


在现代Web开发中,JavaScript 是不可或缺的编程语言。掌握其核心功能和原理对于开发者至关重要。本文通过手写实现JavaScript的一些关键功能和算法,帮助读者深入理解其工作原理,提升编程技能。无论你是初学者还是有经验的开发者,都能从中受益。


12 原型 继承 概念


14 object.create


16 new

17 浅拷贝

18 深拷贝

19 对象扁平化

20 数组扁平化

21 数组去重

22 promise

23 async/await

24 并发

25 发布/订阅

26 防抖

27 节流

28 柯里化

29 vue Reactive ​

12 原型 继承 概念

1. 继承
/*** 使用 extends 继承*/
// 继承类
class Vehicle {}
class Bus extends Vehicle {}
let b = new Bus();
console.log(b instanceof Bus); // true
console.log(b instanceof Vehicle); // true
// 继承普通构造函数
function Person() {}
class Engineer extends Person {}
let e = new Engineer();
console.log(e instanceof Engineer); // true
console.log(e instanceof Person); // true
/*** 寄生式组合继承*/
function Person(name) { = name;
function Man(name, age) {, name, age);this.age = age;
Man.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);
Man.prototype.constructor = Man;
const man = new Man('mxin', 18);
console.log(man instanceof Man); // true
console.log(man instanceof Person); // true


/*** 模拟 instanceof* 判断 obj.__proto__ 和 __constructor.prototype 是否相等* @param {object} obj 实例对象* @param {function} __constructor 构造函数*/
function __instanceof(obj, __constructor) {const prototype = __constructor.prototype;obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
​while (true) {if (obj === null) return false;if (obj === prototype) return true;obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);}
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
function C() {}
function D() {}
const o = new C();
// __instanceof()
console.log(__instanceof(o, C));
console.log(__instanceof(o, D));
console.log(__instanceof(o, Object));
// instanceof
console.log(o instanceof C);
console.log(o instanceof D);
console.log(o instanceof Object);

14 object.create

/*** 模拟 Object.create* 创建一个新对象,使用现有的对象来提供新创建的对象的__proto__* @param {object} prototype 新创建对象的原型对象,为 null 时 只能使用 Object.create()* @param {object} properties 访问器描述符,同 Object.defineProperties 第二个参数* @returns {object}*/
function __create(prototype, properties) {if (typeof prototype !== 'object') throw new TypeError('Error');
​function Constructor() {}Constructor.prototype = prototype;
​const obj = new Constructor();
​if (prototype) obj.constructor = Constructor;
​// 设置访问器描述符if (properties) {if (typeof properties !== 'object') throw TypeError('Error');Object.defineProperties(obj, properties);}
​return obj;
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
const person = {isHuman: false,printIntroduction: function () {console.log(`My name is ${}. Am I human? ${this.isHuman}`);},
// __create()
const __me = __create(person); = '__mxin';
__me.isHuman = true;
// Object.create()
const me = Object.create(person); = 'mxin';
me.isHuman = true;
// 目前创建纯净空对象只有 Object.create(null) 可行,无法模拟
const emptyObj = Object.create(null);
// {}
//    No properties


  • == 运算不同,== 运算符在判断相等前对两边的变量(如果它们不是同一类型) 进行强制转换 (这种行为的结果会将 "" == false 判断为 true), 而 Object.is不会强制转换两边的值

  • === 运算也不相同, === 运算符 (也包括 == 运算符) 将数字 -0+0 视为相等 ,而将Number.NaNNaN 视为不相等

/*** 模拟* 判断两个值是否为同一个值* 1. 都是 undefined* 2. 都是 null* 3. 都是 true 或 false* 4. 都是相同长度的字符串且相同字符按相同顺序排列* 5. 都是相同对象(意味着每个对象有同一个引用)* 6. 都是数字且*    a. 都是 +0*    b. 都是 -0*    c. 都是 NaN*    d. 或都是非零而且非 NaN 且为同一个值* @param {*} x* @param {*} y*/
function __is(x, y) {if (x === y) {return x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y;} else {return x !== x && y !== y;}
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
// __is()
console.log(`__is('foo', 'foo'): ${__is('foo', 'foo')}`); // true
console.log(`__is('foo', 'bar'): ${__is('foo', 'bar')}`); // false
const __foo = { a: 1 };
const __bar = { a: 1 };
console.log(`__is(__foo, __foo): ${__is(__foo, __foo)}`); // true
console.log(`__is(__foo, __bar): ${__is(__foo, __bar)}`); // false
console.log(`__is(window, window): ${__is(window, window)}`); // true
console.log(`__is([], []): ${__is([], [])}`); // false
console.log(`__is(null, null): ${__is(null, null)}`); // true
// 特例
console.log(`__is(0, -0): ${__is(0, -0)}`); // false
console.log(`__is(0, +0): ${__is(0, +0)}`); // true
console.log(`__is(-0, -0): ${__is(-0, -0)}`); // true
// console.log(`__is(NaN, 0 / 0): ${__is(NaN, 0 / 0)}`); // true
console.log(`'foo', 'foo'): ${'foo', 'foo')}`); // true
console.log(`'foo', 'bar'): ${'foo', 'bar')}`); // false
const foo = { a: 1 };
const bar = { a: 1 };
console.log(`, foo): ${, foo)}`); // true
console.log(`, bar): ${, bar)}`); // false
console.log(`, window): ${, window)}`); // true
console.log(`[], []): ${[], [])}`); // false
console.log(`, null): ${, null)}`); // true
// 特例
console.log(`, -0): ${, -0)}`); // false
console.log(`, +0): ${, +0)}`); // true
console.log(`, -0): ${, -0)}`); // true
console.log(`, 0 / 0): ${, 0 / 0)}`); // true

16 new

/*** 模拟 new* 1. 创建原型为 constructor.prototype 的新对象 obj* 2. 执行构造函数,this 指向 obj* 3. 判断构造函数返回值是否为对象,是就返回此对象* 4. 构造函数无返回值返回 obj* @param {function} constructor* @param  {...any} args* @returns {object}*/
function __new(constructor, ...args) {if (typeof constructor !== 'function') throw new TypeError('Error');
​// 创建一个空对象,指定原型为constructor.prototypeconst obj = Object.create(constructor.prototype);
​// 执行构造函数,绑定thisconst result = constructor.apply(obj, args);
​// 如果构造函数返回值是一个对象,那么返回该对象, 如果没有就返回 objreturn result && result instanceof Object ? result : obj;
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
function Person(name, age) { = name;this.age = age;
// __new
const __mxin = __new(Person, '__mxin', 18);
// Person {name: "__mxin", age: "18"}
//     age: "18"
//     name: "__mxin"
//     __proto__:
//         constructor: ƒ Person(name, age)
//         __proto__: Object
// new
const mxin = new Person('mxin', 18);
// Person {name: "mxin", age: "18"}
//     age: "18"
//     name: "mxin"
//     __proto__:
//         constructor: ƒ Person(name, age)
//         __proto__: Object

17 浅拷贝


  1. 自定义循环

  2. 展开运算符

  3. Object.assign()

/*** 浅拷贝,无脑循环* @param {*} targetObj*/
function shallowClone(targetObj) {const resObj = {};for (let key in targetObj) {resObj[key] = targetObj[key];}return resObj;
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
const shallowObj = {name: 'mxin',age: 18,
/*** 自定义方法*/
const a = shallowClone(shallowObj); = '__mxin';
a.age = 20;
console.log('a', a);
// {name: "__mxin", age: 20}
//   age: 20
//   name: "__mxin"
/*** 拓展运算符*/
const b = { ...a }; = '____mxin';
b.age = 22;
console.log('b', b);
// {name: "____mxin", age: 22}
//   age: 22
//   name: "____mxin"
/*** Object.assign()*/
const c = Object.assign({}, shallowObj) = '______mxin';
c.age = 24;
console.log('c', c);
// {name: "______mxin", age: 24}
//   age: 24
//   name: "______mxin"
// 不影响原有对象
console.log('shallowObj', shallowObj);
// {name: "mxin", age: 18}
//   age: 18
//   name: "mxin"

18 深拷贝

/*** 深拷贝* 深层克隆对象结构* @param {object} target* @returns {object}*/
function deepClone(target) {// 如果不是对象,直接返回本身if (!isObject(target) || target === null) return target;
​// 参数类型校验情况还有很多,没有覆盖全面,可以后期拓展if (target instanceof Date) return new Date(target);if (target instanceof RegExp) return new RegExp(target);
​const obj = {};const stack = [{parent: obj,key: null,data: target,},];
​while (stack.length) {const node = stack.pop();const parent = node.parent;const key = node.key;const data =;
​let res = key ? (parent[key] = {}) : parent;
​for (const k in data) {if (data.hasOwnProperty(k)) {if (isObject(data[k])) {stack.push({parent: res,key: k,data: data[k],});} else {res[k] = data[k];}}}}
​return obj;
/*** 判断 target 是否为对象* @param {*} target*/
function isObject(target) {return === '[object Object]';
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
const deepObj = {e: {f: {g: {h: 1,},},},i: {j: {k: {l: 2,},},},
const d = deepClone(deepObj);
d.e.f.g.h = 2;
d.i.j.k.l = 4;
console.log('d', d);
// 不影响原有对象
console.log('deepObj', deepObj);

19 对象扁平化

/*** 对象扁平化* 将多层嵌套的 key 合并* @param {object} target* @param {string} tempKey* @param {object} res* @returns {object}*/
function flattenObject(target, tempKey = '', res = {}) {// 使用 Object.entries() 将键值对转换成数组,确保 key 与 val 的对应关系for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(target)) {// 如果 val 是对象,保存合并后的 key 进行递归if (isObject(val)) {const tmp = tempKey + key + '.';flattenObject(val, tmp, res);} else {// 当 val 不是对象,合并 key 并对结果对象赋值const tmp = tempKey + key;res[tmp] = val;}}return res;
/*** 判断 target 是否为对象* @param {*} target*/
function isObject(target) {return === '[object Object]';
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
const object = {d: {e: {f: {g: {h: 1,},},},i: {j: {k: {l: 2,},},},},
// {
//   d.e.f.g.h: 1
//   d.i.j.k.l: 2
// }

20 数组扁平化

/*** 数组扁平化* 判断数组中元素类型,如果是数组类型就递归,否则直接 push 到 res 中* @param {array} target* @param {array} res* @returns {array}*/
function flattenArray(target, res = []) {for (const val of target) {if (Array.isArray(val)) {flattenArray(val, res);} else {res.push(val);}}return res;
/*** 使用 Array.prototype.reduce()* @param {array} target*/
function flattenArrayByReduce(target) {const initPre = [];return target.reduce((pre, current) =>pre.concat(Array.isArray(current) ? flattenArrayByReduce(current) : current),initPre);
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
const array = [[0], 1, [2, [3, [4, [5, [6]]]]], [7, [8]]];
/*** 递归*/
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
/*** Array.prototype.flat()*/
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
/*** Array.prototype.reduce()*/
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

21 数组去重

  • 使用 set

console.log([ Set(array)]);
  • 使用对象,或者将对象换成 map ,需要注意数组中元素的类型

/*** 数组去重* 基于对象实现,也可以使用 Map* @param {array} target* @returns {array}*/
function removeDuplicate(target) {const temp = {};for (let i = 0; i < target.length; i++) {const item = target[i];if ( !== '[object Object]' && !== '[object Function]' && !== '[object Symbol]' && !== '[object Array]') {if (temp.hasOwnProperty(item)) {target[i] = target[target.length - 1];target.length--;i--;}}temp[item] = item;}return target;
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
const array = [1,1,'2','2',true,true,false,false,undefined,undefined,null,null,Symbol('3'),Symbol('3'),{},{},[],[],

22 promise

  • Promise

    • resolve

    • reject

    • then

    • catch

    • finally

  • Promise.resolve

  • Promise.reject

  • Promise.all

  • promise.race

const isFunction = variable => typeof variable === 'function';
// 定义Promise的三种状态常量
const PENDING = 'pending';
const RESOLVE = 'resolved';
const REJECTED = 'rejected';
class __Promise {constructor(fn) {this.__status = PENDING;// 储存 value,用于 __then 返回this.__value = null;// 失败队列,在 __then 时注入,resolve 时触发this.__rejectedQueues = [];// 成功队列,在 __then 时注入,resolve 时触发this.__resolvedQueues = [];
​try {fn(this.__resolve, this.__reject);} catch (err) {this.__reject(err);}}
​__resolve = val => {const run = () => {if (this.__status !== PENDING) return;this.__status = RESOLVE;
​// 依次执行成功队列中的函数,并清空队列const runResolved = value => {let cb;while ((cb = this.__resolvedQueues.shift())) {cb(value);}};
​// 依次执行失败队列中的函数,并清空队列const runRejected = error => {let cb;while ((cb = this.__rejectedQueues.shift())) {cb(error);}};
​/** 如果 resolve 的参数为 Promise 对象,* 则必须等待该 Promise 对象状态改变后当前 Promsie 的状态才会改变* 且状态取决于参数 Promsie 对象的状态*/if (val instanceof __Promise) {val.__then(value => {this.__value = value;runResolved(value);},err => {this.__value = err;runRejected(err);});} else {this.__value = val;runResolved(val);}};
​// 异步调用setTimeout(run);};
​__reject = err => {if (this.__status !== PENDING) return;
​const run = () => {this.__status = REJECTED;this.__value = err;let cb;while ((cb = this.__rejectedQueues.shift())) {cb(err);}};
​__then(onResolved, onRejected) {const { __value, __status } = this;
​return new __Promise((onResolvedNext, onRejectedNext) => {const resolved = value => {try {if (!isFunction(onResolved)) {onResolvedNext(value);} else {const res = onResolved(value);
​if (res instanceof __Promise) {// 如果当前回调函数返回__Promise对象,必须等待其状态改变后在执行下一个回调res.__then(onResolvedNext, onRejectedNext);} else {// 否则会将返回结果直接作为参数,传入下一个 __then 的回调函数,并立即执行下一个 __then 的回调函数onResolvedNext(res);}}} catch (err) {onRejectedNext(err);}};
​const rejected = error => {try {if (!isFunction(onRejected)) {onRejectedNext(error);} else {const res = onRejected(error);
​if (res instanceof __Promise) {res.__then(onResolvedNext, onRejectedNext);} else {onResolvedNext(res);}}} catch (err) {onRejectedNext(err);}};
​if (__status === PENDING) {this.__resolvedQueues.push(resolved);this.__rejectedQueues.push(rejected);}
​if (__status === RESOLVE) resolved(__value);
​if (__status === REJECTED) rejected(__value);});}
​__catch(onRejected) {return this.__then(null, onRejected);}
​__finally(cb) {return this.__then(value => __Promise.resolve(cb()).__then(() => value),reason =>__Promise.resolve(cb()).__then(() => {throw new Error(reason);}));}
​static resolve(value) {// 如果参数是 __Promise 实例,直接返回这个实例if (value instanceof __Promise) return value;return new __Promise(resolve => resolve(value));}
​static reject(value) {return new __Promise((resolve, reject) => reject(value));}
​static all(list) {return new __Promise((resolve, reject) => {const values = [];let count = 0;
​for (const [i, p] of list.entries()) {// 数组参数如果不是 __Promise 实例,先调用 __Promise.resolvethis.resolve(p).__then(res => {values[i] = res;count++;// 所有状态都变成 resolved 时返回的 __Promise 状态就变成 resolvedif (count === list.length) resolve(values);},err => {// 有一个被 rejected 时返回的 __Promise 状态就变成 rejectedreject(err);});}});}
​static race(list) {return new __Promise((resolve, reject) => {list.forEach(p => {this.resolve(p).__then(res => {resolve(res);},err => {reject(err);});});});}
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
console.log('class __Promise {}');
const p1 = new __Promise((resolve, reject) =>setTimeout(() => {resolve('mxin');}, 500)
const p2 = new __Promise((resolve, reject) =>setTimeout(() => {resolve('__mxin');}, 200)
const p3 = new __Promise((resolve, reject) => {setTimeout(() => {reject(new Error('mxin3'));}, 100);
// 测试 __resolve __then __finally
new __Promise((resolve, reject) => {resolve('mxin');
}).__then(res => {console.log('__resolve:', res);}).__finally(() => {console.log('__resolve finally');});
// 测试 __reject __catch __finally
new __Promise((resolve, reject) => {reject(new Error());
}).__catch(e => {console.log('__reject:', e);}).__finally(() => {console.log('__reject finally');});
// 测试 static resolve
__Promise.resolve('mxin').__then(res => console.log('static resolve:', res)).__finally(() => console.log('static resolve finally'));
// 测试 static reject
__Promise.reject(new Error()).__catch(res => console.log('static reject:', res)).__finally(() => console.log('static reject finally'));
// 测试 all,可添加 p3 测试 rejected 状态
__Promise.all([p1, p2]).__then(res => console.log('all resolve:', res)).__catch(e => console.log('all reject', e)).__finally(() => console.log('all finally'));
// 测试 race,速度快的优先返回并结束, 添加 p3 优先 reject
__Promise.race([p1, p2]).__then(res => console.log('race resolve:', res)).__catch(e => console.log('race reject', e)).__finally(() => console.log('race finally'));

23 async/await

const NEXT = 'next';
const THROW = 'throw';
/*** 模拟 async 函数* 1.generator 分割代码片段* 2.使用一个函数让其自迭代* 3.使用 promise 将 yield 包裹起来* 4.执行下一步的时机由 promise 来控制* @param {*} fn*/
function __async(fn) {return function () {// 获取迭代器实例const gen = fn.apply(this, arguments);
​return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {// 执行下一步function _next(value) {__step(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, NEXT, value);}// 抛异常function _throw(err) {__step(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, THROW, err);}// 首次触发_next(void 0);});};
/*** 执行迭代步骤,处理下次迭代结果* 1.将所有值promise化* 2.当 promise 执行完之后再执行下一步* 3.递归调用 next 函数,直到 done == true*/
function __step(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {try {var info = gen[key](arg);var value = info.value;} catch (error) {return reject(error);}// 迭代完成if (info.done) {resolve(value);} else {Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw);}
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
__async(function* () {const e = yield new Promise(resolve =>setTimeout(() => {resolve('e');}, 1000));const a = yield Promise.resolve('a');const d = yield 'd';const b = yield Promise.resolve('b');const c = yield Promise.resolve('c');return [a, b, c, d, e];
})().then(res => console.log(res) // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

24 并发

/*** 异步分片处理并发* 1.通过 limitNum 限制并发的 promise 数量* 2.临时结果保存到 resArr 中* 3.start 返回 promise,全部执行完毕 finally 中 resolve 最终结果*/
class Limit {constructor(limitNum, promiseList) {this.resArr = [];this.handling = 0;this.resolvedNum = 0;this.limitNum = limitNum;this.promiseList = promiseList;this.runTime = this.promiseList.length;}
​handle(promise) {console.log(promise, this.handling);return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {promise.then(res => resolve(res)).catch(e => reject(e));});}
​start() {const __this = this;return new Promise(resolve => {const run = () => {if (!__this.promiseList.length) return;__this.handling += 1;__this.handle(__this.promiseList.shift()).then(res => {__this.resArr.push(res);}).catch(e => {const error = new Error(e);__this.resArr.push(error);}).finally(() => {__this.handling -= 1;__this.resolvedNum += 1;if (__this.resolvedNum === __this.runTime) {resolve(__this.resArr);}run();});};
​for (let i = 1; i <= __this.limitNum; i++) {run();}});}
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
const p1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {setTimeout(() => {resolve(1);}, 1000);
const p2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {setTimeout(() => {resolve(2);}, 1000);
const p3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {setTimeout(() => {reject(3);}, 2000);
const p4 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {setTimeout(() => {resolve(4);}, 2000);
const p5 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {setTimeout(() => {resolve(5);}, 3000);
const p6 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {setTimeout(() => {resolve(6);}, 3000);
const promiseList = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6];
const limit = new Limit(2, promiseList);
limit.start().then(res => {console.log(res);

25 发布/订阅

*** 事件订阅/发布* 1.on 收集 key 对应的回调函数依赖关系,存入 eventList* 2.emit 根据第一个参数判断 key 值,并执行其函数依赖* 3.remove 根据 key 值清空依赖*/
class __Event {constructor() {this.eventList = [];}
​on(key, fn) {if (!this.eventList[key]) this.eventList[key] = [];this.eventList[key].push(fn);}
​emit() {const key = [];const fns = this.eventList[key];
​if (!fns || fns.length === 0) return false;
​for (const fn of fns) {fn.apply(this, arguments);}}
​remove(key) {if (!this.eventList[key]) return false;this.eventList[key] = null;delete this.eventList[key];}
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
// Event
const __event = new __Event();
__event.on('name', val => {console.log(`info: ${val}`);// info: mxin
__event.on('name', val => {console.log(`info2: ${val}`);// info2: mxin
// 触发事件,上面两个回调执行对应代码
__event.emit('name', 'mxin');
// 移除事件
// 事件被移除,不再触发
__event.emit('name', 'mxin');

26 防抖

/*** 防抖* 事件高频触发,间隔 wait 时长执行回调* @param {*} fn* @param {*} wait*/
function debounce(fn, wait) {let timeout;return function () {let __this = this,args = arguments;if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);timeout = setTimeout(() => {fn.apply(__this, args);}, wait);};
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
// debounce()
window.onresize = debounce(function () {console.log('改变窗口大小完毕 1000ms 后触执行');
}, 1000);

27 节流

/*** 节流* 高频事件触发,间隔 delay 时间执行一次回调* @param {*} fn* @param {*} delay*/
function throttle(fn, delay) {const prevTime =;return function () {const curTime =;if (curTime - prevTime > delay) {fn.apply(this, arguments);prevTime = curTime;}};
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
// throttle()
window.onresize = throttle(function () {console.log('间隔 1000ms 执行一次');
}, 1000);

28 柯里化

/*** 柯里化* 把接受多个参数的函数变换成接受一个单一参数的函数* 并返回接受余下的参数且返回结果的新函数*/
function curry() {const args = [...arguments];
​const fn = function () {args.push(...arguments);return fn;};
​fn.toString = () => {return args.reduce((pre, current) => pre + current);};return fn;
// ------------------------------ 测试 ------------------------------
// curry
console.log(curry(1)(2)(3)); // 6
console.log(curry(1, 2, 3)(4)); // 10
console.log(curry(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)); // 15
console.log(curry(2, 6)(1)); // 9

29 vue Reactive ​

const reactiveMap = new WeakMap();
const targetMap = new WeakMap();
const effectStack = [];
/*** 副作用函数* @param {*} fn*/
function effect(fn) {try {// 将需要执行的effect入栈effectStack.push(fn);
​// 执行该effect,进入proxy的get拦截return fn();} finally {// 依赖收集完毕及所有get流程走完,当前effect出栈effectStack.pop();}
/*** 依赖收集* @param {*} target* @param {*} key*/
function track(target, key) {// 初始化依赖Maplet depsMap = targetMap.get(target);if (!depsMap) {targetMap.set(target, (depsMap = new Map()));}
​// 第二层依赖使用Set存放key对应的effectlet dep = depsMap.get(key);if (!dep) {targetMap.get(target).set(key, (dep = new Set()));}
​// 取当前栈中的effect存入第二层依赖中const activeEffect = effectStack[effectStack.length - 1];activeEffect && dep.add(activeEffect);
/*** 触发响应,执行effect* @param {*} target* @param {*} key*/
function trigger(target, key) {const depsMap = targetMap.get(target);if (depsMap) {const effects = depsMap.get(key);effects && effects.forEach(run => run());}
/*** 定义响应式对象,返回proxy代理对象* @param {*} object*/
function reactive(object) {if (reactiveMap.has(object)) return reactiveMap.get(object);
​const proxy = new Proxy(object, handlers);
​reactiveMap.set(object, proxy);return proxy;
/*** 处理器对象,定义捕获器*/
const handlers = {set(target, key) {Reflect.set(...arguments);trigger(target, key);},get(target, key) {track(target, key);return typeof target[key] === 'object'? reactive(target[key]): Reflect.get(...arguments);},
/*** 计算属性* @param {*} fn*/
function computed(fn) {return {get value() {return effect(fn);},};
module.exports = {effect,reactive,computed,





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