- 回顾回调&观察者模式&发布订阅模式
- Zookeeper 客户端/ 服务端 watch
- getChildren 为例
- 最后归纳
- 回调的思想
- 类A的a()方法调用类B的b()方法
- 类B的b()方法执行完毕主动调用类A的callback()方法
回调分为同步回调和异步回调, 假如以买彩票的场景来模拟, 我买彩票, 调用彩票网,给我返回的结果确定是否中奖,同步回调就是,我买了彩票之后, 需要等待彩票网给我返回的结果, 这个时候我不能做其他事情, 我必须等待这个结果, 这就叫同步回调, 同步, 就意味着等待, 我不能去做其他事情, 必须等待, 异步回调就是, 我买了彩票之后, 可以去做其他事情, 然后当彩票网有了结果和消息, 再给我返回消息。
- 观察者模式
- 发布订阅,对比 观察者模式
Zookeeper 客户端/ 服务端 watch
- 客户端维持的 socket 连接 ClientCnxn
/*** This class manages the socket i/o for the client. ClientCnxn maintains a list* of available servers to connect to and "transparently" switches servers it is* connected to as needed.**/
public class ClientCnxn {
/*** Manage watchers & handle events generated by the ClientCnxn object.** We are implementing this as a nested class of ZooKeeper so that* the public methods will not be exposed as part of the ZooKeeper client* API.*/static class ZKWatchManager implements ClientWatchManager {
- 服务端 DataTree
/*** This class maintains the tree data structure. It doesn't have any networking* or client connection code in it so that it can be tested in a stand alone* way.* <p>* The tree maintains two parallel data structures: a hashtable that maps from* full paths to DataNodes and a tree of DataNodes. All accesses to a path is* through the hashtable. The tree is traversed only when serializing to disk.*/
public class DataTree {
getChildren 为例
/*** Return the list of the children of the node of the given path.* <p>* If the watch is non-null and the call is successful (no exception is thrown),* a watch will be left on the node with the given path. The watch willbe* triggered by a successful operation that deletes the node of the given* path or creates/delete a child under the node.* <p>* The list of children returned is not sorted and no guarantee is provided* as to its natural or lexical order.* <p>* A KeeperException with error code KeeperException.NoNode will be thrown* if no node with the given path exists.** @param path* @param watcher explicit watcher* @return an unordered array of children of the node with the given path* @throws InterruptedException If the server transaction is interrupted.* @throws KeeperException If the server signals an error with a non-zero error code.* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid path is specified*/public List<String> getChildren(final String path, Watcher watcher)throws KeeperException, InterruptedException{final String clientPath = path;PathUtils.validatePath(clientPath);// the watch contains the un-chroot pathWatchRegistration wcb = null;if (watcher != null) {wcb = new ChildWatchRegistration(watcher, clientPath);}final String serverPath = prependChroot(clientPath);RequestHeader h = new RequestHeader();h.setType(ZooDefs.OpCode.getChildren);GetChildrenRequest request = new GetChildrenRequest();request.setPath(serverPath);request.setWatch(watcher != null);GetChildrenResponse response = new GetChildrenResponse();ReplyHeader r = cnxn.submitRequest(h, request, response, wcb);if (r.getErr() != 0) {throw KeeperException.create(KeeperException.Code.get(r.getErr()),clientPath);}return response.getChildren();}
ReplyHeader r = cnxn.submitRequest(h, request, response, wcb);
public ReplyHeader submitRequest(RequestHeader h, Record request, Record response, WatchRegistration watchRegistration) throws InterruptedException {ReplyHeader r = new ReplyHeader();// 客户端与服务端的网络传输ClientCnxn.Packet packet = this.queuePacket(h, r, request, response, (AsyncCallback)null, (String)null, (String)null, (Object)null, watchRegistration);synchronized(packet) {while(!packet.finished) {packet.wait();}return r;}
}ClientCnxn.Packet queuePacket(RequestHeader h, ReplyHeader r, Record request, Record response, AsyncCallback cb, String clientPath, String serverPath, Object ctx, WatchRegistration watchRegistration) {ClientCnxn.Packet packet = null;LinkedList var11 = this.outgoingQueue;synchronized(this.outgoingQueue) {// 传输的对象都包装成Packet对象packet = new ClientCnxn.Packet(h, r, request, response, watchRegistration);packet.cb = cb;packet.ctx = ctx;packet.clientPath = clientPath;packet.serverPath = serverPath;if (this.state.isAlive() && !this.closing) {if (h.getType() == -11) {this.closing = true;}// 放入发送队列中,等待发送this.outgoingQueue.add(packet);} else {this.conLossPacket(packet);}}this.sendThread.getClientCnxnSocket().wakeupCnxn();return packet;
case OpCode.getChildren: {lastOp = "GETC";GetChildrenRequest getChildrenRequest = new GetChildrenRequest();ByteBufferInputStream.byteBuffer2Record(request.request,getChildrenRequest);DataNode n = zks.getZKDatabase().getNode(getChildrenRequest.getPath());if (n == null) {throw new KeeperException.NoNodeException();}PrepRequestProcessor.checkACL(zks, zks.getZKDatabase().aclForNode(n),ZooDefs.Perms.READ,request.authInfo);// 返回children,// 这里根据客户端设置的是否有watch变量来传入watcher对象// 如果true则将当前的ServerCnxn传入(ServerCnxn代表客户端和服务端的连接) List<String> children = zks.getZKDatabase().getChildren(getChildrenRequest.getPath(), null, getChildrenRequest.getWatch() ? cnxn : null);rsp = new GetChildrenResponse(children);break;}
public List<String> getChildren(String path, Stat stat, Watcher watcher)throws KeeperException.NoNodeException {DataNode n = nodes.get(path);if (n == null) {throw new KeeperException.NoNodeException();}synchronized (n) {if (stat != null) {n.copyStat(stat);}List<String> children=new ArrayList<String>(n.getChildren());if (watcher != null) {childWatches.addWatch(path, watcher);}return children;}}
- 当服务端处理完毕之后,客户端的SendThread线程负责接收服务端的响应,finishPacket方法会从packet中取出WatchRegistration并注册到ZKWatchManager中
/*** This class services the outgoing request queue and generates the heart* beats. It also spawns the ReadThread.*/class SendThread extends ZooKeeperThread {private long lastPingSentNs;private final ClientCnxnSocket clientCnxnSocket;private Random r = new Random(System.nanoTime()); private boolean isFirstConnect = true;void readResponse(ByteBuffer incomingBuffer) throws IOException {ByteBufferInputStream bbis = new ByteBufferInputStream(incomingBuffer);BinaryInputArchive bbia = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(bbis);ReplyHeader replyHdr = new ReplyHeader();replyHdr.deserialize(bbia, "header");if (replyHdr.getXid() == -2) {// -2 is the xid for pingsif (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {LOG.debug("Got ping response for sessionid: 0x"+ Long.toHexString(sessionId)+ " after "+ ((System.nanoTime() - lastPingSentNs) / 1000000)+ "ms");}return;}if (replyHdr.getXid() == -4) {// -4 is the xid for AuthPacket if(replyHdr.getErr() == KeeperException.Code.AUTHFAILED.intValue()) {state = States.AUTH_FAILED; eventThread.queueEvent( new WatchedEvent(Watcher.Event.EventType.None, Watcher.Event.KeeperState.AuthFailed, null) ); }if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {LOG.debug("Got auth sessionid:0x"+ Long.toHexString(sessionId));}return;}if (replyHdr.getXid() == -1) {// -1 means notificationif (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {LOG.debug("Got notification sessionid:0x"+ Long.toHexString(sessionId));}WatcherEvent event = new WatcherEvent();event.deserialize(bbia, "response");// convert from a server path to a client pathif (chrootPath != null) {String serverPath = event.getPath();if(serverPath.compareTo(chrootPath)==0)event.setPath("/");else if (serverPath.length() > chrootPath.length())event.setPath(serverPath.substring(chrootPath.length()));else {LOG.warn("Got server path " + event.getPath()+ " which is too short for chroot path "+ chrootPath);}}WatchedEvent we = new WatchedEvent(event);if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {LOG.debug("Got " + we + " for sessionid 0x"+ Long.toHexString(sessionId));}eventThread.queueEvent( we );return;}// If SASL authentication is currently in progress, construct and// send a response packet immediately, rather than queuing a// response as with other packets.if (tunnelAuthInProgress()) {GetSASLRequest request = new GetSASLRequest();request.deserialize(bbia,"token");zooKeeperSaslClient.respondToServer(request.getToken(),ClientCnxn.this);return;}Packet packet;synchronized (pendingQueue) {if (pendingQueue.size() == 0) {throw new IOException("Nothing in the queue, but got "+ replyHdr.getXid());}packet = pendingQueue.remove();}/** Since requests are processed in order, we better get a response* to the first request!*/try {if (packet.requestHeader.getXid() != replyHdr.getXid()) {packet.replyHeader.setErr(KeeperException.Code.CONNECTIONLOSS.intValue());throw new IOException("Xid out of order. Got Xid "+ replyHdr.getXid() + " with err " ++ replyHdr.getErr() +" expected Xid "+ packet.requestHeader.getXid()+ " for a packet with details: "+ packet );}packet.replyHeader.setXid(replyHdr.getXid());packet.replyHeader.setErr(replyHdr.getErr());packet.replyHeader.setZxid(replyHdr.getZxid());if (replyHdr.getZxid() > 0) {lastZxid = replyHdr.getZxid();}if (packet.response != null && replyHdr.getErr() == 0) {packet.response.deserialize(bbia, "response");}if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {LOG.debug("Reading reply sessionid:0x"+ Long.toHexString(sessionId) + ", packet:: " + packet);}} finally {finishPacket(packet);}}private void finishPacket(Packet p) {int err = p.replyHeader.getErr();if (p.watchRegistration != null) {p.watchRegistration.register(err);}// Add all the removed watch events to the event queue, so that the// clients will be notified with 'Data/Child WatchRemoved' event type.if (p.watchDeregistration != null) {Map<EventType, Set<Watcher>> materializedWatchers = null;try {materializedWatchers = p.watchDeregistration.unregister(err);for (Entry<EventType, Set<Watcher>> entry : materializedWatchers.entrySet()) {Set<Watcher> watchers = entry.getValue();if (watchers.size() > 0) {queueEvent(p.watchDeregistration.getClientPath(), err,watchers, entry.getKey());// ignore connectionloss when removing from local// sessionp.replyHeader.setErr(Code.OK.intValue());}}} catch (KeeperException.NoWatcherException nwe) {LOG.error("Failed to find watcher!", nwe);p.replyHeader.setErr(nwe.code().intValue());} catch (KeeperException ke) {LOG.error("Exception when removing watcher", ke);p.replyHeader.setErr(ke.code().intValue());}}if (p.cb == null) {synchronized (p) {p.finished = true;p.notifyAll();}} else {p.finished = true;eventThread.queuePacket(p);}}
触发watcher org.apache.zookeeper.server.WatchManager#triggerWatch
Set<Watcher> triggerWatch(String path, EventType type) {return triggerWatch(path, type, null);}Set<Watcher> triggerWatch(String path, EventType type, Set<Watcher> supress) {WatchedEvent e = new WatchedEvent(type,KeeperState.SyncConnected, path);HashSet<Watcher> watchers;// 主要做的就是从watchTable和watch2Paths中移除该路径的watcher,Watcher机制是一次性的synchronized (this) {watchers = watchTable.remove(path);if (watchers == null || watchers.isEmpty()) {if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {ZooTrace.logTraceMessage(LOG,ZooTrace.EVENT_DELIVERY_TRACE_MASK,"No watchers for " + path);}return null;}for (Watcher w : watchers) {HashSet<String> paths = watch2Paths.get(w);if (paths != null) {paths.remove(path);}}}for (Watcher w : watchers) {if (supress != null && supress.contains(w)) {continue;}// 真正的回调和业务逻辑执行都在客户端org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn#processw.process(e);}return watchers;}
- 客户端把注册的Watcher传到服务端,处理请求加入处理队列
- 服务端从处理队列取出事件,并处理请求返回给客户端
- 回调Watcher处理在客户端处理,并会被删除