// reference: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/BesXJzfle_ZvW__C6DBNrAmodule sort_bubble #(parameter BITWIDTH = 8, parameter ELEMENTS = 32)(input clk ,input rst ,input [BITWIDTH*ELEMENTS-1:0] data_in ,input data_in_valid ,output [BITWIDTH*ELEMENTS-1:0] data_out ,output data_out_valid);reg [ 5:0] data_in_valid_ff;reg [BITWIDTH*ELEMENTS-1:0] data_in_ff[5:0] ;reg v[ELEMENTS-1:0][ELEMENTS-1:0] ;reg [ 1:0] sum_1[31:0][15:0] ;reg [ 2:0] sum_2[31:0][7:0] ;reg [ 3:0] sum_3[31:0][3:0] ;reg [ 4:0] sum_4[31:0][1:0] ;reg [ 5:0] sum_5[31:0] ;reg [BITWIDTH-1:0] data_out_temp[ELEMENTS-1:0] ;reg data_out_valid_temp;genvar i;genvar j;always @(posedge clk ) beginif(rst == 1'b1)begindata_in_valid_ff <= 6'b0;endelse begindata_in_valid_ff <= {data_in_valid_ff[4:0], data_in_valid};endendalways @(posedge clk ) begindata_in_ff[0] <= data_in;endgeneratefor ( i = 0; i < 5 ; i = i + 1 ) begin : LOOP_DATA_INalways @(posedge clk ) begindata_in_ff[i+1] <= data_in_ff[i];endendendgenerategeneratefor ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i = i + 1 ) begin : LOOP_V_Ifor ( j = i ; j < 32 ; j = j + 1) begin : LOOP_V_Jalways @(posedge clk ) beginif(data_in_valid == 1'b1)beginv[i][j] <= data_in[i*8 +: 8] >= data_in[j*8 +: 8]; // 2D Parallelv[j][i] <= data_in[i*8 +: 8] < data_in[j*8 +: 8]; // 2D Parallelendendendendendgenerategeneratefor ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i = i + 1 ) begin : LOOP_SUM_1_Ifor ( j = 0 ; j < 16 ; j = j + 1) begin : LOOP_SUM_1_Jalways @(posedge clk ) beginif(data_in_valid_ff[0] == 1'b1)beginsum_1[i][j] <= v[i][j*2] + v[i][j*2 + 1];endendendendendgenerategeneratefor ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i = i + 1 ) begin : LOOP_SUM_2_Ifor ( j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j = j + 1) begin : LOOP_SUM_2_Jalways @(posedge clk ) beginif(data_in_valid_ff[1] == 1'b1)beginsum_2[i][j] <= sum_1[i][j*2] + sum_1[i][j*2 + 1];endendendendendgenerategeneratefor ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i = i + 1 ) begin : LOOP_SUM_3_Ifor ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j = j + 1) begin : LOOP_SUM_3_Jalways @(posedge clk ) beginif(data_in_valid_ff[2] == 1'b1)beginsum_3[i][j] <= sum_2[i][j*2] + sum_2[i][j*2 + 1];endendendendendgenerategeneratefor ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i = i + 1 ) begin : LOOP_SUM_4_Ifor ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j = j + 1) begin : LOOP_SUM_4_Jalways @(posedge clk ) beginif(data_in_valid_ff[3] == 1'b1)beginsum_4[i][j] <= sum_3[i][j*2] + sum_3[i][j*2 + 1];endendendendendgenerategeneratefor ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i = i + 1 ) begin : LOOP_SUM_5_Ialways @(posedge clk ) beginif(data_in_valid_ff[4] == 1'b1)beginsum_5[i] <= sum_4[i][0] + sum_4[i][1];endendendendgeneratealways @(posedge clk ) begin : LOOP_DATA_OUT_TEMP_CLKinteger k;for ( k = 0; k < 32; k = k + 1) begin : LOOP_DATA_OUT_TEMPif(data_in_valid_ff[5] == 1'b1)begin data_out_temp[sum_5[k]] <= data_in_ff[5][k*8 +: 8];data_out_valid_temp <= 1'b1;endelse begindata_out_temp[sum_5[k]] <= 8'd0;data_out_valid_temp <= 1'b0;endendendgeneratefor ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i = i + 1) begin : LOOP_DATA_OUTassign data_out[i*8 +: 8] = data_out_temp[i] ;assign data_out_valid = data_out_valid_temp;endendgenerateendmodule
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module tb_bubble();reg clk;reg rst;reg [7:0] data_in_0;reg [7:0] data_in_1;reg [7:0] data_in_2;reg [7:0] data_in_3;reg [7:0] data_in_4;reg [7:0] data_in_5;reg [7:0] data_in_6;reg [7:0] data_in_7;reg [7:0] data_in_8;reg [7:0] data_in_9;reg [7:0] data_in_10;reg [7:0] data_in_11;reg [7:0] data_in_12;reg [7:0] data_in_13;reg [7:0] data_in_14;reg [7:0] data_in_15;reg [7:0] data_in_16;reg [7:0] data_in_17;reg [7:0] data_in_18;reg [7:0] data_in_19;reg [7:0] data_in_20;reg [7:0] data_in_21;reg [7:0] data_in_22;reg [7:0] data_in_23;reg [7:0] data_in_24;reg [7:0] data_in_25;reg [7:0] data_in_26;reg [7:0] data_in_27;reg [7:0] data_in_28;reg [7:0] data_in_29;reg [7:0] data_in_30;reg [7:0] data_in_31;wire [255:0] data_in;reg data_in_valid;wire [255:0] data_out;wire data_out_valid;initial beginclk = 1'b0;rst = 1'b1;#50rst = 1'b0;endalways #5 clk = !clk;always @(posedge clk ) beginif(rst == 1'b1)begindata_in_0 <= 8'd0;data_in_1 <= 8'd0;data_in_2 <= 8'd0;data_in_3 <= 8'd0;data_in_4 <= 8'd0;data_in_5 <= 8'd0;data_in_6 <= 8'd0;data_in_7 <= 8'd0;data_in_8 <= 8'd0;data_in_9 <= 8'd0;data_in_10 <= 8'd0;data_in_11 <= 8'd0;data_in_12 <= 8'd0;data_in_13 <= 8'd0;data_in_14 <= 8'd0;data_in_15 <= 8'd0;data_in_16 <= 8'd0;data_in_17 <= 8'd0;data_in_18 <= 8'd0;data_in_19 <= 8'd0;data_in_20 <= 8'd0;data_in_21 <= 8'd0;data_in_22 <= 8'd0;data_in_23 <= 8'd0;data_in_24 <= 8'd0;data_in_25 <= 8'd0;data_in_26 <= 8'd0;data_in_27 <= 8'd0;data_in_28 <= 8'd0;data_in_29 <= 8'd0;data_in_30 <= 8'd0;data_in_31 <= 8'd0;data_in_valid <= 1'b0;endelse begindata_in_0 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_1 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_2 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_3 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_4 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_5 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_6 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_7 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_8 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_9 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_10 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_11 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_12 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_13 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_14 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_15 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_16 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_17 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_18 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_19 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_20 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_21 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_22 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_23 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_24 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_25 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_26 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_27 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_28 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_29 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_30 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_31 <= {$random} % 255;data_in_valid <= 1'b1;endendassign data_in = {data_in_0, data_in_1, data_in_2, data_in_3, data_in_4, data_in_5, data_in_6, data_in_7, data_in_8, data_in_9, data_in_10, data_in_11, data_in_12, data_in_13, data_in_14, data_in_15,data_in_16, data_in_17, data_in_18, data_in_19, data_in_20, data_in_21, data_in_22, data_in_23,data_in_24, data_in_25, data_in_26, data_in_27, data_in_28, data_in_29, data_in_30, data_in_31};sort_bubble sort_bubble_u(.clk (clk ),.rst (rst ),.data_in (data_in ),.data_in_valid (data_in_valid ),.data_out (data_out ),.data_out_valid (data_out_valid));endmodule
module sort_insertion #(parameter BITWIDTH = 8, parameter ELEMENTS = 32)(input clk,input rst_n,input [BITWIDTH*ELEMENTS-1:0] data_in,output reg [BITWIDTH*ELEMENTS-1:0] data_out
);reg [7:0] array [0:31];reg [5:0] i, j;reg [7:0] key;// State machine statesreg [2:0] state_c;reg [2:0] state_n;parameter IDLE = 3'b000,SORT = 3'b001,BREAK= 3'b010,DONE = 3'b011;genvar p;generatefor (p=0; p<32; p=p+1) begin: ASSIGN_FOR_DATA_OUTalways @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begindata_out[p*8 +: 8] <= array[p];endendendgenerate // State Transfer - Firstalways @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) beginif (!rst_n) beginstate_c <= IDLE;endelse beginstate_c <= state_n;endend// State Transfer - Secondalways @(*) begincase (state_c)IDLE: beginstate_n = BREAK;endSORT: beginif (j == 0 || array[j] <= key) state_n = BREAK;else state_n = state_c;endBREAK: beginif (i > 0 && i < 31) state_n = SORT;else if (i == 31) state_n = DONE;else state_n = state_c;enddefault: state_n = DONE;endcaseend// State Transfer - Thirdalways @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) beginif (!rst_n) begin i <= 0; j <= 0; key <= 8'd0; endelse if (state_c == SORT) beginif (j == 0 || array[j] <= key) begini <= i; j <= j - 1; key <= array[i]; // 同时跳转到breakendelse begini <= i; j <= j - 1; key <= key; // 接着比较endendelse if (state_c == BREAK) beginif ( i <= 30) begin i <= i + 1; j <= i; key <= array[i+1];endelse begini <= i + 1; j <= 0; key <= 8'd0;end endelse begin i <= 0; j <= 0; key <= 8'd0; endendalways @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) beginif (!rst_n) beginarray[0] <= 0;array[1] <= 0;array[2] <= 0;array[3] <= 0;array[4] <= 0;array[5] <= 0;array[6] <= 0;array[7] <= 0;array[8] <= 0;array[9] <= 0;array[10] <= 0;array[11] <= 0;array[12] <= 0;array[13] <= 0;array[14] <= 0;array[15] <= 0;array[16] <= 0;array[17] <= 0;array[18] <= 0;array[19] <= 0;array[20] <= 0;array[21] <= 0;array[22] <= 0;array[23] <= 0;array[24] <= 0;array[25] <= 0;array[26] <= 0;array[27] <= 0;array[28] <= 0;array[29] <= 0;array[30] <= 0;array[31] <= 0; endelse beginif (state_c == IDLE) beginarray[0] <= data_in[0*8 +: 8];array[1] <= data_in[1*8 +: 8];array[2] <= data_in[2*8 +: 8];array[3] <= data_in[3*8 +: 8];array[4] <= data_in[4*8 +: 8];array[5] <= data_in[5*8 +: 8];array[6] <= data_in[6*8 +: 8];array[7] <= data_in[7*8 +: 8];array[8] <= data_in[8*8 +: 8];array[9] <= data_in[9*8 +: 8];array[10] <= data_in[10*8 +: 8];array[11] <= data_in[11*8 +: 8];array[12] <= data_in[12*8 +: 8];array[13] <= data_in[13*8 +: 8];array[14] <= data_in[14*8 +: 8];array[15] <= data_in[15*8 +: 8];array[16] <= data_in[16*8 +: 8];array[17] <= data_in[17*8 +: 8];array[18] <= data_in[18*8 +: 8];array[19] <= data_in[19*8 +: 8];array[20] <= data_in[20*8 +: 8];array[21] <= data_in[21*8 +: 8];array[22] <= data_in[22*8 +: 8];array[23] <= data_in[23*8 +: 8];array[24] <= data_in[24*8 +: 8];array[25] <= data_in[25*8 +: 8];array[26] <= data_in[26*8 +: 8];array[27] <= data_in[27*8 +: 8];array[28] <= data_in[28*8 +: 8];array[29] <= data_in[29*8 +: 8];array[30] <= data_in[30*8 +: 8];array[31] <= data_in[31*8 +: 8];endelse if (state_c == BREAK && i == 1 && array[j] > key) beginarray[j + 1] <= array[j];array[j] <= key; endelse if (state_c == SORT && array[j] > key) beginarray[j + 1] <= array[j];array[j] <= key;endendendendmodule
module sort_insertion_tb #(parameter BITWIDTH = 8, parameter ELEMENTS = 32)();reg clk;reg rst_n;reg [BITWIDTH*ELEMENTS-1:0] data_in;wire [BITWIDTH*ELEMENTS-1:0] data_out;sort_insertion #(BITWIDTH, ELEMENTS) uut (.clk(clk),.rst_n(rst_n),.data_in(data_in),.data_out(data_out));// Clock generationalways #5 clk = ~clk;initial begin// Initialize inputsclk = 0;rst_n = 0;// Apply reset#10;rst_n = 1;// Load test datadata_in[BITWIDTH*0 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd12;data_in[BITWIDTH*1 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd3;data_in[BITWIDTH*2 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd25;data_in[BITWIDTH*3 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd8;data_in[BITWIDTH*4 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd15;data_in[BITWIDTH*5 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd18;data_in[BITWIDTH*6 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd7;data_in[BITWIDTH*7 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd1;data_in[BITWIDTH*8 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd31;data_in[BITWIDTH*9 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd14;data_in[BITWIDTH*10 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd6;data_in[BITWIDTH*11 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd22;data_in[BITWIDTH*12 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd27;data_in[BITWIDTH*13 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd20;data_in[BITWIDTH*14 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd5;data_in[BITWIDTH*15 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd9;data_in[BITWIDTH*16 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd4;data_in[BITWIDTH*17 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd17;data_in[BITWIDTH*18 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd2;data_in[BITWIDTH*19 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd10;data_in[BITWIDTH*20 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd11;data_in[BITWIDTH*21 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd13;data_in[BITWIDTH*22 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd24;data_in[BITWIDTH*23 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd28;data_in[BITWIDTH*24 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd19;data_in[BITWIDTH*25 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd26;data_in[BITWIDTH*26 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd23;data_in[BITWIDTH*27 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd30;data_in[BITWIDTH*28 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd29;data_in[BITWIDTH*29 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd21;data_in[BITWIDTH*30 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd16;data_in[BITWIDTH*31 +: BITWIDTH] = 8'd0;// Wait for the sorting to complete#3000;// Display sorted data$display("Sorted data:");$display("data_out[0] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*0 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[1] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*1 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[2] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*2 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[3] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*3 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[4] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*4 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[5] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*5 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[6] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*6 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[7] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*7 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[8] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*8 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[9] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*9 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[10] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*10 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[11] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*11 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[12] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*12 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[13] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*13 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[14] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*14 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[15] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*15 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[16] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*16 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[17] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*17 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[18] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*18 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[19] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*19 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[20] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*20 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[21] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*21 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[22] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*22 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[23] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*23 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[24] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*24 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[25] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*25 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[26] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*26 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[27] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*27 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[28] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*28 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[29] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*29 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[30] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*30 +: BITWIDTH]);$display("data_out[31] = %d", data_out[BITWIDTH*31 +: BITWIDTH]);$finish;end
// Create Date: 22/03/2022
// Author: Bala Dhinesh
// Module Name: BitonicSortScalable
// Project Name: Bitonic Sorting in Verilog
//// This code can work with any number of elements in the powers of 2. There are three primary states in the code, namely SORT, MERGE_SETUP, MERGE.
// **SORT**: Sort the array for every eight elements.
// **MERGE_SETUP**: This will make a bitonic sequence for the entire array.
// **MERGE**: Do the bitonic sort from the bitonic sequence array obtained from MERGE_SETUP.
// This code uses eight elements as a base for hardware and scaled from it. // reference: https://github.com/BalaDhinesh/Bitonic-Sorting-In-Verilog// another reference: https://github.com/john9636/SortingNetworkmodule sort_bitonic #(parameter BITWIDTH = 8, parameter ELEMENTS = 32)(input clk,input rst_n,input en_i,input [ELEMENTS*BITWIDTH-1:0] in,// add signal for max// 32-max1input enable_SORT32_max1,// 16-max1input enable_SORT16_max1,// The reason of multipling 8 is 8 group of 4-max1// 4 group of 8-max1, 2 group of 16-max1, 1 group of 32-max1output reg [BITWIDTH*8-1:0] sort_max, output reg done_o,output reg [ELEMENTS*BITWIDTH-1:0] out
);// FSM stateslocalparam START = 3'b000, // 0SETUP = 3'b001, // 1SORT = 3'b010, // 2DONE = 3'b011, // 3MERGE_SETUP = 3'b100, // 4MERGE = 3'b101, // 5IDLE = 3'b111; // 7reg positive; // sort ascending or descending for intermediate sub-arraysreg [2:0] state; // state of FSMreg [$clog2(ELEMENTS)-1:0] stage;reg [7:0] d[0:7]; // temporary register arrayreg [2:0] step; // Register variables for Bitonic mergereg [$clog2(ELEMENTS):0] compare;reg [$clog2(ELEMENTS)-1:0] i_MERGE;reg [$clog2(ELEMENTS)-1:0] sum;reg [$clog2(ELEMENTS)-1:0] sum_max;reg [$clog2(ELEMENTS):0] STAGES = ELEMENTS/16;reg [$clog2(ELEMENTS):0] STAGES_FIXED = ELEMENTS/16;always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)if (!rst_n) beginout <= 0;step <= 4'd0;done_o <= 1'd0;state <= START;end else begincase(state)START:beginstep <= 0;done_o <= 1'd0;compare <= ELEMENTS;i_MERGE <= 0;positive <= 1;sum <= 8;sum_max <= 8;out <= in;if(en_i) beginstate <= SETUP;stage <= 0;endend SETUP:beginif(stage <= (ELEMENTS/8)) begind[0] <= in[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 0*BITWIDTH +: 8];d[1] <= in[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 1*BITWIDTH +: 8];d[2] <= in[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 2*BITWIDTH +: 8];d[3] <= in[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 3*BITWIDTH +: 8];d[4] <= in[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 4*BITWIDTH +: 8];d[5] <= in[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 5*BITWIDTH +: 8];d[6] <= in[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 6*BITWIDTH +: 8];d[7] <= in[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 7*BITWIDTH +: 8];state <= SORT;endelse beginstate <= START;endendSORT:begincase(step)0: beginif(d[0] > d[1]) begind[0] <= d[1];d[1] <= d[0];endif(d[2] < d[3]) begind[2] <= d[3];d[3] <= d[2];endif(d[4] > d[5]) begind[4] <= d[5];d[5] <= d[4];endif(d[6] < d[7]) begind[6] <= d[7];d[7] <= d[6];endstep <= step + 1;end1: beginif(d[0] > d[2]) begind[0] <= d[2];d[2] <= d[0];endif(d[1] > d[3]) begind[1] <= d[3];d[3] <= d[1];endif(d[4] < d[6]) begind[4] <= d[6];d[6] <= d[4];endif(d[5] < d[7]) begind[5] <= d[7];d[7] <= d[5];endstep <= step + 1;end2: beginif(d[0] > d[1]) begind[0] <= d[1];d[1] <= d[0];endif(d[2] > d[3]) begind[2] <= d[3];d[3] <= d[2];endif(d[4] < d[5]) begind[4] <= d[5];d[5] <= d[4];endif(d[6] < d[7]) begind[6] <= d[7];d[7] <= d[6];endstep <= step + 1;end3: beginif(stage%2 ==0) beginif(d[0] > d[4]) begind[0] <= d[4];d[4] <= d[0];endif(d[1] > d[5]) begind[1] <= d[5];d[5] <= d[1];endif(d[2] > d[6]) begind[2] <= d[6];d[6] <= d[2];endif(d[3] > d[7]) begind[3] <= d[7];d[7] <= d[3];endendelse beginif(d[0] < d[4]) begind[0] <= d[4];d[4] <= d[0];endif(d[1] < d[5]) begind[1] <= d[5];d[5] <= d[1];endif(d[2] < d[6]) begind[2] <= d[6];d[6] <= d[2];endif(d[3] < d[7]) begind[3] <= d[7];d[7] <= d[3];endendstep <= step + 1;end4: beginif(stage%2 ==0) beginif(d[0] > d[2]) begind[0] <= d[2];d[2] <= d[0];endif(d[1] > d[3]) begind[1] <= d[3];d[3] <= d[1];endif(d[4] > d[6]) begind[4] <= d[6];d[6] <= d[4];endif(d[5] > d[7]) begind[5] <= d[7];d[7] <= d[5];endendelse beginif(d[0] < d[2]) begind[0] <= d[2];d[2] <= d[0];endif(d[1] < d[3]) begind[1] <= d[3];d[3] <= d[1];endif(d[4] < d[6]) begind[4] <= d[6];d[6] <= d[4];endif(d[5] < d[7]) begind[5] <= d[7];d[7] <= d[5];endendstep <= step + 1;end5: beginif(stage%2 ==0) beginif(d[0] > d[1]) begind[0] <= d[1];d[1] <= d[0];endif(d[2] > d[3]) begind[2] <= d[3];d[3] <= d[2];endif(d[4] > d[5]) begind[4] <= d[5];d[5] <= d[4];endif(d[6] > d[7]) begind[6] <= d[7];d[7] <= d[6];endendelse beginif(d[0] < d[1]) begind[0] <= d[1];d[1] <= d[0];endif(d[2] < d[3]) begind[2] <= d[3];d[3] <= d[2];endif(d[4] < d[5]) begind[4] <= d[5];d[5] <= d[4];endif(d[6] < d[7]) begind[6] <= d[7];d[7] <= d[6];endendstep <= 4'd0;state <= DONE;enddefault: step <= 4'd0;endcaseendDONE: beginif(stage == (ELEMENTS/8 - 1)) begin out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 0*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[0];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 1*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[1];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 2*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[2];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 3*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[3];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 4*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[4];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 5*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[5];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 6*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[6];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 7*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[7];if(ELEMENTS == 8) state <= IDLE;// add code by dention 20240514 start// add 2 group of 16-max1else beginif (enable_SORT16_max1) beginif (out[0*8*BITWIDTH + 7*BITWIDTH +: 8] > out[1*8*BITWIDTH + 0*BITWIDTH +: 8]) beginsort_max[BITWIDTH-1:0] <= out[0*8*BITWIDTH + 7*BITWIDTH +: 8]; // 16-max1endelse beginsort_max[BITWIDTH-1:0] <= out[1*8*BITWIDTH + 0*BITWIDTH +: 8];endif (out[2*8*BITWIDTH + 7*BITWIDTH +: 8] > out[3*8*BITWIDTH + 0*BITWIDTH +: 8]) beginsort_max[2*BITWIDTH-1:BITWIDTH] <= out[2*8*BITWIDTH + 7*BITWIDTH +: 8]; // 16-max1endelse beginsort_max[2*BITWIDTH-1:BITWIDTH] <= out[3*8*BITWIDTH + 0*BITWIDTH +: 8]; endsort_max[8*BITWIDTH-1:2*BITWIDTH] <= 0;state <= IDLE;done_o <= 1;endelse beginsort_max[8*BITWIDTH-1:0] <= 0;state <= MERGE_SETUP; endendstage <= 0;sum <= 8;i_MERGE <= 0;compare <= 16;endelse if(stage < (ELEMENTS/8)) beginout[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 0*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[0];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 1*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[1];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 2*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[2];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 3*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[3];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 4*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[4];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 5*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[5];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 6*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[6];out[stage*8*BITWIDTH + 7*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= d[7];state <= SETUP;stage <= stage + 1;endelse beginout <= 110;state <= IDLE;endendMERGE_SETUP:beginif(STAGES == ELEMENTS | STAGES_FIXED == 1) beginif(sum == ELEMENTS/2) begin// add code by dention 20240514 start// add 32-max1if (enable_SORT32_max1) begin// choose double sort bitonic 16 max1 and compare two max1 to gain the max in 32if (out[1*8*BITWIDTH + 7*BITWIDTH +: 8] > out[2*8*BITWIDTH + 0*BITWIDTH +: 8]) beginsort_max[BITWIDTH-1:0] <= out[1*8*BITWIDTH + 7*BITWIDTH +: 8]; // 32-max1endelse begin sort_max[BITWIDTH-1:0] <= out[2*8*BITWIDTH + 0*BITWIDTH +: 8]; // 32-max1end sort_max[BITWIDTH*8-1:BITWIDTH] <= 0;state <= IDLE;done_o <= 1;end// add code by dention 20240514 endelse beginsort_max[BITWIDTH*8-1:0] <= 0;state <= MERGE;endendelse beginsum <= sum_max * 2; //16sum_max <= sum_max * 2; //16state <= MERGE_SETUP;i_MERGE <= 0;compare <= sum_max*4; //64positive <= 1;stage <= 0;STAGES <= STAGES_FIXED / 2; // 2STAGES_FIXED <= STAGES_FIXED / 2; // 1endend// across-0 min-max-min-max 1 period// across-1 min-max-min-max 2 period// across-3 min-max-min-max 3 period// across-7 min-max-min-max 4 periodelse beginif((sum + i_MERGE) < compare && (compare <= ELEMENTS) && (stage < STAGES)) beginif(positive) beginif(out[i_MERGE*BITWIDTH +: 8] > out[(i_MERGE+sum)*BITWIDTH +: 8]) beginout[i_MERGE*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= out[(i_MERGE+sum)*BITWIDTH +: 8];out[(i_MERGE+sum)*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= out[i_MERGE*BITWIDTH +: 8];endendelse beginif(out[i_MERGE*BITWIDTH +: 8] < out[(i_MERGE+sum)*BITWIDTH +: 8]) beginout[i_MERGE*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= out[(i_MERGE+sum)*BITWIDTH +: 8];out[(i_MERGE+sum)*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= out[i_MERGE*BITWIDTH +: 8];endendif ((sum + i_MERGE) >= (compare - 1)) begini_MERGE <= compare;compare <= compare + 2*sum;stage = stage + 1;if(STAGES == 2) beginif(stage == 0) positive <= 1;else positive <= 0;endelse beginif((stage%(STAGES*2/STAGES_FIXED)) < STAGES/STAGES_FIXED) positive <= 1;else positive <= 0;endstate <= MERGE_SETUP;endelse begini_MERGE = i_MERGE + 1;state <= MERGE_SETUP;endendelse beginstate <= MERGE_SETUP;i_MERGE <= 0;positive <= 1;sum <= sum / 2;compare <= sum;stage <= 0;STAGES <= STAGES * 2;endendendMERGE:beginif(sum == 1) beginstate <= IDLE;done_o <= 1;endelse beginif((sum + i_MERGE) < ELEMENTS) beginif(out[i_MERGE*BITWIDTH +: 8] > out[(i_MERGE+sum)*BITWIDTH +: 8]) beginout[i_MERGE*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= out[(i_MERGE+sum)*BITWIDTH +: 8];out[(i_MERGE+sum)*BITWIDTH +: 8] <= out[i_MERGE*BITWIDTH +: 8];endif ((sum + i_MERGE) >= (compare - 1)) begini_MERGE <= compare;compare <= compare * 2;endelse begini_MERGE = i_MERGE + 1;state <= MERGE;endendelse beginstate <= MERGE;i_MERGE <= 0;sum <= sum / 2;compare <= sum;endendendIDLE: state <= IDLE;default: state <= START;endcaseend
`timescale 1ns/1ps
`define clk_period 20module BitonicSortScalable_tb #(parameter BITWIDTH = 8, // Bitwidth of each elementparameter ELEMENTS = 32 // Number of elements to be sorted. This value must be a powers of two
();reg clk, rst_n, en_i;reg [ELEMENTS*BITWIDTH-1:0] in;wire done_o;wire [ELEMENTS*BITWIDTH-1:0] out;reg enable_SORT32_max1;reg enable_SORT16_max1;wire [BITWIDTH*8-1:0] sort_max;sort_bitonic bitonic_SORT_u(clk,rst_n,en_i,in,enable_SORT32_max1,enable_SORT16_max1,sort_max,done_o,out);integer i;initial beginclk = 1'b1;endalways #(`clk_period/2) beginclk = ~clk;endinitial beginrst_n = 0;en_i = 0;in = 0;enable_SORT16_max1 = 0;enable_SORT32_max1 = 0;#(`clk_period);rst_n = 1;en_i = 1;enable_SORT16_max1 = 1;// Input array vector to sort. // Increase the number of elements based on ELEMENTS parameterin ={ 8'd28, 8'd23, 8'd24, 8'd16, 8'd11, 8'd25, 8'd29, 8'd1,8'd10, 8'd32, 8'd21, 8'd2, 8'd27, 8'd31, 8'd3, 8'd30,8'd15, 8'd13, 8'd0, 8'd8, 8'd5, 8'd18, 8'd22, 8'd26,8'd4, 8'd6, 8'd9, 8'd19, 8'd20, 8'd7, 8'd14, 8'd17};#(`clk_period);en_i = 0;#(`clk_period*10000);$display("Input array:");for(i=0;i<ELEMENTS;i=i+1)$write(in[i*BITWIDTH +: 8]);$display("\nOutput sorted array:");for(i=0;i<ELEMENTS;i=i+1)$write(out[i*BITWIDTH +: 8]);$display("\ndone %d", done_o);$finish;endendmodule
// reference: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/32166363`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module sort_heap
#(parameter addr_width = 5,parameter data_width = 8
(input clk,input rst_n,input en,input clr,output reg done,input [addr_width - 1:0] parent,input [addr_width - 1:0] length,output reg wea,output reg [ addr_width - 1:0 ] addra,output reg [ data_width - 1:0 ] data_we,input [ data_width - 1:0 ] data_re
);reg [data_width - 1:0] temp;
reg [addr_width :0] parent_r;//attention: For recognize the parent, we must expand data width of it
reg [addr_width :0] child_r;
reg [addr_width :0] length_r;parameter IDLE = 6'b000001;
parameter BEGINA = 6'b000010;
parameter GET = 6'b000100;
parameter COMPARE = 6'b001000;
parameter WRITE = 6'b010000;
parameter COMPLETE= 6'b100000;reg [5:0] state;
reg [5:0] next_state;
reg [7:0] cnt;
reg [data_width - 1:0] child_compare;
always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
beginif(!rst_n) begin state <= IDLE; endelse begin state <= next_state; end
begincase(state)IDLE: begin if(en) begin next_state = BEGINA; endelse begin next_state = IDLE; endendBEGINA:beginif(cnt == 8'd2) begin next_state = GET; endelse begin next_state = BEGINA; endendGET: beginif(child_r >= length_r) begin next_state = COMPLETE; endelse if(cnt == 8'd4) begin next_state = COMPARE; endelse begin next_state = GET; endendCOMPARE: beginif(temp >= child_compare) begin next_state = COMPLETE; endelse begin next_state = WRITE; endendWRITE: beginif(cnt == 8'd1) begin next_state = GET; endelse begin next_state = WRITE; endendCOMPLETE:beginif(clr) begin next_state = IDLE; endelse begin next_state = COMPLETE; endendendcase
endreg [data_width - 1:0] child_R;
reg [data_width - 1:0] child_L;
always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
beginif(!rst_n) begin done <= 1'b0; endelsebegincase(state)IDLE: beginparent_r <= {1'b0, parent};length_r <= {1'b0, length};child_r <= 2*parent + 1'b1;cnt <= 8'd0; child_R <= 0; child_L <= 0;done <= 1'b0;endBEGINA:beginif(cnt == 8'd0) begin addra <= parent_r; cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; end else if(cnt == 8'd2) begin temp <= data_re; cnt <= 1'b0; endelse begin cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; endendGET: beginif(child_r >= length_r) begin addra <= addra; endelse beginif(cnt == 8'd0) begin addra <= child_r; cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; endelse if(cnt == 8'd1) begin addra <= child_r + 1'b1; cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; endelse if(cnt == 8'd2) begin child_L <= data_re; cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; endelse if(cnt == 8'd3) begin child_R <= data_re; cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; endelse if(cnt == 8'd4)beginif( (child_r + 1'b1 < length_r) && (child_R > child_L) ) begin child_r <= child_r + 1'b1; child_compare <= child_R;endelse begin child_r <= child_r; child_compare <= child_L;endcnt <= 8'd0;endelse begin cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; endendendCOMPARE: begin endWRITE: beginif(cnt == 8'd0) begin addra <= parent_r; wea <= 1'b1; data_we <= child_compare; cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; endelse if(cnt == 8'd1) begin wea <= 1'b0; cnt <= 8'd0;parent_r <= child_r;child_r <= child_r*2 + 1'b1; end else begin cnt <= cnt; endend COMPLETE: begin if(cnt == 8'd0) begin wea <= 1'b1; addra <= parent_r; data_we <= temp; cnt <= cnt + 1'b1;endelse if(cnt == 8'd1)begin wea <= 1'b0;cnt <= cnt + 1'b1;done <= 1'b1;endelse if(cnt == 8'd2)begindone <= 1'b0;cnt <= 8'd2;endendendcaseend
`timescale 1ns / 1psmodule sort_heap_top
#(parameter addr_width = 5, //stack address widthparameter data_width = 8, //stack data widthparameter stack_deepth = 31 //stack deepth
(input clk,input rst_n
);reg en; //initial module input: Enable initial process
reg clr; //initial module input: Reset initial process
wire done; //initial module output: One initial process have done
reg [addr_width - 1:0] parent; //initial module input: Parent
reg [addr_width - 1:0] length; //initial module input: Length of listwire wea; //RAM module input: write enable
wire [addr_width - 1:0] addra; //RAM module input: write/read address
wire [data_width - 1:0] data_we; //RAM module input: write data
wire [data_width - 1:0] data_re; //RAM module output: read dataparameter BEGINA = 9'b0_0000_0001;//stage 1: stack initial
parameter RANK = 9'b0_0000_0010;
parameter FINISH = 9'b0_0000_0100;
parameter DONE = 9'b0_0000_1000;parameter READ = 9'b0_0001_0000;//stage 2: rank of stack
parameter WRITE = 9'b0_0010_0000;
parameter RANK_2 = 9'b0_0100_0000;
parameter FINISH_2= 9'b0_1000_0000;
parameter DONE_2 = 9'b1_0000_0000;reg [addr_width - 1:0] cnt; //counter in FSM stage 1/2
reg [addr_width - 1:0] cnt2; //counter in FSM stage 2
reg [8:0] state; //FSM state
reg [8:0] next_state; //FSM next state
reg [addr_width - 1:0] addr; //stack inital process read RAM address
reg initial_done; //stack initial done
reg [data_width - 1:0] list_i; //RANK process reg
reg [data_width - 1:0] list_0; //RANK process reg
reg wea_FSM; //wea signal from FSM
reg [data_width - 1:0] data_we_FSM; //write data form FSM//FSM stage 1: state transform
always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
beginif(!rst_n) begin state <= BEGINA; endelse begin state <= next_state; end
end//FSM stage 2: state change
begincase(state)BEGINA: begin next_state = RANK; end //stack initial process beginRANK: beginif(done) begin next_state = FINISH; endelse begin next_state = RANK; endendFINISH:begin if(addr == stack_deepth - 1 & cnt != {addr_width{1'b1}}) begin next_state = BEGINA; endelse if(addr == stack_deepth - 1 & cnt == {addr_width{1'b1}} ) begin next_state = DONE; endelse begin next_state = FINISH; endendDONE: begin next_state = READ; end //stack initial process have doneREAD: begin //stack rank process beginif(cnt == 3) begin next_state = WRITE; endelse begin next_state = READ; endendWRITE:beginif(cnt == 2) begin next_state = RANK_2; endelse begin next_state = WRITE; endendRANK_2:beginif(done) begin next_state = FINISH_2; endelse begin next_state = RANK_2; endendFINISH_2:beginif(addr == stack_deepth - 1 & cnt2 != 0) begin next_state = READ; endelse if(addr == stack_deepth - 1 & cnt2 == 0) begin next_state = DONE_2; endelse begin next_state = FINISH_2; endendDONE_2:begin next_state = DONE_2; end//stack rank process doneendcase
end//FSM stage 3: state output
always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
beginif(!rst_n) begin cnt <= stack_deepth/2; addr <= {addr_width{1'b1}}; initial_done <= 1'b0; wea_FSM <= 1'b0; endelse begincase(state)BEGINA: begin //stack initial beginen <= 1'b1;clr <= 1'b0;parent <= cnt;length <= stack_deepth;endRANK: beginclr <= 1'b0;if(done) begin cnt <= cnt - 1'b1; clr <= 1'b1; en <= 1'b0; addr <= 4'd0; endendFINISH:begin clr <= 1'b0; addr <= addr + 1'b1; endDONE: begin initial_done <= 1'b1; //stack initial have donecnt2 <= stack_deepth - 1;cnt <= 0;end READ: begin //stack rank process beginif(cnt == 0) begin addr <= 0; cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; endelse if(cnt == 1) begin addr <= cnt2; cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; endelse if(cnt == 2) begin list_0 <= data_re; cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; endelse if(cnt == 3) begin list_i <= data_re; cnt <= 0; endelse begin cnt <= cnt; end endWRITE:beginif(cnt == 0) begin wea_FSM <= 1'b1;addr <= 0; data_we_FSM <= list_i;cnt <= cnt + 1'b1;endelse if(cnt == 1) beginwea_FSM <= 1'b1;addr <= cnt2; data_we_FSM <= list_0;cnt <= cnt + 1'b1;endelse if(cnt == 2) begin wea_FSM <= 1'b0; cnt <= 0; parent <= 0; length <= cnt2; en <= 1'b1; endelse begin cnt <= cnt; endendRANK_2:beginif(done) begin cnt2 <= cnt2 - 1'b1; clr <= 1'b1; en <= 1'b0; addr <= 0; endendFINISH_2:beginclr <= 1'b0; addr <= addr + 1'b1;endendcaseend
endwire wea_initial;
wire [data_width - 1:0] data_we_initial;
//stack initial process
sort_heap U1
);wire [addr_width - 1:0] RAM_addr;
assign wea = (state == WRITE) ? wea_FSM:wea_initial;
assign RAM_addr = (state == FINISH || state == READ || state == WRITE || state == FINISH_2) ? addr:addra;
assign data_we = (state == WRITE) ? data_we_FSM:data_we_initial;
//RAM module
blk_mem_gen_0 RAM1
`define clk_period 20module sort_hep_top_tb
();reg clk;
reg rst_n;initial beginclk = 1'b1;
endalways #(`clk_period/2) beginclk = ~clk;
endinitial beginrst_n = 0;#(`clk_period);rst_n = 1;#(`clk_period*100000);$finish;
endsort_heap_top sort_heap_top_u(clk,rst_n