- Android开机动画,framework修改Bootanimation动画绘制文字。
// We render 12 or 24 hour time.
void BootAnimation::drawClock(const Font& font, const int xPos, const int yPos) {static constexpr char TIME_FORMAT_12[] = "%l:%M";static constexpr char TIME_FORMAT_24[] = "%H:%M";static constexpr int TIME_LENGTH = 6;
获取系统时间time_t rawtime;time(&rawtime);struct tm* timeInfo = localtime(&rawtime);char timeBuff[TIME_LENGTH];//显示时间的字符串const char* timeFormat = mTimeFormat12Hour ? TIME_FORMAT_12 : TIME_FORMAT_24;size_t length = strftime(timeBuff, TIME_LENGTH, timeFormat, timeInfo);if (length != TIME_LENGTH - 1) {SLOGE("Couldn't format time; abandoning boot animation clock");mClockEnabled = false;return;}char* out = timeBuff[0] == ' ' ? &timeBuff[1] : &timeBuff[0];int x = xPos;int y = yPos;//绘制文本drawText(out, font, false, &x, &y);
void BootAnimation::drawText(const char* str, const Font& font, bool bold, int* x, int* y) {glEnable(GL_BLEND); // Allow us to draw on top of the animationglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, font.texture.name);const int len = strlen(str);const int strWidth = font.char_width * len;if (*x == TEXT_CENTER_VALUE) {*x = (mWidth - strWidth) / 2;} else if (*x < 0) {*x = mWidth + *x - strWidth;}if (*y == TEXT_CENTER_VALUE) {*y = (mHeight - font.char_height) / 2;} else if (*y < 0) {*y = mHeight + *y - font.char_height;}int cropRect[4] = { 0, 0, font.char_width, -font.char_height };for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {char c = str[i];if (c < FONT_BEGIN_CHAR || c > FONT_END_CHAR) {c = '?';}// Crop the texture to only the pixels in the current glyphconst int charPos = (c - FONT_BEGIN_CHAR); // Position in the list of valid charactersconst int row = charPos / FONT_NUM_COLS;const int col = charPos % FONT_NUM_COLS;cropRect[0] = col * font.char_width; // Left of columncropRect[1] = row * font.char_height * 2; // Top of row// Move down to bottom of regular (one char_heigh) or bold (two char_heigh) linecropRect[1] += bold ? 2 * font.char_height : font.char_height;glTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES, cropRect);glDrawTexiOES(*x, *y, 0, font.char_width, font.char_height);*x += font.char_width;}glDisable(GL_BLEND); // Return to the animation's default behaviourglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
static const char CLOCK_FONT_ASSET[] = "images/clock_font.png";
我们新增代码在这里TEXT_CENTER_VALUE居中显示, yc + mAndroid[0].h计算绘制的y坐标系
yc是原本Android动画的一个坐标系,但是我们不能覆盖他,所以要比他高,放到原生Android动画的上边+ mAndroid[0].h
drawClock(mClockFont, TEXT_CENTER_VALUE, yc + mAndroid[0].h);
bool BootAnimation::android()
{SLOGD("%sAnimationShownTiming start time: %" PRId64 "ms", mShuttingDown ? "Shutdown" : "Boot",elapsedRealtime());initTexture(&mAndroid[0], mAssets, "images/android-logo-mask.png");initTexture(&mAndroid[1], mAssets, "images/android-logo-shine.png");mCallbacks->init({});// clear screenglShadeModel(GL_FLAT);//qfh addbool hasInitFont = false;if (initFont(&mClockFont, CLOCK_FONT_ASSET) == NO_ERROR) {hasInitFont = true;ALOGD("android init Font ok ,fontname = %u",mClockFont.texture.name);}//qfh addglDisable(GL_DITHER);glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);glClearColor(0,0,0,1);glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);eglSwapBuffers(mDisplay, mSurface);glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);glTexEnvx(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE);const GLint xc = (mWidth - mAndroid[0].w) / 2;const GLint yc = (mHeight - mAndroid[0].h) / 2;// const Rect updateRect(xc, yc, xc + mAndroid[0].w, yc + mAndroid[0].h);//qfh modifyconst Rect updateRect(xc, yc, xc + mAndroid[0].w, yc + mAndroid[0].h*2);glScissor(updateRect.left, mHeight - updateRect.bottom, updateRect.width(),updateRect.height() * 2);//qfh modify// Blend stateglBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);glTexEnvx(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE);const nsecs_t startTime = systemTime();do {nsecs_t now = systemTime();double time = now - startTime;float t = 4.0f * float(time / us2ns(16667)) / mAndroid[1].w;GLint offset = (1 - (t - floorf(t))) * mAndroid[1].w;GLint x = xc - offset;glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);glDisable(GL_BLEND);glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mAndroid[1].name);glDrawTexiOES(x, yc, 0, mAndroid[1].w, mAndroid[1].h);glDrawTexiOES(x + mAndroid[1].w, yc, 0, mAndroid[1].w, mAndroid[1].h);glEnable(GL_BLEND);glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mAndroid[0].name);glDrawTexiOES(xc, yc, 0, mAndroid[0].w, mAndroid[0].h);drawClock(mClockFont, TEXT_CENTER_VALUE, yc + mAndroid[0].h);EGLBoolean res = eglSwapBuffers(mDisplay, mSurface);if (res == EGL_FALSE)break;// 12fps: don't animate too fast to preserve CPUconst nsecs_t sleepTime = 83333 - ns2us(systemTime() - now);if (sleepTime > 0)usleep(sleepTime);checkExit();} while (!exitPending());glDeleteTextures(1, &mAndroid[0].name);glDeleteTextures(1, &mAndroid[1].name);//qfh addif (hasInitFont)glDeleteTextures(1, &mClockFont.texture.name);//qfh addreturn false;