EE308FZ_Sixth Assignment_Beta Sprint_Sprint Essay1

AssignmentBeta Sprint
CourseEE308FZ[A] — Software Engineering
Class Link2401_MU_SE_FZU
RequirementsSixth Assignment——Beta Sprint
Team NameFZUGO
ObjectiveSprint Essay 1_Day1-Day2 (12.11-12.12)
Other Reference1. WeChat Mini Program Design Guide 2. Javascript Style Guide 3. WeChat Developer Tools 4. The Art of Construction


  • I.SCRUM Section
    • 1.Member Achievements Overview
      • Bugs fixed
      • UI upgrade
    • 2.Summary of Day 1-2 Progress
    • 3.Issues and Difficulties Encountered
    • 4.Plan Until Next Stand-up Meeting (Day 3-4)
    • 5.Group meeting photo
  • II.PM Report
    • 1.Summary of Project Tasks
    • 2.Burn-up Chart
    • 3.Discoveries & Changes
    • 4.Latest Running GIF

I.SCRUM Section

1.Member Achievements Overview

Team MemberStudent IDAchievements (Day 1-2)Tasks CompletedTime SpentTime RemainingIssues/DifficultiesPlan Until Next Stand-up
Rongcheng Xie832201126Beta Testing Goals and Plan InitializationDeveloped task divisions, timeline, and drafted kickoff plan.5 hours1 hourInitial scope unclear, required multiple iterations.Finalize kickoff plan and align team responsibilities.
Molan Xue, Shaoyu Zhang, Xinyi Zhou832201130, 832201113,832201219Homepage UI and Navigation Module OptimizationEnsured the UI experience and functionality are stable.6 hours2 hoursUI bugs when navigating between pages.Fix remaining UI issues and verify module stability.
Xirui Wang, Danni Liu, Yangshun Wu832202202, 832202208, 832202213Backend Interface Stability OptimizationFixed known backend bugs and optimized interface performance.6 hours3 hoursSome backend APIs responded slower than expected.Optimize slow APIs and run performance tests.
Ningwei Tang832202127First Beta Test Report WritingWrote the first beta test report to summarize findings.4 hours1 hourMissing detailed screenshots from testers.Collect missing data and finalize the report.

Bugs fixed

Bug 1: The search function is not bound to an event handler

Code snippet:

<input class="card-top-input" value="{{}}" placeholder="当前地点/起点" disabled="true" data-search_id="{{1}}" bindtap="tosearch" />
<input class="card-top-input" value="{{}}" placeholder="请选择终点" disabled="true" data-search_id="{{w}}" bindtap="tosearch" />


  • The ‘bindtap=’ tosearch ‘event may not be properly bound to the’ tosearch 'function, causing the search to fail when the user clicks on the input box.


  • Make sure that the ‘tosearch’ function is correctly defined in the corresponding back-end logic, and check that the data binding is correct.
// 确保在后端逻辑中有对应的tosearch函数
Page({tosearch: function(event) {// 搜索逻辑}

Bug 2: Category selection does not respond

Code snippet:

<view class="card-bottom-category-label {{index == category ? 'choose' : ''}}" wx:for="{{site_data}}" wx:key="id" id="{{index}}" bindtap="changeCategory">{{}}


  • The ‘bindtap=’ changeCategory ‘event may not be properly bound to the’ changeCategory 'function, causing users to be unable to switch categories when they click on the category TAB.


  • Make sure that the ‘changeCategory’ function is correctly defined in the corresponding back-end logic, and check that the data binding is correct.
// 确保在后端逻辑中有对应的changeCategory函数
Page({changeCategory: function(event) {// 类别切换逻辑}

Bug 3: Carousel performance issues

Code snippet:

<swiper class="list-landscape-container-swiper" next-margin="20px" indicator-dots="{{indicatorDots}}" autoplay="{{autoplay}}" circular="{{circular}}" interval="{{interval}}" duration="{{duration}}"><block wx:for="{{background}}" wx:key="*this"><swiper-item><view class="list-landscape-container-swiper-item"><image class="list-landscape-container-swiper-item-img" mode="widthFix" bindload="imgHeight" src="{{item}}" bindtap="lookPhoto" data-src="{{item}}"></image></view></swiper-item></block>


  • If the image in the ‘background’ array is too large, it can cause performance problems with the carroted graph, such as slow loading or stutching.


  • Optimize the picture size and make sure the picture loads at the appropriate size.
// 优化图片加载逻辑
Page({imgHeight: function(event) {// 根据实际需要调整图片高度}

Bug 4: Weather information is not updated in time

Code snippet:

<view class="card-container-weather-tmp"><view>{{now.temp}}°</view><image class="card-container-weather-tmp-icon" src="{{now.icon}}.svg"></image>


  • Weather information may not be updated in real time, resulting in outdated data displayed.


  • Integrate a more efficient weather API and set up scheduled tasks to update weather data regularly.
// 定时更新天气数据
Page({updateWeather: function() {// 获取最新天气数据并更新视图}

  • In the small program development, we encountered the problem that photos could not be displayed, which was mainly due to the use of inappropriate local storage scheme. To address this, we turned to cloud storage as a solution.

UI upgrade

  • The home page has been carefully designed UI upgrade, providing a clear and intuitive campus navigation and information display. The panoramic view of the campus and the school emblem at the top show the unique charm of the school. The navigation bar below includes common functions such as map navigation, campus guide, and friendly links for quick access. The school profile section is concise and highlights key information such as when, what type and where the school was built.
  • The location summary interface has been upgraded with UI to clearly display the location and name of each building on campus in a card-like layout, such as the library, secondary college, school gate, etc. Each building is accompanied by a visual picture to help users quickly identify it. The search function in the upper right corner of the interface allows users to quickly locate specific locations, improving navigation ease. The bottom navigation bar is consistent, making it easy for users to switch between pages.
  • This UI upgrade not only improves the visual effect, but also ensures the stability of the function, so that users can enjoy a smooth and intuitive operating experience during use.

  • The map navigation interface has been upgraded to provide real-time positioning and route planning functions. Users can quickly get detailed information and directions to their destination by clicking on different building ICONS. The filtering function at the top of the interface allows users to choose to view different types of locations according to their needs, such as libraries, secondary colleges, etc. The navigation bar at the bottom is aligned with the home page and other functional pages, ensuring a seamless transition between different pages.
  • At the same time, the thumbnail view also uses numbers to show the hidden places.
  • This UI upgrade focuses on the intuitiveness of map navigation and the ease of operation, ensuring that users can obtain a stable and efficient navigation experience during use

2.Summary of Day 1-2 Progress

  • Most tasks have been initiated, with key features such as UI optimization, backend bug fixes, and map data testing progressing steadily.
  • Beta test reporting and navigation testing are underway, though a few minor challenges remain (e.g., data mismatches and inconsistent navigation).

3.Issues and Difficulties Encountered

  • Unclear scope at project kickoff: Caused initial delays in plan drafting.
  • UI bugs and performance slowdowns: Affecting stability across navigation pages and backend APIs.
  • Map data errors: Incorrect coordinates and format mismatches delayed testing progress.
  • Conflicting feedback on UI/UX: Prioritization of critical issues became necessary.

4.Plan Until Next Stand-up Meeting (Day 3-4)

Complete Remaining Tasks:

  • Finalize backend optimizations and beta test reports.
  • Fix UI navigation bugs and re-test module functionality.

Address Challenges:

  • Resolve data format issues for route calculation.
  • Correct map coordinate errors and ensure accuracy.

Prepare for Stand-up:

  • Gather progress updates and prepare reports on remaining challenges.
  • Prioritize unresolved critical tasks for discussion in the stand-up meeting.

5.Group meeting photo


II.PM Report

1.Summary of Project Tasks

  • Expected Tasks:
  1. Campus Positioning System Development (time: 3 days)
    • Implement user positioning using GPS and Wi-Fi, with an emphasis on indoor positioning accuracy.
  2. Campus Route Navigation System (time: 4 days)
    • Design and develop the feature that suggests optimal walking routes between buildings.
  3. User Authentication and Integration (time: 3 days)
    • Complete the user login and registration process, integrating with backend database.
  4. UI/UX Design and Testing (time: 3 days)
    • Finalize and test the user interface, ensuring a smooth experience across all devices.
  5. System Testing and Bug Fixing (time: 2 days)
    • Conduct a thorough round of testing for all features, identify bugs, and resolve issues.
  • Work Completed:
  1. UI Design:
    • Initial wireframes for key screens like campus map, route navigation, and user settings were completed and reviewed.
    • Feedback was provided by the front-end team, and adjustments to UI were made.
  2. Location Tracking API:
    • The basic location tracking system has been set up with GPS functionality for outdoor areas. Indoor positioning remains a work in progress.
  3. Campus Data:
    • A majority of the campus map data (buildings, routes, landmarks) has been collected, but some areas need refinement.
  4. Backend Authentication:
    • The user authentication backend was developed, with initial tests confirming functionality. Data integration with front-end is ongoing.
  • Remaining Work:
  1. Location Accuracy Improvement:
    • Implement indoor positioning techniques such as beacons or Wi-Fi triangulation (expected time: 2 days).
  2. Route Navigation Algorithm:
    • Develop the algorithm for calculating and displaying the best walking route based on real-time data (expected time: 3 days).
  3. UI Enhancements and Testing:
    • Ensure all pages are responsive and that user flows are intuitive (expected time: 2 days).
  4. Final Integration and Testing:
    • Integrate the front-end and back-end systems, ensuring smooth functionality across all features (expected time: 2 days).

2.Burn-up Chart


3.Discoveries & Changes

Description: Throughout Sprint 1, we encountered a few unexpected challenges:

  • Indoor Positioning: GPS accuracy issues indoors, particularly in buildings with poor signal reception. We are now researching alternative solutions like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth beacon-based positioning for better accuracy.
  • Data Inconsistencies: Some building data was either outdated or missing, particularly for newly constructed buildings on campus. We’ve addressed this by working closely with campus departments to ensure data accuracy.
  • User Interface Adjustments: During initial testing, we discovered that certain navigation elements were not as intuitive as expected, particularly for first-time users. This feedback has been integrated into the revised UI.

4.Latest Running GIF





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