




Sketch-Based Garment Design with Quad Meshes


2020/02/13   Jackdos整理翻译


Garment creation continues to be the most tedious part of the virtual clothing process. In this paper, we present an easy to use sketch-based cloth modeling approach. 


Contours can be easily sketched on a mannequin to generate quad meshes to represent pieces of cloth already fit and draped. 


Typically, the clothing process depends highly on the meshing scheme that has to infer its geometry from the input boundary. 


Our quad meshing scheme is based on discrete Coons patches but with arbitrary boundary input. 


We also apply the permanence principle to our topological solution to allow more control over the influence of the input boundary polyline on the interior output polygonal mesh. 


This facilitates the creation of folds that are strongest in curvature at the boundary and which diminish towards the interior. 


The generated garments can then be easily animated in a simulation system based on Finite Elements, using a rediscretization of the generated mesh and a reconstructed metric of the cloth surface.


Key words: garment design, sketch-based modeling, quad meshing, extra-ordinary vertices, discrete Coons, permanence patches, physical simulation, Finite Elements



Modeling cloth without having to design pieces of garment and their seaming associations is a major attraction in cloth modeling and animation. 不需要设计服装的模型布和它们的缝制组合是服装模型和动画的一个主要吸引力。

In this paper, we present a sketch-based approach for modeling cloth described by a network of polylines input by the user from different 2D views in a virtual 3D environment.


We start by setting a 3D mannequin and some auxiliary planes,to sketch the outlines of the cloth. 


Out of a network of boundary polylines, we construct high quality quad meshes representing cloth pieces. 


Every piece of the generated cloth is then associated to an underlying body part or a corresponding sub-mesh. 


The contribution of our work lies in the design of quad meshes from sketched contours of the desired garments. 


The literature presents us with criteria to compare the results of various meshing schemes.


The authors in [1] quantified this criteria by the distortion of the mesh 3 and limited their quad meshing scheme to instances of the problem where the minimum of this distortion is attainable. 


The distortion of a mesh is the sum of distortion on all the verticesof the mesh. The distortion on a vertex is, in turn, the deviation ofits valence from the regular setting (4 for interior, 3 for boundary,and 2 for corner vertices).


Their work is mainly concerned with finding a topological solution – the vertices and their connectivity – where the geometry of the resulting mesh is an assembly of rectangular Discrete Coons Patches [7]. 


In this paper, we extend their work to fill a larger variety of n-sided regions by introducing additional dislocations and allowing an increase in the distortion but with the least possible amount. 


Moreover, we generalized the permanence principle [7] to quad mesh a region with an arbitrary topological input to allow more control over the weight of the boundary vertices propagated towards the interior of the mesh.


For the purpose of visualization, 为了达到可视化的目的

we implement a fast Finite-Element simulation system 我们实现一个快速有限元仿真系统

which combines the ability of representing accurately the nonlinear anisotropic behavior of cloth materials


along a particle-system representation allowing the use of efficient numerical integration methods


along the possibility of handling collisions and geometrical constraints efficiently [20]. 


Thanks to a dedicated collision processing, the cloth respond appropriately to the motion of the body, which can set to various poses or perform various animations.


The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. 本文的其余部分组织如下。

Section 2 gives an overview of related work. 第2节概述了相关工作。

The cloth modeling application along with its three main phases, namely sketching, meshing, and refitting, are detailed out in section 3. 


We describe the mechanical simulation system in Section 4. 在第4节中描述了机械仿真系统

Section 5 outlines the conclusion and future work. 第5节概述了结论和未来的工作。


2. Related Work 相关工作

The dominating method that is adopted in virtual clothing is the 2D pattern construction and draping of the constituting pieces of cloth.


However, sketch-based cloth modeling has received some attention. 然而,基于草图的布料建模受到了一些关注。

Turquin et al. [18] developed a sketch-based interface that would let users construct 3D virtual garments on a character model.

Turquin [18]等人开发了一种基于草图的界面,用户可以在人物模型上构建3D虚拟服装。

Their system computes distance-to-the-body for the silhouette lines and point-to-body distances for the borderlines.


It then propagates this distance information in 2D to find desired pointto-body distances, which it uses to determine the garment’s 3D position.


Folds are incorporated by strokes that mark the presence of either ridges or valleys. 褶皱是由标记山脊或山谷的笔画组成的。

Wang et al. [6] model a 3D garment around a 3D human model by 2D sketches input.


A feature template for creating a customized 3D garment is defined according to the features on a human model.


Then the profiles of the 3D garment are specified through 2D sketches. 然后通过二维草图确定服装的三维外形。

The smooth mesh surface interpolating the specified profiles is constructed by a modified variational subdivision scheme.


In a somewhat different context, Han et al. [8] computed the 3D shape of cloth from a single image.


They present an algorithm that finds the shading primitives on a cloth image and simultaneously recovers their 3D shape by fitting to the 3D fold primitives obtained through photometric stereo.


Chen et al. [5] reconstruct generic images by using an attributed graph representation for clothes with a dictionary of image primitives where each stroke may correspond to folds, sewing lines, occluding boundaries, and shape outlines.


Our approach reduces the problem to finding a good meshing algorithm to construct cloth pieces from an input net of polylines entered by the user as outlined in.


In general, there are four approaches towards a solution: advancing front, node placement, parametric curves, and the topological approach.


In the advancing front technique [3,21,15,16], a set of fronts are defined consisting of the edges at the boundary of the domain.


Quads are systematically combined at the front, advancing towards the interior of the area.


The node placement process [17,14,10] is made of two stages the positions of the nodes are computed first and their connectivity is decided next.


The third approach uses subdivision surfaces and differs in the nature of data input.


Given an n–sided region bounded by n parametric curves and a user defined vertex G,


connect G with the middle parameter point on each side constructing an initial quad-based control net [2,19,4,9,11].


The topological approach [1,12] aims at generating the quad mesh topology regardless of the geometric conditions at the boundary.


In an afterward phase, the locations of the vertices are determined.


a) Boundary lines sketched on the mannequin. 在人体模型上画的边界线。

b) The generated quad mesh. 生成的四边形网格。

c) The garments refit to the underlying skin. 衣服重新贴合皮下皮肤。

d) The garment comprised of parts combined using a mirror operation.使用镜像操作组合服装。

Fig. 1. Cloth generation from boundary lines sketched on a mannequin.


3. The Sketch-Based Cloth Modeling Approach 基于草图的布料建模方法

The sketch-based cloth modeling approach allows cloth design in a triple-phase process (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 12).


First, the user draws the nets of polylines that represent the descriptive outline of the cloth (Fig. 1(a)).


Then, the closed regions in the net of polylines are filled with quad meshes (Fig. 1(b)).


In the last phase cloth-body associations are established so that every piece of cloth has a corresponding underlying body part (Fig. 1(c)).


This is done either automatically by computing the enclosed submesh or by manually selecting the polygonal faces comprising the submesh of the mannequin when the cloth is loose.


We use these associations to resolve cloth-body interpenetration as well as for collision detection and handling at animation time.


Simple operations such as mirror and join can be applied later on the resulting mesh (Fig. 1(d)).


3.1. Sketching in a 3D Environment在3D环境中的素描

Fig. 2. The outlines of a jacket sketched in the front and back view.


The sketching environment is a multi-view (orthographic and perspective) paneled window.


The mannequin –aligned along the y-axis in a standing position– is the basic element in the scene.


When the user draws in the front view, the input lines either lie in the xy plane or on the mesh of the model with a user defined offset (see Fig. 2).


It is possible that the system planes (xy, xz, and yz) may not be enough to include all parts of the input outlines.


Fig. 3. The virtual mode that helps draw the loose parts that arenot directly attached to the body.图3所示。虚拟模式,帮助绘制松散的部分,而不是直接连接到身体。

For example, consider the lower part of the skirt that may be described by a closed contour drawn around the knees and lying in a plane parallel to the xz plane (see Fig. 3). 例如,考虑的下部裙可能被一个封闭的轮廓画在膝盖和躺在一个平面平行于xz平面(见图3)。

In order to draw the loose parts that are not directly connected to the body, 为了画出松散部分不直接连接到身体,

the user may switch to a temporary drawing mode用户可以切换到一个临时画模式,

where the sketches are rotated to lie in the plane perpendicular to the current viewing plane and passing through the last point drawn in the normal mode. 在这个模式中,草图的旋转依赖垂直于当前观看平面的平面,通过最后一点在正常模式。

As the user creates the outlines of the pieces of cloth, different tools such as cut and add are needed. Figs. 4, 5, and 6 demonstrate the process.


3.2. The Quad Meshing Scheme四边形网格方案

The quad meshing algorithm in [1] is based on the criteria of the existence of at least one n–valent dislocation (an extraordinary vertex or a non–quadrilateral facet) in an n– sided region.


Starting from this criteria, a partitioning to rectangular regions is inferred from the flow of lines around and through this dislocation (see Fig. 7).


Thus, given the lengths li of the sides of the region, the topological distances di , that define the dimensions of the rectangular subregions, are computed using the designed formulae.


However, there are instances where the topology of the boundary lines does not permit the construction of strictly rectangular regions.


In what follows, we present a simple method to deal with such cases. 在接下来的文章中,我们将介绍一种处理这种情况的简单方法。

We also extend what was previously proposed in the context of discrete Coons to the permanence patches [7].


3.2.1. Quad Meshes with Higher Distortion具有更高的变形的四边形网格

For certain topological configurations, the system that computes the distances di(1≤i≤n) from the dislocation to the sides yields one or more negative values.对于某些拓扑结构,计算位错到边的di(1≤i≤n)的系统得到一个或多个负值。

The basic idea of our algorithm (see Fig. 9) is to isolate sides that are relatively large in 4-sided distorted sub-regions.


All cases of such regions are guaranteed to be filled by a quad mesh in [1] with maximal total distortion equal to 4.


In what follows, we show how to distinguish ‘large’ sides, mark distorted subregions,


and iterate over the distances di to recalculate the new dimensions of the remaining rectangular sub-regions only from the lengths of not ‘large’ sides.并在di距离上迭代,仅从非“large”边的长度重新计算其余矩形子区域的新维。

The formula that evaluates the distance is: 计算距离的公式为:

(a) The user starts by drawing the boundary of the front part as one region.


(b) The back part is added to the front one by drawing the lower-back boundary of the dress.


(c) The second region constructed needs to be cut in two places for the general outline of the dress to be completed .


(d) One last stroke on the sleeve allows the creation of a stylish hole in the garment.


(e) The network of outer boundaries that depict the general shape of the garment.


(f) sketches added to partition non-convex regions.


Fig. 4. Sketching the network of boundaries representing the dress.


For every negative distance with index i, the sides that contribute to the summation with the negative coefficients are identified by the indices: 对于每一个与指标i的负距离,与负系数求和的边由指标确定:

These lengths are marked as large lengths. 这些长度被标记为较大长度。

For every large length li , regions i and i + 1 are marked as distorted if neither li−1 nor li+1 is large or both li−1 and li+1 are large.


Otherwise, only region li+1 is marked as distorted if li+1 is large and li−1 is not.

否则,只有当li+1较大而li - 1不较大时,li+1区域才被标记为扭曲区域。

To recalculate the distances, for every negative distance, di , if length i is large, set it to 2, otherwise set it to 1.


Then, while there are still distances being modified or set, for each distance where length i is not large:


 (a) For each closed region, corners are identified by the system and verified by the user.


(b) Filled with a quad mesh (described in the next section).


(c) Resolve body-garment interpenetration.


(d) Mesh beautified using either an optimization technique or a particle system.


Fig. 5. Quad mesh generation. 图5所示.四边形网格的生成


(a) The front polygonal mesh.                                                     (b) The back polygonal mesh.

            前多边形网格。                                                                             背多边形网格。


(c) The Catmull-Clark surface.                                                  (d) The Catmull-Clark surface.

           卡特穆尔-克拉克面。                                                              卡特穆尔-克拉克面。

Fig. 6. The resultant dress after quadrangulating all closed regions.


Fig. 7. The flow of lines (in light red) infer the partitioning to rectangular subregions. Regions i and i+1 are associated with side i.


Fig. 8. Distorted regions (light red) are identified according to large lengths (dark red).


(a) a 3–sided region where only one length is large只有一个长度较大的三面区域

(b) a 5–sided region where two adjacent lengths are large两个相邻长度较大的五边区域

(c) a 5–sided region where three adjacent lengths are large三个相邻长度较大的五边区域

Fig. 9. Examples of regions filled by quad meshes of non–minimal distortion. Form left to right: the region defined by boundary polylines, distorted subregions (light red) and large lengths (dark red), and the resulting quad mesh.


3.2.2. Permanence Patches永久的补丁

The generalized approach that is proposed in this paper introduces slight complications to this boundary–interior polyline associations.


Using strictly discrete Coons may result in geometrically distorted meshes.使用严格离散的库子可能导致几何畸变网格

Fig. 10. A configuration where m = n = 3. The gray colored vertices are the unknown interior vertices.

图10所示。一个构型,其中m = n = 3。灰色的顶点是未知的内部顶点。

According to the permanence principal [7], the relation between every interior vertex and its immediate neighbors:


A neater way of writing this is using a mask as shown in Eq. 1. 更简洁的写法是使用如公式1所示的掩码。

The discrete Coons patch has m + 1 × n + 1 vertices; of these, m−1 × n−1 are unknown.

离散孔斯曲面片有m + 1×n + 1个顶点;其中m−1×n−1是未知的。

Eq. 1 gives one equation for each unknown.


Thus we may find the discrete Coons patch as the solution of a linear system with m − 1 × n − 1 equations in as many unknowns.

因此,我们可以发现离散孔斯曲面片是一个线性方程组的解,该方程组有m - 1×n - 1个未知数。

So far, solving m − 1 × n − 1 equations has given what was already available with much less computation in the discrete Coons.

到目前为止,解m – 1×n - 1的方程所得到的结果,在离散孔斯曲面片中计算量要少得多。

However, the mask in Eq. 1 gives a new insight towards relating vertices to their neighbors and thus establishing a global linear system that describes the patch.


By preserving relative values, the mask may be written as given by Eq. 2. As such, different choices for α and β could be used.


Note that we always need 4α + 4β = 1 in order for 2 to utilize barycentric (or affine) combinations.

注意,我们总是需要4α+β= 1为了2利用质心(或仿射)的组合。

It is evident that these patches are defined in regular topology where the quad mesh is a grid of 4–valent vertices.


Thus, for us to use permanence patches in arbitrary topology we need to generalize the mask to facilitate adding dislocations and vertices on facets to the system of linear equations.


The approach is rather simple. The condition is to satisfy the following equation as we calculate αn for an n–valent vertex:


where α4 is the value of the mask for a 4–valent vertex [7].Thus:当α4为一个四阶顶点的掩码值时,那么:

As for the vertex which belongs to a non–quadrilateral facet, its diagonal opposite vertex on this facet is the centroid of this facet.


After defining the mask of every vertex, a linear equation is added to the system. 定义了每个顶点的掩码后,在系统中加入一个线性方程。

We base this generalization on the general way Farin et al. [7] followed to set up the permanence patches. 我们根据Farin et al.[7]建立永久性补丁的一般方法来建立这种泛化。

The value of α, and consequently β, is a user choice. 有了α的值,β也就计算得出了

The feasible range of α values is between 0.0 and −0.25 (see Fig 11). α值的可行范围介于0.0−0.25(见图11)。

Other values may produce noisy meshes. 其他值可能产生噪声网格。

The maximal value (0.0) yields geometries that tend to look flat, a feature which diminishes as α decreases towards −0.25.


Fig. 11. A three sided region filled by a permanence patch with values −0.25 (middle) and 0.0 (right) for α.

图11所示。三面区域根据α值有不同的填充效果      −0.25(中)0.0 (右)。

Fig. 12. Textured cloth designed using a quad mesh generation scheme.


4. Mechanical Garment Simulation机械服装仿真

The first task of mechanical simulation is the construction of a suitable geometric representation of the garment object, fitting the requirement of the mechanical simulator.


The mechanical simulator uses triangle elements, which is suitable to a precise computation of weft, warp and shear strains and stresses of the cloth material [Volino and Magnenat-Thalmann, 2009].

该机械模拟器采用三角形单元,适用于布料材料的纬、经、剪应变和应力的精确计算[Volino and Magnenat-Thalmann, 2009]。

Thanks to a lumped-mass approximation, the model can be formulated as interaction forces relating particles belonging to the same triangle, depending on their relative position.


It is therefore essential for the simulation mesh to offer suitable geometric properties for efficient mechanical simulation (regularity of the mesh, no degenerate (flat) mesh elements...).


Hence, rather than using the generated patch mesh directly, we perform an adaptive rediscretization of the mesh into triangle elements according to size limits and the Delaunay criteria.


To this mesh is then associated a set of ”material coordinates” representing the metric (rest shape) of the cloth elements.


Assuming the initial design roughly represents the tensile cloth deformation at rest, these material coordinates are extracted from the initial shape of the element mapped on its patch.


Our mechanical simulation animates the garment according to the following factors:


(i) The internal elasticity of the cloth material, represented by weft, warp and shear strain-stress curves. 布料内部弹性,以纬、经、剪应变-应力曲线表示。

(ii) Gravity, which pulls the garment downward. 重力,它将衣服向下拉。

(iii) Collision forces, which prevent the penetration of the garment inside the surface representing the body. 碰撞力,防止服装在代表人体的表面内渗透。

Cloth materials are properly represented through nonlinear strain-stress curves extracted from tensile tests performed on actual materials, or extracted from standard fabric characterization procedures [13]. 从实际材料的拉伸试验中提取的非线性应变-应力曲线,或从标准的织物表征程序[13]中提取的织物材料,可以很好地表示织物材料。

Collisions are detected using a Bounding Volume Hierarchy algorithm, which detects proximities between cloth vertices and body polygons.


These collisions are integrated into the simulation system as geometrical constraints. 这些碰撞作为几何约束被集成到仿真系统中。

5. Conclusion and Future Work结论与未来工作

Designing garments from sketched outlines in a 3D environment alleviates some of the difficulties involved in cloth modeling.


Our approach utilizes the enhanced version of a quad meshing algorithm proposed in [1] to construct pieces of cloth from the outlines drawn by the user.


For more control over the geometry of the resulting mesh, we propose a generalized version of permanence patches and introduce weights to the boundary vertices to compute interior vertex positions.


Garment animation also offers interesting perspectives of the designer, who should be able to assess the dynamic behavior, the fitting and the garment style according to body poses and motion.


An important future topic to be addressed is the extraction of high-accuracy garment patterns from the obtained 3D garment surface.


Essentially based on surface unwrapping and dart insertion techniques, these should be able to produce 2D garment patterns which follow basic design rules currently used in the garment industry.



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1.第一阶段分支事务的注册 流程图地址:https://www.processon.com/view/link/6108de4be401fd6714ba761d 2.第一阶段开启全局事务 流程图地址:https://www.processon.com/view/link/6108de13e0b34d3e35b8e4ef 3.第二阶段全局事务的提交 流程图地址…


基于深度学习的图像去雨去雾 文末附有源码下载地址 b站视频地址: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Jr421p7cT/ 基于深度学习的图像去雨去雾,使用的网络为unet, 网络代码: import torch import torch.nn as nn from torchsumm…



AHU 汇编 实验一

一、实验名称:实验1 实验1 用Debug命令查看寄存器和内存中的内容 实验目的:求掌握使用Debug命令查看寄存器和内存的方法。 通过第2章两个简单实例认识汇编语言程序,初步了解程序格式;段定义;标号;DOS系统功能&#xf…


科技成果鉴定测试,作为科技领域中一项重要的质量检验手段,具有广泛的应用范围。旨在为科技成果的研发者和使用者提供客观、科学、权威的鉴定结果,从而评估科技成果的技术水平和市场竞争力。   科技成果鉴定测试是对科技成果进行系统、全面的…

数据结构 day2

1:思维导图 2&#xff1a;计算结构体大小 3&#xff1a;大小端存储 &#xff08;1&#xff09;&#xff1a;数据溢出 1 #include <stdio.h>2 #include <string.h>3 #include <stdlib.h>4 int main(int argc, const char *argv[])5 {6 short a 0x1234;…


/*** 自定义Sql注入* author zy*/ public class SqlInjector extends DefaultSqlInjector {Overridepublic List<AbstractMethod> getMethodList(Class<?> mapperClass, TableInfo tableInfo) {// 注意&#xff1a;此SQL注入器继承了DefaultSqlInjector(默认注入器…



C++程序设计-第六/七/八章 运算符重载/包含与继承/虚函数和多态性【期末复习|考研复习】

前言 总结整理不易&#xff0c;希望大家点赞收藏。 给大家整理了一下C程序设计中的重点概念&#xff0c;以供大家期末复习和考研复习的时候使用。 C程序设计系列文章传送门&#xff1a; 第一章 面向对象基础 第四/五章 函数和类和对象 第六/七/八章 运算符重载/包含与继承/虚函…

搭建个人智能家居 3 -第一个设备“点灯”

搭建个人智能家居 3 -第一个外设“点灯” 前言ESPHome点灯 HomeAssistant 前言 前面我们已经完成了搭建这个智能家居所需要的环境HomeAssistant和ESPHome&#xff0c;今天我们开始在这个智能家居中添加我们的第一个设备&#xff08;一颗LED灯&#xff09;&#xff0c;如果环境…




YOLOv9继续训练主要分为两个情况&#xff1a; 其一、训练过程中意外中断&#xff0c;未完成训练预期的epoch数量&#xff1b; 其二、训练完了&#xff0c;但是未收敛&#xff0c;在这个基础上&#xff0c;还想用这个权重、学习率等参数继续训练多一些轮次 一、训练过程中意外…


《博主简介》 小伙伴们好&#xff0c;我是阿旭。专注于人工智能、AIGC、python、计算机视觉相关分享研究。 ✌更多学习资源&#xff0c;可关注公-仲-hao:【阿旭算法与机器学习】&#xff0c;共同学习交流~ &#x1f44d;感谢小伙伴们点赞、关注&#xff01; 《------往期经典推…


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Text-to-SQL 工具Vanna进阶|数据库对话机器人的多轮对话

跟数据库对话机器人对话,我可不止一个问题。 可能基于第一句问话,还有第二句、第三句问话。。。第N句对话。所以本文测试了多轮对话功能。 单轮对话的环境搭建参考博客 Text-to-SQL 工具Vanna + MySQL本地部署 | 数据库对话机器人 我的数据是这样 1. 基础配置 import vann…