Statistics with Python知识总结:库、统计图




    • 前言
    • Pandas DataFrame 的数据结构
    • Script
    • MatPlotLib(画图)
    • Seaborn
      • 散点图sns.scatterplot
  • 各类型统计图
    • 变量类型:
    • Histogram直方图:
    • Bar charts 条形图:
    • Bar charts 和Histograms的区别:
    • Pie Chart 饼状图:
    • Scatter Plot:

Pandas DataFrame 的数据结构


df = pd.read_csv('filename.csv')
  1. 创建
 # 从列表创建df = pd.DataFrame([['Alice', 25], ['Bob', 30], ['Charlie', 35]], columns=['Name', 'Age'])# 从字典创建data = {'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'], 'Age': [25, 30, 35]}df = pd.DataFrame(data)
  1. 删除missing case

da[“BMXWT”].dropna().describe() 生成摘要之前先删除missing cases


  1. CDF - Cumulative Distribution Function(累积分布函数):
    • 定义: 对于一个随机变量 X,它的 CDF 是一个函数 F(x),定义为 P(X ≤ x),表示随机变量小于或等于 x 的概率。
    • 公式: F(x) = P(X ≤ x)
    • 性质: CDF 是单调非减的,总是在 [0, 1] 范围内,并且在 x 增加时不减小。
    • 应用: 对于二项分布 binombinom.cdf(k, n, p) k=想成功的次数;n=实验次数;p=成功概率。
stats.binom(10, 0.5)



计算随机变量小于等于给定值的概率。在这里,参数是 3,表示计算累积分布函数为 3 时的概率。

  1. PDF - Probability Density Function(概率密度函数):
    • 定义: 对于连续型随机变量 X,PDF 是一个函数 f(x),表示在给定点 x 处的概率密度,即 X 在 x 处的概率密度。(曲线下面函数面积值)
    • 性质: PDF 的值并不直接对应概率,而是在给定范围内的概率密度。总体积分为 1
    • 公式:
  • ∫ − ∞ ∞ f ( x ) d x \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \, dx f(x)dx
    • 应用:

调用正态分布对象的pdf方法,该方法计算随机变量取值为给定值的概率密度。在这里,参数是 1,表示计算概率密度函数在值为 1 处的概率密度。

  1. PPF概率百分点函数Percent Point Function:
    在统计学中,PPF 是累积分布函数(CDF)的逆函数。对于给定的概率,PPF 返回相应的随机变量值。
    • 公式: F − 1 ( p ) = x F^{-1}(p) = x F1(p)=x
    • 应用:

计算自由度为 10 的 t 分布的累积分布函数(CDF=0.5时)的逆函数(返回随机变量值),即概率百分点函数(PPF).


plt.plot(x, y, ":", lw=5, color="orange") #lw=线条宽度
plt.ylabel("Y", size=15)
plt.xlabel("X", size=15)
  1. 绘图接口:

    • pyplot 模块是 Matplotlib 的绘图接口,它提供了类似于 MATLAB 的绘图功能。通常使用 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 的方式引入。
  2. 基本绘图:

    • 使用 plt.plot(x, y) 可以绘制线图,其中 xy 是数据点的坐标。
  3. 样式和颜色:

    • 可以通过参数设置线条样式、颜色、标记等。例如,plt.plot(x, y, linestyle='--', color='blue', marker='o')
  4. 图表类型:

    • Matplotlib 支持绘制多种类型的图表,包括散点图、柱状图、饼图等。
  5. 标签和标题:

    • 使用 plt.xlabel(), plt.ylabel(), plt.title() 可以设置坐标轴标签和图表标题。
  6. 图例:

    • 使用 plt.legend() 可以添加图例,说明每条线或每个数据集的含义。



sns.scatterplot(x='x', y='y', hue='group', data=df)

x=‘x’ 和 y=‘y’:分别指定 x 轴和 y 轴的数据。
hue=‘group’:通过 ‘group’ 列的取值来着色散点,即根据 ‘group’ 列的不同取值,点的颜色会有所区分。



  • Categorical Ordinal: 有顺序的。The variable represents categories or groups (adult or not adult). Would imply an == ordered relationship== among categories (e.g., low, medium, high).

  • Nominal: There is no inherent order or ranking among the categories; they are simply different groups.

  • Quantitative Continuous: number within a range(取值范围内所有数都可以取)

  • Quantitative Discrete: Would represent numeric values that are distinct and separate.


  • Description: Histograms are used to visualize the distribution of a continuous variable by dividing the data into bins and displaying the frequency of observations in each bin.
  • Types:
    • Single-Peak (Unimodal): One clear peak in the distribution.
    • Bimodal双峰:两个峰必须整体趋势一致才叫biomodal.
    • Skewed (Left or Right): left (negatively skewed,小的值多,平均数小于中位数) or right (positively skewed,大的值多,平均数大于中位).
    • Bell-Shaped: Symmetrical distribution resembling a bell curve, often observed in normal distributions.
  • Use: Assessing Spread and Dispersion etc.

Bar charts 条形图:

  • Description: represent categorical data with rectangular bars. The lengths of the bars are proportional to the values they represent.
  • Use: Useful for comparing the values of different categories. Bar charts are versatile and can be used for both nominal and ordinal categorical data.

Bar charts 和Histograms的区别:


A histogram is the graphical representation of data where data is grouped into == continuous number ranges== and each range corresponds to a vertical bar.

Pie Chart 饼状图:

  • Description: Pie charts represent data in a circular graph where each category is shown as a wedge, and the size of each wedge corresponds to the proportion of that category in the whole.
  • Use: Useful for displaying the composition of a whole, highlighting the relative sizes of different categories.
  1. Box Plot (Box-and-Whisker Plot):
    • Description: Box plots provide a visual summary of the distribution of a numerical variable through quartiles (25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles) and identify potential outliers.
    • Use: Useful for comparing the spread and central tendency of different groups or variables.



  • Five-Number Summary:

    • Explanation of the five-number summary: == minimum, first quartile (Q1, 25%在这个value以下), median(50%), third quartile (Q3,75%), and maximum. ==
    • Example using the adult male heights histogram with values for each parameter.
  • Interquartile Range (IQR) 四分位距:

    • Introduction of the Interquartile Range (IQR) as a measure of spread.
    • Calculation of IQR using Q3 minus Q1 in the adult male heights example.
  • Comparison of Measures:

    • Emphasis on the robustness of the median as an estimate of the center, less influenced by outliers.
    • Standard deviation as an average distance from the mean.
    • Preference for == IQR== over the == range== due to robustness against outliers.

· 注意异常: Remember that even though outliers are plotting individually in boxplots, they are still part of the data set. 会影响Mean值。

Scatter Plot:

  • Description: Scatter plots are used to display the relationship between two continuous variables. Each point on the plot represents an observation with values on both X and Y axes.
  • Use: They help determine whether there is a positive, negative, or no correlation between variables. (一段关系是不是线性的)
  • Judgement:
    • r=1: Perfect positive correlation. As one variable increases, the other variable increases proportionally.
    • r=−1: Perfect negative correlation. As one variable increases, the other variable decreases proportionally.
    • r=0: No linear correlation. The variables are not linearly related.






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