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2023.2.17WebGL: Fixed an issue that prevented multithreaded builds from working if user repeatedly upgraded and then downgraded their project.(UUM-33218)
2023.2.17WebGL: Fixed issue using WebcamTexture.GetPixel(s) functions would return blank textures using the WebGL graphics API.(UUM-46144)
2023.2.17WebGL: Improved IndexedDB filesystem performance by avoiding redundant filesystem persistence operations.(UUM-65276)
2023.2.17WebGL: Remove “The PlayerLoop has been called recursively.” error message spam.(UUM-55075)
2023.2.14WebGL: Fixed Orientation Lock code to not crash when run on iOS Safari’s new partially complete implementation of screen.orientation API.(UUM-49634)
2023.2.13WebGL: Update AudioClip.frequency to return the effective WebAudio AudioBuffer sampleRate value.(UUM-47637)
2023.2.12WebGL: Fix for Render Texture depth buffers sometimes not being cleared properly(UUM-57343)
2023.2.7WebGL: Fixed a bug causing audio to skip forward when using AudioClip.Pause() and AudioClip.Resume().(UUM-54675)
2023.2.7WebGL: Improved texture memory usage for Text Mesh Pro font textures on WebGL2 by enabling support for Alpha8 texture format.(UUM-59366)
2023.2.5WebGL: Fixed an issue that causes a parsing error due to misplaced regex.(UUM-21896)
2023.2.2WebGL: Fixed a bug that caused for input to not be released when focus was removed from canvas on Windows Chrome.(UUM-53519)
2023.2.2WebGL: Fixed an error when sending long strings with gameInstance.SendMessage.(UUM-49331)
2023.2.0WebGL: Added Player build options for WebAssembly language features: BigInt, WebAssembly.Table, and experimental native C/C++ multithreading. In addition to generating smaller code size, enabling both BigInt and WebAssembly.Table features improves the build times of Development builds.
2023.2.0WebGL: Updated WebGL platform to version Emscripten 3.1.38-unity.
2023.2.0WebGL: Updated WebGL platform version to Emscripten 3.1.38-unity.
2023.2.0WebGL: Centered the loading bar in PWA WebGL template.(UUM-27941)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed a regression introduced in Unity 2022.1.0f1. Calling the JavaScript function unityInstance.Quit() no longer causes the garbage collector to fail when reclaiming web page content.(UUM-31710)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed an issue that prevented background images from loading when compression was enabled for Web platform applications.(UUM-8692)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed an issue where an incorrect regex in the WebGL system info user agent caused a linter to run.(UUM-34348)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed an issue where C++ function names would not be properly generated in the output symbols.json file.(UUM-28034)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed an issue where webCamTexture.DidUpdateThisFrame did not update correctly.(UUM-29274)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed an issue with multithreaded WebGL builds trapping on a function signature exception when switching between scenes.
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed Build and Run for WebGL to establish needed COOP, COEP, and CORP headers for web browsers to enable SharedArrayBuffer multithreading.(UUM-33017)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed the FMOD console errors when a scene is reloaded.(UUM-19241)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed the playback of MP3 audio files loaded via UnityWebRequest on Safari.(UUM-25389)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed the rendering issue on Apple M1 GPUs with Depth Priming is enabled for URP.(UUM-40225)
2023.1.19WebGL: Added separate build settings options for Master builds with LTO. This lets developers get faster Release builds (if iterating in Release mode is for some reason needed and iterating on Development builds cannot be used), and enables sidestepping any issues stemming from LLVM LTO optimizer.(UUM-43755)
2023.1.17WebGL: Fixed rendering issues on Apple M1 GPUs when Depth Priming is enabled for URP.(UUM-40225)
2023.1.14WebGL: Fixed Build & Run for WebGL platform to establish needed COOP, COEP and CORP headers for web browsers to enable SharedArrayBuffer multithreading.(UUM-33017)
2023.1.13WebGL: Fixed an issue with multithreaded WebGL builds trapping on a function signature exception when switching between scenes.(UUM-33233)
2023.1.12WebGL: Resolve an issue making the WebGL player attempt to retry editor connections on unsupported network ports.(UUM-44239)
2023.1.10WebGL: Fixed a bug where the application’s background image wouldn’t appear while loading if compression was enabled.(UUM-8692)
2023.1.8WebGL: Moved BrowserifyJSTool to the WebGL area since its only used by the WebGL build.(UUM-34020)
2023.1.7WebGL: Fixed an issue where C++ function names would not be properly generated in the output symbols.json file.(UUM-28034)
2023.1.1WebGL: - Fixed webCamTexture.DidUpdateThisFrame not getting correctly updated(UUM-29274)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed a missing backslash in WebGL system info user agent regex that triggered a JS linter.(UUM-34348)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed WebGL build when “Name Files As Hashes” is enabled.(UUM-36100)
2023.1.0WebGL: Improved the build system so that failing builds will no longer emit an unusable index.html to the build output directory.
2023.1.0WebGL: Added streaming download of response body in UnityWebRequest.(UUM-1149)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed a bug where losing focus on the player would cause buttons to become stuck.(UUM-3230)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed a bug where pressing the CMD key on Safari would cause buttons to become stuck.(UUM-12013)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed a bug where the soft keyboard had incorrect formatting leading to excess whitespace.(UUM-1161)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed a missing backslash in WebGL system info user agent regex that triggered a JS linter.(UUM-34348)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed a regression since Unity 2022.1.0f1 where calling unityInstance.Quit() in JavaScript code would not properly let the web page contents be reclaimed by the GC.(UUM-31710)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed an issue where a startup error might not be programmatically available in a Promise rejection returned by createUnityInstance() function.
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed an issue where a startup error might not be programmatically available in a Promise rejection returned by createUnityInstance() function.
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed an issue where the soft keyboard would leave whitespace at the bottom of the page after being dismissed.(UUM-1159)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed bug where the rendering canvas wasn’t resizing when changing orientation.(UUM-1135)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed connection issue between the WebGL player and the profiler.(UUM-798)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed FMOD console errors when a scene is reloaded.(UUM-19241)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed missing bitfieldExtract() function error in URP Lit shader in WebGL builds.(UUM-34043)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed playback of mp3 audio files loaded via UnityWebRequest on Safari.(UUM-25389)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed the loading bar in PWA WebGL template and it is centered.(UUM-27941)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed the WebGL shader preprocessor to handle WebGL shaders that were failing.(UUM-732)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed WebGL build when “Name Files As Hashes” is enabled.(UUM-36100)
2023.1.0WebGL: Improved WebAssembly build options to avoid long link times. Added a new Release build option that is focused on faster build speeds, but note that Development builds are the fastest for iteration.(UUM-15615)





本示例将演示如何在Niobe Wifi IoT开发板上使用cmsis 2.0 接口进行定时器开发 Timer API分析 osTimerNew() /// Create and Initialize a timer./// \param[in] func function pointer to callback function./// \param[in] type \ref osTimerOnce …

Kafka 架构深入探索

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CentOS 7安装Zookeeper

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64B/66B GT Transceiver 配置

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【面试题】s += 1 和 s = s + 1的区别

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【linux深入剖析】深入理解软硬链接 | 动静态库的制作以及使用

🍁你好,我是 RO-BERRY 📗 致力于C、C、数据结构、TCP/IP、数据库等等一系列知识 🎄感谢你的陪伴与支持 ,故事既有了开头,就要画上一个完美的句号,让我们一起加油 目录 1.理解软硬链接1.1 操作观…


在这里插入图片描述 1 、opencv读取图像用于pyqt显示 # image cv2.imread(file_path)image cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)# 将图像转换为 Qt 可接受的格式height, width, channel image.shapebytes_per_line 3 * widthq_image QImage(image.data, width, hei…

vue3 uniapp微信登录

根据最新的微信小程序官方的规定,uniapp中的uni.getUserInfo方法不再返回用户头像和昵称、以及手机号 首先,需获取appID,appSecret,如下图 先调用uni.getUserInfo方法获取code,然后调用后台的api,传入code&…


在线购物系统 摘 要 随着科学技术的飞速发展,各行各业都在努力与现代先进技术接轨,通过科技手段提高自身的优势;对于在线购物系统当然也不能排除在外,随着网络技术的不断成熟,带动了在线购物系统,它彻底改…