
        引用 StackExchange 社区 CEO Prashanth Chandrasekar 的一篇博客标题 “Community is the future of AI”,引出本文的观点,即ChatGPT对问答社区产生了颠覆性影响,问答社区必须釜底抽薪、涅槃重生,但我们必须坚信“社区才是AI的未来”。




















        内容参考自 StackExchange 以下问题的答案(由用户 starball 回答):Did Stack Exchange's traffic go down since ChatGPT?icon-default.png?t=N658https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/387278/did-stack-exchanges-traffic-go-down-since-chatgpt

        备注:结果来源于 Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE) queries,统计数据从2018年开始,到当前博客写作日期的上个月(2023年6月),借用回答者的一句话:“2018 chosen somewhat arbitrarily - I just wanted some more context than looking at just 2022-2023”。



AND P.CreationDate < DATEFROMPARTS(2023, 7, 1) -- Limit to July 2023

/*-- INSTRUCTIONS:1)  Set the columns of #AllSiteResults to what you need in the final query.2)  Set the @seSiteQuery text (inside the WHILE loop) to the query that will run on each site to buildthe #AllSiteResults table.3)  Comment out the `WHERE       (dadn.dbName = 'StackExchange.Meta'...` line if site metas are desired.4)  Adjust the final query if post processing is desired (optional).
DECLARE @seDbName       AS NVARCHAR (max)
DECLARE @sitePrettyName AS NVARCHAR (max)
DECLARE @seSiteQuery    AS NVARCHAR (max)CREATE TABLE #AllSiteResults (-- PUT THE COLUMNS YOU WILL USE, HERE-- vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv[Date] DATE,[NewQuestions] INT-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
WITH dbsAndDomainNames AS (SELECT      dbL.dbName, STRING_AGG (dbL.domainPieces, '.')    AS siteDomainFROM (SELECT      TOP 50000   -- Never be that many sites and TOP is needed for order by, belowname        AS dbName, value     AS domainPieces, row_number ()  OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 0)) AS [rowN]FROM        sys.databasesCROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT (name, '.')WHERE       CASE    WHEN state_desc = 'ONLINE'THEN OBJECT_ID (QUOTENAME (name) + '.[dbo].[PostNotices]', 'U') -- Pick a table unique to SE dataENDIS NOT NULLORDER BY    dbName, [rowN] DESC) AS dbLGROUP BY    dbL.dbName
SELECT      REPLACE (REPLACE (dadn.dbName, 'StackExchange.', ''), '.', ' ' )  AS [Site Name], dadn.dbName, CASE  -- See https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/215071WHEN dadn.dbName = 'StackExchange.Mathoverflow.Meta'THEN 'https://meta.mathoverflow.net/'-- Some AVP/Audio/Video/Sound kerfuffle?WHEN dadn.dbName = 'StackExchange.Audio'THEN 'https://video.stackexchange.com/'-- DittoWHEN dadn.dbName = 'StackExchange.Audio.Meta'THEN 'https://video.meta.stackexchange.com/'-- Normal siteELSE 'https://' + LOWER (siteDomain) + '.com/'END AS siteURL
FROM        dbsAndDomainNames dadn
WHERE       (dadn.dbName = 'StackExchange.Meta'  OR  dadn.dbName NOT LIKE '%Meta%')-- Step through cursor
OPEN    seSites_crsr
FETCH   NEXT FROM seSites_crsr INTO @sitePrettyName, @seDbName, @seSiteURL
BEGIN-- QUERY THAT YOU WANT TO RUN ON EACH SITE, GOES HERE-- For example:-- vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvSET @seSiteQuery = 'USE [' + @seDbName + ']INSERT INTO #AllSiteResultsSELECTDATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(P.CreationDate), MONTH(P.CreationDate), 1) AS Date,COUNT(*) AS NewQuestionsFROM Posts PWHERE P.PostTypeId = 1 -- QuestionsAND YEAR(P.CreationDate) >= 2018AND P.CreationDate < DATEFROMPARTS(2023, 7, 1) -- Limit to July 2023GROUP BY DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(P.CreationDate), MONTH(P.CreationDate), 1)'-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^EXEC sp_executesql @seSiteQueryFETCH NEXT FROM seSites_crsr INTO @sitePrettyName, @seDbName, @seSiteURL
CLOSE       seSites_crsr
SELECT      MAX([Date]) AS Date, SUM([NewQuestions]) AS NewQuestions
FROM        #AllSiteResults
GROUP BY    [Date]
ORDER BY    [Date]



# 全网每月新问题数
Date	NewQuestions
2018/1/1 0:00	237404
2018/2/1 0:00	224143
2018/3/1 0:00	251429
2018/4/1 0:00	239636
2018/5/1 0:00	246762
2018/6/1 0:00	222615
2018/7/1 0:00	228026
2018/8/1 0:00	228371
2018/9/1 0:00	210906
2018/10/1 0:00	232536
2018/11/1 0:00	219300
2018/12/1 0:00	196715
2019/1/1 0:00	223493
2019/2/1 0:00	215514
2019/3/1 0:00	236543
2019/4/1 0:00	226815
2019/5/1 0:00	225382
2019/6/1 0:00	201296
2019/7/1 0:00	217943
2019/8/1 0:00	201189
2019/9/1 0:00	199442
2019/10/1 0:00	219626
2019/11/1 0:00	214303
2019/12/1 0:00	194623
2020/1/1 0:00	212131
2020/2/1 0:00	208687
2020/3/1 0:00	223977
2020/4/1 0:00	261901
2020/5/1 0:00	266095
2020/6/1 0:00	242444
2020/7/1 0:00	232102
2020/8/1 0:00	209958
2020/9/1 0:00	202312
2020/10/1 0:00	206767
2020/11/1 0:00	197732
2020/12/1 0:00	196899
2021/1/1 0:00	205239
2021/2/1 0:00	191901
2021/3/1 0:00	215623
2021/4/1 0:00	196910
2021/5/1 0:00	193489
2021/6/1 0:00	183171
2021/7/1 0:00	174020
2021/8/1 0:00	171779
2021/9/1 0:00	168816
2021/10/1 0:00	168644
2021/11/1 0:00	169028
2021/12/1 0:00	158997
2022/1/1 0:00	169548
2022/2/1 0:00	158851
2022/3/1 0:00	171107
2022/4/1 0:00	160153
2022/5/1 0:00	163367
2022/6/1 0:00	156387
2022/7/1 0:00	185296
2022/8/1 0:00	189989
2022/9/1 0:00	176730
2022/10/1 0:00	184835
2022/11/1 0:00	189896
2022/12/1 0:00	168000
2023/1/1 0:00	170610
2023/2/1 0:00	155088
2023/3/1 0:00	160060
2023/4/1 0:00	131668
2023/5/1 0:00	130464
2023/6/1 0:00	140041




        StackOverflow 是 StackExchange 最大的网站,所以同时统计一下 StackOverflow 的情况做出对比。


SELECTDATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(P.CreationDate), MONTH(P.CreationDate), 1) AS Date,COUNT(*) AS NewQuestions
FROM Posts P
WHERE P.PostTypeId = 1 -- QuestionsAND YEAR(P.CreationDate) >= 2018AND P.CreationDate < DATEFROMPARTS(2023, 7, 1)
GROUP BY DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(P.CreationDate), MONTH(P.CreationDate), 1)


        可以看到,StackOverflow 的趋势与 StackExchange 的整体趋势接近。


        每年十二月份的活跃度通常会急剧下降。 2018年和2019年相当明显,但2020年和2021年就不那么明显了,2022年相当明显。所以很难说这到底是由于寒假导致的正常活动下降, 还是人们在 ChatGPT 而不是 Stack Exchange 上提问导致的。

        然而,近年来,1 月份的活动水平始终有所回升(2018-2022 年可观察到),但 2023 年 1 月则不然:新问题活动水平与 2022 年 12 月几乎持平,而且年后持续走低。



/*-- INSTRUCTIONS:1)  Set the columns of #AllSiteResults to what you need in the final query.2)  Set the @seSiteQuery text (inside the WHILE loop) to the query that will run on each site to buildthe #AllSiteResults table.3)  Comment out the `WHERE       (dadn.dbName = 'StackExchange.Meta'...` line if site metas are desired.4)  Adjust the final query if post processing is desired (optional).
DECLARE @seDbName       AS NVARCHAR (max)
DECLARE @sitePrettyName AS NVARCHAR (max)
DECLARE @seSiteQuery    AS NVARCHAR (max)CREATE TABLE #AllSiteResults (-- PUT THE COLUMNS YOU WILL USE, HERE-- vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv[Date] DATE,[Type] NVARCHAR(max),[NewAnswers] REAL,[NewQuestions] REAL-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
WITH dbsAndDomainNames AS (SELECT      dbL.dbName, STRING_AGG (dbL.domainPieces, '.')    AS siteDomainFROM (SELECT      TOP 50000   -- Never be that many sites and TOP is needed for order by, belowname        AS dbName, value     AS domainPieces, row_number ()  OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 0)) AS [rowN]FROM        sys.databasesCROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT (name, '.')WHERE       CASE    WHEN state_desc = 'ONLINE'THEN OBJECT_ID (QUOTENAME (name) + '.[dbo].[PostNotices]', 'U') -- Pick a table unique to SE dataENDIS NOT NULLORDER BY    dbName, [rowN] DESC) AS dbLGROUP BY    dbL.dbName
SELECT      REPLACE (REPLACE (dadn.dbName, 'StackExchange.', ''), '.', ' ' )  AS [Site Name], dadn.dbName, CASE  -- See https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/215071WHEN dadn.dbName = 'StackExchange.Mathoverflow.Meta'THEN 'https://meta.mathoverflow.net/'-- Some AVP/Audio/Video/Sound kerfuffle?WHEN dadn.dbName = 'StackExchange.Audio'THEN 'https://video.stackexchange.com/'-- DittoWHEN dadn.dbName = 'StackExchange.Audio.Meta'THEN 'https://video.meta.stackexchange.com/'-- Normal siteELSE 'https://' + LOWER (siteDomain) + '.com/'END AS siteURL
FROM        dbsAndDomainNames dadn
WHERE       (dadn.dbName = 'StackExchange.Meta'  OR  dadn.dbName NOT LIKE '%Meta%')-- Step through cursor
OPEN    seSites_crsr
FETCH   NEXT FROM seSites_crsr INTO @sitePrettyName, @seDbName, @seSiteURL
BEGIN-- QUERY THAT YOU WANT TO RUN ON EACH SITE, GOES HERE-- For example:-- vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvSET @seSiteQuery = 'USE [' + @seDbName + ']INSERT INTO #AllSiteResults-- Ignore the datapoints for the current month. That data is not yet complete. Ex. Things like roomba have "lag"SELECTDATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(P.CreationDate), MONTH(P.CreationDate), 1) AS Date,''average new non-deleted answers per new question'' AS Type,CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN P.PostTypeId = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) AS NewAnswerCount,CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN P.PostTypeId = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) AS NewQuestionCountFROM PostsWithDeleted PWHERE P.PostTypeId IN (1,2)AND DATEFROMPARTS(2017, 12, 1) < P.CreationDateAND P.CreationDate < DATEFROMPARTS(2023, 7, 1)AND (P.PostTypeId = 1 OR P.DeletionDate IS NULL)GROUP BY DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(P.CreationDate), MONTH(P.CreationDate), 1)UNIONSELECTDATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(P.CreationDate), MONTH(P.CreationDate), 1) AS Date,''average new deleted answers per new question'' AS Type,CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN P.PostTypeId = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) AS NewAnswerCount,CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN P.PostTypeId = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) AS NewQuestionCountFROM PostsWithDeleted PWHERE P.PostTypeId IN (1,2)AND DATEFROMPARTS(2017, 12, 1) < P.CreationDateAND P.CreationDate < DATEFROMPARTS(2023, 7, 1)AND (P.PostTypeId = 1 OR P.DeletionDate IS NOT NULL)GROUP BY DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(P.CreationDate), MONTH(P.CreationDate), 1)--ORDER BY Date'-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^EXEC sp_executesql @seSiteQueryFETCH NEXT FROM seSites_crsr INTO @sitePrettyName, @seDbName, @seSiteURL
CLOSE       seSites_crsr
SELECT      MAX([Date]) AS [Date], MAX([Type]) AS [Type], SUM([NewAnswers]) / SUM([NewQuestions]) AS [AverageNewAnswersPerNewQuestion]
FROM        #AllSiteResults
GROUP BY    [Date], [Type]
ORDER BY    [Date]



# 全网每个新问题的平均答案数
Date	Type	AverageNewAnswersPerNewQuestion
2017/12/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.183502
2017/12/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.89314
2018/1/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.905366
2018/1/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.183494
2018/2/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.183517
2018/2/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.89258
2018/3/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.183375
2018/3/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.884344
2018/4/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.888751
2018/4/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.179318
2018/5/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.88925
2018/5/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.175033
2018/6/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.173389
2018/6/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.8859
2018/7/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.176872
2018/7/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.906406
2018/8/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.931269
2018/8/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.180633
2018/9/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.180515
2018/9/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.919448
2018/10/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.897453
2018/10/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.176562
2018/11/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.170907
2018/11/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.869077
2018/12/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.181469
2018/12/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.89007
2019/1/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.901642
2019/1/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.180455
2019/2/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.172495
2019/2/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.901606
2019/3/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.884096
2019/3/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.169558
2019/4/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.164192
2019/4/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.862334
2019/5/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.160113
2019/5/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.860274
2019/6/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.867573
2019/6/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.16234
2019/7/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.163545
2019/7/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.875567
2019/8/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.887144
2019/8/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.170328
2019/9/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.16466
2019/9/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.882504
2019/10/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.162603
2019/10/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.872577
2019/11/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.87025
2019/11/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.158717
2019/12/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.166101
2019/12/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.870477
2020/1/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.875078
2020/1/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.160808
2020/2/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.153799
2020/2/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.849026
2020/3/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.7816
2020/3/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.146717
2020/4/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.147589
2020/4/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.779073
2020/5/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.800361
2020/5/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.151292
2020/6/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.151263
2020/6/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.806941
2020/7/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.157548
2020/7/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.825327
2020/8/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.15776
2020/8/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.824721
2020/9/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.790762
2020/9/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.154112
2020/10/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.764484
2020/10/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.157146
2020/11/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.153182
2020/11/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.750182
2020/12/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.158255
2020/12/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.794868
2021/1/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.798135
2021/1/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.157774
2021/2/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.153559
2021/2/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.779712
2021/3/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.758168
2021/3/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.143849
2021/4/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.147879
2021/4/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.754431
2021/5/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.148288
2021/5/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.755367
2021/6/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.765796
2021/6/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.146673
2021/7/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.776896
2021/7/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.146639
2021/8/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.792048
2021/8/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.15187
2021/9/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.150652
2021/9/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.785845
2021/10/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.147064
2021/10/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.755685
2021/11/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.744011
2021/11/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.141775
2021/12/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.764816
2021/12/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.148233
2022/1/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.146973
2022/1/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.780104
2022/2/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.137886
2022/2/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.753624
2022/3/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.131572
2022/3/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.729329
2022/4/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.734639
2022/4/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.13609
2022/5/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.728135
2022/5/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.131584
2022/6/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.137936
2022/6/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.743591
2022/7/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.138265
2022/7/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.764211
2022/8/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.140399
2022/8/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.766521
2022/9/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.757918
2022/9/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.134554
2022/10/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.738382
2022/10/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.13114
2022/11/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.718665
2022/11/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.130706
2022/12/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.73153
2022/12/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.182844
2023/1/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.163113
2023/1/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.755667
2023/2/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.743234
2023/2/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.157383
2023/3/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.156859
2023/3/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.741384
2023/4/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.720417
2023/4/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.151795
2023/5/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.732252
2023/5/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.143678
2023/6/1 0:00	average new deleted answers per new question	0.120529
2023/6/1 0:00	average new non-deleted answers per new question	0.759169


         在 StackExchange 全网中,变化趋势几乎同步,反映出 ChatGPT 的出现对老用户(老用户倾向于在社区中贡献答案)的影响不大。这个结论参考自于一篇论文,好像是《Reading Answers on Stack Overflow: Not Enough!》(DOI:10.1109/tse.2019.2954319)。

        比较显著的是从 2022 年 11 月到 2022 年 12 月,删除的回复帖子数量出现了前所未有的增加。所以值得思考,是什么导致用户删除回复的帖子数量的?是平台对 ChatGPT 生成的答案的限制?有这种可能,需要后续验证。


        与 StackOverflow 做对比,代码如下:

SELECTDATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(P.CreationDate), MONTH(P.CreationDate), 1) AS Date,CASE WHEN P.DeletionDate IS NULL THEN 'non-deleted' ELSE 'deleted' END AS Status,COUNT(*) AS NewAnswers
FROM PostsWithDeleted P
WHERE P.PostTypeId = 2 -- AnswersAND YEAR(P.CreationDate) >= 2018AND P.CreationDate < DATEFROMPARTS(2023, 7, 1)
GROUP BYDATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(P.CreationDate), MONTH(P.CreationDate), 1),CASE WHEN P.DeletionDate IS NULL THEN 'non-deleted' ELSE 'deleted' END


         虽然近年来整体呈现下降趋势,但是,从2022年12月依赖,趋势变得更陡峭,占 StackExchange 大头的 StackOverflow 受 ChatGPT 的冲击是很大的。该图的趋势与新问题数量相似。


FROM        dbsAndDomainNames dadn
-- WHERE       (dadn.dbName = 'StackExchange.Meta'  OR  dadn.dbName NOT LIKE '%Meta%')
WHERE       (dadn.dbName = 'StackOverflow') -- Only select Stack Overflow
-- Comment out the following line if site metas are desired
-- AND dadn.dbName NOT LIKE '%Meta%'
-- Step through cursor

         只获取 StackOverflow 的情况,图如下:



        由于 StackOverflow 占大头,而这个论坛主要是面向技术人员的,由于 ChatGPT 的出现,很多问题不再需要在论坛中提问,所以导致 StackExchange 整体的活跃度下降。新答案数量也以同样的趋势在减少。但是所提问题的回答情况似乎没有受到影响,甚至在 StackOverflow 网站中,2023年以来,每个新的答案的平均回答率有上升趋势,答案的删除情况也明显的减少(这是进入后ChatGPT时代了吗?)原因还有待进一步考证。



SELECTDATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(U.CreationDate), MONTH(U.CreationDate), 1) AS Date,COUNT(*) AS NewUsers
FROM Users U
WHERE YEAR(U.CreationDate) >= 2018AND U.CreationDate < DATEFROMPARTS(2023, 7, 1)


# 每月新用户注册数
Date	NewUsers
2018/1/1 0:00	303064
2018/2/1 0:00	277977
2018/3/1 0:00	323594
2018/4/1 0:00	298977
2018/5/1 0:00	304450
2018/6/1 0:00	262515
2018/7/1 0:00	274961
2018/8/1 0:00	278287
2018/9/1 0:00	272128
2018/10/1 0:00	304007
2018/11/1 0:00	301353
2018/12/1 0:00	274968
2019/1/1 0:00	319298
2019/2/1 0:00	291886
2019/3/1 0:00	315879
2019/4/1 0:00	312456
2019/5/1 0:00	312536
2019/6/1 0:00	280361
2019/7/1 0:00	296166
2019/8/1 0:00	287561
2019/9/1 0:00	284323
2019/10/1 0:00	316200
2019/11/1 0:00	291018
2019/12/1 0:00	294891
2020/1/1 0:00	318868
2020/2/1 0:00	307204
2020/3/1 0:00	344408
2020/4/1 0:00	468303
2020/5/1 0:00	384514
2020/6/1 0:00	344951
2020/7/1 0:00	323656
2020/8/1 0:00	305353
2020/9/1 0:00	307687
2020/10/1 0:00	332683
2020/11/1 0:00	322922
2020/12/1 0:00	345420
2021/1/1 0:00	363082
2021/2/1 0:00	339855
2021/3/1 0:00	394545
2021/4/1 0:00	420813
2021/5/1 0:00	667550
2021/6/1 0:00	617327
2021/7/1 0:00	421782
2021/8/1 0:00	444984
2021/9/1 0:00	535107
2021/10/1 0:00	568112
2021/11/1 0:00	509507
2021/12/1 0:00	372878
2022/1/1 0:00	420221
2022/2/1 0:00	389280
2022/3/1 0:00	446719
2022/4/1 0:00	480977
2022/5/1 0:00	371546
2022/6/1 0:00	345780
2022/7/1 0:00	395201
2022/8/1 0:00	359470
2022/9/1 0:00	368080
2022/10/1 0:00	382385
2022/11/1 0:00	400144
2022/12/1 0:00	373079
2023/1/1 0:00	345450
2023/2/1 0:00	307249
2023/3/1 0:00	359899
2023/4/1 0:00	359313
2023/5/1 0:00	343078
2023/6/1 0:00	285215





        相比于全网,只关注于 StackOverflow 的话,2018 年 12 月新用户下降 13.1%,次年 1 月出现恢复。2019年11月至12月增长7.6%,次年1月进一步增长8.0%。2020 年,进入 12 月变化不大,次年 1 月增长 9.1%。2021年12月下降6.1%,次年1月恢复15.4%2022年,12月下降了5.8%,次年1月又下降了12.9%。


        继 2022 年 12 月之后,2023 年 1 月新问题活动没有恢复,新用户注册量进一步下降,与往年趋势相比均呈下降趋势。但新问题的回答几乎没有受到影响。


        人们正在使用 ChatGPT 而不是 Stack Exchange。 这可能是一个重要的影响因素。

        在禁止使用 ChatGPT 的网站(例如 Stack Overflow)上写答案的人将被暂停,因此无法提出或回答问题。

        活动下降与 2023 年 1 月及随后几个月的重大科技裁员同时发生。 starball 认为不可能排除它是一个影响因素,尤其是 Stack Exchange 网络中大多数最大的站点都与技术相关。


        这里引用 StackExchange 社区 CEO Prashanth Chandrasekar 博客 Community is the future of AIicon-default.png?t=N658https://stackoverflow.blog/2023/04/17/community-is-the-future-of-ai/中的一句话:






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有点慌了!ChatGPT 可能影响 80% 工作岗位!

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