





Read the installation now.

2.1 使用指南

Run the command:

python run.py [options]options:-h, --help                                                                                       show this help message and exit-s SOURCE_PATH, --source SOURCE_PATH                                                             select a source image-t TARGET_PATH, --target TARGET_PATH                                                             select a target image or video-o OUTPUT_PATH, --output OUTPUT_PATH                                                             specify the output file or directory-v, --version                                                                                    show program's version number and exitmisc:--skip-download                                                                                  omit automate downloads and lookups--headless                                                                                       run the program in headless modeexecution:--execution-providers {cpu} [{cpu} ...]                                                          choose from the available execution providers (choices: cpu, ...)--execution-thread-count EXECUTION_THREAD_COUNT                                                  specify the number of execution threads--execution-queue-count EXECUTION_QUEUE_COUNT                                                    specify the number of execution queries--max-memory MAX_MEMORY                                                                          specify the maximum amount of ram to be used (in gb)face recognition:--face-recognition {reference,many}                                                              specify the method for face recognition--face-analyser-direction {left-right,right-left,top-bottom,bottom-top,small-large,large-small}  specify the direction used for face analysis--face-analyser-age {child,teen,adult,senior}                                                    specify the age used for face analysis--face-analyser-gender {male,female}                                                             specify the gender used for face analysis--reference-face-position REFERENCE_FACE_POSITION                                                specify the position of the reference face--reference-face-distance REFERENCE_FACE_DISTANCE                                                specify the distance between the reference face and the target face--reference-frame-number REFERENCE_FRAME_NUMBER                                                  specify the number of the reference frameframe extraction:--trim-frame-start TRIM_FRAME_START                                                              specify the start frame for extraction--trim-frame-end TRIM_FRAME_END                                                                  specify the end frame for extraction--temp-frame-format {jpg,png}                                                                    specify the image format used for frame extraction--temp-frame-quality [0-100]                                                                     specify the image quality used for frame extraction--keep-temp                                                                                      retain temporary frames after processingoutput creation:--output-image-quality [0-100]                                                                   specify the quality used for the output image--output-video-encoder {libx264,libx265,libvpx-vp9,h264_nvenc,hevc_nvenc}                        specify the encoder used for the output video--output-video-quality [0-100]                                                                   specify the quality used for the output video--keep-fps                                                                                       preserve the frames per second (fps) of the target--skip-audio                                                                                     omit audio from the targetframe processors:--frame-processors FRAME_PROCESSORS [FRAME_PROCESSORS ...]                                       choose from the available frame processors (choices: face_enhancer, face_swapper, frame_enhancer, ...)--face-enhancer-model {codeformer,gfpgan_1.2,gfpgan_1.3,gfpgan_1.4,gpen_bfr_512}                 choose from the mode for the frame processor--face-enhancer-blend [0-100]                                                                    specify the blend factor for the frame processor--face-swapper-model {inswapper_128,inswapper_128_fp16}                                          choose from the mode for the frame processor--frame-enhancer-model {realesrgan_x2plus,realesrgan_x4plus,realesrnet_x4plus}                   choose from the mode for the frame processor--frame-enhancer-blend [0-100]                                                                   specify the blend factor for the frame processoruis:--ui-layouts UI_LAYOUTS [UI_LAYOUTS ...]                                                         choose from the available ui layouts (choices: benchmark, webcam, default, ...)


Read the documentation for a deep dive.






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