HARCT 2025 分论坛4:智能系统传感、传感器开发和数据融合中的智能数据分析

机电液一体化与先进机器人控制技术国际会议(HARCT 2025)将于2025年1月3日-6日在中国广西桂林召开。本届会议围绕“机电液一体化”“机器人”“控制技术”等最新研究成果,邀请海内外在这一领域贡献卓著的专家学者做精彩致辞和报告。


香港中文大学讲师、香港科技大学教授麦伟樑老师受邀担任机电液一体化与先进机器人控制技术国际会议的Workshop Chair,并将于会议期间就智能系统传感、传感器开发和数据融合中的智能数据分析进行研究与探讨,欢迎各位专家、学者加入麦伟樑老师的Workshop 4。

投稿链接:Call for Papers | Morressier (投稿后务必及时与组委会秘书取得联系)

Workshop 4介绍

Title: Smart Data Analytics in Intelligent System Sensing, Sensor Development and Data Fusion 


In modern digital era, the incorporation of data analytic and artificial intelligence mechanisms in sensor development, mechanical device construction and setting up of large-scale computerized systems have benefited mankind in all walks of life. Existing technological advancement has shed light to various important aspects, for example, sensor integration and fusion, assimilation of datasets obtained from various sensors installed within the same network or system, the building up of efficient and sustainable control systems and computerized architectural networks.

This workshop attempts to (1) explore and demonstrate the successful case studies of relevant large-scale and small-scale intelligent systems developed for monitoring, sensing and capturing digital informatics, as well as their practical implementations and methods of assessing technical effectiveness; (2) explain and discuss how modern data analytic tools (can range from simple mathematical modeling to the incorporation of latest artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms) could assist in the building up of intelligent systems, sensor development and data collection, as well as image or data post-processing; (3) the strengths and limitations of AI in automation of sensors, detection and identification of both accurate and false information and signals, industrial processing, as well as fusing and combining datasets obtained at various spatial and temporal scales. The session can also outline some future suggestions with regard to the smart utilization of sensors, large-scale control system modeling, and relevant algorithmic updates for processing and handling data outputs, which essentially facilitate the machine automation and simultaneous updates of computerized systems for ongoing research, as a result leading to a more sustainable and smart digital environment around us.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Mathematical and Computational Methods; Intelligent System Monitoring and Sensing; Sensor Integration and Fusion; Smart Utilization of Sensors


Dr. Hugo Wai Leung Mak, The Chinese University of Hong Kong & The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China

Dr. Hugo Wai Leung Mak is currently a Visiting Faculty at HKUST and a Lecturer at CUHK Math. He completed his BS.c. studies in Mathematics and Physics, with a minor in Liberal Studies, then obtained his Ph.D. Degree in Mathematics (with Scientific Computation concentration) at HKUST. His core research interests include Scientific Computation and Data Analytics, Remote Sensing, Machine Learning Algorithms in Satellite Informatics and Modeling, Geospatial Analytics and Sensors, Imaging Science, as well as Smart City and Sustainability Development. He has extensive experience as a guest editor of numerous journals, an organizing and scientific committee member of various academic conferences and education programs, and has participated in international satellite missions related to environmental informatics. Throughout recent years, he has received numerous awards and honors, for example, the Research Travel Grant Award from the University Grants Committee (2016, 2018, and 2019); Din-Yu Hsieh Teaching Awards (2017, 2018, and 2019); The 14th Epsilon Fund Award (2019); School of Science Postgraduate Research Excellence Award, HKUST (2019); Departmental Research Output Prize, HKU (2021); as well as the Travel Grant of United Asia Finance Visiting Scholars Programme, New Asia College, CUHK (2024). He was recently selected as a Young Scientist in the 1st Inaugural Hong Kong Laureate Forum (2023), and he is one of the 10 awardees of the worldwide Remote Sensing Outstanding Reviewer Award (2024).





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