- 1. 单链表的模拟实现
- IList.java接口:
- MySingleList.java文件:
- 2. leetcode刷题
- 2.1 获取链表的中间节点
- 2.2 删除链表中所有值为value的元素
- 2.3 单链表的逆置
- 2.4 获取链表倒数第k个节点
- 2.5 给定 x, 把一个链表整理成前半部分小于 x, 后半部分大于等于 x 的形式
- 2.6 判定链表是否是回文
- 2.7 判定链表相交并求出交点
- 2.8 判断链表带环
- 2.9 求环的入口点
- 2.10 合并两个有序链表
1. 单链表的模拟实现
public interface IList {// 1、无头单向非循环链表实现//头插法void addFirst(int data);//尾插法void addLast(int data);//任意位置插入,第一个数据节点为0号下标void addIndex(int index,int data);//查找是否包含关键字key是否在单链表当中boolean contains(int key);//删除第一次出现关键字为key的节点void remove(int key);//删除所有值为key的节点void removeAllKey(int key);//得到单链表的长度int size();void clear();void display();
public class MySingleList implements IList{static class ListNode {public int val;public ListNode next;public ListNode(int val) {this.val = val;}}public ListNode head;public void creatList() {ListNode node1 = new ListNode(0);ListNode node2 = new ListNode(1);ListNode node3 = new ListNode(2);ListNode node4 = new ListNode(3);node1.next = node2;node2.next = node3;node3.next = node4;head = node1;}@Overridepublic void display() {ListNode cur = head;while (cur != null) {System.out.print(cur.val+" ");cur = cur.next;}System.out.println();}@Overridepublic void addFirst(int data) {ListNode node = new ListNode(data);node.next = head;head = node;}@Overridepublic void addLast(int data) {ListNode node = new ListNode(data);if(head == null) {head = node;return;}//找尾ListNode cur = head;while(cur.next != null) {cur = cur.next;}cur.next = node;}@Overridepublic void addIndex(int index, int data) {if(index < 0 || index > size()) {System.out.println("index位置不合法!");return;}if(index == 0) {addFirst(data);return;}if(index == size()){addLast(data);return;}ListNode node = new ListNode(data);ListNode cur = head;for (int i = 0; i < index-1; i++) {cur = cur.next;}node.next = cur.next;cur.next = node;}@Overridepublic boolean contains(int key) {ListNode cur = head;while(cur != null) {if(cur.val == key) {return true;}cur = cur.next;}return false;}@Overridepublic void remove(int key) {if(head == null) {return;}if(head.val == key) {head = head.next;return;}ListNode pre = head;while(pre.next != null) {if(pre.next.val == key) {ListNode del = pre.next;pre.next =del.next;return;}pre = pre.next;}}@Overridepublic void removeAllKey(int key) {if(head == null) {return;}ListNode pre = head;ListNode cur = head.next;while(cur != null) {if(cur.val == key) {pre.next = cur.next;}else {pre = cur;}cur = cur.next;}//该if语句只能放在最后面,如果头节点需要删除,//删除后有可能下一个节点(此时这个节点做头节点)依然是需要删除的//因此,只能放在最后,当后面的都删除好了,再检查头节点是否需要删除if(head.val == key) {head = head.next;}}@Overridepublic int size() {int len = 0;ListNode cur = head;while(cur != null) {cur = cur.next;len++;}return len;}@Overridepublic void clear() {head = null;}
2. leetcode刷题
2.1 获取链表的中间节点
题目链接:876. 链表的中间结点
- 当链表的结点个数为奇数个时,fast走到fast.next == null时,slow此时所在位置就是中间节点
- 当链表的节点个数为偶数个时,fast走到fast == null时,slow此时所在位置就是中间节点
class Solution {public ListNode middleNode(ListNode head) {ListNode fast = head;ListNode slow = head;while(fast != null && fast.next != null) {fast = fast.next.next;slow = slow.next;}return slow;}
2.2 删除链表中所有值为value的元素
题目链接:203. 移除链表元素
class Solution {public ListNode removeElements(ListNode head, int val) {if(head == null) {return head;}ListNode pre = head;ListNode cur = head.next;while(cur != null) {if(cur.val == val) {pre.next = cur.next;}else {pre = cur;}cur = cur.next;}if(head.val == val) {head = head.next;}return head;}
2.3 单链表的逆置
题目链接:206. 反转链表
class Solution {public ListNode reverseList(ListNode head) {if(head == null || head.next == null) {return head;}ListNode pre = head;ListNode cur = head.next;ListNode curN = head.next.next;pre.next = null;while(cur != null) {cur.next = pre;pre = cur;cur = curN;if(curN != null) {curN = curN.next;}}return pre;}
2.4 获取链表倒数第k个节点
题目链接:面试题 02.02. 返回倒数第 k 个节点
解析:定义一对“快慢指针”,”快指针“fast先走k步,然后”快指针“fast和”慢指针“slow一起一次走一步,直至fast == null结束,这时slow指向的便是倒数第k个节点
class Solution {public int kthToLast(ListNode head, int k) {if(head == null) {return -1;}ListNode fast = head;ListNode slow = head;for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) {fast = fast.next;}while(fast != null) {fast = fast.next;slow = slow.next;}return slow.val;}
2.5 给定 x, 把一个链表整理成前半部分小于 x, 后半部分大于等于 x 的形式
题目链接:CM11 链表分割
public class Partition {public ListNode partition(ListNode head, int x) {// write code hereif(head == null) {return null;}ListNode bs = null;//bs:beforestartListNode be = null;//be:beforeendListNode as = null;//as:afterstartListNode ae = null;//ae:afterendListNode cur = head;while(cur != null) {if(cur.val < x) {if(bs == null) {//找到bs和be的起始位置bs = be = cur;}else {be.next = cur;be = cur;}}else {if(as == null) {//找到as和ae的起始位置as = ae = cur;}else {ae.next = cur;ae = cur;}}cur = cur.next;}//ae的next需要手动置为nullif(ae != null) {ae.next = null;}//如果链表的节点都大于x,则返回asif(bs == null) {return as;}//bs不为null,be自然也不为空be.next = as;return bs;}
2.6 判定链表是否是回文
题目链接:OR36 链表的回文结构
public class PalindromeList {public boolean chkPalindrome(ListNode A) {// write code hereif(A == null) {return false;}if(A.next == null) {return true;}//1.找到中间节点ListNode mid = getMiddleNode(A);//2.反转后半部分ListNode as = reseverList(mid);mid.next = null;//一定要置null!//3.从前往后依次对比两个链表的val值是否相同ListNode bs = A;while(bs.next != null && as.next != null) {if(bs.val != as.val) {return false;}bs = bs.next;as = as.next;}if(bs.val != as.val) {return false;}return true;}private ListNode reseverList(ListNode head) {ListNode prev = head;ListNode cur = head.next;ListNode curN = cur.next;while(cur != null) {cur.next = prev;prev = cur;cur = curN;if(curN != null){curN = curN.next;}}return prev;}private ListNode getMiddleNode(ListNode A) {ListNode fast = A;ListNode slow = A;while(fast != null && fast.next != null) {fast = fast.next.next;slow = slow.next;}return slow;}
2.7 判定链表相交并求出交点
题目链接:160. 相交链表
- 分别求出两个链表的长度,并得到两链表的长度差值(正数)
- 先让长链表的“l指针”走长度差值步,再让“l指针”和“s指针”一起走,如果相遇,相遇点即为相交链表的交点,如果没有相遇,则最后l和s同时为null
- 检验当两个链表同时为null时,代码是否满足
public class Solution {public ListNode getIntersectionNode(ListNode headA, ListNode headB) {int lenA = size(headA);int lenB = size(headB);//先假设headA链表的长度大于headB链表ListNode l = headA;ListNode s = headB;int len = lenA-lenB;//如果是headB链表更长,则进入if语句,进行调换if(len < 0) {len = -len;l = headB;s = headA;}for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {l = l.next;}while(l != s) {l = l.next;s = s.next;}if(l == null) {return null;//没相交}return l;}public int size(ListNode head) {int len = 0;ListNode cur = head;while(cur != null) {cur = cur.next;len++;}return len;}
2.8 判断链表带环
题目链接:141. 环形链表
- 定义一对“快慢指针”,快指针fast一次走两步,慢指针slow一次走一步
- 如果最后fast == slow,则说明该链表存在环形结构;如果最后 fast == null || fast.next == null,则说明该链表不存在环形结构
- 检验链表为null时,代码是否满足
public class Solution {public boolean hasCycle(ListNode head) {ListNode fast = head;ListNode slow = head;while(fast != null && fast.next != null) {fast = fast.next.next;slow = slow.next;if(fast == slow) {return true;}}return false;}
2.9 求环的入口点
题目链接:142. 环形链表 II
- 先判断链表结构中是否存在环(在2.8代码中进行略微修改即可)
- 求交点: 让一个引用从链表起始位置开始,一个引用从相遇点位置开始,两个引用每次都走一步,最终相遇时的节点即为交点(原因如下)
public class Solution {public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) {ListNode fast = head;ListNode slow = head;while(fast != null && fast.next != null) {fast = fast.next.next;slow = slow.next;//这个if语句必须放在下面,否则该if语句第一次就会成立,//因为fast和slow第一次都是headif(fast == slow){break;}}if(fast == null || fast.next == null) {return null;}slow = head;while(fast != slow) {fast = fast.next;slow = slow.next;}return fast;}
2.10 合并两个有序链表
题目链接:21. 合并两个有序链表
- 创建一个带头结点的单链表
- 依次对比两个链表的数值大小,小的尾插到新链表尾部
- 当一个链表被新链表连接完时,另一个链表剩下的部分直接尾插到新链表的尾部
- 检验当一个链表为null时,代码是否满足
class Solution {public ListNode mergeTwoLists(ListNode list1, ListNode list2) {ListNode cur1 = list1;ListNode cur2 = list2;ListNode newHead = new ListNode();//NewHead为带头结点ListNode curN = newHead;while(cur1 != null && cur2 != null) {if(cur1.val < cur2.val) {curN.next = cur1;cur1 = cur1.next;} else {curN.next = cur2;cur2 = cur2.next;}curN = curN.next;}if(cur1 == null) {curN.next = cur2;}if(cur2 == null) {curN.next = cur1;}return newHead.next;}