



Chrome for iOS may never outperform Safari, but it has still become a solid browser alternative with some nice extra features all its own. The trouble is, when you install Chrome for iOS, there’s no way to directly import bookmarks from Safari into Chrome. For that, you’ll have take a few steps and even get your desktop computer involved.

Chrome for iOS可能永远不会胜过Safari ,但它仍然是具有各种出色功能的可靠浏览器替代品。 问题在于,当您安装Chrome for iOS时,无法将Safari中的书签直接导入Chrome。 为此,您将采取一些步骤,甚至让台式机参与其中。

第一步:将Safari与iCloud同步 (Step One: Sync Safari with iCloud)

The first step in getting your bookmarks into Chrome is transferring them over to your desktop computer. For that, you’ll use iCloud. Fire up your Settings app and tap “iCloud.”

使书签进入Chrome的第一步是将其转移到台式计算机上。 为此,您将使用iCloud。 启动您的“设置”应用,然后点击“ iCloud”。


In the iCloud settings, make sure the “Safari” setting is enabled.

在iCloud设置中,确保已启用“ Safari”设置。


And that’s all you have to do here. If you’ve just enabled it for the first time, Safari should sync with your iCloud account within a few minutes. If you want to force the sync to happen right away, you can just create a new bookmark in the Safari app.

这就是您在这里要做的全部。 如果您是第一次启用它,Safari应该在几分钟之内与您的iCloud帐户同步。 如果您想立即强制进行同步,则只需在Safari应用中创建一个新书签。

第二步(仅Windows):将书签导入计算机上的Internet Explorer (Step Two (Windows Only): Import Bookmarks into Internet Explorer on Your Computer)

After you’ve synced Safari on your iOS device with iCloud, the next step is getting those bookmarks into Chrome on your desktop computer.


If you’re using OS X, it’s very simple. But in Windows, you have to take an extra step or two just because there’s no Safari version for Windows anymore. So if you’re using OS X, skip to the next step.

如果您使用的是OS X,则非常简单。 但是在Windows中,仅由于不再有适用于Windows的Safari版本,您就必须采取额外的一两个步骤。 因此,如果您使用的是OS X,请跳到下一步。

Windows users should go ahead and install iCloud for Windows and Chrome for Windows if you haven’t already. Once it’s installed and you’ve signed in, fire it up by hitting Start, typing “iCloud,” and pressing Enter.

Windows用户应继续安装Windows版iCloud和Wi​​ndows版 Chrome 。 安装并登录后,通过单击开始,键入“ iCloud”,然后按Enter进行启动。


In the main iCloud window, click the “Bookmarks” checkbox.



In the Bookmarks Options window, your default web browser will already be selected. You can also select additional browsers if you want to sync your Safari bookmarks with them, as well.

在“书签选项”窗口中,已经选择了默认的Web浏览器。 如果您也想与它们同步Safari书签,也可以选择其他浏览器。


If you’re planning on keeping your bookmarks synced between your desktop and iOS, go ahead and select whatever browser you use on the desktop. Just be aware that you’ll be merging bookmarks between browsers, which can come with some complications. If instead you just want to make a one time transfer of your bookmarks, select a browser you don’t use regularly to sync with Safari for iOS. Since this post is about getting those bookmarks into Chrome, we’re actually going to sync them with Internet Explorer.

如果您打算使书签在台式机和iOS之间保持同步,请继续并选择您在台式机上使用的任何浏览器。 请注意,您将在浏览器之间合并书签,这可能会带来一些复杂性 。 相反,如果您只想一次性转移书签,请选择一个您不经常使用的浏览器来与iOS的Safari同步。 由于这篇文章是关于将这些书签添加到Chrome中的,因此我们实际上将其与Internet Explorer同步。

The reason for this is that we are then going to do a one time transfer of the bookmarks from Internet Explorer into Chrome, and then take them from there to Chrome for iOS. Taking the extra step of putting them into Internet Explorer first prevents our existing Chrome bookmarks from merging back into Safari and potentially making a mess. Whatever you choose, go ahead and click Apply back in the main iCloud window to force a new sync to happen.

原因是我们将一次性将书签从Internet Explorer转移到Chrome,然后将其从那里转移到iOS的Chrome。 首先采取额外的步骤将其放入Internet Explorer,可防止我们现有的Chrome书签重新合并到Safari中,并有可能造成混乱。 无论您选择什么,继续前进,然后在iCloud主窗口中单击“应用”,以强制进行新的同步。

When asked if you want to merge bookmarks, go ahead and click the “Merge” button.



第三步:将书签导入Chrome的桌面版本 (Step Three: Import Bookmarks Into the Desktop Version of Chrome)

Now, both Windows and Mac users should import bookmarks into Chrome, from Internet Explorer (Windows) or Safari (Mac). Install Chrome if you haven’t already, then click the Tools menu and choose Bookmarks > Import Bookmarks and Settings.

现在,Windows和Mac用户都应从Internet Explorer(Windows)或Safari(Mac)将书签导入Chrome。 如果尚未安装Chrome ,请单击“工具”菜单,然后选择“书签”>“导入书签和设置”。


In the settings page that appears, choose “Microsoft Internet Explorer” (or Safari, if you’re a Mac user) from the drop-down menu, select the items you want to import, and then click the “Import” button.

在出现的设置页面中,从下拉菜单中选择“ Microsoft Internet Explorer”(或Safari,如果您是Mac用户),选择要导入的项目,然后单击“导入”按钮。


We’re almost there! Next, you’ll sync Chrome between your desktop computer and iOS.

我们快到了! 接下来,您将在台式机和iOS之间同步Chrome。

第四步:在台式机和iOS之间同步Chrome (Step Four: Sync Chrome Between Your Desktop Computer and iOS)

For this step, we’re going to assume you already have Chrome installed on your iOS device . If not, go ahead and do that now.  Syncing your bookmarks between Chrome on your desktop and Chrome on your iOS device is as simple as signing into both using your Google account.

在此步骤中,我们将假定您已经在iOS设备上安装了Chrome 。 如果没有,请立即执行。 在台式机上的Chrome和iOS设备上的Chrome之间同步书签,就像使用您的Google帐户登录一样简单。

On your desktop computer, click the Tools button on the Chrome toolbar and then choose Settings from the menu. On the Settings page, click the “Sign in to Chrome” button and then enter your Google credentials to sign in.

在台式计算机上,点击Chrome工具栏上的工具按钮,然后从菜单中选择设置。 在“设置”页面上,点击“登录Chrome”按钮,然后输入您的Google凭据进行登录。


After signing into your Google account, Chrome will automatically start syncing your bookmarks and other settings to Google’s servers. By default, Chrome syncs everything, including bookmarks, passwords, extensions, settings, and more. You can control exactly what gets synced by clicking the “Advanced sync settings” button on the main settings page and then choosing what you want to sync.

登录到您的Google帐户后,Chrome会自动开始将您的书签和其他设置同步到Google的服务器。 默认情况下,Chrome会同步所有内容,包括书签,密码,扩展名,设置等。 通过单击主设置页面上的“高级同步设置”按钮,然后选择要同步的内容,您可以精确控制要同步的内容。


Next, you’ll do the same in Chrome for iOS. Fire up the Chrome app, tap the Tools button, and then choose “Settings.”

接下来,您将在Chrome for iOS中执行相同的操作。 启动Chrome应用,点击“工具”按钮,然后选择“设置”。


On the Settings page, tap “Sign in to Chrome.”



Go ahead and enter your sign in credentials. To sync everything, just tap the “Ok, Got It” button to start the syncing process. If you want to select what gets synced, tap the “Settings” link instead.

继续并输入您的登录凭据。 要同步所有内容,只需点击“确定,知道了”按钮即可开始同步过程。 如果您想选择要同步的内容,请点击“设置”链接。


If you selected “Settings” to control what gets synced, you’ll be shown an additional settings screen. Tap the “Sync” button.

如果您选择“设置”来控制要同步的内容,则会显示一个附加设置屏幕。 点击“同步”按钮。


On the Sync page, choose what settings you want to be synced and then tap “Done” to start the sync process.



And there you have it. Yes, it’s a little convoluted but it gets the job done. Hopefully sometime in the future, Apple will decide to let other browsers import directly from Safari. In the meantime, though, at least you know you can get those bookmarks transferred over with a little time and patience.

那里有。 是的,这有点令人费解,但是可以完成工作。 希望在将来的某个时候,Apple将决定让其他浏览器直接从Safari导入。 不过,与此同时,至少您知道您可以花一点时间和耐心将这些书签转移过来。







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随着现在Mac电脑的普及程度越来越高,很多人都会像笔者一样,在公司和家里用着不同种类的操作系统。 而浏览器又是一个不可或缺的存在,根据笔者的使用习惯,在Mac上会使用Safari浏览器,而在Windows上会使用Chrome。 就这…


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