leetcode 回文链表
/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* struct ListNode {* int val;* ListNode *next;* ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {}* ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {}* ListNode(int x, ListNode *next) : val(x), next(next) {}* };*///第一种方式 将链表按照顺序存储再数组中, 然后一个再前面进行遍历, 一个再后面进行遍历,不相等的话就返回false, 完全遍历完了 之后再返回true
// class Solution {
// public:
// bool isPalindrome(ListNode* head) {
// if (head == nullptr || head->next == nullptr) return true;
// vector<int> ans;
// while (head) {
// ans.push_back(head->val);
// head= head->next;
// }
// for (int i = 0, j = ans.size() - 1; i < j; i++, j--) {
// if (ans[i] != ans[j]) {
// return false;
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// };//第二种方式, 先找到中间位置 ,然后把后面的链表反转过来, 之后在和前面进行比较, 要是不相同的话就返回false, 反之返回true
class Solution {
public:bool isPalindrome(ListNode* head) {if (head == nullptr || head->next == nullptr) return true;// Step 1: Find the middle of the linked list using slow and fast pointersListNode *slow = head, *fast = head;while (fast != nullptr && fast->next != nullptr) {slow = slow->next;fast = fast->next->next;}// Step 2: Reverse the second half of the linked listListNode* prev = nullptr;while (slow != nullptr) {ListNode* temp = slow->next;slow->next = prev;prev = slow;slow = temp;}// Step 3: Compare the first and second half nodesListNode* left = head;ListNode* right = prev;while (right != nullptr) {if (left->val != right->val) return false;left = left->next;right = right->next;}// (Optional) Step 4: Restore the second half back (if needed)// You can implement this part if the problem requires you to keep the original structure.return true;}