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通信与感知(ISAC)也被称为联合雷达通信 (JRC) / 联合通信和雷达传感 (JCAS) / 双功能雷达通信 (DFRC)



1. 概述和教程

1.1 基本概念

1.2 信号处理

1.3 通信与网络

1.4 移动计算

2. 基础理论与性能分析

3. 信号处理--以通信为中心

3.1 标准化波形

3.2 收发器设计

3.3 基础设施增强

3.4 资源和干扰管理

4. 信号处理--以传感为中心

4.1 波形设计

4.2 传感数据处理

5. 信号处理 - 联合设计

6. 联网

6.1 雷达联网

6.2 传感器联网

6.3 ISAC 网络

7. 频谱共享

8. 移动计算--WiFi 传感

8.1 人类活动识别

8.2 无线成像

8.3 控制流

9. 应用与演示

9.1 环境监测

9.2 多功能网络

9.3 健康和老年人护理

9.4 遥感

9.5 现场指定无线电地图

9.6 同步定位和制图

9.7 安全与隐私

9.8 演示


1.1 基本概念

1 . Integrated Sensing and Communications: Towards Dual-functional Wireless Networks for 6G and Beyond. IEEE JSAC, 2022. Journal.F. Liu, Y. Cui, C. Masouros, J. Xu, T. X. Han, Y. C. Eldar, S. Buzzi


2 . Integrating Sensing and Communications for Ubiquitous IoT: Applications, Trends and Challenges. IEEE Network,2021. Magazine.Y. Cui, F. Liu, X. Jing, J. Mu


3 . Joint Radar and Communication Design: Applications, State-of-the-Art, and the Road Ahead. IEEE TCOM, 2020.Journal. CodeF. Liu, C. Masouros, A. P. Petropulu, H. Griffiths, L. Hanzo


4 . Waveforhttps://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9606831/m Design and Signal Processing Aspects for Fusion of Wireless Communications and Radar Sensing.Proceedings of the IEEE, 2011. Magazine.C. Sturm, W. Wiesbeck


5 . Seventy Years of Radar and Communications: The road from separation to integration. IEEE SPM, 2023.Magazine.F. Liu, L. Zheng, Y. Cui, C. Masouros, A. P. Petropulu, H. Griffiths, Y. C. Eldar


6 . Dual-Function Radar Communication Systems: A Solution to the Spectrum Congestion Problem. IEEE SPM, 2019.Magazine.A. Hassanien, M. G. Amin, E. Aboutanios, B. Himed


7 . Radar-Communications Convergence: Coexistence, Cooperation, and Co-Design. IEEE TCCN, 2017. Journal A. R. Chiriyath, B. Paul, D. W. Bliss


1.2 信号处理

1 . An Overview of Signal Processing Techniques for Joint Communication and Radar Sensing. IEEE JSTSP, 2021.Journal.J. A. Zhang, F. Liu, C. Masouros, R. W. Heath, Z. Feng, L. Zhang, A. Petropulu


2 . Toward Millimeter-Wave Joint Radar Communications: A Signal Processing Perspective. IEEE SPM, 2019.Magazine.K. V. Mishra, M. R. Bhavani Shankar, V. Koivunen, B. Ottersten, S. A. Vorobyov


3 . Joint Radar-Communications Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles Combining Two Key Automotive Technologies. IEEE SPM, 2020. Magazine.D. Ma, N. Shlezinger, T. Huang, Y. Liu, Y. C. Eldar


4 . Signaling Strategies for Dual-function Radar Communications: An Overview. IEEE AESM, 2016. Magazine.A. Hassanien, M. G. Amin, Y. D. Zhang, F. Ahmad


5 . Radar and Communication Coexistence: An Overview: A Review of Recent Methods. IEEE SPM, 2019. Magazine.L. Zheng, M. Lops, Y. C. Eldar, X. Wang


6 . MIMO Radar for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving: Advantages and Challenges.IEEE SPM, 2020. Magazine.S. Sun, A. P. Petropulu, H. V. Poor


7 . Survey of RF Communications and Sensing Convergence Research. IEEE ACCESS, 2016. Journal.B. Paul, A. R. Chiriyath, D. W. Bliss


1.3 通信与网络

1 . Enabling Joint Communication and Radio Sensing in Mobile Networks--A Survey. IEEE COMST, 2022. Journal.J. Zhang, Md. Rahman, K. Wu, X. Huang, Y. Guo, S. Chen, J. Yuan


2 . A Tutorial on Joint Radar and Communication Transmission for Vehicular Networks - Part I, II, and III. IEEE COMML, 2020. Letter.F. Liu, C. Masouros


3 . Perceptive Mobile Network: Cellular Networks With Radio Vision via Joint Communication and Radar Sensing.IEEE VTM, 2020. Magazine.A. Zhang, M. L. Rahman, X. Huang, Y. J. Guo, S. Chen, R. W. Heath


4 . Leveraging Sensing at the Infrastructure for mmWave Communication. IEEE COMMAG, 2020. Magazine.A. Ali, N. Gonzalez-Prelcic, R. W. Heath, A. Ghosh


5 . Internet of Radars: Sensing versus Sending with Joint Radar-Communications. IEEE COMMAG, 2020. Magazine.O. B. Akan, M. Arik


6 . Full Duplex Radio/ Radar Technology: The Enabler for Advanced Joint Communication and Sensing. IEEE WCM,2021. Magazine.C. B. Barneto, S. D. Liyanaarachchi, M. Heino, T. Riihonen, M. Valkama


7 . Communications and Sensing: An Opportunity for Automotive Systems. IEEE SPM, 2020. Magazine R. W. Heath


1.4 移动计算

1 . WiFi Sensing with Channel State Information: A Survey. ACM CSUR, 2019. Journal.Y. Ma, G. Zhou, S. Wang


2 . Wireless Sensing for Human Activity: A Survey. IEEE COMST, 2019. JournalJ. Liu, H. Liu, Y. Chen, Y. Wang, C. Wang


3 . Future Millimeter-Wave Indoor Systems: A Blueprint for Joint Communication and Sensing. IEEE Computer, 2019.MagazineM. Alloulah, H. Huang


4 . Joint Design of Sensing and Communication Systems for Smart Homes. IEEE Network, 2020. Magazine Q. Huang, H. Chen, Q. Zhang


5 . Device-Free Wireless Sensing: Challenges, Opportunities, and Applications. IEEE Network, 2018. Magazine J. Wang, Q. Gao, M. Pan, Y. Fang



1 . **On the Fundamental Tradeoff of Integrated Sensing and Communications Under Gaussian Channels.*Journal* Y. Xiong, F. Liu, Y. Cui, W. Yuan, T. X. Han, G. Caire


2 . Joint State Sensing and Communication: Optimal Tradeoff for a Memoryless Case. IEEE ISIT, 2018. Conference M. Kobayashi, G. Caire, G. Kramer


3 . Joint Sensing and Communication over Memoryless Broadcast Channels. IEEE ISIT, 2020. Conference M.Ahmadipour, M.Wigger, M. Kobayashi


4 . A Survey on Fundamental Limits of Integrated Sensing and Communication. Arxiv, 2021. Journal A. Liu, Z. Huang, M. Li, Y. Wan, W. Li, T. X. Han, C. Liu, R. Du, D. T. K. Ping, J. Liu, Y. Shen, F. Colone, K. Chetty


5 . Joint Transmission and State Estimation: A Constrained Channel Coding Approach. IEEE TIT, 2011. Journal W. Zhang, S. Vedantam, U. Mitra


6 . Inner Bounds on Performance of Radar and Communications Co-Existence. IEEE TSP, 2016. Journal A. R. Chiriyath, B. Paul, G. M. Jacyna, D. W. Bliss


7 . On the Capacity of the AWGN Channel With Additive Radar Interference. IEEE TCOM, 2017. Journal S. Shahi, D. Tuninetti, N. Devroye


8 . Performance Gains From Cooperative MIMO Radar and MIMO Communication Systems. IEEE SPL, 2018. Letter Q. He, Z. Wang, J. Hu, R. S. Blum


9 . A Perspective on Degrees of Freedom for Radar in Radar-Communication Interference Channel. IEEE ACSSC, 2018. Conference Y. Cui, V. Koivunen, X. Jing


1 0 . Performance Tradeoffs of Joint Radar-Communication Networks. IEEE WCL, 2018. Letter P. Ren, A. Munari, M. Petrova


1 1 . Analysis of An LTE Waveform for Radar Applications. IEEE RADAR, 2014. Conference A. Evers, J. A. Jackson


1 2 . Performance Tradeoff in a Unified Passive Radar and Communications System. IEEE SPL, 2017. Journal B. K. Chalise, M. G. Amin, B. Himed


1 3 . Massive MIMO Radar for Target Detection. IEEE TSP, 2020. Journal S. Fortunati, L. Sanguinetti, F. Gini, M. S. Greco, B. Himed


1 4 . The Shannon Channel Capacity of A Radar System. IEEE ACSSC, 2003. Conference P. Bidigare


3. 信号处理--以通信为中心

3.1 标准化波形

1 . IEEE 802.11ad-Based Radar: An Approach to Joint Vehicular Communication-Radar System. IEEE TVT, 2017.Journal P. Kumari, J. Choi, N. González-Prelcic, R. W. Heath


2 . Full-Duplex OFDM Radar With LTE and 5G NR Waveforms: Challenges, Solutions, and Measurements. IEEE TMTT, 2019. Journal C. B. Barneto, T. Riihonen, M. Turunen, L. Anttiila, M. Fleischer, K. Stadius, J. Ryynanen, M, Valkama


3 . Optimized Waveforms for 5G–6G Communication with Sensing: Theory, Simulations and Experiments. IEEE TWC, 2021. Journal S. D. Liyanaarachchi, T. Riihonen, C. B. Barneto, M. Valkama


4 . LoRadar: Enabling Concurrent Radar Sensing and LoRa Communication. IEEE TMC, 2020. Journal Q. Huang, Z. Luo, J. Zhang, W. Wang, Q. Zhang


3.2 收发器设计

1 . Uplink Sensing in Perceptive Mobile Networks with Asynchronous Transceivers. IEEE TSP, 2020. Journal Z. Ni, J. A. Zhang, X. Huang, K. Yang, J. Yuan


2 . A mmWave Automotive Joint Radar-Communications System. IEEE TAES, 2019. Journal S. H. Dokhanchi, B. S. Mysore, K. V. Mishra, B. Ottersten


3 . Multifunctional Transceiver for Future Radar Sensing and Radio Communicating Data-Fusion Platform. IEEE ACCESS, 2016. Journal J. Moghaddasi, K. Wu


4 . Transmit Sequence Design for Dual-Function Radar-Communication System With One-Bit DACs. IEEE TWC, 2021. Journal Z. Cheng, S. Shi, Z. He, B. Liao


5 . A Dual-Functional Massive MIMO OFDM Communication and Radar Transmitter Architecture. IEEE TVT, 2020. Journal M. Temiz, E. Alsusa, M. W. Baidas


6 . Hybrid Beamforming for Multi-carrier Dual-Function Radar-Communication System. IEEE TCCN, 2021. Journal Z. Cheng, Z. He, B. Liao


7 . Multifunctional Transceiver for Future Intelligent Transportation Systems. IEEE TMTT, 2011. Journal L. Han, K. Wu


8 . RF Front-End Challenges for Joint Communication and Radar Sensing. IEEE JC&S, 2021. Conference F. Bozorgi, P. Sen, A. N. Barreto, G. Fettweis


3.3 基础设施增强

1 . Leveraging Sensing at the Infrastructure for mmWave Communication. IEEE COMMAG, 2020. Magazine A. Ali, N. Gonzalez-Prelcic, R. W. Heath, A. Ghosh


2 . Framework for a Perceptive Mobile Network Using Joint Communication and Radar Sensing. IEEE TAES, 2019. Journal M. L. Rahman, J. A. Zhang, X. Huang, Y. J. Guo, R. W. Heath


3 . Radar-assisted Predictive Beamforming for Vehicular Links: Communication Served by Sensing. IEEE TWC,2021. Journal F. Liu, W. Yuan, C. Masouros, J. Yuan


4 . Bayesian Predictive Beamforming for Vehicular Networks: A Low-Overhead Joint Radar-Communication Approach. IEEE TWC, 2021. Journal W. Yuan, F. Liu, C. Masouros, J. Yuan, D. W. K. Ng, N. González-Prelcic


5 . Passive Radar at the Roadside Unit to Configure Millimeter Wave Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Links. IEEE TVT, 2020.Journal A. Ali, N. González-Prelcic, A. Ghosh


6 . Toward Environment-Aware 6G Communications via Channel Knowledge Map. IEEE WCM, 2021. Journal Y. Zeng, X. Xu


7 . Radar Aided Beam Alignment in MmWave V2I Communications Supporting Antenna Diversity. IEEE ITA, 2017.Conference N. González-Prelcic, R. Méndez-Rial, R. W. Heath


3.4 资源和干扰管理

1 . MU-MIMO Communications With MIMO Radar: From Co-Existence to Joint Transmission. IEEE TWC, 2018. Journal. F. Liu, C. Masouros, A. Li, H. Sun, L. Hanzo


2 . Mutual Information based Radar Waveform Design for Joint Radar and Cellular Communication Systems. IEEE ICASSP, 2016. Conference M. Bică, K. Huang, V. Koivunen, U. Mitra


3 . Joint Subcarrier Assignment and Power Allocation Strategy for Integrated Radar and Communications System Based on Power Minimization. IEEE Sensor Journal, 2019. Journal C. Shi, F. Wang, S. Salous, J. Zhou


4 . Power Allocation and Co-Design of Multicarrier Communication and Radar Systems for Spectral Coexistence. IEEE TSP, 2019. Journal F. Wang, H. Li, M. A. Govoni


5 . Radar Waveform Optimization for Target Parameter Estimation in Cooperative Radar-Communications Systems. IEEE TAES, 2018. Journal M. Bică, V. Koivunen


6 . Multicarrier Radar-communications Waveform Design for RF Convergence and Coexistence. IEEE ICASSP, 2019. Conference M. Bică, V. Koivunen


7 . On Mutual Interference Cancellation in a MIMO OFDM Multiuser Radar-Communication Network. IEEE TVT, 2017. Journal Y. L. Sit, B. Nuss, T. Zwick


8 . Constrained Utility Maximization in Dual-Functional Radar-Communication Multi-UAV Networks. IEEE TCOM, 2020. Journal X. Wang, Z. Fei, J. Andrew Zhang, J. Huang, J. Yuan


9 . Distributed Dual-Function Radar-Communication MIMO System with Optimized Resource Allocation. IEEE RadarConf, 2019. Journal A. Ahmed, Y. D. Zhang, B. Himed


1 0 . Low Probability of Intercept-Based Optimal Power Allocation Scheme for an Integrated Multistatic Radar and Communication System. IEEE Sensor Journal, 2019. Journal C. Shi, F. Wang, M. Sellathurai, J. Zhou, S. Salous


1 1 . Resource Allocation for a Wireless Powered Integrated Radar and Communication System. IEEE WCL, 2018. Letter Y. Zhou, H. Zhou, F. Zhou, Y. Wu, V. C. M. Leung


1 2 . Bandwidth Sharing and Scheduling for Multimodal Radar with Communications and Tracking. IEEE SAM, 2012. Conference S. S. Bhat, R. M. Narayanan, M. Rangaswamy


4. 信号处理--以传感为中心

4.1 波形设计

1 . Dual-Function Radar-Communications: Information Embedding Using Sidelobe Control and Waveform Diversity. IEEE TSP, 2015. Journal A. Hassanien, M. G. Amin, Y. D. Zhang, F. Ahmad


2 . Simultaneous Radar and Communications Emissions from a Common Aperture, Part I,II. IEEE RadarConf, 2017. Conference, Conference P. M. McCormick, S. D. Blunt, J. G. Metcalf


3 . MAJoRCom: A Dual-Function Radar Communication System Using Index Modulation. IEEE TSP, 2020. Journal T. Huang, N. Shlezinger, X. Xu, Y. Liu, Y. C. Eldar


4 . Waveform Design and Accurate Channel Estimation for Frequency-Hopping MIMO Radar-Based Communications. IEEE TCOM, 2020. Journal K. Wu, J. Andrew Zhang, X. Huang, Y. Jay Guo, R. W. Heath


5 . Intrapulse Radar-Embedded Communications. IEEE TAES, 2010. Journal S. D. Blunt, P. Yatham, J. Stiles


6 . Intrapulse Radar-embedded Communications Via Multiobjective Optimization. IEEE TAES, 2015. Journal D. Ciuonzo, A. De Maio, G. Foglia, M. Piezzo


7 . A Novel Radar Waveform Compatible with Communication. ICST ICCPS, 2011. Conference X. Chen, X. Wang, S. Xu, J. Zhang


8 . Spatial Modulation for Joint Radar-Communications Systems: Design, Analysis, and Hardware Prototype. IEEE TVT, 2021. Journal D. Ma, N. Shlezinger, T. Huang, Y. Shavit, M. Namer, Y. Liu, Y. C. Eldar


9 . Enabling Communication via Automotive Radars: An Adaptive Joint Waveform Design Approach. IEEE INFOCOM, 2020. Conference C. D. Ozkaptan, E. Ekici, O. Altintas


1 0 . Reliable Frequency-Hopping MIMO Radar-based Communications with Multi-Antenna Receiver. IEEE TCOM, 2021. Journal K. Wu, J. Andrew Zhang, X. Huang, Y. Jay Guo, J. Yuan


1 1 . Fusion of radar sensing and wireless communications by embedding communication signals into the radar transmit waveform. IET RSN, 2018. Journal Z. Geng, R. Xu, H. Deng, B. Himed


1 2 . Opportunistic Sharing Between Rotating Radar and Cellular. IEEE JSAC, 2012. Journal R. Saruthirathanaworakun, J. M. Peha, L. M. Correia


1 3 . Communications-Inspired Sensing: a Case Study on Waveform Design. IEEE TSP, 2009. Journal W. Zhang, L. Yang


4.2 感知数据处理

1 . Radar Signal Processing for Elderly Fall Detection: The Future for In-home Monitoring. IEEE SPM, 2016. Magazine M. G. Amin, Y. D. Zhang, F. Ahmad, K. C. D. Ho


2 . Signal Processing for Passive Radar Using OFDM Waveforms . IEEE JSTSP, 2010. Journal C. R. Berger, B. Demissie, J. Heckenbach, P. Willett, S. Zhou


3 . Radar Signal Processing for Sensing in Assisted Living: The Challenges Associated With Real-Time Implementation of Emerging Algorithms. IEEE SPM, 2019. Magazine J.L. Kernec, F. Fioranelli, C. Ding, H. Zhao, L. Sun, H. Hong, J. Lorandel, O. Romain


5. 信号处理 - 联合设计

1 . Toward Dual-functional Radar-Communication Systems: Optimal Waveform Design. IEEE TSP, 2018. Journal. F. Liu, L. Zhou, C. Masouros, A. Li, W. Luo, A. Petropulu


2 . On the Effectiveness of OTFS for Joint Radar Parameter Estimation and Communication. IEEE TWC, 2020. Journal L. Gaudio, M. Kobayashi, G. Caire, G. Colavolpe


3 . Multibeam for Joint Communication and Radar Sensing Using Steerable Analog Antenna Arrays. IEEE TVT, 2018. Journal J. A. Zhang, X. Huang, Y. J. Guo, J. Yuan, R. W. Heath


4 . Joint Transmit Beamforming for Multiuser MIMO Communications and MIMO Radar. IEEE TSP, 2020. Journal X. Liu, T. Huang, N. Shlezinger, Y. Liu, J. Zhou, Y. C.


5 . Adaptive Virtual Waveform Design for Millimeter-Wave Joint Communication–Radar. IEEE TSP, 2019. Journal P. Kumari, S. A. Vorobyov, R. W. Heath


6 . Adaptive OFDM Integrated Radar and Communications Waveform Design Based on Information Theory. IEEE COMML, 2017. Letter Y. Liu, G. Liao, J. Xu, Z. Yang, Y. Zhang


7 . Spatio-Temporal Power Optimization for MIMO Joint Communication and Radio Sensing Systems with Training Overhead.IEEE TVT, 2020. Journal X. Yuan, Z. Feng, A. Zhang, W. Ni, R. P. Liu, Z. Wei, C. Xu


8 . On Unified Vehicular Communications and Radar Sensing in Millimeter-Wave and Low Terahertz Bands. IEEE WCM, 2019. Magazine V. Petrov, G. Fodor, J. Kokkoniemi, D. Moltchanov, J. Lehtomaki, S. Andreev, Y. Koucheryavy, M. Juntti, M. Valkama


9 . Dual-Use Signal Design for Radar and Communication via Ambiguity Function Sidelobe Control. IEEE TVT, 2020. Journal J. Yang, G. Cui, X. Yu, L. Kong


1 0 . Joint MIMO Communication and MIMO Radar Under Different Practical Waveform Constraints. IEEE TVT, 2020. Journal X. He, L. Huang


1 1 . Constrained Utility Maximization in Dual-Functional Radar-Communication Multi-UAV Networks. IEEE TCOM,2020. Journal X. Wang, Z. Fei, J. Andrew Zhang, J. Huang, J. Yuan


1 2 . Joint Radar-Communication Waveform Designs Using Signals From Multiplexed Users. IEEE TCOM, 2020. Journal N. Cao, Y. Chen, X. Gu, W. Feng


1 3 . Low-Complexity Beamformer Design for Joint Radar and Communications Systems. IEEE COMML, 2020. Letter F. Dong, W. Wang, Z. Hu, T. Hui


1 4 . Joint Beamforming Design for Extended Target Estimation and Multiuser Communication. IEEE RadarConf, 2020. Conference F. Liu, C. Masouros


1 5 . iRDRC: An Intelligent Real-time Dual-functional Radar-Communication System for Automotive Vehicles. IEEE WCL, 2020. Letter N. Q. Hieu, D. T. Hoang, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato


1 6 . Joint Radar-Communication With Cyclic Prefixed Single Carrier Waveforms. IEEE TVT, 2020. Journal Y. Zeng, Y. Ma, S. Sun


1 7 . Constrained Waveform Design for Dual-Functional MIMO Radar-Communication System. SP, 2020. Journal S. Shi ,Z. Wang ,Z. He, Z. Cheng


1 8 . Integrated Radar and Communication Waveform Design Based on a Shared Array. SP, 2020. Journal M. Jiang, G. Liao, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, Y. Chen


1 9 . Co-design of Joint Radar and Communications Systems utilizing Frequency Hopping Code Diversity. IEEE RadarConf, 2019. Conference X. Wang, J. Xu


2 0 . Dual-Functional Radar Waveforms without Remodulation. IEEE RADAR, 2019. Conference Y. Dong, G. A. Fabrizio, M. G. Amin more


21 . Optimization and Quantization of Multibeam Beamforming Vector for Joint Communication and Radio Sensing. IEEE TCOM, 2019. Journal Y. Luo, J. A. Zhang, X. Huang, W. Ni, J. Pan


22 . Joint Radar-Communications Co-Use Waveform Design Using Optimized Phase Perturbation. IEEE TAES, 2019. Journal S. Zhou, X. Liang, Y. Yu, H. Liu


23 . Dual-Function Radar-Communication System Design Via Sidelobe Manipulation Based On FDA Butler Matrix. IEEE AWPL, 2019. Letter S. Y. Nusenu, S. Huaizong, P. Ye, W. Xuehan, A. Basit


24 . Multibeam for Joint Communication and Radar Sensing Using Steerable Analog Antenna Arrays. IEEE TVT, 2018. Journal J. A. Zhang, X. Huang, Y. J. Guo, J. Yuan, R. W. Heath


25 . Dual-Function MIMO Radar Communications System Design Via Sparse Array Optimization. IEEE TAES, 2018. Journal X. Wang, A. Hassanien, M. G. Amin


26 . Time-Modulated FD-MIMO Array for Integrated Radar and Communication Systems. IEEE AWPL, 2018. Letter S. Y. Nusenu, W. Wang, A. Basit


6. 网络

6.1 雷达网

1 . Evolution of Netted Radar Systems. IEEE Access, 2020. Journal Z. Geng


2 . Multistatic Radar Placement Optimization for Cooperative Radar-Communication Systems. IEEE COMML, 2018. Letter M. Ben Kilani, G. Gagnon, F. Gagnon


3 . Stochastic Geometry Methods for Modeling Automotive Radar Interference. IEEE TITS, 2017. Journal A. Al-Hourani, R. J. Evans, S. Kandeepan, B. Moran, H. Eltom


4 . IEEE 802.22 Passive Radars: Multistatic Detection and Velocity Profiler. IEEE TAES, 2016. Journal P. Stinco, M. S. Greco, F. Gini, B. Himed


5 . A Neighbor Discovery Algorithm in Network of Radar and Communication Integrated System. IEEE CSE, 2015. Conference J. Li, L. Peng, Y. Ye, R. Xu, W. Zhao, C. Tian


6 . Detection in Passive MIMO Radar Networks. IEEE TSP, 2014. Journal D. E. Hack, L. K. Patton, B. Himed, M. A. Saville


6.2 感知网

1 . Wireless sensor networks: a survey. Computer networks. Computer Networks, 2002. Journal I. F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, E. Cayirci


2 . Fundamental Limits of Wideband Localization— Part I, II. IEEE TIT, 2010. Journal1. Journal2 Y. Shen, H. Wymeersch, M. Win


6.3 ISAC 网

1 . RadChat: Spectrum Sharing for Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation. IEEE TITS, 2021. Journal C. Aydogdu, M. F. Keskin, N. Garcia, H. Wymeersch, D. W. Bliss


2 . Sensing and Communication Co-Design for Status Update in Multiaccess Wireless Networks. IEEE TMC, 2021. Journal F. Peng, Z. Jiang, S. Zhou, Z. Niu, S. Zhang


7. 频谱共享

1 . Optimum Co-Design for Spectrum Sharing between Matrix Completion Based MIMO Radars and a MIMO Communication System. IEEE TSP, 2016. Journal B. Li, A. P. Petropulu, W. Trappe


2 . Joint Design of Overlaid Communication Systems and Pulsed Radars. IEEE TSP, 2017. Journal L. Zheng, M. Lops, X. Wang, E. Grossi


3 . MIMO Radar and Cellular Coexistence: A Power-Efficient Approach Enabled by Interference Exploitation. IEEE TSP, 2018. Journal F. Liu, C. Masouros, A. Li, T. Ratnarajah, J. Zhou


4 . Cognitive Radar: A Way of the Future. IEEE SPM, 2006. Journal S. Haykin


5 . Radar Spectrum Engineering and Management: Technical and Regulatory Issues. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2014. Magazine H. Griffiths, L. Cohen, S. Watts, E, Mokole, C. Baker, M. Wicks, S. Blunt.


6 . Co-Design for Overlaid MIMO Radar and Downlink MISO Communication Systems via Cramér–Rao Bound Minimization. IEEE TSP, 2019. Journal Z. Cheng, B. Liao, S. Shi, Z. He, J. Li


7 . Joint Transmit Designs for Coexistence of MIMO Wireless Communications and Sparse Sensing Radars in Clutter. IEEE TAES, 2017. Journal B. Li, A. P. Petropulu


8 . Joint System Design for Coexistence of MIMO Radar and MIMO Communication. IEEE TSP, 2018. Journal J. Qian, M. Lops, Le Zheng, X. Wang, Z. He


9 . Opportunistic Sharing Between Rotating Radar and Cellular. IEEE JSAC, 2012. Journal R. Saruthirathanaworakun, J. M. Peha, L. M. Correia


1 0 . Mutual Information based Radar Waveform Design for Joint Radar and Cellular Communication Systems. IEEE ICASSP, 2016. Conference M. Bica, K. Huang, V. Koivunen, U. Mitra


1 1 . Spectral Coexistence of MIMO Radar and MIMO Cellular System. IEEE TAES, 2017. Journal J. A. Mahal, A. Khawar, A. Abdelhadi, T. C. Clancy


1 2 . Adaptive Interference Removal for Uncoordinated Radar/Communication Coexistence. IEEE JSTSP, 2017. Journal L. Zheng, M. Lops, X. Wang


1 3 . Joint Design of Surveillance Radar and MIMO Communication in Cluttered Environments. IEEE TSP, 2020. Journal E. Grossi, M. Lops, L. Venturino


1 4 . Interference Alignment Based Precoder-Decoder Design for Radar Communication Co-existence. IEEE ACSSC, 2018. Conference Y. Cui, V. Koivunen, X. Jing


1 5 . Information Theoretic Approach for Waveform Design in Coexisting MIMO Radar and MIMO Communications. IEEE ICASSP, 2020. Conference M. Alaee-Kerharoodi, S. M. R. Bhavani, K. V. Mishra and B. Ottersten


1 6 . Multi-constraint Spectral Co-design for Colocated MIMO Radar and MIMO Communications. IEEE ICASSP, 2020. Conference S. H. Dokhanchi, M. R. Bhavani Shankar, K. V. Mishra, B. Ottersten


1 7 . Communications and Radar Coexistence in the Massive MIMO Regime: Uplink Analysis. IEEE TWC, 2019. Journal C. D’Andrea, S. Buzzi, M. Lops


1 8 . Interference Removal for Radar/Communication Co-Existence: The Random Scattering Case. IEEE TWC, 2019. Journal Y. Li, L. Zheng, M. Lops, X. Wang


1 9 . Power Allocation and Co-Design of Multicarrier Communication and Radar Systems for Spectral Coexistence. IEEE TSP, 2019. Journal F. Wang, H. Li, M. A. Govoni


20 . Integrated Waveform for a Joint Radar-Communication System With High-Speed Transmission. IEEE WCL, 2019. Letter Q. Li, K. Dai, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang


21 . Deep Learning Constellation Design for the AWGN Channel with Additive Radar Interference. IEEE TCOM, 2018. Journal F. Alberge


22 . Coexistence of MIMO Radar and FD MIMO Cellular Systems With QoS Considerations. IEEE TWC, 2018. Journal S. Biswas, K. Singh, O. Taghizadeh, T. Ratnarajah


23 . Opportunistic Radar in IEEE 802.11ad Networks. IEEE TSP, 2018. Journal E. Grossi, M. Lops, L. Venturino, A. Zappone


24 . Transmit Designs for Spectral Coexistence of MIMO Radar and MIMO Communication Systems. IEEE TCSII, 2018. Journal J. Qian, Z. He, N. Huang, B. Li


25 . Robust MIMO Beamforming for Cellular and Radar Coexistence. IEEE WCL, 2017. Letterl F. Liu, C. Masouros, A. Li, T. Ratnarajah


26 . Spectral Coexistence of MIMO Radar and MIMO Cellular System. IEEE TAES, 2017. Journal J. A. Mahal, A. Khawar, A. Abdelhadi, T. C. Clancy


27 . Spectrum Sharing between a Surveillance Radar and Secondary Wi-Fi Networks. IEEE TAES, 2016. Journal F. Hessar, S. Roy


28 . On the Co-Existence of TD-LTE and Radar Over 3.5 GHz Band: An Experimental Study. IEEE WCL, 2016. Letter J. H. Reed et al.


29 . Spectrum Sharing of Radar and Wi-Fi Networks: The Sensing/Throughput Tradeoff. IEEE TCCN, 2015. Journal H. Safavi-Naeini, S. Roy, S. Ashrafi


30 . MIMO OFDM Radar with Communication and Interference Cancellation Features. IEEE RADAR, 2014. Conference Y. L. Sit, T. Zwick


31 . Radar Waveform Design in a Spectrally Crowded Environment Via Nonconvex Quadratic Optimization. IEEE TAES, 2014. Journal A. Aubry, A. De Maio, M. Piezzo, A. Farina


32 . Interference Mitigation Processing for Spectrum-Sharing Between Radar and Wireless Communications Systems. IEEE TAES, 2013. Journal H. Deng, B. Himed


8. 移动计算 - WiFi感知

8.1 人类活动识别

1 . We Can Hear You with Wi-Fi!. IEEE TMC, 2016. Journal G. Wang, Y. Zou, Z. Zhou, K. Wu, L. M. Ni


2 . WiFall: Device-Free Fall Detection by Wireless Networks. IEEE TMC, 2016. Journal Y. Wang, K. Wu, L. M. Ni


3 . Recognizing Keystrokes Using WiFi Devices. IEEE JSAC, 2017. Journal YK. Ali, A. X. Liu, W. Wang, M. Shahzad


4 . Device-Free Human Activity Recognition Using Commercial WiFi Devices. IEEE JSAC, 2017. Journal W. Wang, A. X. Liu, M. Shahzad, K. Ling, S. Lu


5 . Toward Centimeter-Scale Human Activity Sensing with Wi-Fi Signals. IEEE Computer, 2018. Magazine D. Zhang, H. Wang, D. Wu


6 . A Survey on Behavior Recognition Using WiFi Channel State Information. IEEE COMMAG, 2017. Journal S. Yousefi, H. Narui, S. Dayal, S. Ermon, S. Valaee


8.2 无线成像

1 . See through Walls with WiFi!. MobiCom, 2013. Conference A. Fadel, D. Katabi


2 . Through-the-Wall Sensing of Personnel Using Passive Bistatic WiFi Radar at Standoff Distances. IEEE TGRS, 2011. Journal K. Chetty, G. E. Smith, K. Woodbridge


8.3. 控制流

1 . Coordinated Cognitive Risk Control for Bridging Vehicular Radar and Communication Systems. IEEE TITS, 2020. Journal S. Feng, S. Haykin


9. 应用与演示

9.1 环境监测

1 . Environmental Monitoring by Wireless Communication Networks. Science, 2006. Magazine H. Messer, A. Zinevich, P. Alpert


2 . Country-wide rainfall maps from cellular communication networks. PNAS, 2013. Magazine A. Overeem, H. Leijnse, R. Uijlenhoet


3 . Rain Rate Estimation Using Measurements From Commercial Telecommunications Links. IEEE TSP, 2009. Journal O. Goldshtein, H. Messer, A. Zinevich


4 . Recurrent Neural Network for Rain Estimation Using Commercial Microwave Links. IEEE TGRS, 2020. Journal H. V. Habi, H. Messer


9.2 多功能网络

1 . Vehicular RF Convergence: Simultaneous Radar, Communications, and PNT for Urban Air Mobility and Automotive Applications. IEEE RadarConf, 2020. Conference A. Herschfelt, A. Chiriyath, D. W. Bliss, C. D. Richmond, U. Mitra, S. D. Blunt


2 . Convergent Communication, Sensing and Localization in 6G Systems: An Overview of Technologies, Opportunities and Challenges. IEEE ACESS, 2021. Journal C. De Lima et al.


3 . Integrated Sensing, Computation and Communication in B5G Cellular Internet of Things. IEEE TWC, 2021. Journal Q. Qi, X. Chen, C. Zhong, Z. Zhang


4 . Overview of Naval Multifunction RF Systems. IEEE EURAD, 2018. Conference P. W. Moo, D. J. DiFilippo


5 . The Advanced Multifunction RF Concept. IEEE TMTT, 2005. Journal G. C. Tavik et al.


6 . Overview of Advanced Multifunction RF System (AMRFS). IEEE PAST, 2002. Conference P. K. Hughes, J. Y. Choe


9.3 健康和老年人护理

1 . Assessment of Medication Self-administration using Artificial Intelligence. Nature Med, 2021. Magazine M. Zhao, K. Hoti, H. Wang, A. Raghu, D. Katabi


2 . Vital-sign Monitoring and Spatial Tracking of Multiple People using a Contactless Radar-based Sensor. Nature Electronics, 2019. Magazine M. Mercuri, I. R. Lorato, Y-H. Liu, F. Wieringa, C. V. Hoof, T. Torfs


3 . Radar Signal Processing for Sensing in Assisted Living: The Challenges Associated With Real-Time Implementation of Emerging Algorithms. IEEE SPM, 2019. Magazine J.L. Kernec, F. Fioranelli, C. Ding, H. Zhao, L. Sun, H. Hong, J. Lorandel, O. Romain


4 . Exploiting WiFi Channel State Information for Residential Healthcare Informatics. IEEE COMMAG, 2018. Magazine B. Tan, Q. Chen, K. Chetty, K. Woodbridge, W. Li, R. Piechocki


5 . Radar Signal Processing for Elderly Fall Detection: The Future for In-home Monitoring. IEEE SPM, 2016. Magazine M. G. Amin, Y. D. Zhang, F. Ahmad, K. C. D. Ho


9.4 遥感

1 . Noncontact Vital Sign Detection With UAV-Borne Radars: An Overview of Recent Advances. IEEE VTM, 2021. Magazine Y. Rong, R. Gutierrez, K. V. Mishra, D. W. Bliss


2 . First Demonstration of Joint Wireless Communication and High-Resolution SAR Imaging Using Airborne MIMO Radar System. IEEE TGRS, 2019. Journal J. Wang, X. Liang, L. Chen, L. Wang, K. Li


9.5 现场指定无线电地图

1 . Toward Environment-Aware 6G Communications via Channel Knowledge Map. IEEE WCM, 2021. Magazine Y. Zeng, X. Xu


9.6 同步定位和制图

1 . Millimeter-wave Mobile Sensing and Environment Mapping: Models, Algorithms and Validation. Arxiv, 2021. Journal C. B. Barneto, E. R. Foi, M. F. Keskin, T. Riihonen, M. Turunen, J. Talvitie, H. Wymeersch, M. Valkama


9.7 安全与隐私

1 . Secure Radar-Communication Systems With Malicious Targets: Integrating Radar, Communications and Jamming Functionalities. IEEE TWC, 2020. Journal N. Su, F. Liu, C. Masouros


2 . Secrecy Rate Optimizations for MIMO Communication Radar. IEEE TAES, 2018. Journal A. Deligiannis, A. Daniyan, S. Lambotharan, J. A. Chambers


3 . Intrapulse Radar-Embedded Communications. IEEE TAES, 2010. Journal S. D. Blunt, P. Yatham, J. Stiles


4 . Intrapulse Radar-embedded Communications Via Multiobjective Optimization. IEEE TAES, 2015. Journal D. Ciuonzo, A. De Maio, G. Foglia, M. Piezzo


5 . On Radar Privacy in Shared Spectrum Scenarios. IEEE ICASSP, 2019. Conference A. Dimas, M. A. Clark, B. Li, K. Psounis, A. P. Petropulu


9.8 演示

1 . JCR70: A Low-Complexity Millimeter-Wave Proof-of-Concept Platform for A Fully-Digital MIMO Joint Communication-Radar. IEEE OJVT, 2021. Journal P. Kumari, A. Mezghani, R. W. Heath Jr


2 . Simultaneous Radar and Communications Emissions from a Common Aperture, Part I,II. IEEE RadarConf, 2017. Conference, Conference P. M. McCormick, S. D. Blunt, J. G. Metcalf


3 . First Demonstration of Joint Wireless Communication and High-Resolution SAR Imaging Using Airborne MIMO Radar System. IEEE TGRS, 2019. Journal J. Wang, X. Liang, L. Chen, L. Wang, K. Li


4 . Sensing and Communication Integrated System for Autonomous Driving Vehicles. IEEE InfocomWorkshop, 2020. Conference Q. Zhang, H. Sun, Z. Wei, Z. Feng






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创建项目 打开工具 PyCharm 点击“新建项目” 点击“创建” 环境 系统会创建虚拟环境,稍等 初始设置 创建完成后会进入main.py文件 性能 可以看到 右下角提示我们增强性能,点“自动” 会获取到管理员权限 完成后会提示完成


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JS使用 navigator.clipboard 操作剪切板

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✍个人博客:Pandaconda-CSDN博客 📣专栏地址:http://t.csdnimg.cn/UWz06 📚专栏简介:在这个专栏中,我将会分享 Golang 面试中常见的面试题给大家~ ❤️如果有收获的话,欢迎点赞👍收藏…

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按WinR键打开运行窗口,输入“cmd”,再按回车键,打开命令行窗口。 找到pip安装路径。 Python2/Python3安装路径是相同的,都在x:\Python xx\Scripts路径下。 拖动pip主应用程序到命令行窗口。 输入“install 模块/包名”&#xff…

【Golang 面试 - 进阶题】每日 3 题(十)

✍个人博客:Pandaconda-CSDN博客 📣专栏地址:http://t.csdnimg.cn/UWz06 📚专栏简介:在这个专栏中,我将会分享 Golang 面试中常见的面试题给大家~ ❤️如果有收获的话,欢迎点赞👍收藏…

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【论文笔记】4D Millimeter-Wave Radar in Autonomous Driving: A Survey

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