


项目实现有一定的疏漏。为了正确运行代码,本次对代码Agent部分进行了简单修改(完善ReAct prompt及LLM的多次循环调用)。


  1. TinyRAG


    • 结论速递
    • 前情回顾
  • 1 绪论
    • 1.1 LLM Agent
    • 1.2 ReAct
    • 1.3 如何手搓Agent
  • 2 TinyAgent
    • 2.1 项目结构
    • 2.2 代码阅读
      • 2.2.1 Agent
      • 2.2.2 Tool
      • 2.2.3 LLM
    • 2.3 运行案例
      • 2.3.1 代码修改
      • 2.3.2 运行结果
    • 参考阅读

1 绪论

1.1 LLM Agent


LLM Agent是利用LLM构建Agent,比较受到广泛认可的方式是使用LLM作为Agent的大脑,让其自主规划、利用工具来完成人类指定的任务。如下图所示,图片出自The Rise and Potential of Large Language Model Based Agents: A Survey。

Conceptual framework of LLM-based agent with three components: brain, perception, and

关于Agent有很多有名的项目,除了单Agent之外,Multi-agent也是目前一个比较流行的研究方向(simulated agent society)。

  • AI小镇
  • ChatDev
  • MetaGPT

1.2 ReAct

ReAct是一种prompt策略,它将CoT(思维链策略)和action(操作工具)结合,使LLM能够实时规划和调整操作工具的策略,从而完成较复杂的任务。下图出自ReAct project。

1.3 如何手搓Agent

之前简单玩过Langchain和CrewAI的agent,都是ReAct策略的agent,简单理解agent是prompt-based的role+tool use,其中tool use借助ReAct实现


  • 定义Agent的prompt构建:
    • 角色
    • 任务
    • ReAct策略
  • tool:
    • input处理:把agent的动作处理为API的输入
    • 调用API

2 TinyAgent

2.1 项目结构


  • Agent:集成了prompt模板,其中agent的动作的截取也在此实现
  • Tool:实现了tool的封装
  • LLM:实现LLM的调用

2.2 代码阅读

2.2.1 Agent



  • prompt:分为两块,一块是tool描述的模板,一块是ReAct的模板
    • tool描述:由三个部分组成,tool唯一名name_for_model,tool描述(name_for_human工具人类名,description_for_model工具功能),调用tool所需要生成的格式及参数(JSON格式,指定parameters)。
      其中tool唯一名 和 调用tool所需要生成的格式及参数 是decode LLM的回复时需要的,tool描述是方便LLM理解这个工具是干什么的(这个在多工具时很重要)
    {name_for_model}: Call this tool to interact with the {name_for_human} API. What is the {name_for_human} API useful for? {description_for_model} Parameters: {parameters} Format the arguments as a JSON object.
    • ReAct策略:规定了由Question,Thought,Action,Action Input, Observation构成,并且从思考动作到观测这个步骤可以重复多次。这个是ReAct的核心。
  • Agent:
    • LLM调用:build_system_input构建调用LLM所需的prompt,text_completion调用LLM生成回复。只执行了两次调用
    • 工具调用:parse_latest_plugin_call解析/解码LLM回复中关于调用工具的部分,确定调用的tool唯一名 和 调用tool的参数;call_plugin调用工具得到结果。
class Agent:def __init__(self, path: str = '') -> None:passdef build_system_input(self):# 构造上文中所说的系统提示词passdef parse_latest_plugin_call(self, text):# 解析第一次大模型返回选择的工具和工具参数passdef call_plugin(self, plugin_name, plugin_args):# 调用选择的工具passdef text_completion(self, text, history=[]):# 整合两次调用pass



2.2.2 Tool



  • 内部方法_tools,包含了构建tool描述prompt的四大基本信息:name_for_modelname_for_humandescription_for_modelparameters
  • 调用API的功能方法:这里是Google search所以是 google_search的调用google搜索的http POST。

2.2.3 LLM



  • 加载模型
  • 推理


2.3 运行案例

2.3.1 代码修改




Answer the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following tools:google_search: Call this tool to interact with the Google Search API. What is the Google Search API useful for? Google Search is a general search engine that can be used to access the internet, consult encyclopedias, learn about current news, and more. Parameters: [{'name': 'search_query', 'description': 'Search for a keyword or phrase', 'required': True, 'schema': {'type': 'string'}}] Format the arguments as a JSON object.Do not use other tools!Use the following format:Question: the input question you must answer
Thought: you should always think about what to do
Action: the action to take, should be one of [google_search]
Action Input: the input to the action
Observation: the result of the action
... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)
Thought: I now know the final answer
Final Answer: the final answer to the original input questionBegin!


  • 在调用其他工具时返回Wrong input的提示、
  • 多次调用LLM,直到获得Final Answer或者达到调用上限(设为5)
class Agent:...def call_plugin(self, plugin_name, plugin_args):plugin_args = json5.loads(plugin_args)if plugin_name == 'google_search':return '\nObservation:' + self.tool.google_search(**plugin_args)else:return '\nWrong input!'def text_completion(self, text, history=[]):response = "\nQuestion:" + textfor i in range(5):response, history = self.model.chat(response, history, self.system_prompt)if response.rfind('\nFinal Answer:') > 0:breakplugin_name, plugin_args, response = self.parse_latest_plugin_call(response)if plugin_name:response += self.call_plugin(plugin_name, plugin_args)print(response)return response, history

2.3.2 运行结果


  • 周杰伦哪年生
response, _ = agent.text_completion(text='Which year was Jay Chou born?', history=_)
Thought: To answer this question, I need to search for information about Jay Chou's birth year. I will use the Google Search API to find relevant search results.
Action: google_search
Action Input: {"search_query": "Jay Chou birth year"}
Observation:Overview · Born. January 18, 1979 · New Taipei, Taiwan · Birth name. Chieh-Lun Chou · Nicknames. President Chou; Director Chou · Height. 5′ 8″ (1.73 m) ...
Thought: Jay Chou was born on January 18, 1979. He is a Taiwanese singer, songwriter, and actor. He is known for his contributions to the Taiwanese music industry and has released numerous hit songs throughout his career. Chou has also acted in Taiwanese television dramas and films. He is considered one of the most successful and influential Taiwanese artists of all time.
Final Answer: Jay Chou was born on January 18, 1979. He is a Taiwanese singer, songwriter, and actor. He is known for his contributions to the Taiwanese music industry and has released numerous hit songs throughout his career. Chou has also acted in Taiwanese television dramas and films. He is considered one of the most successful and influential Taiwanese artists of all time.
  • 第一张专辑什么时候发的
response, _ = agent.text_completion(text='What was his first album?', history=_)
Thought: To answer this question, I need to search for information about Jay Chou's first album. I will use the Google Search API to find relevant search results.
Action: google_search
Action Input: {"search_query": "Jay Chou first album"}
Observation:Jay is the debut studio album by Taiwanese singer Jay Chou. It was released on November 7, 2000, by BMG Taiwan. It was entirely produced and composed by ...
Thought: Jay Chou's first album is titled \"Jay\" and was released on November 7, 2000. It was entirely produced and composed by Jay Chou himself. The album features a mix of pop, rock, and electronic music and includes popular tracks such as \"Jay\" and \"Jay, Jay, Jay\".
Final Answer: Jay Chou's first album is titled \"Jay\" and was released on November 7, 2000. It was entirely produced and composed by Jay Chou himself. The album features a mix of pop, rock, and electronic music and includes popular tracks such as \"Jay\" and \"Jay, Jay, Jay\".


  1. TinyAgent





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