Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Communication and Communication Systems

1.1 The Concept of Communication

  • communication【通信】:It is the process of using signals to transmit messages containing information in space. To put it simply, communication is the spatial transmission of information【信息的空间传递】
  • Information【信息】: It is an uncertain description of the state of motion or the mode of existence of all things, and the law of movement of things that people want to know or want to express, usually in the form of messages (such as voice, text, music, data, pictures or moving images, etc.).信息是抽象的,是消息的内涵
  • Message【消息】: It is the external manifestation of information or the logical carrier of information. Information is the connotation of a message.【信息的形式载体&表达形式】


        Since "transportation" and "communication" have a strong analogy, we use some examples of transportation (including road and rail transportation, etc.) as the object of comparison, such as: transportation/communication, transportation/transmission, vehicle/signal, cargo/information, road/channel, etc., in order to help us understand more thoroughly many concepts and problems in the principles of communication.



1.2 Communication Systems

1.2.1 Definition & Component

Communication system: A collection of device hardware, software, and transmission media used to communicate.用于进行通信的设备硬件、软件和传输介质的集合

通信系统的三个要点:source destination channel

发送设备 transmitting equipment: modulation调制

接收设备 receiving device: demodulation解调

carrier machine: 载波机

lead: 电线


1.2.2 Classification

1. According to the channel transmission signal


An analog communication system模拟通信 can be said as a system that transmits analog messages in the form of analog signals (see Figure 1-1 for the model), such as a telephone communication system.

A digital communication system can be said as a system that transmits analog messages in the form of digital signals (see Figure 1-3(a) for the model).

For example, digital telephone communication systems and mobile communication systems (mobile phones).





A data communication system【数据通信】 can be said as a system that transmits data services with digital or analog signals .

For example, the communication system between a computer and a printer. In general, data communication mainly refers to communication between computers (or digital terminals).

模拟信号的特点:波动性 连续性 无穷多个点



Because the direct cause of digital communication is to improve the quality of analog communication,为了提高模拟通信的质量

Therefore, digital communication can be understood as an upgrade of analog communication.


Digital communication has the following characteristics:

1.Strong anti-interference ability.抗干扰能力

2.It is convenient for signal processing and processing.

3.Improved transmission quality.--控制误码

4.Digital information is easy to encrypt and highly confidential.

5.Increased flexibility and versatility通用性 of communication systems.

Disadvantages: Increased channel bandwidth【用带宽换性能】--数字通信的频带利用率较低

【从信息传输的角度看】The analog communication system can be regarded as a signal waveform transmission system【信号波形传输系统】, while the digital communication system and data communication system (most) are signal state transmission systems【信号状态传输系统】. Schematic diagram of signal transmission of two communication systems:


2. According to the channel transmission medium【介质】


Wireless communication systems,A system that uses radio waves, infrared, ultrasonic, and lasers to communicate.【无线电波,红外线,超等波,激光】

Wired communication system,A communication system that uses wires (including cables, fiber optic cables, waveguides, etc.) as a medium.【导线包括电缆、光纤等】,有线通信质量更高

3. According to the channel transmission modulation【按照调制与否分类】


Baseband communication system:A system that transmits a signal that has not undergone any modulation.【基带信号】电信号固有形式

Modulation communication systems:A system that transmits a signal that has been modulated.


4. according to the type of service【业务】

For example: telephone communication system, telegraph communication system电报通信, broadcast communication system广播通信, television communication system电视通信, data communication system数据通信

5.  according to the operating band【工作波长】

For example: long-wave communication system, medium-wave communication system, short-wave communication system, microwave communication system微波 and optical communication system光波

1.3 Communication method

Communication method:The work form and signal transmission【工作方式和信号传输方式】 mode between two (or more) parties of a communication. It is an issue that each part must determine firstly before the communica





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