

Are you looking for the best WordPress themes for nonprofits?


Charity and nonprofit websites require an appealing presentation with the right tools to achieve their donation goals. It can be possible with the use of a professional WordPress theme.

慈善和非营利性网站要求提供具有吸引力的演讲,并提供正确的工具以实现其捐赠目标。 使用专业的WordPress主题是可能的。

In this article, we will show you some of the best WordPress themes for nonprofit organizations that will help you get maximum donations.


Best WordPress themes for non-profit organizations and charities

为非营利组织制作网站 (Making a Website for a Nonprofit Organization)

WordPress is the most popular website builder among nonprofits around the world. It is free and open source which gives you the freedom and flexibility you need for a solid online presence.

WordPress是全球非营利组织中最受欢迎的网站构建器 。 它是免费和开源的 ,为您提供了坚实的在线形象所需的自由和灵活性。

Just to be clear, there are two versions of WordPress. WordPress.com which is a hosted solution, and WordPress.org also known as self-hosted WordPress. See our comparison of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org for more details.

需要明确的是,有两个版本的WordPress。 WordPress.com是托管解决方案,而WordPress.org也称为自托管WordPress。 有关更多详细信息,请参见我们对WordPress.com与WordPress.org的比较。

We recommend using self-hosted WordPress.org. It gives you access to all the features of WordPress right out of the box (without any restrictions).

我们建议使用自托管的WordPress.org。 它使您可以立即使用WordPress的所有功能(无任何限制)。

You’ll need a domain name and WordPress hosting account to start your self hosted WordPress website.


It’s recommended to use Bluehost. They are one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an official WordPress hosting provider.

建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是世界上最大的托管公司之一,也是官方的WordPress托管提供商。

They have agreed to offer WPBeginner users discount on hosting plus free domain and SSL Certificate. You’ll need SSL to collect donations in WordPress using third-party services like Stripe.

他们已同意为WPBeginner用户提供托管,免费域名和SSL证书的折扣。 您将需要SSL使用诸如Stripe之类的第三方服务在WordPress中收集捐款 。

→ Click here to claim this exclusive Bluehost Offer ←


Once you have purchased hosting, you can move on to installing WordPress. See our guide on how to make a website for step by step instructions.

购买托管后,您可以继续安装WordPress。 有关分步说明,请参见我们的网站指南。

That being said, let’s take a look at the best WordPress themes for nonprofits and charities that you can use on your website.


1.阿斯特拉 (1. Astra)

Astra charity theme

Astra is a lightweight and super flexible WordPress theme. It comes with multiple website layouts including a template for nonprofit and charity organizations. This theme can be integrated with popular page builders to design the pages of your website instantly.

Astra是一个轻量级且超级灵活的WordPress主题。 它带有多种网站布局,包括非营利组织和慈善组织的模板。 该主题可以与流行的页面构建器集成,以立即设计您的网站页面。

It has layout settings, header options, unlimited colors, beautiful crisp typography, and easy customization. Astra can perform faster than other regular WordPress themes.

它具有布局设置,标题选项,无限的颜色,精美的活版印刷和易于自定义。 Astra可以比其他常规WordPress主题更快地执行。

2. OceanWP (2. OceanWP)

OceanWP charity

OceanWP is a powerful and free WordPress theme with multiple website templates. It can be used to create a nonprofits website with all the basic features. OceanWP is a fully responsive theme and has the fastest page load time.

OceanWP是一个功能强大且免费的WordPress主题,带有多个网站模板。 它可以用于创建具有所有基本功能的非营利性网站。 OceanWP是一个完全响应的主题,具有最快的页面加载时间。

It allows you to add a donate now button in the header alongside the navigation menu. You can also add a custom logo, social icons, image slider, and more. The theme is easy to set up and offers useful extensions to add more features to your website.

它允许您在导航菜单旁边的标题中添加立即捐赠按钮 。 您还可以添加自定义徽标,社交图标,图像滑块等。 该主题易于设置,并提供有用的扩展,可为您的网站添加更多功能。

3.外联临 (3. Outreach Pro)

Outreach Pro

Outreach Pro is a beautifully designed WordPress theme for nonprofits, charities, and religious organizations. It is built on top of Genesis framework, which ensures rock solid WordPress speed and performance.

Outreach Pro是为非营利组织,慈善机构和宗教组织精心设计的WordPress主题。 它建立在Genesis框架之上,可确保WordPress的速度和性能坚如磐石。

It includes page templates for archives, blog section, and a landing page template. Other features include customizable headers, theme options panel, and multiple widget-ready areas to just drag and drop items to your website.

它包括用于存档的页面模板, 博客部分和登录页面模板。 其他功能包括可自定义的标题,主题选项面板以及多个可用于小部件的区域,只需将项目拖放到您的网站即可。

StudioPress is now a part of WP Engine, the most popular managed WordPress hosting company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other StudioPress themes if you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.

StudioPress现在是最流行的托管WordPress托管公司WP Engine的一部分。 如果您注册WP Engine托管以构建您的网站,则可以获取此主题以及所有其他35+个StudioPress主题。

Bonus: WPBeginner users also get additional 20% off. Get started with WP Engine.

奖励: WPBeginner用户还可以获得额外20%的折扣。 开始使用WP Engine 。

4. GiveWP (4. GiveWP)


GiveWP is a popular WordPress donation plugin for charity and nonprofit websites. It works great with all the standard WordPress themes and makes it easier for you to collect donations. It comes with useful addons for recurring donations, tributes, fee recovery, and more.

GiveWP是适用于慈善和非营利性网站的流行WordPress捐赠插件。 它可与所有标准WordPress主题完美配合,使您更容易收集捐款。 它带有有用的插件,用于定期捐款,致敬,费用回收等。

It integrates with popular payment solutions to help you in achieving your donation goals. GiveWP has flexible options and enhancements that makes the customization easier. You can also set up donation forms on different landing pages of your website.

它与流行的支付解决方案集成在一起,可帮助您实现捐赠目标。 GiveWP具有灵活的选项和增强功能,使自定义更加容易。 您还可以在网站的不同登录页面上设置捐赠表格。

5.超 (5. Ultra)


Ultra is an all-purpose WordPress mega theme suitable for all kind of websites including nonprofits. It ships with 9 pre-made websites, 1-click demo content installer, and visual page editor to help you create engaging websites in minutes.

Ultra是一种通用的WordPress大型主题,适用于包括非营利组织在内的所有类型的网站。 它附带9个预制网站,一键式演示内容安装程序和可视页面编辑器,可帮助您在几分钟内创建引人入胜的网站。

It includes animated counters, progress bars, contact form, Google Maps, pricing tables, and more. It is eCommerce ready and beginner friendly.

它包括动画计数器 ,进度栏,联系表,Google Maps, 定价表等。 它已经准备好电子商务并且对初学者友好。

6.泽科 (6. Zeko)


Zeko is a wonderfully designed WordPress theme for charities and nonprofits. It features a clean and professional design with flexible options. All theme options can be easily set up using theme customizer with a live preview of your website.

Zeko是为慈善机构和公益组织精心设计的WordPress主题。 它具有干净,专业的设计以及灵活的选择。 使用主题定制器可以轻松设置所有主题选项,并带有网站的实时预览。

Notable features include 5 page templates, blog with multi-column grid and flexible sidebars, unlimited colors, WooCommerce, BuddyPress, and bbPress support.

值得注意的功能包括5个页面模板,带有多列网格和灵活侧边栏的博客,无限制的颜色,WooCommerce, BuddyPress和bbPress支持 。

7.基层 (7. Grassroots)


Grassroots is another excellent WordPress theme for nonprofits and fundraising websites. It features fullscreen video backgrounds on the homepage allowing you to create highly engaging landing pages.

草根是非营利组织和筹款网站的另一个出色的WordPress主题。 它在主页上具有全屏视频背景,使您可以创建引人入胜的登录页面。

For fundraising and donations, the theme supports WooCommerce, contact form, and donation plugins. Other than that, it includes featured content, staff and sponsors sections, custom logo upload, and multiple colors.

对于筹款和捐赠,该主题支持WooCommerce,联系表和捐赠插件。 除此之外,它还包括特色内容 ,员工和赞助者部分, 自定义徽标上传以及多种颜色。

8. Divi (8. Divi)


Divi is a powerful WordPress theme that can be used to build any kind of website easily. It comes with multiple pre-built website layouts and demos. You can simply use a demo website and make changes with the Divi builder to create your nonprofit website.

Divi是一个功能强大的WordPress主题,可用于轻松构建任何类型的网站。 它带有多个预建的网站布局和演示。 您只需使用演示网站并使用Divi构建器进行更改即可创建您的非盈利网站。

It includes hundreds of elements and modules to add amazing features on your site. The drag and drop builder makes it super simple for you to use these elements anywhere on the layout.

它包含数百个元素和模块,可在您的网站上添加惊人的功能。 拖放生成器使您可以非常轻松地在布局中的任何位置使用这些元素。

Divi theme offers real-time design, responsive editing, click and type feature, and more. It allows you to customize everything and organize your content to fit properly in the rows and columns. It’s quite flexible and easy to set up.

Divi主题提供实时设计,响应式编辑,单击和键入功能等。 它使您可以自定义所有内容,并组织内容以适合行和列。 它非常灵活且易于设置。

9.麦莎 (9. Maisha)


Maisha is a clean and modern WordPress nonprofit theme for NGOs, welfare, and charities. It features a modern homepage with multiple slider styles, headers, and layout settings. It also includes 15 page templates, blog section, and powerful options with live theme customizer.

Maisha是面向非政府组织,福利和慈善机构的一个干净而现代的WordPress非营利主题。 它具有一个现代的主页,具有多种滑块样式,标题和布局设置。 它还包括15个页面模板,博客部分以及带有实时主题定制器的强大选项。

It supports WooCommerce, WPML, and it is fully translation-ready. It ships with a slider plugin to create a responsive WordPress slider.

它支持WooCommerce, WPML ,并且已完全支持翻译 。 它附带一个滑块插件来创建响应式WordPress滑块 。

10.基金会 (10. Foundation)


Foundation is another excellent WordPress nonprofit theme. Designed to raise funds and engage audiences, it features a prominent welcome message followed by two call to actions both located above the fold on the homepage.

基金会是另一个出色的WordPress非营利主题。 它旨在筹集资金并吸引观众,其特色是醒目的欢迎信息,紧随其后的是两个呼吁号召性用语,它们都位于首页首屏上方。

It includes social media integration, custom logo upload, sponsors section, and easy templates to integrate with your donations form. It offers a simple and quick setup with easy customization options.

它包括社交媒体集成,自定义徽标上传,赞助商部分以及易于与捐赠表格集成的模板。 它提供了简单快捷的设置,并提供了轻松的自定义选项。

11.马拉纳莎 (11. Maranatha)


Maranatha is a gorgeous WordPress theme for religious, spiritual, and nonprofit organizations. It comes with built-in sermons management area where you can upload audio, video, PDF, and text files. You can also organize your library in a series by topics and books.

Maranatha是宗教,精神和非营利组织的华丽WordPress主题。 它带有内置的讲道管理区域,您可以在其中上传音频,视频,PDF和文本文件。 您还可以按主题和书籍来组织图书馆。

Its modern homepage displays a full screen image or video header followed by parallax effect as users scroll down the homepage. It also comes with sections for different locations, events calendar, and news or blog page.

当用户向下滚动首页时,其现代首页显示全屏图像或视频标题,然后显示视差效果。 它还包含用于不同位置, 事件日历以及新闻或博客页面的部分。

12.仁慈 (12. Benevolent)


If you are looking for a free WordPress theme for nonprofits, then take a look at Benevolent. This versatile theme features a modern homepage with a beautiful slider, custom menu, and call to action button.

如果您正在寻找非营利组织的免费WordPress主题,请查看Benevolent。 这个多功能主题的主题是带有精美滑块,自定义菜单和号召性用语的现代首页。

It has four footer areas, a right sidebar, and includes four custom widgets for the recent posts, popular posts, social media and the featured post. It is translation ready and optimized for faster page loads.

它有四个页脚区域,一个右侧边栏 ,并包括四个自定义窗口小部件,用于最近的帖子, 热门帖子 ,社交媒体和精选帖子。 它已准备好翻译,并针对更快的页面加载进行了优化。

13.内玛 (13. Nayma)


Nayma is a thoughtfully designed multipurpose WordPress theme with several ready-made websites included in one package. It includes a 1-click demo installer to set up a complete website with demo content.

Nayma是一个经过精心设计的多功能WordPress主题,在一个软件包中包含多个现成的网站。 它包括一键式演示安装程序,用于设置包含演示内容的完整网站。

It uses a modular approach to design and comes with several modules that you can just drag and drop to create your own page layouts. It is WooCommerce ready and can also be used to create multilingual websites.

它使用模块化方法进行设计,并带有几个模块,您只需拖放即可创建自己的页面布局。 WooCommerce已经准备就绪,也可以用于创建多语言网站 。

14.出埃及记 (14. Exodus)


Exodus is a beautiful WordPress theme for religious and spiritual organizations. It features a professional homepage with engaging slider and call to action. It also includes a sermon management section with full multimedia support.

出埃及记是宗教和精神组织的一个美丽的WordPress主题。 它具有一个专业的主页,带有引人入胜的滑块和号召性用语。 它还包括具有完整多媒体支持的讲道管理部分。

It also has sections to add ministries, staff and volunteer profiles, events, locations, etc. It is designed to be easily used even by non-technical users with simple and flexible customization settings.


15.信念 (15. Faith)


Faith is an excellent free WordPress nonprofit theme for NGOs, church websites, and charitable organizations. With professional clean design and flexible options, it offers an engaging user experience out of the box.

Faith是非政府组织, 教堂网站和慈善组织的绝佳免费WordPress非营利主题。 凭借专业简洁的设计和灵活的选择,它提供了开箱即用的引人入胜的用户体验。

Notable features include custom menu, social media integration, featured posts block, featured content slider, testimonial sections, welcome message, and more. It has multiple page layouts for different sections. All theme options are neatly organized under live theme customizer, which makes it quite simple to use.

值得注意的功能包括自定义菜单,社交媒体集成,特色帖子块,特色内容滑块, 推荐部分 ,欢迎消息等。 它具有不同部分的多个页面布局。 所有主题选项都井井有条地组织在实时主题定制器下,这使其使用起来非常简单。

16.已保存 (16. Saved)


Saved offers a very modern looking WordPress theme for religious and nonprofit organizations. It includes a drag and drop homepage layout, video background, slider, and contact details widget with Google maps.

Saved为宗教和非营利组织提供了非常现代的WordPress主题。 它包括一个拖放式主页布局,视频背景,滑块和带有Google地图的联系方式小部件。

Church websites can use the Theme’s companion church content plugin, which adds sermons and multimedia library support to your website. It also includes sticky navigation menu, custom colors, custom widgets, typography, and custom logo support.

教堂网站可以使用主题的教堂配套内容插件,该插件可向您的网站添加布道和多媒体库支持。 它还包括粘性导航菜单 ,自定义颜色,自定义小部件,版式和自定义徽标支持。

17.慈善 (17. Charitize)


Charitize is a simple and free WordPress theme for nonprofit organizations, charitable foundations, churches, and nonprofit associations. It has homepage sections for the custom slideshow, featured posts with thumbnails, donate now button, navigation menus, sticky posts, and contact forms.

Charitize是适用于非营利组织,慈善基金会,教堂和非营利组织的简单且免费的WordPress主题。 它具有用于自定义幻灯片放映的主页部分,带有缩略图的特色帖子,“立即捐赠”按钮,导航菜单,便利贴和联系表格。

It comes with tons of customization options including colors, background, post formats, right sidebar, and more. You can use the theme customizer to make changes with live preview.

它带有大量的自定义选项,包括颜色,背景,文章格式,右侧栏等。 您可以使用主题定制器通过实时预览进行更改。

18.复活 (18. Resurrect)


Resurrect is a modern WordPress theme for church websites, nonprofit organizations, and other charity-based sites. It’s an urban-inspired theme with an appealing design to attract donors. It allows you to add videos, create events, upload photos, and display inspirational quotes.

Resurrect是用于教堂网站,非营利组织和其他基于慈善的网站的现代WordPress主题。 这是一个城市风格的主题,设计吸引人,吸引了捐助者。 它使您可以添加视频,创建事件,上传照片并显示鼓舞人心的报价。

Other than that, it offers a section to add your location map and address. If you have multiple offices, this theme has a column block to display all your addresses easily. It’s easy to use and offers custom background, fonts, colors, etc.

除此之外,它还提供了一个部分来添加您的位置图和地址。 如果您有多个办公室,则此主题有一个列框,可以轻松显示所有地址。 它易于使用,并提供自定义背景,字体,颜色等。

19.降落 (19. Landing)


Landing is a popular multipurpose WordPress theme to design any type of website. It can be used to create beautiful landing pages and get more donations. You can use the powerful Themify drag and drop builder to create your website pages instantly. It has built-in tools and elements that reduces the effort of manually editing pages.

登陆是一种流行的多用途WordPress主题,用于设计任何类型的网站。 它可以用来创建漂亮的登陆页面并获得更多捐款。 您可以使用功能强大的Themify拖放构建器来立即创建您的网站页面。 它具有内置的工具和元素,减少了手动编辑页面的工作。

It features 25+ pre-built layouts, header design options, custom post types, and more. You can also integrate email marketing services like MailChimp to connect with your visitors. Landing theme supports WooCommerce and translation ready to let you create a website in your own language.

它具有25多种预构建的布局,标题设计选项,自定义帖子类型等。 您还可以集成电子邮件营销服务,例如MailChimp,以与访问者建立联系。 登陆主题支持WooCommerce和翻译,可让您以自己的语言创建网站。

20.转发 (20. Forward)


Forward is a simple and elegant WordPress theme designed specifically for nonprofits. It allows you to easily add your own logo, colors, fonts, and more. It includes all the options you’ll need to build an engaging website.

转发是专门为公益组织设计的简单优雅的WordPress主题。 它使您可以轻松添加自己的徽标,颜色,字体等。 它包括构建引人入胜的网站所需的所有选项。

Other features include WooCommerce support, email signup form, staff profiles, sponsors, and live theme customizer. It is easy and quick to set up even for absolute beginners.

其他功能包括WooCommerce支持, 电子邮件注册表单 ,员工资料,赞助商和实时主题定制器。 即使是绝对的初学者,也可以轻松,快速地进行设置。

21.纳尔科斯 (21. Narcos)


Narcos is a modern WordPress multipurpose theme designed with tons of features to create any kind of website or blog. It can be used to create a website for your nonprofit organization or charitable foundation. It has a beautiful and clean layout with custom options. It’s packed with Visual Composer to design pages with the drag and drop functionality.

Narcos是一种现代WordPress多功能主题,其设计具有大量功能,可以创建任何类型的网站或博客。 它可以用于为您的非营利组织或慈善基金会创建网站。 它具有美观,整洁的布局以及自定义选项。 它与Visual Composer打包在一起,以设计具有拖放功能的页面。

Moreover, this theme comes with homepage sections to display your event photos, featured posts, sponsors’ logos, and information about your organization. The parallax scrolling feature makes it easier for your visitors to check out all sections. It’s fully responsive and performs faster than many other regular WordPress themes.

此外,此主题带有主页部分,以显示您的活动照片,特色帖子,赞助商徽标以及有关您的组织的信息。 视差滚动功能使访问者更容易检出所有部分。 它具有充分的响应能力,并且比许多其他常规WordPress主题执行得更快。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress theme for nonprofits. You may also want to see our step by step WordPress SEO guide for beginners and a list of must have WordPress plugins.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到最适合公益组织的WordPress主题。 您可能还需要看我们针对初学者的WordPress SEO分步指南 ,以及必须具有WordPress插件的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-themes-for-nonprofits/






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介绍一下最近抖音上元宇宙虚拟项目猜歌名,直播游戏。用户互动猜歌名,30秒后自动切歌。 CSDN项目源码:https://download.csdn.net/download/u010978757/85326344 类似的弹幕互动游戏除了猜歌名,还有挤地铁、广场舞和舞厅蹦迪的&a…


10 图 2室 65㎡ 苏州街 海淀南路小区 距4号线大兴线海淀黄庄地铁站步行438m 来自经纪人: 陈伟建 1天前 8300元 8 图 1室 35㎡ 北太平庄 花园路8号院 距10号线牡丹园地铁站步行1122m 来自经纪人: 陈泽科 1天前 4800元 10 图 1室 45㎡ 西北旺 芳怡园 距16号线西北旺地…


参考博客 移动九天毕昇:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45887062/article/details/126796359 肆十二:(B站有详细解说)https://blog.csdn.net/ECHOSON/article/details/121939535?ops_request_misc%257B%2522request%255Fid%2522%2…


Python多种输出格式详解 对于Python程序员来说,输出是非常重要的。无论是在开发阶段还是在生产环境中,输出都是我们调试程序和确认程序运行是否正常的重要手段。Python标准库提供了丰富的输出格式,本文介绍了几种常见的输出格式及其使用方法…


前言: 我在使用Vue3开发一个chatgpt工具类网站的时候,翻阅了不少博客和github上的一些相关项目,都没能找到适合Vue3去实现stream的流式数据处理。经过踩坑,最终实现了适用直接调chatgpt接口的方法以及改为调用Python后端接口的方…


ChatGPT基础知识系列之大型语言模型(LLM)初识 ChatGPT本质是一个对话模型,它可以回答日常问题、挑战不正确的前提,甚至会拒绝不适当的请求,在去除偏见和安全性上不同于以往的语言模型。ChatGPT从闲聊、回答日常问题,到文本改写、诗歌小说生成、视频脚本生成,以及编写和调…


点击上方“AI遇见机器学习”,选择“星标”公众号 重磅干货,第一时间送 深度学习与NLP编辑 一组名为“贫民窟的亿万富豪”的人工智能(AI)画作在网上发布后,引起了全球关注。这组画作的作者是印度数字艺术家戈库尔皮莱&a…


文丨智能相对论 作者丨沈浪 华为云也坐不住了。 在此之前,百度、阿里、商汤、科大讯飞等国内科技厂商以及微软、谷歌等国际巨头都已经发布了自家的大模型新品以及AIGC等相关应用。而华为云手握盘古大模型,却始终按兵不动,迟迟没有正式进场…

又一家顶级的大模型开源商用了!Meta(Facebook)的 Llama 2 搅动大模型混战的格局...

“ 百模大战,花落谁家?” 01 — 开源、免费‍ 今年2月24日,Meta推出大语言模型Llama(羊驼),按参数量分为7B、13B、33B和65B四个版本。它凭借一己之力,引导了开源大模型的发展,由其演…


ChatGPT火了后,很多人都在关注“国产ChatGPT”的名号究竟花落谁家。 事实上,名号不重要,体验才是王道。ChatGPT能够火成“史上增长最快的消费者应用”,关键在于把体验提升到了新层次。毕竟对于用户来说,并不清楚产品背…




【导读】GPT-4引发的新一波革命,把打工人推上了「断头台」。孔乙己的未来在哪里? GPT-4才诞生4天,人类就要失业了! 不仅要取代马斯克,还当上了大Boss,「孔乙己」的未来该怎么办? 就连Sam Altman…



申请百度语音识别API 接口-免费

1、浏览器打开:语音识别_语音识别技术_百度语音识别-百度AI开放平台 2、右上角-控制台,先登录上账号, 3、然后去点立即使用,进入后台, 4、点击-去领取,领取免费的额度 5、进去之后先实名认证,可…


python 调用百度语音识别API 一、开通百度语音技术接口服务二、python实现百度语音识别1、实现功能2、代码(已加注释) 最后 一、开通百度语音技术接口服务 基本过程: 1、打开百度ai开放平台 https://ai.baidu.com/ 2、打开控制台 3、选择…


百度语音SDK提供: 语音识别:将声音转成文字语音合成:将文字转成语音文件,然后播放语音文件,即文字变声音。语音唤醒:语音唤醒,激活运用程序 在这里,本篇介绍百度语音合成的使用。 百度语音介…

python 语音识别(百度api)

文章目录 前言准备下载库代码实现以及编写我的key语音的录入:使用百度语音作为STT引擎并通过pyttsx3函数将返回的内容读出来形成简单的对话完整代码运行结果 前言 现在语音助手已经成为我们生活中ai的代表,下面让我们看一下语音助手的语音输入功能 准备…