONLY to foo or foo.what.ever.sub but not foobar or other logger.  Specify multiple loggers with comma: filter=foo,bar,baz. If any logger   name is prefixed with a minus, eg filter=-foo, it will be excluded       rather than included.--logging-clear-handlersClear all other logging handlers.--no-summary          Don't display the summary at the end of the run.--summary             Display the summary at the end of the run.-o FILE, --outfile FILEWrite to specified file instead of stdout.-q, --quiet           Alias for --no-snippets --no-source.-s, --no-source       Don't print the file and line of the step definition with the steps.     --show-source         Print the file and line of the step definition with the steps. This is   the default behaviour. This switch is used to override a configuration   file setting.--stage STAGE         Defines the current test stage. The test stage name is used as name      prefix for the environment file and the steps directory (instead of      default path names).--stop                Stop running tests at the first failure.-t TAG_EXPRESSION, --tags TAG_EXPRESSIONOnly execute features or scenarios with tags matching TAG_EXPRESSION.    Pass "--tags-help" for more information.-T, --no-timings      Don't print the time taken for each step.--show-timings        Print the time taken, in seconds, of each step after the step has        completed. This is the default behaviour. This switch is used tooverride a configuration file setting.-v, --verbose         Show the files and features loaded.-w, --wip             Only run scenarios tagged with "wip". Additionally: use the "plain"      formatter, do not capture stdout or logging output and stop at the       first failure.-x, --expand          Expand scenario outline tables in output.--lang LANG           Use keywords for a language other than English.--lang-list           List the languages available for --lang.--lang-help LANG      List the translations accepted for one language.--tags-help           Show help for tag expressions.--version             Show version.

behave.ini 应用

下面通常简单的实例来应用一下 Behave 的配置,项目结构如下:


feature 文件

创建 shopping_cart.feature,加上一些 tags

# shopping_cart.featureFeature: Shopping Cart and Order Process@cart @smokeScenario: Guest user adds items to the cartGiven the user is on the home pageWhen the user adds an item to the cartThen the user should see the item in the cart@cart @regressionScenario: Registered user removes items from the cartGiven the user is logged inAnd the user has items in the cartWhen the user removes an item from the cartThen the user should see the updated cart@order @smokeScenario: Guest user places an orderGiven the user is on the home pageWhen the user adds an item to the cartAnd the user proceeds to checkoutAnd the user completes the orderThen the user should receive an order confirmation@order @regressionScenario: Registered user tracks an orderGiven the user is logged inAnd the user has placed an orderWhen the user checks the order statusThen the user should see the current order status

step 文件

创建 文件

# calculator_steps.pyfrom behave import given, when, then@given('the calculator is turned on')
def step_calculator_turned_on(context):context.calculator_on = True    @when('I add {num1:d} and {num2:d}')
def step_add_numbers(context, num1, num2):context.result = num1 + num2@then('the result should be {expected_result:d}')
def step_check_result(context, expected_result):assert context.result == expected_result, f"Actual result: {context.result}, Expected result: {expected_result}"

创建 behave.ini

这里将配置文件和 feature, steps 文件夹是同级的, 配置了一些常用的 Behave 命令选项:

  • 配置 feature 的路径:paths=BDD/Features/tag_example
  • disable dry-run 执行步骤:dry_run = false
  • 配置标签为 smoke 且 为 cart 的测试用例:tags=smoke
  • 配置 format 为自定义的 my_html:format = my_html
  • 配置输出文件为 my_report.html :outfiles = my_report.html
  • 配置自定义输出格式 my_html
my_html = behave_html_formatter:HTMLFormatter

上面就是配置自定义的 my_html 的输出格式是 behave_html_formatter

behave.formatters 模块是 Behave 框架中用于处理格式化输出的模块,可以自定义。它包含了一些用于定义和管理不同输出格式的类。这些类负责将测试结果以各种方式呈现,比如在终端上显示、生成报告文件等。详情请参考 Behave Formatter


# behave.ini
dry_run = false
format = my_html
outfiles = my_report.html[behave.formatters]
my_html = behave_html_formatter:HTMLFormatter

执行 Behave

只需执行命令 behave,不用敲那么命令了,只有 BDD/Features/tag_example 文件夹下的 标签为 smoke 且为 cart 的测试用例执行了,并且生成了自定义的 html 测试报告。

PS C:\Automation\Test> behave
Feature: Shopping Cart and Order Process # BDD/Features/tag_example/shopping_cart.feature:3@cart @smokeScenario: Guest user adds items to the cart     # BDD/Features/tag_example/shopping_cart.feature:6Given the user is on the home page            # BDD/steps/ the user adds an item to the cart        # BDD/steps/ the user should see the item in the cart # BDD/steps/ @regressionScenario: Registered user removes items from the cart  # BDD/Features/tag_example/shopping_cart.feature:12Given the user is logged in                          # NoneAnd the user has items in the cart                   # NoneWhen the user removes an item from the cart          # NoneThen the user should see the updated cart            # None@order @smokeScenario: Guest user places an order                 # BDD/Features/tag_example/shopping_cart.feature:19Given the user is on the home page                 # NoneWhen the user adds an item to the cart             # NoneAnd the user proceeds to checkout                  # NoneAnd the user completes the order                   # NoneThen the user should receive an order confirmation # None@order @regressionScenario: Registered user tracks an order           # BDD/Features/tag_example/shopping_cart.feature:27Given the user is logged in                       # NoneAnd the user has placed an order                  # NoneWhen the user checks the order status             # NoneThen the user should see the current order status # None1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 3 skipped
3 steps passed, 0 failed, 13 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m0.000s

生成了 html 测试报告:


查看配置默认值 behave -v

如果您想知道 behave 从哪里获得其配置默认值,您可以使用 “-v” 命令行参数,它会告诉您。

PS C:\Automation\Test> behave -v
Loading config defaults from "./behave.ini"
Using defaults:color Falseshow_snippets Trueshow_skipped Truedry_run Falseshow_source Trueshow_timings Truestdout_capture Truestderr_capture Truelog_capture Truelogging_format %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)slogging_level 20steps_catalog Falsesummary Truejunit Falsestage Noneuserdata {}default_format prettydefault_tags
scenario_outline_annotation_schema {name} -- @{} {}format ['my_html']outfiles ['my_report.html']paths ['BDD\\Features\\tag_example']tags ['smoke', 'cart']
more_formatters {'my_html': 'behave_html_formatter:HTMLFormatter'}
Supplied path: "BDD\Features\tag_example"
Trying base directory: C:\Automation\Test\BDD\Features\tag_example
Trying base directory: C:\Automation\Test\BDD\Features
Trying base directory: C:\Automation\Test\BDD
Feature: Shopping Cart and Order Process # BDD/Features/tag_example/shopping_cart.feature:3@cart @smokeScenario: Guest user adds items to the cart     # BDD/Features/tag_example/shopping_cart.feature:6Given the user is on the home page            # BDD/steps/ the user adds an item to the cart        # BDD/steps/ the user should see the item in the cart # BDD/steps/ @regressionScenario: Registered user removes items from the cart  # BDD/Features/tag_example/shopping_cart.feature:12Given the user is logged in                          # NoneAnd the user has items in the cart                   # NoneWhen the user removes an item from the cart          # NoneThen the user should see the updated cart            # None@order @smokeScenario: Guest user places an order                 # BDD/Features/tag_example/shopping_cart.feature:19Given the user is on the home page                 # NoneWhen the user adds an item to the cart             # NoneAnd the user proceeds to checkout                  # NoneAnd the user completes the order                   # NoneThen the user should receive an order confirmation # None@order @regressionScenario: Registered user tracks an order           # BDD/Features/tag_example/shopping_cart.feature:27Given the user is logged in                       # NoneAnd the user has placed an order                  # NoneWhen the user checks the order status             # NoneThen the user should see the current order status # None1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 3 skipped
3 steps passed, 0 failed, 13 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m0.000s




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