nav2 调节纯追踪算法



The core idea is to find a point on the path in front of the robot and find the linear and angular velocity to help drive towards it.
Once it moves forward, a new point is selected, and the process repeats until the end of the path.
In order to simply book-keeping, the global path is continuously pruned to the closest point to the robot (see the figure below) so that we only have to process useful path points. Then, the section of the path within the local costmap bounds is transformed to the robot frame and a lookahead point is determined using a predefined distance

Finally, the lookahead point will be given to the pure pursuit algorithm which finds the curvature of the path required to drive the robot to the lookahead point. This curvature is then applied to the velocity commands to allow the robot to drive
Note that a pure pursuit controller is that, it “purely” pursues the path without interest or concern about dynamic obstacles. Therefore, this controller should only be used when paired with a path planner that can generate a path the robot can follow. For a circular (or can be treated as circular) robot, this can really be any planner since you can leverage the particle / inflation relationship in planning. For a “large” robot for the environment or general non-circular robots, this must be something kinematically feasible, like the Smac Planner, such that the path is followable
需要注意的是,纯追踪控制器“纯粹”追踪路径而不关心动态障碍物。因此,该控制器应该只在与能够生成机器人可遵循路径的路径规划器配对时使用。对于圆形(或可被视为圆形)的机器人来说,这可以是任何规划器,因为你可以利用规划中的粒子/膨胀关系。对于“大型”环境或一般非圆形机器人,必须使用一些在运动学上可行的东西,比如Smac Planner,这样路径才能被跟随。

Regulated Pure Pursuit Features

We have created a new variation on the pure pursuit algorithm that we dubb the Regulated Pure Pursuit algorithm. We combine the features of the Adaptive Pure Pursuit algorithm with rules around linear velocity with a focus on consumer, industrial, and service robot’s needs. We also implement several common-sense safety mechanisms like collision detection
我们创建了一种新的纯追踪算法变体,称之为调节纯追踪(Regulated Pure Pursuit)算法。我们将自适应纯追踪(Adaptive Pure Pursuit)算法的特性与围绕线性速度的规则相结合,重点关注消费类、工业和服务型机器人的需求。我们还实现了几种常识性的安全机制,如碰撞检测。
The Regulated Pure Pursuit controller implements active collision detection. We use a parameter to set the maximum allowable time before a potential collision on the current velocity command. Using the current linear and angular velocity, we project forward in time that duration and check for collisions. Intuitively, you may think that collision checking between the robot and the lookahead point seems logical. However, if you’re maneuvering in tight spaces, it makes alot of sense to only search forward a given amount of time to give the system a little leeway to get itself out. In confined spaces especially, we want to make sure that we’re collision checking a reasonable amount of space for the current action being taken (e.g. if moving at 0.1 m/s, it makes no sense to look 10 meters ahead to the carrot, or 100 seconds into the future). This helps look further at higher speeds / angular rotations and closer with fine, slow motions in constrained environments so it doesn’t over report collisions from valid motions near obstacles. If you set the maximum allowable to a large number, it will collision check all the way, but not exceeding, the lookahead point. We visualize the collision checking arc on the lookahead_arc topic
这个Regulated Pure Pursuit控制器实现了主动碰撞检测。我们使用一个参数来设置在当前速度命令上可能发生潜在碰撞之前的最大允许时间。利用当前的线性和角速度,我们在将来的这段时间内进行投影,并检查是否存在碰撞。直观地看,你可能会认为在机器人和预瞄点之间进行碰撞检查是合理的。然而,如果你在狭窄空间中操纵,只搜索一定时间范围内是有意义的,这样可以给系统一些余地来解决问题。特别是在狭窄空间中,我们希望确保为当前正在执行的动作进行合理范围的碰撞检查(例如,以0.1米/秒移动时,向前查找到预瞄点10米甚至100秒的未来是没有意义的)。这有助于在高速度/角速度下进一步查看,以及在受限环境中进行细微、缓慢运动时更加接近,这样就不会因为靠近障碍物的有效运动而过度报告碰撞。如果将最大允许时间设置为一个较大的数字,它将在预瞄点之前进行碰撞检查,但不会超过该点。我们将这种碰撞检测弧线可视化在预瞄弧线话题上。
The regulated pure pursuit algorithm also makes use of the common variations on the pure pursuit algorithm. We implement the adaptive pure pursuit’s main contribution of having velocity-scaled lookahead point distances. This helps make the controller more stable over a larger range of potential linear velocities. There are parameters for setting the lookahead gain (or lookahead time) and thresholded values for minimum and maximum.
The final minor improvement we make is slowing on approach to the goal. Knowing that the optimal lookahead distance is X, we can take the difference in X and the actual distance of the lookahead point found to find the lookahead point error. During operations, the variation in this error should be exceptionally small and won’t be triggered. However, at the end of the path, there are no more points at a lookahead distance away from the robot, so it uses the last point on the path. So as the robot approaches a target, its error will grow and the robot’s velocity will be reduced proportional to this error until a minimum threshold. This is also tracked by the kinematic speed limits to ensure drivability.

The major improvements that this work implements is the regulations on the linear velocity based on some cost functions. They were selected to remove long-standing bad behavior within the pure pursuit algorithm. Normal Pure Pursuit has an issue with overshoot and poor handling in particularly high curvature (or extremely rapidly changing curvature) environments. It is commonly known that this will cause the robot to overshoot from the path and potentially collide with the environment. These cost functions in the Regulated Pure Pursuit algorithm were also chosen based on common requirements and needs of mobile robots uses in service, commercial, and industrial use-cases; scaling by curvature creates intuitive behavior of slowing the robot when making sharp turns and slowing when its near a potential collision so that small variations don’t clip obstacles. This is also really useful when working in partially observable environments (like turning in and out of aisles / hallways often) so that you slow before a sharp turn into an unknown dynamic environment to be more conservative in case something is in the way immediately requiring a stop.
这项工作实施的主要改进是基于一些成本函数对线性速度进行调节。这些函数的选择旨在消除Pure Pursuit算法中长期存在的不良行为。普通的Pure Pursuit算法在特别高曲率(或曲率极快变化)的环境中存在超调和较差的处理能力的问题。众所周知,这会导致机器人超出路径,并有可能与环境发生碰撞。Regulated Pure Pursuit算法中的这些成本函数也是基于服务、商业和工业用例中移动机器人的常见需求和需求而选择的;通过曲率缩放可以形成直观的行为,使机器人在进行急转弯时减速,并在靠近潜在碰撞物时减速,以防止小的变化导致碰撞障碍物。这在部分可观测的环境中非常有用(比如经常在过道/走廊间转弯),可以在进入未知动态环境之前减速,更保守地假设有可能立即需要停车的障碍物。
The cost functions penalize the robot’s speed based on its proximity to obstacles and the curvature of the path. This is helpful to slow the robot when moving close to things in narrow spaces and scaling down the linear velocity by curvature helps to stabilize the controller over a larger range of lookahead point distances. This also has the added benefit of removing the sensitive tuning of the lookahead point / range, as the robot will track paths far better. Tuning is still required, but it is substantially easier to get reasonable behavior with minor adjustments
An unintended tertiary benefit of scaling the linear velocities by curvature is that a robot will natively rotate to rough path heading when using holonomic planners that don’t start aligned with the robot pose orientation. As the curvature will be very high, the linear velocity drops and the angular velocity takes over to rotate to heading. While not perfect, it does dramatically reduce the need to rotate to a close path heading before following and opens up a broader range of planning techniques. Pure Pursuit controllers otherwise would be completely unable to recover from this in even modestly confined spaces
Mixing the proximity and curvature regulated linear velocities with the time-scaled collision checker, we see a near-perfect combination allowing the regulated pure pursuit algorithm to handle high starting deviations from the path and navigate collision-free in tight spaces without overshoot
通过将距离和曲率调节的线性速度与时间缩放的碰撞检测器结合起来,我们可以看到几乎完美的组合,使得调节后的Pure Pursuit算法能够处理路径上的高起始偏差,并且在狭窄空间中无需超调即可避开碰撞。
Note: The maximum allowed time to collision is thresholded by the lookahead point, starting in Humble. This is such that collision checking isn’t significantly overshooting the path, which can cause issues in constrained environments. For example, if there were a straight-line path going towards a wall that then turned left, if this parameter was set to high, then it would detect a collision past the point of actual robot intended motion. Thusly, if a robot is moving fast, selecting further out lookahead points is not only a matter of behavioral stability for Pure Pursuit, but also gives a robot further predictive collision detection capabilities. The max allowable time parameter is still in place for slow commands, as described in detail above
注意:允许的最大碰撞时间由观测点作为阈值进行限制,从Humble开始。这样做是为了确保碰撞检测不会明显超出路径,这可能会在受限环境中引发问题。举例来说,如果有一条直线路径指向一堵墙,然后向左转,若该参数设置过高,那么它将在实际机器人意图运动点之后检测到碰撞。因此,如果机器人移动速度较快,选择更远的观测点不仅是Pure Pursuit算法行为稳定性的问题,同时也赋予机器人更强大的预测性碰撞检测能力。最大允许时间参数仍然适用于慢速指令,就像上面详细描述的那样。

cost_scaling_gain乘法增益,应<= 1.0,用于在障碍物处于cost_scaling_dist内时进一步缩放速度。较低的值会更快地降低速度。

Example fully-described XML with default parameter values:

controller_server:ros__parameters:controller_frequency: 20.0min_x_velocity_threshold: 0.001min_y_velocity_threshold: 0.5min_theta_velocity_threshold: 0.001progress_checker_plugins: ["progress_checker"]goal_checker_plugins: "goal_checker"controller_plugins: ["FollowPath"]progress_checker:plugin: "nav2_controller::SimpleProgressChecker"required_movement_radius: 0.5movement_time_allowance: 10.0goal_checker:plugin: "nav2_controller::SimpleGoalChecker"xy_goal_tolerance: 0.25yaw_goal_tolerance: 0.25stateful: TrueFollowPath:plugin: "nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller::RegulatedPurePursuitController"desired_linear_vel: 0.5lookahead_dist: 0.6min_lookahead_dist: 0.3max_lookahead_dist: 0.9lookahead_time: 1.5rotate_to_heading_angular_vel: 1.8transform_tolerance: 0.1use_velocity_scaled_lookahead_dist: falsemin_approach_linear_velocity: 0.05approach_velocity_scaling_dist: 1.0use_collision_detection: truemax_allowed_time_to_collision_up_to_carrot: 1.0use_regulated_linear_velocity_scaling: trueuse_cost_regulated_linear_velocity_scaling: falseregulated_linear_scaling_min_radius: 0.9regulated_linear_scaling_min_speed: 0.25use_fixed_curvature_lookahead: falsecurvature_lookahead_dist: 1.0use_rotate_to_heading: truerotate_to_heading_min_angle: 0.785max_angular_accel: 3.2max_robot_pose_search_dist: 10.0cost_scaling_dist: 0.3cost_scaling_gain: 1.0inflation_cost_scaling_factor: 3.0






要调整以获得自适应Pure Pursuit行为,请将所有布尔参数设置为false,除了use_velocity_scaled_lookahead_dist,并确保调整lookahead_time、min_lookahead_dist和max_lookahead_dist。

要调整以获得Pure Pursuit行为,请将所有布尔参数设置为false,并确保调整lookahead_dist。







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