题意:“在使用 Python 实现 OpenAI GPT 时遇到 RateLimitError 错误。”
I have started to implement openai gpt model in python. I have to send a single request in which I am getting RateLimitError.
“我开始在 Python 中实现 OpenAI GPT 模型。发送单个请求时遇到了 RateLimitError 错误。”
My code looks like this 我的代码类似如下
import openaikey = '<SECRET-KEY>'
openai.api_key = key
model_engine = 'text-ada-001'
prompt = 'Hi, How are you today?'
completion = openai.Completion.create(engine=model_engine, prompt=prompt, max_token=2048, n=1, stop=None, temprature=0.5)
This is what error I am getting 我得到的错误信息如下
openai.error.RateLimitError: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.
So, How do I do development without getting this error? I have checked the doc they provide a free version with limitations but this is the initial stage I have sent only 5-6 requests in an hour.
“那么,我该如何在不出现此错误的情况下进行开发?我查看了文档,他们提供了一个有限制的免费版本,但这是初始阶段,我每小时只发送了 5-6 个请求。”
Thanks advance for your help. “提前感谢您的帮助。”
Later versions (>= 1.0.0
) of the openai Python API include functionality to automatically retry requests. See GitHub discussion.
“较新版本(>= 1.0.0)的 OpenAI Python API 包含自动重试请求的功能。请参见 GitHub 讨论。”