

论文地址:KinectFusion: Real-time 3D Reconstruction and Interaction Using a Moving Depth Camera*
[1] 截断符号距离 | TSDF, Truncated Signed Distance Function



1.1 Depth Map Conversion




pixel: u = ( x , y ) depth: D i ( u ) 3D vertex in camera’s coordinate space: v i ( u ) = D i ( u ) K − 1 [ u , 1 ] ,This results in a single vertex map V i \text{pixel:}\bold{u}=(x,y)\\ ~\\ \text{depth:}D_i(\bold{u})\\ ~\\ \text{3D vertex in camera's coordinate space:} \text{v}_i(\bold{u})=D_i(\bold{u})K^{-1}[\bold{u},1],\text{This results in a single vertex map} \text{V}_i\\ pixelu=x,y depthDi(u) 3D vertex in camera’s coordinate spacevi(u)=Di(u)K1[u,1]This results in a single vertex mapVi
normal vectors for each vertex: n i ( u ) = ( v i ( x + 1 , y ) − v i ( x , y ) ) × ( v i ( x , y + 1 ) − v i ( x , y ) ) ,This results in a single vertex map N i ~\\ \text{normal vectors for each vertex:}\bold{n}_i(\bold{u})=( \text{v}_i(x+1,y)-\text{v}_i(x,y))×(\text{v}_i(x,y+1)-\text{v}_i(x,y)),\text{This results in a single vertex map} \text{N}_i\\  normal vectors for each vertexni(u)=(vi(x+1,y)vi(x,y))×(vi(x,y+1)vi(x,y))This results in a single vertex mapNi
camera pose at time  i : T i = [ R i ∣ t i ] vertex and normal can be converted into global coordinates: v i g ( u ) = T i v i ( u ) 、 n i g ( u ) = R i n i ( u ) \text{camera pose at time}\ i:\bold{T}_i=[\bold{R}_i|\bold{t}_i]\\ ~\\ \text{vertex and normal can be converted into global coordinates:}\bold{v}_i^g(\bold{u})=\bold{T}_i\bold{v}_i(\bold{u})、\bold{n}_i^g(\bold{u})=\bold{R}_i\bold{n}_i(\bold{u}) camera pose at time iTi=[Riti] vertex and normal can be converted into global coordinatesvig(u)=Tivi(u)nig(u)=Rini(u)

1.2 Camera Tracking


第一帧时相机坐标系在世界坐标系的原点,相机平面像素点由内参矩阵得到一组3D点,第二帧也由内参矩阵得到一组3D点,这两组3D点进行ICP得到第二帧到世界坐标系的旋转矩阵 R 1 R_1 R1和平移向量 t 1 t_1 t1,后续帧重复这个操作(第n帧包含了前n-1帧的所有点,依次累积)最终世界坐标系中就会有融合各个帧得到的一组点云




1.3 Volumetric Integration


论文中提到使用SDF的变体将全局 3D 顶点集成到体素中,指定与实际表面的相对距离。这些值在表面前为正,在表面后为负,表面界面由zero-crossing定义,值在此改变符号

下图来自: 截断符号距离 | TSDF, Truncated Signed Distance Function
SDF计算方式:camera 到 每个 voxel 的距离减去voxel对应的深度

将volume slice (xy plane) 中的每个体素转换到3D位置,而后将这些转换到当前帧(相机坐标系下)用于raycasting后并显示

1.4 Raycasting

Listing 3 Raycasting to extract the implicit surface, composite virtual 3D graphics, and perform lighting operations.1: for each pixel u ∈ output image in parallel do# For each pixel in the output image, a ray will be cast from the camera's origin through the pixel, # in parallel, meaning each pixel is processed simultaneously.2: raystart ← back project [u, 0]; convert to grid pos# Compute the starting position of the ray by back-projecting the pixel's coordinates (u, 0) from image space# to the 3D grid (volume) space. This represents the position on the near clipping plane.3: raynext ← back project [u, 1]; convert to grid pos# Compute a second point on the ray by back-projecting the pixel's coordinates (u, 1) from image space# to 3D grid space. This represents a position further along the viewing direction (typically on the far clipping plane).4: raydir ← normalize (raynext − raystart)# Calculate the direction of the ray by subtracting the starting point from the next point # and normalizing the resulting vector.5: raylen ← 0# Initialize the ray length, which will be used to keep track of how far along the ray we have traveled in the 3D grid.6: g ← first voxel along raydir# Determine the first voxel in the 3D grid that the ray intersects. This will be the starting voxel for ray traversal.7: m ← convert global vertex to grid pos# Convert the closest global vertex (from the known surface) to the grid position. This is used to determine# if we need to continue ray traversal or stop and shade the pixel.8: mdist ← ||raystart − m||# Calculate the distance from the starting point of the ray to the nearest vertex.# This distance is used to decide if the ray has reached the surface.9: while voxel g within volume bounds do# While the ray is within the boundaries of the volume (i.e., inside the 3D grid):# This loop traverses the grid along the ray direction.10: raylen ← raylen + 1# Increment the ray length as the ray moves from one voxel to the next.11: gprev ← g# Store the current voxel position before moving to the next one.# This is necessary for detecting zero crossings (surface intersections).12: g ← traverse next voxel along raydir# Move to the next voxel along the ray's direction.13: if zero crossing from g to gprev then# Check if there is a zero crossing between the TSDF values of the current voxel and the previous voxel.# A zero crossing indicates that the ray has intersected with the surface.14: p ← extract trilinear interpolated grid position# Extract the exact intersection point within the grid by performing trilinear interpolation.# This provides a more accurate position of the surface intersection.15: v ← convert p from grid to global 3D position# Convert the interpolated grid position to a global 3D position.# This gives the exact 3D coordinates of the surface point in the world space.16: n ← extract surface gradient as ∇tsdf(p)# Compute the surface normal at the intersection point by calculating the gradient of the TSDF (∇tsdf).# The gradient points in the direction of the steepest increase in the TSDF value, representing the surface normal.17: shade pixel for oriented point (v, n) or# Shade the pixel using the 3D position (v) and the surface normal (n).# This involves computing the pixel's color based on lighting, material properties, and viewing direction.18: follow secondary ray (shadows, reflections, etc)# Optionally, trace secondary rays to account for shadows, reflections, refractions, etc.# This step can enhance the realism of the rendered image by simulating advanced lighting effects.19: if raylen > mdist then# If the ray length exceeds the distance to the nearest vertex (mdist),# this implies that the ray has traveled past the expected surface point without finding a zero crossing.20: shade pixel using inputted maps or# If no zero crossing was detected, use pre-computed maps (e.g., depth maps or normal maps) to shade the pixel.# This fallback ensures that the pixel still gets shaded even if the ray doesn't directly hit the surface.21: follow secondary ray (shadows, reflections, etc)# Optionally, continue with secondary ray tracing for additional effects like shadows and reflections, as in step 18.

1.4 总结一下上述过程






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