《计算机英语》 Unit 3 Software Engineering 软件工程

Section A Software Engineering Methodologies 软件工程方法论

Software development is an engineering process.

The goal of researchers in software engineering is to find principles that guide the software development process and lead to efficient, reliable software products.

1. Waterfall model 瀑布模型


methodologies                    n方法论

prohibitively                        adv过高的

symposium                         n研讨会

The waterfall model is a sequential design process, used in software development processes, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards through the phases of requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance.

2. Incremental model 增量模型


contradiction        n矛盾

dictate        v控制,命令

free-wheeling        单向转动

trial-and-error        试错法,不断摸索

incremental        adj.增加的;【数】增量的;增额的

evaluate        v评估

In recent years, software engineering techniques have changed to reflect the contradiction between the highly structured environment dictated by the waterfall model and the “free-wheeling”, trial-and-error process that is often vital to creative problem solving. This is illustrated by the emergence of the incremental model for software development.

Following this model, the desired software system is constructed in increments—the first being a simplified version of the final product with limited functionality. Once this version has been tested and perhaps evaluated by the future user, more features are added and tested in an incremental manner until the system is complete.

3. Iterative model 迭代模型


interative        a迭代的

preliminary        a初步的

encompass        vt围绕

refine        vt精炼,提炼

rational unified process(RUP)        统一软件管理(统一软件开发过程

prototyping        n原型设计制作

incarnation        n化身

open-source development        开源软件的开发

Another model that represents the shift away from strict adherence to the waterfall model is the iterative model, which is similar to, and in fact sometimes equated with, the incremental model, although the two are distinct.

Whereas the incremental model carries the notion of extending each preliminary version of a product into a larger version, the iterative model encompasses the concept of refining each version.

In reality, the incremental model involves an underlying iterative process, and the iterative model may incrementally add features.

4. Agile methods 敏捷方法


pronounced        a明显的

responsiveness        n敏感性

rigorous         a严厉的,严密的

extreme programming         极限编程(XP)

breadth        n宽度

Perhaps the most pronounced shift from the waterfall model is represented by the agile methods, each of which proposes early and quick implementation on an incremental basis, responsiveness to changing requirements, and a reduced emphasis on rigorous requirements analysis and design.

One example of an agile method is extreme programming (XP).

In 1999 Beck defined XP as a lightweight methodology for the small-to-medium sized teams developing software in the face of vague or rapidly changing requirements.

In terms of this definition, XP could be described in four ways.

Firstly, it is lightweight. In XP you only do what you need to do to create value for the customer.

Secondly, it is a methodology, which based on addressing obstacles in software development. It does not address some specific issues such as financial justification of projects or sales.

Thirdly, it is implemented by a small or medium size, which makes the project team much more flexible. In this kind of team, everyone is elite and has his clear responsibility.

Last but not least, XP adapts to rapidly changing requirements.


  1. The goal of researchers in software engineering is to find principles that guide the software development process and lead to efficient, reliable software products.
    软件工程 研究人员的目标是找到指导软件开发过程并导致高效、可靠软件产品的原则。

  2. Early approaches to software engineering insisted on performing requirements analysis, design, implementation,testing, and maintenance in a strictly sequential manner.

  3. Following the incremental model, the desired software system is constructed in increments – the first being a simplified version of the final product, with limited functionality.

  4. A significant example of iterative techniques is the rational unified process(RUP), which specifies the general process of developing a software product.

  5. The most prominent example is the Linux operating system whose open-source development was originally led by Linus Torvalds.

  6. Following the agile model, software is developed by a team of less than a dozen individuals working in a communal work space where they freely share ideas and assist each other in the development project.


  • Software Engineering: 软件工程,是应用工程原则来开发 and 维护软件的学科。
  • Requirements Analysis: 需求分析,是确定系统或软件必须完成什么功能的过程。
  • Testing: 测试,是评估软件系统或组件以确定它们是否满足规定要求的过程。
  • Maintenance: 维护,指在软件发布后,为了改正错误,提升性能或增加功能而进行的持续工作。
  • Software Engineer: 软件工程师,是应用软件工程原理和方法来设计、开发、测试和维护软件系统的人。
  • Requirements Specification: 需求规格说明,是详细描述软件需求的文档。
  • Waterfall Model: 瀑布模型,是一种经典的软件开发生命周期模型,它将软件开发过程划分为一系列阶段性的活动。
  • Incremental Model: 增量模型,是一种软件开发模型,其中软件是逐步构建和发布的。
  • Iterative Model: 迭代模型,是一种通过重复一系列开发活动来逐步改进软件产品的方法。
  • Rational Unified Process (RUP): 统一软件开发过程(RUP),是一种以迭代和增量的方式进行软件开发的流程。
  • Software Life Cycle: 软件生命周期,指软件从概念、设计、实现、测试、部署到维护的整个过程。
  • Agile Methods: 敏捷方法,是一组软件开发方法论,强调适应性和快速响应变化。
  • Extreme Programming (XP): 极限编程(XP),是一种敏捷软件开发方法,旨在提高软件质量并促进快速响应变化。


Software Ownership


Legal efforts to provide such ownership fall under the category of intellectual property law, much of which is based on the well-established principles of copyright and patent law.

Indeed, the purpose of a copyright or patent is to allow the developer of a “product” to release that product to intended parties while protecting his or her ownership rights.

As such, the developer of a product (whether an individual or a corporation) will assert his or her ownership by including a copyright statement in all produced works; including requirement specifications, design documents, source code, test plans, and in some visible place within the final product.

A copyright notice clearly identifies ownership, the personnel authorized to use the work, and other restrictions.

Furthermore, the rights of the developer are formally expressed in legal terms in a software license.

Section B Exploratory Testing 探索性测试


bug         n错误,漏洞

Test case        测试用例

scripted testing         脚本测试

trail and error         反复试验

tactic        n战术


  1. Software testing is a process where a software tester/team runs a program or a system to find bugs or defects, to maintain the correctness and reliability of the program.

  2. Exploratory testing is a software testing method that implements learning, test design, and test execution at the same time simply because you explore while testing.

  3. Exploratory testing solely depends on the tester's skill to find bugs and create test cases.
    探索性测试完全取决于测试人员发现 bug 和创建测试用例的技能

  4. Exploratory testing has less preparation on formal documentation before the implementing the software testing.


  • software testing - 软件测试
  • exploratory testing - 探索性测试
  • scripted testing - 脚本化测试
  • trial and error - 试错法
  • bug - 缺陷/漏洞
  • test case - 测试用例






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