



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay titled “Are people becoming addicted to technology?”. The statement given below is for your reference. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Numerous studies claim that addiction to technology is real and it has the same effect on the brain as drug addiction. First, no one can deny the fact that technology is of great importance to our daily life. However, as a matter of fact, its adverse effect should not be ignored by the public.
Confronted with such phenomenon, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, it is obvious that the universities and mass media should increase publicity and education to encourage people to apply technology more appropriately. For another, we should bear in mind that we are supposed to take a reasonable attitude toward modern technology, and make its advantages over-weigh disadvantages.
Personally, I believe that only by doing so can we better ourselves in every aspect of our life. Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because technology makes our life rich and colorful.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on whether violent video games online will cause students’ volent behaviors. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


With the progress of the times, the use of smart phones, computers and other electronic products is becoming more and more common among students. And many students like violent video games online. This raises a question, whether violent online games will lead to students’ violent tendency? From my point of view, the answer is no.
First of all, through online games, students can relieve the pressure in real life and find like-minded people to communicate with, which will reduce students’ irritable tendency in real life. In this way, these video games will not increase students’ violent tendency. On the contrary, to a certain extent they will reduce students’ irritable behaviors. Moreover, online video games are virtual and the violent elements in the games are unrealistic, and these violent scenes can hardly be implemented in real life. So the violence in online games has little impact on real life.
To sum up, from my point of view, violent online games will not lead to students’ violent tendency. The development of science and technology is bound to change people’s way of life, which will bring about a lot of influence on people’s life. It is only necessary for us to learn to use it properly.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on whether technology will make people lazy. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


With the continuous progress of science and technology, great changes have taken place in the way people live. This progress has brought great convenience to people. Nonetheless, it has also made many people lazy.
First, the widespread use of Internet technology, especially smart phones, allows people to know what is happening outside without going out. People just need to pick up a mobile phone, connect to the Internet, and open the corresponding software, then the major events of the world will be caught in their eyes. They no longer have to open books and newspapers or go out to get information. Second, the appearance of takeaways has also made people lazier. People can get whatever they want to eat without cooking for themselves or even getting up to go to a restaurant. In addition, online shopping is more enjoyable for people. Many people forgo the tiring activity of going to the mall, instead, they lie in the sofa and just move their fingers. Therefore, the decline in exercise has left many people in declining health.
To sum up, the ever-changing technology brings convenience to people, but it also makes people lazy. Consequently, while improving the quality of life, people should learn to use science and technology correctly instead of relying on it blindly.





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