PlantUML 绘图






USB 枚举过程 PlantUML 源码

host   <-- device : device insert host
note right        : step 1
host   ->  device : get speed, reset, speed check
note right        : step 2
host   ->  device : get device descriptors
note right        : step 3
device --> host   : return device descriptors
note right        : step 4
host   ->  device : reset again
note right        : step 5
host   ->  device : set device address
note right        : step 6
host   ->  device : use new address get device descriptors(real get)
note right        : step 7
device --> host   : return device descriptors
note right        : step 8
host   ->  device : get config descriptors or get config descriptors sets
note right        : step 9
device --> host   : return config descriptors or config descriptors sets
note right        : step 10
host   ->  device : get string descriptors
note right        : step 11
device --> host   : return string descriptors
note right        : step 12
host   ->  device : get class special descriptors
note right        : step 13
device --> host   : return class special descriptors
note right        : step 14



USB 字节序 PlantUML 源码

header Page 1
footer Page 1 of 1<style>
timingDiagram {.red{Linecolor red}.blue {Linecolor blue}}
</style>concise "status" as status
concise "DATA" as data 
binary "DP" as DP  <<red>>
binary "DM" as DM  <<blue>>@0
data is "SE0"
DP is low
DM is low@2
data is "idle"
DP is high
DM is low@6
data is "0"
status is "SYNC 0x80"
DP is low
DM is high@7
data is "0"
DP is high
DM is low@8
data is "0"
DP is low
DM is high@9
data is "0"
DP is high
DM is low@10
data is "0"
DP is low
DM is high@11
data is "0"
DP is high
DM is low@12
data is "0"
DP is low
DM is high@13
data is "1"
DP is low
DM is high@14
data is "1"
status is "PID SETUP 0x2D"
DP is low
DM is high@15
data is "0"
DP is high
DM is low@16
data is "1"
DP is high
DM is low@17
data is "1"
DP is high
DM is low@18
data is "0"
DP is low
DM is high@19
data is "1"
DP is low
DM is high@20
data is "0"
DP is high
DM is low@21
data is "0"
DP is low
DM is high@22
data is "0"
status is "other"
DP is high
DM is low@enduml





数据结构 | (二) List

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