

[知识人网-博士后招聘]南安普顿大学(University of Southampton,勋衔Soton),世界百强名校,英国顶尖学府,是罗素大学集团、世界大学联盟、科学与工程南联盟、国际大学气候联盟、RENKEI、世界港口城市大学联盟、欧洲大学协会与英联邦大学协会成员。始建于1862年,主校区位于泰坦尼克号的起航地—英国南安普顿。

Research Fellow in Paediatric Intensive Care

University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust


Applications are invited for PICU Research Fellows (Registrar ST3+ equivalent) in Paediatric Intensive Care at Southampton General Hospital commencing August / September 2020 for 6 months. No prior experience of PICU or research is required, but a minimum of two years of either paediatrics (including neonates) OR anaesthesia OR ICU is essential. This post will be split approximately 50% clinical on PICU on the registrar rota, and 50% in the research to role to provide day to day care for children undertaking clinical trials in the Paediatric Critical Care setting. Some flexibility will be required. Clinical Role

Southampton PICU is a 16 bedded mixed intensive care unit admitting around 1000 patients each year. We are the regional referral centre for Wessex and run the combined Southampton Oxford retrieval team (SORT) service for the Wessex / Oxford network, moving around 500 critically ill and injured children per year.

Main duties of the job

Attached you will find the person specification document which provides more detail about the essential and desirable skills and experience needed for this role. We highly recommend you review this document and use it when completing your application as these criteria are used by hiring managers as guidance during shortlisting.

For an overview of the main duties of the role please see the ‘Job Description and Main Responsibilities' section below. To understand the day-to-day responsibilities in more detail please read the full job description document attached.

Working for our organisation

As one of the largest acute teaching Trusts in England, we offer learning and development opportunities to help you achieve the career you aspire to. UHS is rated ‘Good' by the CQC and in the latest national NHS Staff Survey, we were in the top 10 acute trusts for staff engagement and for staff recommending the hospital as a place to work or receive care.

We support flexible working and will consider requests taking into account the needs of the service. UHS employees are able to access a range of NHS discounts, are entitled to a minimum of 35 days paid holiday (pro rata), and we offer a generous pension scheme.

Southampton is an attractive place to live and work situated on the south  coast, with an international airport and direct trains to London. The New Forest National Park and beaches of the Jurassic coast are also right on our doorstep. The city offers living costs 20% lower than London and 14 schools rated outstanding by Ofsted.

Detailed job description and main responsibilities



Research Role:

The primary role of this post is to provide day to day care for children undertaking clinical trials in the Paediatric Critical Care setting

In addition, the Fellow may be asked to assist in the running of other clinical studies and trials for patients. By arrangement this may be outside of the primary speciality. The post holder will therefore be expected to engage as appropriate with all aspects of the development and conduct of studies, including the submission and maintenance of regulatory documents, the recruitment of subjects and providing medical cover. The post holder should work to ensure that all studies are conducted to Good Clinical Practice.

The post will provide specific training in:

  Support of experimental medicine, Phase I and II and high intensity Phase III clinical trials design, conduct and management of clinical trials and research.

  Submission and maintenance of regulatory documents.

  Recruitment of subjects.

  Provision of medical cover.

  If relevant and occurs during post, participation in regulatory inspection preparation (eg MHRA and HSE).

  Opportunity to take part in training development (assist in training and  education of staff, GCP and trial specific, ethics and applications, medical students, clinical and research staff).


  Full GMC Registration


  Minimum 2 years' experience in paediatrics or anaesthetics (ST1-2 equivalent)

Dependable and able to adapt working practise


Appointment will be made under local contractual terms and conditions of service for Trust appointed (non-training fellow doctors and dentists).

Successful candidates will have an educational framework equivalent to training grade doctors, and there will be a named educational supervisor assigned at the start of the post. The opportunity for Continued Professional Development (CPD) is highly supported and encouraged by the Trust, with options available to take study leave. All licensed doctors must meet the GMC requirements for revalidation and there will be an annual appraisal to support this process.

Grades for Trust appointed (non-training) fellows will be paid a basic salary at a nodal pay point linked to the grade, at the rate set out in the National Medical and Dental pay circular. Basic salary detailed below plus any additional remuneration (as applicable) for hours set out in the doctors work schedule (e.g. additional hours, weekend allowance, and any hours which attract enhanced pay)

Basic Salary - MT04 £51,017 Basic Salary – MT05 £58,398

Salary will be assessed based on experience and skills. Eligibility criteria for appointment to a Nodal Point 5;

  Have a minimum of 6 years of Specialty training

  Hold relevant higher specialty exam (e.g FRCP, FRCA, FRCS)

  A portfolio of evidence that demonstrates they meet the criteria for progression (in line with the Curriculum for the speciality similar to deanery trainee)

Travelling expenses will not be paid for attending interview

Please note that GMC registration (with a licence to practice) and right to work in the UK are essential for this role. Successful applicants will already  have GMC registration or will be able to demonstrate they are eligible. Applicants requiring Tier 2 sponsorship should ensure they meet the Home Office application criteria prior to submitting an application.

Interviews will be held on Thursday, 10th November 2022

Job Reference: MT0825 - This vacancy closes on or before: Friday 4th November 2022

Person specificationQualifications and trainingEssential criteria

  Full GMC Registration


Desirable criteria

  MRCPCH Part 1 or FRCA Part 1

  NLS

  GIC Completed (any course)

Previous or relevant experienceEssential criteria

  Minimum 2 years' experience in paediatrics or anaesthetics (ST1-2 equivalent)

Desirable criteria

  Neonatology or paediatric anaesthesia experience in transport of critically ill patients

Aptitudes and skillsEssential criteria

  Able to prioritise jobs

  Analytical mind

  Extensive practical skills

  Competent vascular access

  Efficient and hard working

  Ability to delegate

  Dependable and able to adapt working practice

Desirable criteria

  Intubation experience neonates and children

  Leadership skills

Special Requirements of the postEssential criteria

  To work full shifts and committed to a career

Living the Trust valuesEssential criteria

  Patients First

  Always Improving

  Working Together

Please be advised that this vacancy may close earlier than stated if we receive a large number of applications. We will not accept any applications or queries via agencies, under any circumstances.







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