- 1. 前言
- 2. Profile API - 查询优化
- 2.1 Profile API 简单介绍
- 2.2 查询结果图形化
- 2.3 Profile 注意事项
- 3. Explain API - 解释查询
1. 前言
在第 21 章中,我介绍了 Elasticsearch
在第 22 章中,我提到可以通过 Explain API
查看文档所在的索引,但这个 API
本章将深入探讨 Profile API
和 Explain API
,帮助你了解如何在上线前识别查询问题,以及 Elasticsearch
2. Profile API - 查询优化
Profile API
用于查看 DSL 性能瓶颈。只需要添加 "profile": true
即可查看 DSL 的执行性能。
2.1 Profile API 简单介绍
POST _bulk
{ "index" : { "_index" : "test_23", "_id" : "1" } }
{"name": "hello elasticsearch","tag": "happy,love,easy", "platform": 1}
{ "index" : { "_index" : "test_23", "_id" : "2" } }
{"name": "hello java","tag": "platform,performance,easy", "platform": 2}
{ "index" : { "_index" : "test_23", "_id" : "3" } }
{"name": "hello go","tag": "platform,performance,easy", "platform": 3}
使用 profile API
GET test_23/_search?human=true
{"profile": true, "query": {"bool": {"must": [{"multi_match": {"query": "hello","fields": ["name", "tag"]} }],"filter": [{"range": {"platform": {"gte": 0,"lte": 20}}}]}}
Profile API
- shards(Array) :每个分片上的执行情况
- shards.searches(Array) :每个查询都换转换为 Lucene 中处理的搜索实体
- shards.searches.query(Array) :执行的各个 Lucene 查询breakdown
- shards.searches.query.breakdown(Object) :Lucene 索引中各种执行方法的计时及执行次数
- shards.searches.query.children(Array) : query 的每个子查询,结构上看是嵌套的
- shards.searches.rewrite_time(Value) : 将 ES 查询转换为 Lucene 最佳查询
- shards.searches.collector(Array) :负责从文档中收集匹配的结果
- shards.aggregations(Array) :聚合查询信息
- shards.aggregations.breakdown(Object) :Lucene 索引中各种执行方法的计时及执行次数
- shards.aggregations.children(Array) : query 的每个子查询,结构上看是嵌套的
我们一般关心只每个子查询所花费的时间,即 time_in_nanos
字段。我们一般不关心 breakdown
所展示的底层方法执行时间。因为我们控制不了,我们只能控制我们传给 ES 的查询语句。
{"profile": {"shards": [{"searches": {"query": [{"type": "BooleanQuery","description": "+(tag:hello | name:hello) #platform:[0 TO 20]","time_in_nanos": 744800,"children": [{"type": "DisjunctionMaxQuery","description": "(tag:hello | name:hello)","time_in_nanos": 352300,"children": [{"type": "TermQuery","description": "tag:hello","time_in_nanos": 40000},{"type": "TermQuery","description": "name:hello","time_in_nanos": 117100}]},{"type": "IndexOrDocValuesQuery","description": "platform:[0 TO 20]","time_in_nanos": 67200}]}]}}]}
2.2 查询结果图形化
上面的例子,我们介绍了使用 API 的方式去查看 DSL 的性能。但实际上 kibana
有提供图形化界面,让我们更直观的查看 DSL 性能。
点击 view details 显示的就是 breakdown
2.3 Profile 注意事项
- 避免在 ES 高负载情况下执行
Profile API
, 因为Profile API
会增加查询的开销,可能会加重集群负载 Profile API
3. Explain API - 解释查询
Explain API
用于理解文档相关性评分,开发中用得到的场景不多。在 22 章,有简单提到过使用方式,这里重新复习一遍。
GET test_23/_search
{"explain": true,"query": {"bool": {"must": [{"multi_match": {"query": "hello","fields": ["name", "tag"]} }],"filter": [{"term": {"platform": 1}}]}}
接下来,我会带大家通过 explain 输出的内容,再复习一次 22 章中所讲到的 BM25 相关性评分的内容。
{"value": 0.13353139,"description": "sum of:","details": [{"value": 0.13353139,"description": "max of:","details": [{ ----- ①"value": 0.13353139,"description": "score(freq=1.0), computed as boost * idf * tf from:", "details": [{ ----- ②"value": 2.2,"description": "boost","details": []},{ ----- ③"value": 0.13353139,"description": "idf, computed as log(1 + (N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)) from:", "details": [{"value": 3,"description": "n, number of documents containing term","details": []},{"value": 3,"description": "N, total number of documents with field","details": []}]},{ ----- ④"value": 0.45454544,"description": "tf, computed as freq / (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * dl / avgdl)) from:","details": [{"value": 1,"description": "freq, occurrences of term within document","details": []},{"value": 1.2,"description": "k1, term saturation parameter","details": []},{"value": 0.75,"description": "b, length normalization parameter","details": []},{"value": 2,"description": "dl, length of field","details": []},{"value": 2,"description": "avgdl, average length of field","details": []}]}]}]}]
- ①: 告诉我们计算公式为:
score(freq=1.0), computed as boost * idf * tf from:
- ②:告诉我们 boost 的取值为 2.2
- ③:告诉我们 IDF 计算公式为:
idf, computed as log(1 + (N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)) from:
该公式等同于 l n ( 1 + ( d o c C o u n t − f ( q i ) + 0.5 ) f ( q i ) + 0.5 ) ln(1+\frac{(docCount - f(q_i) + 0.5)}{f(q_i) + 0.5}) ln(1+f(qi)+0.5(docCount−f(qi)+0.5))。其中 d o c C o u n t = N docCount = N docCount=N, f ( q i ) = n f(q_i) = n f(qi)=n - ④:告诉我们 tf 计算公式为:
tf, computed as freq / (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * dl / avgdl)) from:
该公式等同于 f ( q i , D ) ∗ ( k 1 + 1 ) f ( q i , D ) + k 1 ∗ ( 1 − b + b ∗ f i e l d L e n a v g F i e l d L e n ) \frac{f(q_i,D) * (k1 + 1)}{f(q_i,D) + k1 * (1 - b + b * \frac{fieldLen}{avgFieldLen})} f(qi,D)+k1∗(1−b+b∗avgFieldLenfieldLen)f(qi,D)∗(k1+1)。其中 f ( q i , D ) = f r e q f(q_i,D) = freq f(qi,D)=freq