基于Informer网络实现电力负荷时序预测——cross validation交叉验证与Hyperopt超参数调优



该架构具有三个显著特点:①一个具有 O 时间和Llog(L)内存复杂度的ProbSparse自注意力机制。②一个优先考虑注意力并有效处理长输入序列的自注意力蒸馏过程。③一个MLP(多层感知器)多步解码器,能够在单次前向操作中预测长时间序列,而非逐步预测。(效果图

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom neuralforecast.core import NeuralForecast
from neuralforecast.models import Informer
from neuralforecast.losses.numpy import mae, mse, rmse, mape
from neuralforecast.losses.pytorch import MAEfrom datasetsforecast.long_horizon import LongHorizon
from torchinfo import summary

1. 数据集加载

datasetsforecast 是一个用于处理时间序列预测相关数据集的库。它的主要目的是方便用户获取、加载和预处理适合于时间序列预测任务的数据集。在时间序列分析和预测领域,拥有高质量、合适的数据集是非常关键的一步,这个库能够帮助我们更高效地开展工作。

# Change this to your own data to try the model
Y_df, X_df, _ = LongHorizon.load(directory='./', group='ETTh1')

2. 数据预处理

Y_df['ds'] = pd.to_datetime(Y_df['ds'])
# For this excercise we are going to take 20% of the DataSet
n_time = len(Y_df.ds.unique())
val_size = int(.2 * n_time)
test_size = int(.2 * n_time)Y_df.groupby('unique_id').head(5)


3. 数据可视化

plt.plot(Y_df['y'], color='darkorange' ,label='Trend')


4. 构建模型

ProbAttentionInformer 模型的核心创新点,它通过“K、Q交替采样、没采到的地方用均值替代”的方式,来降低Attention的复杂度

class ProbMask:"""ProbMask"""def __init__(self, B, H, L, index, scores, device="cpu"):_mask = torch.ones(L, scores.shape[-1], dtype=torch.bool, device=device).triu(1)_mask_ex = _mask[None, None, :].expand(B, H, L, scores.shape[-1])indicator = _mask_ex[torch.arange(B)[:, None, None], torch.arange(H)[None, :, None], index, :].to(device)self._mask = indicator.view(scores.shape).to(device)@propertydef mask(self):return self._maskclass ProbAttention(nn.Module):"""ProbAttention"""def __init__(self,mask_flag=True,factor=5,scale=None,attention_dropout=0.1,output_attention=False,):super(ProbAttention, self).__init__()self.factor = factorself.scale = scaleself.mask_flag = mask_flagself.output_attention = output_attentionself.dropout = nn.Dropout(attention_dropout)def _prob_QK(self, Q, K, sample_k, n_top):  # n_top: c*ln(L_q)# Q [B, H, L, D]B, H, L_K, E = K.shape_, _, L_Q, _ = Q.shape# calculate the sampled Q_KK_expand = K.unsqueeze(-3).expand(B, H, L_Q, L_K, E)index_sample = torch.randint(L_K, (L_Q, sample_k))  # real U = U_part(factor*ln(L_k))*L_qK_sample = K_expand[:, :, torch.arange(L_Q).unsqueeze(1), index_sample, :]Q_K_sample = torch.matmul(Q.unsqueeze(-2), K_sample.transpose(-2, -1)).squeeze()# find the Top_k query with sparisty measurementM = Q_K_sample.max(-1)[0] - torch.div(Q_K_sample.sum(-1), L_K)M_top = M.topk(n_top, sorted=False)[1]# use the reduced Q to calculate Q_KQ_reduce = Q[torch.arange(B)[:, None, None], torch.arange(H)[None, :, None], M_top, :]  # factor*ln(L_q)Q_K = torch.matmul(Q_reduce, K.transpose(-2, -1))  # factor*ln(L_q)*L_kreturn Q_K, M_topdef _get_initial_context(self, V, L_Q):B, H, L_V, D = V.shapeif not self.mask_flag:# V_sum = V.sum(dim=-2)V_sum = V.mean(dim=-2)contex = V_sum.unsqueeze(-2).expand(B, H, L_Q, V_sum.shape[-1]).clone()else:  # use maskassert L_Q == L_V  # requires that L_Q == L_V, i.e. for self-attention onlycontex = V.cumsum(dim=-2)return contexdef _update_context(self, context_in, V, scores, index, L_Q, attn_mask):B, H, L_V, D = V.shapeif self.mask_flag:attn_mask = ProbMask(B, H, L_Q, index, scores, device=V.device)scores.masked_fill_(attn_mask.mask, -np.inf)attn = torch.softmax(scores, dim=-1)  # nn.Softmax(dim=-1)(scores)context_in[torch.arange(B)[:, None, None], torch.arange(H)[None, :, None], index, :] = torch.matmul(attn, V).type_as(context_in)if self.output_attention:attns = (torch.ones([B, H, L_V, L_V], device=attn.device) / L_V).type_as(attn)attns[torch.arange(B)[:, None, None], torch.arange(H)[None, :, None], index, :] = attnreturn (context_in, attns)else:return (context_in, None)def forward(self, queries, keys, values, attn_mask):B, L_Q, H, D = queries.shape_, L_K, _, _ = keys.shapequeries = queries.transpose(2, 1)keys = keys.transpose(2, 1)values = values.transpose(2, 1)U_part = self.factor * np.ceil(np.log(L_K)).astype("int").item()  # c*ln(L_k)u = self.factor * np.ceil(np.log(L_Q)).astype("int").item()  # c*ln(L_q)U_part = U_part if U_part < L_K else L_Ku = u if u < L_Q else L_Qscores_top, index = self._prob_QK(queries, keys, sample_k=U_part, n_top=u)# add scale factorscale = self.scale or 1.0 / math.sqrt(D)if scale is not None:scores_top = scores_top * scale# get the contextcontext = self._get_initial_context(values, L_Q)# update the context with selected top_k queriescontext, attn = self._update_context(context, values, scores_top, index, L_Q, attn_mask)return context.contiguous(), attn

ProbMask 类用于生成概率掩码,而 ProbAttention 类实现了一种基于概率的注意力机制。在 ProbAttention 类中,_prob_QK 方法用于计算 Q 和 K 的采样点积,_get_initial_context 方法用于获取初始上下文,_update_context 方法用于更新上下文。最后,forward 方法将这些部分组合在一起,实现了整个注意力机制的前向传播。

NeuralForecast 库的 models 模块可以用于构建 Informer 信息网络模型,NeuralForecast 库是基于 PyTorch 的高级封装,它提供了便捷的接口来构建和训练包括Informer信息网络模型在内的多种时间序列预测模型。Informer 模型以其处理长序列数据的高效性和准确性而著称,非常适合用于需要捕捉长期依赖关系的任务。

horizon = 1
model = Informer(h = 1,                                    # Forecasting horizoninput_size =10,                           # Input sizestat_exog_list=None,                      # static exogenous columns.hist_exog_list=None,                      # historic exogenousfutr_exog_list=None,                      # future exogenous columns.exclude_insample_y=False,                 # bool=False, the model skips the autoregressive features y[t-input_size:t] if True.decoder_input_size_multiplier = 0.5,      # float = 0.5,hidden_size = 128,                        # units of embeddings and encoders.dropout = 0.05,                           # float (0, 1)factor = 3,                               # Prob sparse attention factor.n_head = 4,                               # controls number of multi-head's attention.conv_hidden_size = 32,                    # channels of the convolutional encoder.activation = 'gelu',                      # activation from ['ReLU', 'Softplus', 'Tanh', 'SELU', 'LeakyReLU', 'PReLU', 'Sigmoid', 'GELU'].encoder_layers = 2,                       # number of layers for the TCN encoder.decoder_layers = 1,                       # number of layers for the MLP decoder.distil = True,                            # bool = True. wether the Informer decoder uses bottlenecks.loss=MAE(),                               # PyTorch module, instantiated train loss class from [losses collection]valid_loss=None,                          # PyTorch module=`loss`, instantiated valid loss class from [losses collection]max_steps = 1000,                         # Maximum number of training iterationslearning_rate = 1e-4,                     # float=1e-3, Learning rate between (0, 1).num_lr_decays = -1,                       # int=-1, Number of learning rate decays, evenly distributed across max_steps.early_stop_patience_steps = -1,           # int=-1, Number of validation iterations before early stopping.val_check_steps = 100,                    # Compute validation loss every 100 stepsbatch_size = 32,                          # number of different series in each batch.valid_batch_size = None,                  # number of different series in each validation and test batch.windows_batch_size=1024,                  # number of windows to sample in each training batch.inference_windows_batch_size=1024,        # number of windows to sample in each inference batch.start_padding_enabled=False,              # bool=False, if True, the model will pad the time series with zeros at the beginning, by input size.step_size = 1,                            # step size between each window of temporal data.scaler_type = "identity",                 # str='robust', type of scaler for temporal inputs normalization see temporal scalerrandom_seed = 1,                          # random_seed for pytorch initializer and numpy generators.drop_last_loader = False,                 # bool=False, if True `TimeSeriesDataLoader` drops last non-full batch.optimizer=None,                           # Subclass of 'torch.optim.Optimizer', optional, user specified optimizer instead of the default choice (Adam).optimizer_kwargs=None,                    # dict, optional, list of parameters used by the user specified `optimizer`.lr_scheduler=None,                        # Subclass of 'torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LRScheduler', optional, user specified lr_scheduler instead of the default choice (StepLR).lr_scheduler_kwargs=None,                 # dict, optional, list of parameters used by the user specified `lr_scheduler`.dataloader_kwargs=None,                   # dict, optional, list of parameters passed into the PyTorch Lightning dataloader by the `TimeSeriesDataLoader`.

exclude_insample_y: bool=False, the model skips the autoregressive features y[t-input_size:t] if True.意思是如果设置为True,说明模型会跳过(也就是不使用、忽略)自回归特征中从 y t − i n p u t s i z e y_{t-inputsize} ytinputsize y t y_t yt这一部分数据。正常情况下,这些数据往往会被纳入模型的输入,作为帮助模型学习时间序列规律以及进行预测的重要依据。但当满足上述条件时,模型就不会把这一段对应的历史时间序列值当作输入信息了,相当于切断了这部分自回归的信息链路,模型会基于其他可用的输入(比如外生变量、其他历史阶段的数据等,如果有的话)来进行后续的处理和预测工作。

5. 模型概要

Layer (type:depth-idx)                        Param #
Informer                                      --
├─MAE: 1-1                                    --
├─MAE: 1-2                                    --
├─ConstantPad1d: 1-3                          --
├─TemporalNorm: 1-4                           --
├─DataEmbedding: 1-5                          --
│    └─TokenEmbedding: 2-1                    --
│    │    └─Conv1d: 3-1                       384
│    └─PositionalEmbedding: 2-2               --
│    └─Dropout: 2-3                           --
├─DataEmbedding: 1-6                          --
│    └─TokenEmbedding: 2-4                    --
│    │    └─Conv1d: 3-2                       384
│    └─PositionalEmbedding: 2-5               --
│    └─Dropout: 2-6                           --
├─TransEncoder: 1-7                           --
│    └─ModuleList: 2-7                        --
│    │    └─TransEncoderLayer: 3-3            74,912
│    │    └─TransEncoderLayer: 3-4            74,912
│    └─ModuleList: 2-8                        --
│    │    └─ConvLayer: 3-5                    49,536
│    └─LayerNorm: 2-9                         256
├─TransDecoder: 1-8                           --
│    └─ModuleList: 2-10                       --
│    │    └─TransDecoderLayer: 3-6            141,216
│    └─LayerNorm: 2-11                        256
│    └─Linear: 2-12                           129
Total params: 341,985
Trainable params: 341,985
Non-trainable params: 0

6. 交叉验证

交叉验证方法 cross_validation 将返回模型在测试集上的预测结果。这里我们使用第一种方法进行交叉验证

nf = NeuralForecast(models = [model],freq='H'
Y_hat_df = nf.cross_validation(df=Y_df, val_size=val_size,test_size=test_size, n_windows=None)
| Name          | Type          | Params | Mode 
0 | loss          | MAE           | 0      | train
1 | padder_train  | ConstantPad1d | 0      | train
2 | scaler        | TemporalNorm  | 0      | train
3 | enc_embedding | DataEmbedding | 384    | train
4 | dec_embedding | DataEmbedding | 384    | train
5 | encoder       | TransEncoder  | 199 K  | train
6 | decoder       | TransDecoder  | 141 K  | train
341 K     Trainable params
0         Non-trainable params
341 K     Total params
1.368     Total estimated model params size (MB)
73        Modules in train mode
0         Modules in eval mode

7. 预测结果

Y_plot = Y_hat_df.copy() # OT dataset
cutoffs = Y_hat_df['cutoff'].unique()[::horizon]
Y_plot = Y_plot[Y_hat_df['cutoff'].isin(cutoffs)]plt.figure(figsize=(20,5))
plt.plot(Y_plot['ds'], Y_plot['y'], label='True')
plt.plot(Y_plot['ds'], Y_plot['Informer'], label='Informer')
plt.title('Informer Prediction', fontdict={'family': 'Times New Roman'})


8. 模型评估

以下代码使用了一些常见的评估指标:平均绝对误差(MAE)、平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)、均方误差(MSE)、均方根误差(RMSE)来衡量模型预测的性能。这里我们将调用 neuralforecast.losses.numpy 模块中的 mae, mse, mape, rmse 函数来对模型的预测效果进行评估。

mae_informer = mae(Y_hat_df['y'], Y_hat_df['Informer'])
mse_informer = mse(Y_hat_df['y'], Y_hat_df['Informer'])mape_informer = mape(Y_hat_df['y'], Y_hat_df['Informer'])
rmse_informer = rmse(Y_hat_df['y'], Y_hat_df['Informer'])
print(f'Informer_mae: {mae_informer:.3f}')
print(f'Informer_mse: {mse_informer:.3f}')
print(f'Informer_mape: {mape_informer * 100:.3f}%')
print(f'Informer_rmse: {rmse_informer:.3f}')
Informer_mae: 0.069
Informer_mse: 0.007
Informer_mape: 5.403%
Informer_rmse: 0.085




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