FPGA嵌入式开发一些Xilinx SDK库函数的理解

最近在测试AXI Quad SPI这个IP核的端口时序,搭建BD后导出到硬件,在SDK中导入xspi_intr_example.c的源文件,在师兄的帮助下,浅浅研究了一下代码。

首先,需要修改源程序中的错误,参照CSDN文章:ZYNQ中断示例修改 做出以下修改:

#define SPI_IRPT_INTR		XPAR_INTC_0_SPI_0_VEC_ID// 修改为:


static INTC Intc;	 /* The instance of the Interrupt Controller */// 修改为:
static INTC IntcInstance;	 /* The instance of the Interrupt Controller */



ConfigPtr = XSpi_LookupConfig(XPAR_SPI_0_DEVICE_ID);


#define XPAR_XSPI_NUM_INSTANCES 1U/*****************************************************************************/
* Looks up the device configuration based on the unique device ID. A table
* contains the configuration info for each device in the system.
* @param	DeviceId contains the ID of the device to look up the
*		configuration for.
* @return
* A pointer to the configuration found or NULL if the specified device ID was
* not found. See xspi.h for the definition of XSpi_Config.
* @note		None.
******************************************************************************/XSpi_Config *XSpi_LookupConfig(u16 DeviceId)
{XSpi_Config *CfgPtr = NULL;u32 Index;for (Index = 0; Index < XPAR_XSPI_NUM_INSTANCES; Index++) {if (XSpi_ConfigTable[Index].DeviceId == DeviceId) {CfgPtr = &XSpi_ConfigTable[Index];break;}}return CfgPtr;


* The configuration table for devices
*/XSpi_Config XSpi_ConfigTable[] =


Status = XSpi_CfgInitialize(SpiInstancePtr, ConfigPtr,ConfigPtr->BaseAddress);


* Initializes a specific XSpi instance such that the driver is ready to use.
* The state of the device after initialization is:
*	- Device is disabled
*	- Slave mode
*	- Active high clock polarity
*	- Clock phase 0
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpi instance to be worked on.
* @param	Config is a reference to a structure containing information
*		about a specific SPI device. This function initializes an
*		InstancePtr object for a specific device specified by the
*		contents of Config. This function can initialize multiple
*		instance objects with the use of multiple calls givingdifferent Config information on each call.
* @param	EffectiveAddr is the device base address in the virtual memory
*		address space. The caller is responsible for keeping the
*		address mapping from EffectiveAddr to the device physical base
*		address unchanged once this function is invoked. Unexpected
*		errors may occur if the address mapping changes after this
*		function is called. If address translation is not used, use
*		Config->BaseAddress for this parameters, passing the physical
*		address instead.
* @return
*		- XST_SUCCESS if successful.
*		- XST_DEVICE_IS_STARTED if the device is started. It must be
*		  stopped to re-initialize.
* @note		None.
int XSpi_CfgInitialize(XSpi *InstancePtr, XSpi_Config *Config,UINTPTR EffectiveAddr)
{u8  Buffer[3];u32 ControlReg;u32 StatusReg;Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);/** If the device is started, disallow the initialize and return a status* indicating it is started.  This allows the user to stop the device* and reinitialize, but prevents a user from inadvertently* initializing.*/if (InstancePtr->IsStarted == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_STARTED) {return XST_DEVICE_IS_STARTED;}/** Set some default values.*/InstancePtr->IsStarted = 0;InstancePtr->IsBusy = FALSE;InstancePtr->StatusHandler = StubStatusHandler;InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr = NULL;InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr = NULL;InstancePtr->RequestedBytes = 0;InstancePtr->RemainingBytes = 0;InstancePtr->BaseAddr = EffectiveAddr;InstancePtr->HasFifos = Config->HasFifos;InstancePtr->SlaveOnly = Config->SlaveOnly;InstancePtr->NumSlaveBits = Config->NumSlaveBits;if (Config->DataWidth == 0) {InstancePtr->DataWidth = XSP_DATAWIDTH_BYTE;} else {InstancePtr->DataWidth = Config->DataWidth;}InstancePtr->SpiMode = Config->SpiMode;InstancePtr->FlashBaseAddr = Config->AxiFullBaseAddress;InstancePtr->XipMode = Config->XipMode;InstancePtr->IsReady = XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY;/** Create a slave select mask based on the number of bits that can* be used to deselect all slaves, initialize the value to put into* the slave select register to this value.*/InstancePtr->SlaveSelectMask = (1 << InstancePtr->NumSlaveBits) - 1;InstancePtr->SlaveSelectReg = InstancePtr->SlaveSelectMask;/** Clear the statistics for this driver.*/InstancePtr->Stats.ModeFaults = 0;InstancePtr->Stats.XmitUnderruns = 0;InstancePtr->Stats.RecvOverruns = 0;InstancePtr->Stats.SlaveModeFaults = 0;InstancePtr->Stats.BytesTransferred = 0;InstancePtr->Stats.NumInterrupts = 0;if(Config->Use_Startup == 1) {/*  * Perform a dummy read this is used when startup block is* enabled in the hardware to fix CR #721229.*/ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);ControlReg |= XSP_CR_TXFIFO_RESET_MASK | XSP_CR_RXFIFO_RESET_MASK |XSP_CR_ENABLE_MASK | XSP_CR_MASTER_MODE_MASK ;XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr, ControlReg);/* * Initiate Read command to get the ID. This Read command is for* Numonyx flash.** NOTE: If user interfaces different flash to the SPI controller * this command need to be changed according to target flash Read* command.*/Buffer[0] = 0x9F;Buffer[1] = 0x00;Buffer[2] = 0x00;/* Write dummy ReadId to the DTR register */XSpi_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr, XSP_DTR_OFFSET, Buffer[0]);XSpi_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr, XSP_DTR_OFFSET, Buffer[1]);XSpi_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr, XSP_DTR_OFFSET, Buffer[2]);/* Master Inhibit enable in the CR */ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);ControlReg &= ~XSP_CR_TRANS_INHIBIT_MASK;XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr, ControlReg);/* Master Inhibit disable in the CR */ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);ControlReg |= XSP_CR_TRANS_INHIBIT_MASK;XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr, ControlReg);/* Read the Rx Data Register */StatusReg = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);if ((StatusReg & XSP_SR_RX_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) {XSpi_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr, XSP_DRR_OFFSET);}StatusReg = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);if ((StatusReg & XSP_SR_RX_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) {XSpi_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr, XSP_DRR_OFFSET);}}/** Reset the SPI device to get it into its initial state. It is expected* that device configuration will take place after this initialization* is done, but before the device is started.*/XSpi_Reset(InstancePtr);return XST_SUCCESS;



Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL)



* @brief    This assert macro is to be used for functions that do return a
*           value. This in conjunction with the Xil_AssertWait boolean can be
*           used to accomodate tests so that asserts which fail allow execution
*           to continue.
* @param    Expression: expression to be evaluated. If it evaluates to false,
*           the assert occurs.
* @return   Returns 0 unless the Xil_AssertWait variable is true, in which
* 	        case no return is made and an infinite loop is entered.
#define Xil_AssertNonvoid(Expression)             \
{                                                  \if (Expression) {                              \Xil_AssertStatus = XIL_ASSERT_NONE;       \} else {                                       \Xil_Assert(__FILE__, __LINE__);            \Xil_AssertStatus = XIL_ASSERT_OCCURRED;   \return 0;                                  \}                                              \


XSpi_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr, XSP_DRR_OFFSET);



* Read from the specified Spi device register.
* @param	BaseAddress contains the base address of the device.
* @param	RegOffset contains the offset from the 1st register of the
*		device to select the specific register.
* @return	The value read from the register.
* @note		C-Style signature:
*		u32 XSpi_ReadReg(u32 BaseAddress, u32 RegOffset);
#define XSpi_ReadReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset) \XSpi_In32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset))/***************************************************************************/



Buffer[0] = 0x9F;
XSpi_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr, XSP_DTR_OFFSET, Buffer[0]);



* Write to the specified Spi device register.
* @param	BaseAddress contains the base address of the device.
* @param	RegOffset contains the offset from the 1st register of the
*		device to select the specific register.
* @param	RegisterValue is the value to be written to the register.
* @return	None.
* @note		C-Style signature:
*		void XSpi_WriteReg(u32 BaseAddress, u32 RegOffset,
*					u32 RegisterValue);
#define XSpi_WriteReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset, RegisterValue) \XSpi_Out32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset), (RegisterValue))



ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);



* Get the contents of the control register. Use the XSP_CR_* constants defined
* above to interpret the bit-mask returned.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpi instance to be worked on.
* @return	A 32-bit value representing the contents of the control
*		register.
* @note		C-Style signature:
* 		u32 XSpi_GetControlReg(XSpi *InstancePtr);
#define XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr) \XSpi_ReadReg(((InstancePtr)->BaseAddr), XSP_CR_OFFSET)/***************************************************************************/


XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr, ControlReg);



* Set the contents of the control register. Use the XSP_CR_* constants defined
* above to create the bit-mask to be written to the register.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpi instance to be worked on.
* @param	Mask is the 32-bit value to write to the control register.
* @return	None.
* @note		C-Style signature:
* 		void XSpi_SetControlReg(XSpi *InstancePtr, u32 Mask);
#define XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr, Mask) \XSpi_WriteReg(((InstancePtr)->BaseAddr), XSP_CR_OFFSET, (Mask))





* Resets the SPI device by writing to the Software Reset register. Reset must
* only be called after the driver has been initialized. The configuration of the
* device after reset is the same as its configuration after initialization.
* Refer to the XSpi_Initialize function for more details. This is a hard reset
* of the device. Any data transfer that is in progress is aborted.
* The upper layer software is responsible for re-configuring (if necessary)
* and restarting the SPI device after the reset.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpi instance to be worked on.
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
void XSpi_Reset(XSpi *InstancePtr)
{Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);/** Abort any transfer that is in progress.*/XSpi_Abort(InstancePtr);/** Reset any values that are not reset by the hardware reset such that* the software state matches the hardware device.*/InstancePtr->IsStarted = 0;InstancePtr->SlaveSelectReg = InstancePtr->SlaveSelectMask;/** Reset the device.*/XSpi_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr, XSP_SRR_OFFSET,XSP_SRR_RESET_MASK);




#define INLINE __inline
#define XSpi_In32	Xil_In32     // 进一步包装/*****************************************************************************/
* @brief    Performs an input operation for a memory location by
*           reading from the specified address and returning the 32 bit Value
*           read  from that address.
* @param	Addr: contains the address to perform the input operation
* @return	The 32 bit Value read from the specified input address.
static INLINE u32 Xil_In32(UINTPTR Addr)
{return *(volatile u32 *) Addr;





#define INLINE __inline
#define XSpi_Out32	Xil_Out32     // 进一步包装/*****************************************************************************/
* @brief    Performs an output operation for a memory location by writing the
*           32 bit Value to the the specified address.
* @param	Addr contains the address to perform the output operation
* @param	Value contains the 32 bit Value to be written at the specified
*           address.
* @return	None.
static INLINE void Xil_Out32(UINTPTR Addr, u32 Value)
#ifndef ENABLE_SAFETYvolatile u32 *LocalAddr = (volatile u32 *)Addr;*LocalAddr = Value;
#elseXStl_RegUpdate(Addr, Value);



Status = XSpi_SelfTest(SpiInstancePtr);



* Runs a self-test on the driver/device. The self-test is destructive in that
* a reset of the device is performed in order to check the reset values of
* the registers and to get the device into a known state. A simple loopback
* test is also performed to verify that transmit and receive are working
* properly. The device is changed to master mode for the loopback test, since
* only a master can initiate a data transfer.
* Upon successful return from the self-test, the device is reset.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpi instance to be worked on.
* @return
* 		- XST_SUCCESS if successful.
*		- XST_REGISTER_ERROR indicates a register did not read or write
*		  correctly.
* 		- XST_LOOPBACK_ERROR if a loopback error occurred.
* @note		None.
int XSpi_SelfTest(XSpi *InstancePtr)
{int Result;u32 Register;Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);/* Return Success if XIP Mode */if((InstancePtr->XipMode) == 1) {return XST_SUCCESS;}/** Reset the SPI device to leave it in a known good state.*/XSpi_Reset(InstancePtr);if(InstancePtr->XipMode){Register = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);if (Register != XSP_CR_RESET_STATE) {return XST_REGISTER_ERROR;}Register = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);if ((Register & XSP_SR_RESET_STATE) != XSP_SR_RESET_STATE) {return XST_REGISTER_ERROR;}}/** All the SPI registers should be in their default state right now.*/Register = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);if (Register != XSP_CR_RESET_STATE) {return XST_REGISTER_ERROR;}Register = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);if ((Register & XSP_SR_RESET_STATE) != XSP_SR_RESET_STATE) {return XST_REGISTER_ERROR;}/** Each supported slave select bit should be set to 1.*/Register = XSpi_GetSlaveSelectReg(InstancePtr);if (Register != InstancePtr->SlaveSelectMask) {return XST_REGISTER_ERROR;}/** If configured with FIFOs, the occupancy values should be 0.*/if (InstancePtr->HasFifos) {Register = XSpi_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr,XSP_TFO_OFFSET);if (Register != 0) {return XST_REGISTER_ERROR;}Register = XSpi_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr,XSP_RFO_OFFSET);if (Register != 0) {return XST_REGISTER_ERROR;}}/** Run loopback test only in case of standard SPI mode.*/if (InstancePtr->SpiMode != XSP_STANDARD_MODE) {return XST_SUCCESS;}/** Run an internal loopback test on the SPI.*/Result = LoopbackTest(InstancePtr);if (Result != XST_SUCCESS) {return Result;}/** Reset the SPI device to leave it in a known good state.*/XSpi_Reset(InstancePtr);return XST_SUCCESS;


/*** XSPI register offsets*/
/** @name Register Map** Register offsets for the XSpi device.* @{*/
#define XSP_DGIER_OFFSET	0x1C	/**< Global Intr Enable Reg */
#define XSP_IISR_OFFSET		0x20	/**< Interrupt status Reg */
#define XSP_IIER_OFFSET		0x28	/**< Interrupt Enable Reg */
#define XSP_SRR_OFFSET	 	0x40	/**< Software Reset register */
#define XSP_CR_OFFSET		0x60	/**< Control register */
#define XSP_SR_OFFSET		0x64	/**< Status Register */
#define XSP_DTR_OFFSET		0x68	/**< Data transmit */
#define XSP_DRR_OFFSET		0x6C	/**< Data receive */
#define XSP_SSR_OFFSET		0x70	/**< 32-bit slave select */
#define XSP_TFO_OFFSET		0x74	/**< Tx FIFO occupancy */
#define XSP_RFO_OFFSET		0x78	/**< Rx FIFO occupancy */





* Runs an internal loopback test on the SPI device. This is done as a master
* with a enough data to fill the FIFOs if FIFOs are present. If the device is
* configured as a slave-only, this function returns successfully even though
* no loopback test is performed.
* This function does not restore the device context after performing the test
* as it assumes the device will be reset after the call.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpi instance to be worked on.
* @return
* 		- XST_SUCCESS if loopback was performed successfully or not
*		  performed at all if device is slave-only.
*		- XST_LOOPBACK_ERROR if loopback failed.
* @note		None.
static int LoopbackTest(XSpi *InstancePtr)
{u32 StatusReg;u32 ControlReg;u32 Index;u32 Data;u32 RxData;u32 NumSent = 0;u32 NumRecvd = 0;u8  DataWidth;/** Cannot run as a slave-only because we need to be master in order to* initiate a transfer. Still return success, though.*/if (InstancePtr->SlaveOnly) {return XST_SUCCESS;}/** Setup the control register to enable master mode and the loopback so* that data can be sent and received.*/ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr, ControlReg |XSP_CR_LOOPBACK_MASK | XSP_CR_MASTER_MODE_MASK);/** We do not need interrupts for this loopback test.*/XSpi_IntrGlobalDisable(InstancePtr);DataWidth = InstancePtr->DataWidth;/** Send data up to the maximum size of the transmit register, which is* one byte without FIFOs.  We send data 4 times just to exercise the* device through more than one iteration.*/for (Index = 0; Index < 4; Index++) {Data = 0;/** Fill the transmit register.*/StatusReg = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);while ((StatusReg & XSP_SR_TX_FULL_MASK) == 0) {if (DataWidth == XSP_DATAWIDTH_BYTE) {/** Data Transfer Width is Byte (8 bit).*/Data = 0;} else if (DataWidth == XSP_DATAWIDTH_HALF_WORD) {/** Data Transfer Width is Half Word (16 bit).*/Data = XSP_HALF_WORD_TESTBYTE;} else if (DataWidth == XSP_DATAWIDTH_WORD){/** Data Transfer Width is Word (32 bit).*/Data = XSP_WORD_TESTBYTE;}XSpi_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr, XSP_DTR_OFFSET,Data + Index);NumSent += (DataWidth >> 3);StatusReg = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);}/** Start the transfer by not inhibiting the transmitter and* enabling the device.*/ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr) &(~XSP_CR_TRANS_INHIBIT_MASK);XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr, ControlReg |XSP_CR_ENABLE_MASK);/** Wait for the transfer to be done by polling the transmit* empty status bit.*/do {StatusReg = XSpi_IntrGetStatus(InstancePtr);} while ((StatusReg & XSP_INTR_TX_EMPTY_MASK) == 0);XSpi_IntrClear(InstancePtr, XSP_INTR_TX_EMPTY_MASK);/** Receive and verify the data just transmitted.*/StatusReg = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);while ((StatusReg & XSP_SR_RX_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) {RxData = XSpi_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr,XSP_DRR_OFFSET);if (DataWidth == XSP_DATAWIDTH_BYTE) {if((u8)RxData != Index) {return XST_LOOPBACK_ERROR;}} else if (DataWidth ==XSP_DATAWIDTH_HALF_WORD) {if((u16)RxData != (u16)(Index +XSP_HALF_WORD_TESTBYTE)) {return XST_LOOPBACK_ERROR;}} else if (DataWidth == XSP_DATAWIDTH_WORD) {if(RxData != (u32)(Index + XSP_WORD_TESTBYTE)) {return XST_LOOPBACK_ERROR;}}NumRecvd += (DataWidth >> 3);StatusReg = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);}/** Stop the transfer (hold off automatic sending) by inhibiting* the transmitter and disabling the device.*/ControlReg |= XSP_CR_TRANS_INHIBIT_MASK;XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr ,ControlReg & ~ XSP_CR_ENABLE_MASK);}/** One final check to make sure the total number of bytes sent equals* the total number of bytes received.*/if (NumSent != NumRecvd) {return XST_LOOPBACK_ERROR;}return XST_SUCCESS;


Status = SpiSetupIntrSystem(IntcInstancePtr, SpiInstancePtr, SpiIntrId);




XSpi_SetStatusHandler(SpiInstancePtr, SpiInstancePtr,(XSpi_StatusHandler) SpiIntrHandler);



#define XSP_MASTER_OPTION	    	0x1
#define XSP_CLK_PHASE_1_OPTION		0x4
#define XSP_LOOPBACK_OPTION		    0x8



/***************************** Include Files *********************************/#include "xspi.h"
#include "xspi_i.h"/************************** Constant Definitions *****************************//**************************** Type Definitions *******************************//***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************//************************** Function Prototypes ******************************//************************** Variable Definitions *****************************//** Create the table of options which are processed to get/set the device* options. These options are table driven to allow easy maintenance and* expansion of the options.*/
typedef struct {u32 Option;u32 Mask;
};#define XSP_NUM_OPTIONS		(sizeof(OptionsTable) / sizeof(OptionsMap))/*****************************************************************************/
* This function sets the options for the SPI device driver. The options control
* how the device behaves relative to the SPI bus. The device must be idle
* rather than busy transferring data before setting these device options.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpi instance to be worked on.
* @param	Options contains the specified options to be set. This is a bit
*		mask where a 1 means to turn the option on, and a 0 means to
*		turn the option off. One or more bit values may be contained in
*		the mask.
*		See the bit definitions named XSP_*_OPTIONS in the file xspi.h.
* @return
*		-XST_SUCCESS if options are successfully set.
*		- XST_DEVICE_BUSY if the device is currently transferring data.
*		The transfer must complete or be aborted before setting options.
*		- XST_SPI_SLAVE_ONLY if the caller attempted to configure a
*		slave-only device as a master.
* @note
* This function makes use of internal resources that are shared between the
* XSpi_Stop() and XSpi_SetOptions() functions. So if one task might be setting
* device options while another is trying to stop the device, the user is
* required to provide protection of this shared data (typically using a
* semaphore).
int XSpi_SetOptions(XSpi *InstancePtr, u32 Options)
{u32 ControlReg;u32 Index;Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);/** Do not allow the slave select to change while a transfer is in* progress.* No need to worry about a critical section here since even if the Isr* changes the busy flag just after we read it, the function will return* busy and the caller can retry when notified that their current* transfer is done.*/if (InstancePtr->IsBusy) {return XST_DEVICE_BUSY;}/** Do not allow master option to be set if the device is slave only.*/if ((Options & XSP_MASTER_OPTION) && (InstancePtr->SlaveOnly)) {return XST_SPI_SLAVE_ONLY;}ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);/** Loop through the options table, turning the option on or off* depending on whether the bit is set in the incoming options flag.*/for (Index = 0; Index < XSP_NUM_OPTIONS; Index++) {if (Options & OptionsTable[Index].Option) {/**Turn it ON.*/ControlReg |= OptionsTable[Index].Mask;}else {/**Turn it OFF.*/ControlReg &= ~OptionsTable[Index].Mask;}}/** Now write the control register. Leave it to the upper layers* to restart the device.*/XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr, ControlReg);return XST_SUCCESS;
* This function gets the options for the SPI device. The options control how
* the device behaves relative to the SPI bus.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpi instance to be worked on.
* @return
* Options contains the specified options to be set. This is a bit mask where a
* 1 means to turn the option on, and a 0 means to turn the option off. One or
* more bit values may be contained in the mask. See the bit definitions named
* XSP_*_OPTIONS in the file xspi.h.
* @note		None.
u32 XSpi_GetOptions(XSpi *InstancePtr)
{u32 OptionsFlag = 0;u32 ControlReg;u32 Index;Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);/** Get the control register to determine which options are currently* set.*/ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);/** Loop through the options table to determine which options are set.*/for (Index = 0; Index < XSP_NUM_OPTIONS; Index++) {if (ControlReg & OptionsTable[Index].Mask) {OptionsFlag |= OptionsTable[Index].Option;}}return OptionsFlag;






* This function enables interrupts for the SPI device. If the Spi driver is used
* in interrupt mode, it is up to the user to connect the SPI interrupt handler
* to the interrupt controller before this function is called. If the Spi driver
* is used in polled mode the user has to disable the Global Interrupts after
* this function is called. If the device is configured with FIFOs, the FIFOs are
* reset at this time.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpi instance to be worked on.
* @return
*		- XST_SUCCESS if the device is successfully started
*		- XST_DEVICE_IS_STARTED if the device was already started.
* @note		None.
int XSpi_Start(XSpi *InstancePtr)
{u32 ControlReg;Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);/** If it is already started, return a status indicating so.*/if (InstancePtr->IsStarted == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_STARTED) {return XST_DEVICE_IS_STARTED;}/** Enable the interrupts.*/XSpi_IntrEnable(InstancePtr, XSP_INTR_DFT_MASK);/** Indicate that the device is started before we enable the transmitter* or receiver or interrupts.*/InstancePtr->IsStarted = XIL_COMPONENT_IS_STARTED;/** Reset the transmit and receive FIFOs if present. There is a critical* section here since this register is also modified during interrupt* context. So we wait until after the r/m/w of the control register to* enable the Global Interrupt Enable.*/ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);ControlReg |= XSP_CR_TXFIFO_RESET_MASK | XSP_CR_RXFIFO_RESET_MASK |XSP_CR_ENABLE_MASK;XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr, ControlReg);/** Enable the Global Interrupt Enable just after we start.*/XSpi_IntrGlobalEnable(InstancePtr);return XST_SUCCESS;


XSpi_SetSlaveSelect(SpiInstancePtr, 0x01);

官方示例程序中没有的这一行代码,是我参考CSDN上一篇文章:AXI quad SPI没有输出 加上的,用以配合设定的手动片选模式。


* Selects or deselect the slave with which the master communicates. Each slave
* that can be selected is represented in the slave select register by a bit.
* The argument passed to this function is the bit mask with a 1 in the bit
* position of the slave being selected. Only one slave can be selected.
* The user is not allowed to deselect the slave while a transfer is in progress.
* If no transfer is in progress, the user can select a new slave, which
* implicitly deselects the current slave. In order to explicitly deselect the
* current slave, a zero can be passed in as the argument to the function.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpi instance to be worked on.
* @param	SlaveMask is a 32-bit mask with a 1 in the bit position of the
*		slave being selected. Only one slave can be selected. The
*		SlaveMask can be zero if the slave is being deselected.
* @return
* 		- XST_SUCCESS if the slave is selected or deselected
*		successfully.
*		- XST_DEVICE_BUSY if a transfer is in progress, slave cannot be
*		changed
*		- XST_SPI_TOO_MANY_SLAVES if more than one slave is being
*		selected.
* @note
* This function only sets the slave which will be selected when a transfer
* occurs. The slave is not selected when the SPI is idle. The slave select
* has no affect when the device is configured as a slave.
int XSpi_SetSlaveSelect(XSpi *InstancePtr, u32 SlaveMask)
{int NumAsserted;int Index;Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);/** Do not allow the slave select to change while a transfer is in* progress.* No need to worry about a critical section here since even if the Isr* changes the busy flag just after we read it, the function will return* busy and the caller can retry when notified that their current* transfer is done.*/if (InstancePtr->IsBusy) {return XST_DEVICE_BUSY;}/** Verify that only one bit in the incoming slave mask is set.*/NumAsserted = 0;for (Index = (InstancePtr->NumSlaveBits - 1); Index >= 0; Index--) {if ((SlaveMask >> Index) & 0x1) {/* this bit is asserted */NumAsserted++;}}/** Return an error if more than one slave is selected.*/if (NumAsserted > 1) {return XST_SPI_TOO_MANY_SLAVES;}/** A single slave is either being selected or the incoming SlaveMask is* zero, which means the slave is being deselected. Setup the value to* be  written to the slave select register as the inverse of the slave* mask.*/InstancePtr->SlaveSelectReg = ~SlaveMask;return XST_SUCCESS;



Test = 0x01;
for (Count = 0; Count < BUFFER_SIZE; Count++) {WriteBuffer[Count] = (u8)(Count + Test);ReadBuffer[Count] = 0;

这段代码是写缓存寄存器组WriteBuffer和读缓存寄存器组ReadBuffer的初始化。WriteBuffer和ReadBuffer是8*BUFFER_SIZE的寄存器组,BUFFER_SIZE在程序中设置为16。以Test = 8‘b0000_0001’为起始,步长为1,生成了16个8位二进制数,WriteBuffer和ReadBuffer的结构如下图:


XSpi_Transfer(SpiInstancePtr, WriteBuffer, ReadBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE);



* Transfers the specified data on the SPI bus. If the SPI device is configured
* to be a master, this function initiates bus communication and sends/receives
* the data to/from the selected SPI slave. If the SPI device is configured to
* be a slave, this function prepares the data to be sent/received when selected
* by a master. For every byte sent, a byte is received.
* This function/driver operates in interrupt mode and polled mode.
*  - In interrupt mode this function is non-blocking and the transfer is
*    initiated by this function and completed by the interrupt service routine.
*  - In polled mode this function is blocking and the control exits this
*    function only after all the requested data is transferred.
* The caller has the option of providing two different buffers for send and
* receive, or one buffer for both send and receive, or no buffer for receive.
* The receive buffer must be at least as big as the send buffer to prevent
* unwanted memory writes. This implies that the byte count passed in as an
* argument must be the smaller of the two buffers if they differ in size.
* Here are some sample usages:
* <pre>
*	XSpi_Transfer(InstancePtr, SendBuf, RecvBuf, ByteCount)
*	The caller wishes to send and receive, and provides two different
*	buffers for send and receive.
*	XSpi_Transfer(InstancePtr, SendBuf, NULL, ByteCount)
*	The caller wishes only to send and does not care about the received
*	data. The driver ignores the received data in this case.
*	XSpi_Transfer(InstancePtr, SendBuf, SendBuf, ByteCount)
*	The caller wishes to send and receive, but provides the same buffer
*	for doing both. The driver sends the data and overwrites the send
*	buffer with received data as it transfers the data.
*	XSpi_Transfer(InstancePtr, RecvBuf, RecvBuf, ByteCount)
*	The caller wishes to only receive and does not care about sending
*	data.  In this case, the caller must still provide a send buffer, but
*	it can be the same as the receive buffer if the caller does not care
*	what it sends. The device must send N bytes of data if it wishes to
*	receive N bytes of data.
* </pre>
* In interrupt mode, though this function takes a buffer as an argument, the
* driver can only transfer a limited number of bytes at time. It transfers only
* one byte at a time if there are no FIFOs, or it can transfer the number of
* bytes up to the size of the FIFO if FIFOs exist.
*  - In interrupt mode a call to this function only starts the transfer, the
*    subsequent transfer of the data is performed by the interrupt service
*    routine until the entire buffer has been transferred.The status callback
*    function is called when the entire buffer has been sent/received.
*  - In polled mode this function is blocking and the control exits this
*    function only after all the requested data is transferred.
* As a master, the SetSlaveSelect function must be called prior to this
* function.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpi instance to be worked on.
* @param	SendBufPtr is a pointer to a buffer of data which is to be sent.
*		This buffer must not be NULL.
* @param	RecvBufPtr is a pointer to a buffer which will be filled with
*		received data. This argument can be NULL if the caller does not
*		wish to receive data.
* @param	ByteCount contains the number of bytes to send/receive. The
*		number of bytes received always equals the number of bytes sent.
* @return
*		-XST_SUCCESS if the buffers are successfully handed off to the
*		driver for transfer. Otherwise, returns:
*		- XST_DEVICE_IS_STOPPED if the device must be started before
*		transferring data.
*		- XST_DEVICE_BUSY indicates that a data transfer is already in
*		progress. This is determined by the driver.
*		- XST_SPI_NO_SLAVE indicates the device is configured as a
*		master and a slave has not yet been selected.
* @notes
* This function is not thread-safe.  The higher layer software must ensure that
* no two threads are transferring data on the SPI bus at the same time.
int XSpi_Transfer(XSpi *InstancePtr, u8 *SendBufPtr,u8 *RecvBufPtr, unsigned int ByteCount)
{u32 ControlReg;u32 GlobalIntrReg;u32 StatusReg;u32 Data = 0;u8  DataWidth;/** The RecvBufPtr argument can be NULL.*/Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);Xil_AssertNonvoid(SendBufPtr != NULL);Xil_AssertNonvoid(ByteCount > 0);Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);if (InstancePtr->IsStarted != XIL_COMPONENT_IS_STARTED) {return XST_DEVICE_IS_STOPPED;}/** Make sure there is not a transfer already in progress. No need to* worry about a critical section here. Even if the Isr changes the bus* flag just after we read it, a busy error is returned and the caller* can retry when it gets the status handler callback indicating the* transfer is done.*/if (InstancePtr->IsBusy) {return XST_DEVICE_BUSY;}/** Save the Global Interrupt Enable Register.*/GlobalIntrReg = XSpi_IsIntrGlobalEnabled(InstancePtr);/** Enter a critical section from here to the end of the function since* state is modified, an interrupt is enabled, and the control register* is modified (r/m/w).*/XSpi_IntrGlobalDisable(InstancePtr);ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);/** If configured as a master, be sure there is a slave select bit set* in the slave select register. If no slaves have been selected, the* value of the register will equal the mask.  When the device is in* loopback mode, however, no slave selects need be set.*/if (ControlReg & XSP_CR_MASTER_MODE_MASK) {if ((ControlReg & XSP_CR_LOOPBACK_MASK) == 0) {if (InstancePtr->SlaveSelectReg ==InstancePtr->SlaveSelectMask) {if (GlobalIntrReg == TRUE) {/* Interrupt Mode of operation */XSpi_IntrGlobalEnable(InstancePtr);}return XST_SPI_NO_SLAVE;}}}/** Set the busy flag, which will be cleared when the transfer* is completely done.*/InstancePtr->IsBusy = TRUE;/** Set up buffer pointers.*/InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr = SendBufPtr;InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr = RecvBufPtr;InstancePtr->RequestedBytes = ByteCount;InstancePtr->RemainingBytes = ByteCount;DataWidth = InstancePtr->DataWidth;/** Fill the DTR/FIFO with as many bytes as it will take (or as many as* we have to send). We use the tx full status bit to know if the device* can take more data. By doing this, the driver does not need to know* the size of the FIFO or that there even is a FIFO. The downside is* that the status register must be read each loop iteration.*/StatusReg = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);while (((StatusReg & XSP_SR_TX_FULL_MASK) == 0) &&(InstancePtr->RemainingBytes > 0)) {if (DataWidth == XSP_DATAWIDTH_BYTE) {/** Data Transfer Width is Byte (8 bit).*/Data = *InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr;} else if (DataWidth == XSP_DATAWIDTH_HALF_WORD) {/** Data Transfer Width is Half Word (16 bit).*/Data = *(u16 *)InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr;} else if (DataWidth == XSP_DATAWIDTH_WORD){/** Data Transfer Width is Word (32 bit).*/Data = *(u32 *)InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr;}XSpi_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr, XSP_DTR_OFFSET, Data);InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr += (DataWidth >> 3);InstancePtr->RemainingBytes -= (DataWidth >> 3);StatusReg = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);}/** Set the slave select register to select the device on the SPI before* starting the transfer of data.*/XSpi_SetSlaveSelectReg(InstancePtr,InstancePtr->SlaveSelectReg);/** Start the transfer by no longer inhibiting the transmitter and* enabling the device. For a master, this will in fact start the* transfer, but for a slave it only prepares the device for a transfer* that must be initiated by a master.*/ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);ControlReg &= ~XSP_CR_TRANS_INHIBIT_MASK;XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr, ControlReg);/** If the interrupts are enabled as indicated by Global Interrupt* Enable Register, then enable the transmit empty interrupt to operate* in Interrupt mode of operation.*/if (GlobalIntrReg == TRUE) { /* Interrupt Mode of operation *//** Enable the transmit empty interrupt, which we use to* determine progress on the transmission.*/XSpi_IntrEnable(InstancePtr, XSP_INTR_TX_EMPTY_MASK);/** End critical section.*/XSpi_IntrGlobalEnable(InstancePtr);} else { /* Polled mode of operation *//** If interrupts are not enabled, poll the status register to* Transmit/Receive SPI data.*/while(ByteCount > 0) {/** Wait for the transfer to be done by polling the* Transmit empty status bit*/do {StatusReg = XSpi_IntrGetStatus(InstancePtr);} while ((StatusReg & XSP_INTR_TX_EMPTY_MASK) == 0);XSpi_IntrClear(InstancePtr,XSP_INTR_TX_EMPTY_MASK);/** A transmit has just completed. Process received data* and check for more data to transmit. Always inhibit* the transmitter while the transmit register/FIFO is* being filled, or make sure it is stopped if we're* done.*/ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr, ControlReg |XSP_CR_TRANS_INHIBIT_MASK);/** First get the data received as a result of the* transmit that just completed. We get all the data* available by reading the status register to determine* when the Receive register/FIFO is empty. Always get* the received data, but only fill the receive* buffer if it points to something (the upper layer* software may not care to receive data).*/StatusReg = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);while ((StatusReg & XSP_SR_RX_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) {Data = XSpi_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr,XSP_DRR_OFFSET);if (DataWidth == XSP_DATAWIDTH_BYTE) {/** Data Transfer Width is Byte (8 bit).*/if(InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr != NULL) {*InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr++ =(u8)Data;}} else if (DataWidth ==XSP_DATAWIDTH_HALF_WORD) {/** Data Transfer Width is Half Word* (16 bit).*/if (InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr != NULL){*(u16 *)InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr =(u16)Data;InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr += 2;}} else if (DataWidth == XSP_DATAWIDTH_WORD) {/** Data Transfer Width is Word (32 bit).*/if (InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr != NULL){*(u32 *)InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr =Data;InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr += 4;}}InstancePtr->Stats.BytesTransferred +=(DataWidth >> 3);ByteCount -= (DataWidth >> 3);StatusReg = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);}if (InstancePtr->RemainingBytes > 0) {/** Fill the DTR/FIFO with as many bytes as it* will take (or as many as we have to send).* We use the Tx full status bit to know if the* device can take more data.* By doing this, the driver does not need to* know the size of the FIFO or that there even* is a FIFO.* The downside is that the status must be read* each loop iteration.*/StatusReg = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);while(((StatusReg & XSP_SR_TX_FULL_MASK)== 0) &&(InstancePtr->RemainingBytes > 0)) {if (DataWidth == XSP_DATAWIDTH_BYTE) {/** Data Transfer Width is Byte* (8 bit).*/Data = *InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr;} else if (DataWidth ==XSP_DATAWIDTH_HALF_WORD) {/** Data Transfer Width is Half* Word (16 bit).*/Data = *(u16 *)InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr;} else if (DataWidth ==XSP_DATAWIDTH_WORD) {/** Data Transfer Width is Word* (32 bit).*/Data = *(u32 *)InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr;}XSpi_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddr,XSP_DTR_OFFSET, Data);InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr +=(DataWidth >> 3);InstancePtr->RemainingBytes -=(DataWidth >> 3);StatusReg = XSpi_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr);}/** Start the transfer by not inhibiting the* transmitter any longer.*/ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);ControlReg &= ~XSP_CR_TRANS_INHIBIT_MASK;XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr, ControlReg);}}/** Stop the transfer (hold off automatic sending) by inhibiting* the transmitter.*/ControlReg = XSpi_GetControlReg(InstancePtr);XSpi_SetControlReg(InstancePtr,ControlReg | XSP_CR_TRANS_INHIBIT_MASK);/** Select the slave on the SPI bus when the transfer is* complete, this is necessary for some SPI devices,* such as serial EEPROMs work correctly as chip enable* may be connected to slave select*/XSpi_SetSlaveSelectReg(InstancePtr,InstancePtr->SlaveSelectMask);InstancePtr->IsBusy = FALSE;}return XST_SUCCESS;



for (Count = 0; Count < BUFFER_SIZE; Count++) {if (WriteBuffer[Count] != ReadBuffer[Count]) {return XST_FAILURE;}}











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