


第二段:第一个分论点+ 论理的方式来阐述
第三段:第二个分论点+ 例证的方式 叙事、详细的故事
第四段:第三个分论点+ 让步拉回、欲扬先抑(说自己好、驳回对方观点)


2、观点:should pay more


It is hard to deny that 对方细节(需要在让步拉回时反驳), and such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that 对方观点.However, such a statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies, and it should be examined meticulously.As far as 点一,点二 and 点三 are concerned, I strongly hold that 我方观点.

//第一个分论点+ 论理的方式来阐述
First and foremost, 点一,as 宏观. To be more specific, 局部;Furthermore, 细节。(补足说理部分)If 不做我方观点**,we will not** 实现点一… .

//第二个分论点+ 例证的方式 叙事、详细的故事
Moreover, the fact that 点二的细节 indicates that 我方观点.Take the case of 人物,who/which 过程. As a result, 结果.Had it not been for 过程概括,人物 would never 结果总结。

//第三个分论点+ 让步拉回、欲扬先抑(说自己好、驳回对方观点)
Nevertheless, a voice arises that 在第一段提到的对方观点. Ironically, 反驳对方观点. Therefore,点三.

In a nutshell , I maintain that 我方观点总结(需要提到点一二三) .Admittedly, as my favorite quote from James Madison goes, as long as the reason of man continues fallible,different opinions will be formed, and some people may oppose me.However,I believe they will compromise after being exposed to my article.




It is hard to deny that historical and cultural sites are the symbols of a nation, and we should encourage visiting to promote our national influence. Such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that we should not charge foreign visitors more to visit these sites, as higher fees discourage visiting and hinder the influence of our culture. However, such a statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies, and it should be examined meticulously. As far as culture, economy, and feasibility are concerned, I strongly hold that we ought to have foreign visitors pay more for visiting the sites.
First and foremost, having foreign visitors pay more can help promote national culture, as such an act encourages local citizens to visit the sites. To be more specific, the money charged from foreign visitors can be used to subsidize citizens to visit with cheap or free entry;Furthermore, citizens will not only find a free entry inviting, but be attracted with a stronger sense of cultural belonging due to fewer entry barrier.(Optional filler)If we do not have foreign visitors pay more, we will not only lose a great opportunity in showing national culture to citizens, but one in promoting patriotism as well.
Furthermore, the fact that income generated from historical sites promotes local economy indicates that foreign visitors, who usually are able to afford a higher admission, should be reasonably charged more.Take the case of the well-known Cotta site located in the Terra town, which charges foreign visitors 75% more and uses the extra income on infrastructure such as roads, restaurants, and hotels. As a result, not only the life of local citizens is greatly improved, but such act also creates more jobs in town and attracts more domestic and international visitors with easier access and better facility.Had it not been for the extra income from the site, the Terra town would never have been able to significantly improve the life of its residents and form a virtuous cycle in tourism.
Nevertheless, a voice arises that since historical sites are the symbols of a nation, charging foreign visitors more is not feasible as higher prices discourage visiting and hinder the spread of our national influence. Ironically, site admission is usually a small part of traveling expenses compared with plane tickets and accommodation, and tourists usually travel to a foreign country with a sizeable budget; in addition, tourists travel long and far with the aim of exploring and understanding a new culture, so something as trivial as a few extra dollars on a ticket will not be enough to discourage them. Therefore, charging foreign visitors more is a feasible approach.
In a nutshell, I maintain that foreign visitors should pay more as such policy is feasible to implement, and benefits our national culture and economy. Admittedly, as my favorite quote from James Madison goes, as long as the reason of man continues fallible, different opinions will be formed, and some people may oppose me.However, I believe they will compromise after being exposed to my article.




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