npm install highcharts
import Highcharts from "highcharts/highcharts";
import highcharts3d from "highcharts/highcharts-3d";
Highcharts.chart("EchartsPie", {chart: {type: "pie", //饼图options3d: {enabled: true, //使用3d功能alpha: 70, //延y轴向内的倾斜角度beta: 0,},backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", // 不显示背景色width: 520,height: 220, //设置大小是为了饼图能在想要的区域中显示},legend: {bottom: "0%",itemStyle: {//图例文字的样式color: "#999",fontSize: 10,},left: "center",itemWidth: 100,// doesn't perfectly work with our tricks, disable itselectedMode: false,data: this.dataList.map((item, index) => {item.icon = "circle";return item;}),},title: {text: "", //图表的标题文字},subtitle: {text: "", //副标题文字},plotOptions: {pie: {allowPointSelect: true, //每个扇块能否选中cursor: "pointer", //鼠标指针size: 150,showInLegend: true, // 是否显示图例depth: 35, //饼图的厚度dataLabels: {enabled: true, //是否显示饼图的线形tipdistance: 30, //设置引导线的长度color: "#999", //全局设置字体颜色style: {textOutline: "none", //去掉文字白边fontSize: "12",},formatter: function () {return this.point.name + this.y + "%";},},},},credits: {enabled: false, //禁用版权url 此处不设置},series: [{type: "pie",name: "", //统一的前置词,非必须data: [{ name: "测试1:", y: 6.3, color: "#388D60" },{ name: "测试2:", y: 2.3, color: "#BEB84C" },{ name: "测试3:", y: 2.3, color: "#3A55B0" },{ name: "测试4:", y: 9.3, color: "#7B40A5" },{ name: "测试5:", y: 0.0, color: "#B76B3D" },],startAngle: 0, //调整饼图的角度 方向:顺时针label: {show: true,position: "outside",formatter: "{b}:{d}%",normal: {show: true,fontSize: 14,formatter: [" {a|{b}:{d}%}"].join("\n"), //用\n来换行rich: {a: {left: 20,padding: [0, -140, 0, -180], //位置按需要调整},},},},},],});
import EchartsBtD from "./components/echarts.bt3d.vue";
export default {components: { EchartsBtD },name: "top",data() {return {dataList: [{name: "综掘工作面",y: 25,},{name: "皮带机头",y: 11,},{name: "马头门",y: 22,},{name: "综采工作面",y: 18,},{name: "井底车场",y: 23,},],};},
<EchartsBtD v-if="dataList.length != 0" :dataList="dataList"></EchartsBtD>
<template><div class="echart-bt"><div id="EchartsPie" class="EchartsPie"></div></div>
import Highcharts from "highcharts/highcharts";
import highcharts3d from "highcharts/highcharts-3d";
export default {props: ["dataList"],data() {return {option: {chart: {type: "pie", //饼图options3d: {enabled: true, //使用3d功能alpha: 70, //延y轴向内的倾斜角度beta: 0,},backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", // 不显示背景色width: 520,height: 220, //设置大小是为了饼图能在想要的区域中显示},legend: {bottom: "0%",itemStyle: {//图例文字的样式color: "#999",fontSize: 10,},left: "center",itemWidth: 100,// doesn't perfectly work with our tricks, disable itselectedMode: false,data: this.dataList.map((item, index) => {item.icon = "circle";return item;}),},title: {text: "", //图表的标题文字},subtitle: {text: "", //副标题文字},plotOptions: {pie: {allowPointSelect: true, //每个扇块能否选中cursor: "pointer", //鼠标指针size: 150,showInLegend: true, // 是否显示图例depth: 35, //饼图的厚度dataLabels: {enabled: true, //是否显示饼图的线形tipdistance: 30, //设置引导线的长度color: "#999", //全局设置字体颜色style: {textOutline: "none", //去掉文字白边fontSize: "12",},formatter: function () {return this.point.name + this.y + "%";},},},},credits: {enabled: false, //禁用版权url 此处不设置},series: [{type: "pie",name: "", //统一的前置词,非必须data: [{ name: "测试1:", y: 6.3, color: "#388D60" },{ name: "测试2:", y: 2.3, color: "#BEB84C" },{ name: "测试3:", y: 2.3, color: "#3A55B0" },{ name: "测试4:", y: 9.3, color: "#7B40A5" },{ name: "测试5:", y: 0.0, color: "#B76B3D" },],startAngle: 0, //调整饼图的角度 方向:顺时针label: {show: true,position: "outside",formatter: "{b}:{d}%",normal: {show: true,fontSize: 14,formatter: [" {a|{b}:{d}%}"].join("\n"), //用\n来换行rich: {a: {left: 20,padding: [0, -140, 0, -180], //位置按需要调整},},},},},],},};},watch: {},created() {},mounted() {this.option.series[0].data.forEach((item, index) => {item.name = this.dataList[index].name;item.y = this.dataList[index].y;});Highcharts.chart("EchartsPie", this.option);},methods: {},
</script> <style scoped>
.EchartsPie {width: 100%;height: 100%;
/* 禁止跳转到外部接口 */
::v-deep .highcharts-credits {display: none;
}.echart-bt {width: 100%;height: 300px;