题目 A subarray is a continuous part of array.
Yarik recently found an array a of n elements and became very interested in finding the maximum sum of a non empty subarray. However, Yarik doesn’t like consecutive integers with the same parity, s…
Write a simple version of the UNIX find program for xv6: find all the files in a directory tree with a specific name. Your solution should be in the file user/find.c.
题目要求:实现find ,即在某个路径中,找出某…
题目 题目大意 T T T 组测试数据 每组 n n n 个货物,第 i i i 个货物 的重量是 a i a_i ai 用k辆货车按顺序装这些货物,条件是每辆车上的货物个数都一样,也即是说 n n n 必须能被 k k k 整除, 求任意两辆车货物总…