


研究主题研完没有提供新的信息This is clearly a student's paper Although it is adequately written
it offers no new information and no new slant on the topic.
创新性不明显It is uncertain about the novelty of the research questions as
++ is an established part of *.
创新性不足、重复研究This could be an interesting study,however this type of work iS already published in this journal by the authors and therefore has no much novelty.I have not found any new scientific advancement in
this study.
文献理解不够、立意不明lt is obvious that the authorshave read a great deal ofliterature related to the issuesthey discuss, but I don't feel thatthey haveclearly articulatedwhat is new and,importantly,what is the value of theirrecommendations.
研究意义不明显In this section it is not clear where the answers to the research questions are.
研究问题不清楚In general, I did not find this study to make a valuable contribution to the literature or toscience.
论文结构结构不清晰、论文太长I have many concerns about the structure of this paper. In essence that paper is too longand boring with a large use of mathematics that is often used without clarity and sufficientmotivations.
章节内容拖沓The analysis on the *** was also far too lengthy for a compact journal, as if it was carrying anaspect of novelty.
结构比较模糊The *** section is poorlyorganized and very confusing.
结构和概念不清楚My main issue when reviewing this manuscript was that structural issues and the use of interchangeable minology meant that I have to read the manuscript a few times before i fully understood your definitions and methods.
研究方法研究考虑不全面It is really unclear to me that theauthorsshould take into consideration of *x**.
结果分析不够The authors seem to disregardor neglect some important results that have been recently achieved in this specific field.
没有敏感性分析Sensitivity analyses around this issue might be helpful. The discussion needs to highlight the difficulty of***and highlights the needS for ****.
论文写作混乱和重复As presented, found this material to be somewhat confusing and overlapping.
研究方法错误The authors have violated the methodological principles used in their study. They have selected the wrong *** tests to analyze the data.
数据测试考虑不足The study presents only experimental results obtained under **.No experimenta results are available on the ***.
实验设计问题Instead there are still some fundamental concerns with the experimental design and,most cntically. with the analysis.
研究过程不清晰In the calculation of xx, it is not clear to me how you determined the *.
研究方法不合理it makes no sense to talk about *** VS ***comparisons,since the *** are more alike than different.
研究方法描述模糊A brief description of the instrument needs to be added. It is probably the same type of ***as we have at here,but no one else will know that
测试的可靠性没有提供No measures of reliability are included,neither*** and ***. Measures can only be correlated if they are reliable, thus it is crucial to include this information.
数据分析正文图片数据不一致The authors stated that the *** was*%. However,Figure *** shows that the *** was actually *%.
分析过于模糊和笼统The provided simulative results are not completely convincing to me. Again,they are too vague and generic.
分析内容与文献不匹配The *** and *** in Table ** are notcompatible with the literature.
分析讨论不够This is an interesting premise,however there is insufficient discussion of how or why it mightimpact the field of ***.
数据不足问题This report contains no data for the***,such as******and ***.
分析证据不足The authors state that *** .However, the evidence for *** are not either sufficient or convincing.
图片分析不当The interpretation and analysis ofthe imagesin Figure are incorrect. I cannot read the ** very clearly in this image,but establishing this is important to convince the reader that ***.
没有与前人对比分析Recently, many papers concerning*** and *x* like *** and *** werepublished. The authors should make a comparison with the counterpart * to highlight the advantages of the ** in this paper.
语言格式稿件需要进行语法编辑The manuscript needs to be edited for grammar and syntax.
画图不规范Furthermore,drawing the circles around *** with such low contract is questionable with the *** background of the***.
语言冗长Section * is too wordy and unhelpful. We do not need to read a litany of information.
图片格式不清楚Fiqure * is not very clear and does not show ** in the background.
结论和摘要语言不正式Please revise the conclusion in the abstract to avoid overly casual ianguage.
论文中的声明应该谨慎I would advise caution in makingthis statement. It may be true.but could this statement be used out of context by some people to ***?
写作缺乏迈辑The manuscript is very poorly written and the ideas do not flowlogically.
格式不连贯统一It is obvious by reading thepaper that it was written by morethan one author.The writingstyle changes significantly about half way through the manuscript.
英文时态问题In this section, and elsewhere, I noticed some unnecessary switching of verb tense from present tense to past tense, and back again.
其他建议没有阐述研究局限There was no mention of the limitation of the study, one of which is the ***
建议引用参考文献The authors may also considerciting other recent work on *** in addition to *** they cite now,should they find it relevant.
论文标题不恰当Finally, the title of the paper should be more specific andspell out the being investigated.
与文献情况矛盾In the recent paper by *** was observed to ***.This does notagree with the results presented here. This should be discussed.
研究意义不明The work does not representany fundamentaladvances.since even *** was shown to ***.
文献调研不足I believe you could mentionother work here, primarily work Ihave done in creating *** for ***.
关键词太多I don't think all of these words work as efficient keywords. Try narrowing down.
研究空白强调不足Your literature review, though fairly logical and cear, does notlead to a particular gap inknowledge as far as I can tel.







        In the manuscript titled xx,xx作者等performed xx and demonstrat-ed xx(概括本文的主要工作).This study contains some interestingfindings and are valuable for theunderstandingofxx(概括本文的主要贡献).However,lack of X is the major flaw of the study(指出论文的缺陷).Therefore,MAJOR/MINOR revision has to be done beforethis manuscript could beaccepted for publication in the XX(期刊名)
        Major comments(大的方面):1ln the introduction section, the authors need to provide detailedinformation on currentprogress in XX(关于文章架构的建议)2The data in Fig X are not sufficient to demonstrate that “XX”(关于结论的充分合理性)3 The current manuscript needs to be pol-ished by a native English speaker or a professional language editing service.(建议语言润色)...



Reviewer #1:1......


Response: XxXXXX2......


Response:XXXXXXReviewer #2:1.....






5、确认是否有合适的 RunningTitle?

10、Introduction第一段确认背景知识的介绍是否充分、合适?确认文章中第一次使用的缩写是否使用全拼?是否有跟主题不相干的背景知识介绍?第二段确认是否提出领域研究空白? 是否提出相应的科学问题?是否根据科学问题提出自己的研究假说?第三段确认是否有研究内容?是否有研究方案?是否有相应的研究结果?是否有结论?最后确认Introduction字数是否超过限制?是否有遗漏的地方?

11、Results 确认是否有小标题?实验结果的顺序是否与实验方法的一致?是否按照三段式写作方式?图片引用是否合适?文字描述和图片信息是否一致?显著性差异是否标出?
12、Discussion 确认参考文献引用是否合适?确认每一个论点都已经讨论到?确认同行的相关研究讨论到?确认是否有局限性,如果有是否陈述清楚?确认Discussion的第一段为重述研究结论?确认最后一段为总结?
14、Figurelegend 确认信息是否完整?

24、投稿前确认是否准备好文章的 Coverletter?










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