最近在测试Syslog udp发送相关功能,测试环境是centos
写了一个超过64k的数据(随便用了一个7w字节的buffer)发送demo,打印的是:Error: Message too long,sendto返回值是-1。接收端也没有收到
int UDPClient::Send(const char *buffer, int length)66 {67 if (mb_closed) {68 //HLog(HGET_ERROR<<L"soket was closed.");6970 return -1;71 }72 int i = sendto(mi_sock_fd, buffer, length, 0,73 (sockaddr *)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr));7475 fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));76 return i;77 }
tcpdump -i ens192 -vvvv -s0 udp port 514
That’s probably because whatever traffic is going to port 5201 consists of UDP packets that are larger than what would fit in a single link-layer packet, so IP has to fragment them.
That filter, unfortunately, will only capture the first fragment, because the OS filtering mechanism that libpcap uses does filtering on a packet-by-packet basis without maintaining any packet history, and either 1) the first fragment of a fragmented UDP packet will contain the full UDP header, and the others will not have any information to identify them as being additional fragments of that fragmented packet (without packet history, the IP identifier doesn’t help) or 2) the UDP header itself is fragmented, in which case the filter won’t work at all (that will probably never happen in practice, but it’s not ruled out by RFC 791). Additional fragments won’t be captured, so you won’t have the full packet.
tcpdump -i ens192 -vvvv -s0 udp -w /tmp/20240703.pcap
所以:udp发送超过64k(大概的数字,除去ip和udp头部长度),需要开发人员在应用层把消息分片,不然系统的发送接口sendto会报错(message too long),返回-1,发送失败,接收端收不到任何消息。