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<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>爱心跳动,3D拖拽搬</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/style.css"></head><body><script src='./js/three.min.js'></script><!-- <script src='./js/MeshSurfaceSampler.js'></script> --><script src='./js/TrackballControls.js'></script><script src='./js/simplex-noise.js'></script><script src='./js/OBJLoader.js'></script><script src='./js/gsap.min.js'></script><script src="./js/script.js"></script><script>(function () {const _face = new THREE.Triangle();const _color = new THREE.Vector3();class MeshSurfaceSampler {constructor(mesh) {let geometry = mesh.geometry;if (!geometry.isBufferGeometry || geometry.attributes.position.itemSize !== 3) {throw new Error('THREE.MeshSurfaceSampler: Requires BufferGeometry triangle mesh.');}if (geometry.index) {console.warn('THREE.MeshSurfaceSampler: Converting geometry to non-indexed BufferGeometry.');geometry = geometry.toNonIndexed();}this.geometry = geometry;this.randomFunction = Math.random;this.positionAttribute = this.geometry.getAttribute('position');this.colorAttribute = this.geometry.getAttribute('color');this.weightAttribute = null;this.distribution = null;}setWeightAttribute(name) {this.weightAttribute = name ? this.geometry.getAttribute(name) : null;return this;}build() {const positionAttribute = this.positionAttribute;const weightAttribute = this.weightAttribute;const faceWeights = new Float32Array(positionAttribute.count / 3); // Accumulate weights for each mesh face.for (let i = 0; i < positionAttribute.count; i += 3) {let faceWeight = 1;if (weightAttribute) {faceWeight = weightAttribute.getX(i) + weightAttribute.getX(i + 1) + weightAttribute.getX(i + 2);}_face.a.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, i);_face.b.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, i + 1);_face.c.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, i + 2);faceWeight *= _face.getArea();faceWeights[i / 3] = faceWeight;} // Store cumulative total face weights in an array, where weight index// corresponds to face index.this.distribution = new Float32Array(positionAttribute.count / 3);let cumulativeTotal = 0;for (let i = 0; i < faceWeights.length; i++) {cumulativeTotal += faceWeights[i];this.distribution[i] = cumulativeTotal;}return this;}setRandomGenerator(randomFunction) {this.randomFunction = randomFunction;return this;}sample(targetPosition, targetNormal, targetColor) {const cumulativeTotal = this.distribution[this.distribution.length - 1];const faceIndex = this.binarySearch(this.randomFunction() * cumulativeTotal);return this.sampleFace(faceIndex, targetPosition, targetNormal, targetColor);}binarySearch(x) {const dist = this.distribution;let start = 0;let end = dist.length - 1;let index = - 1;while (start <= end) {const mid = Math.ceil((start + end) / 2);if (mid === 0 || dist[mid - 1] <= x && dist[mid] > x) {index = mid;break;} else if (x < dist[mid]) {end = mid - 1;} else {start = mid + 1;}}return index;}sampleFace(faceIndex, targetPosition, targetNormal, targetColor) {let u = this.randomFunction();let v = this.randomFunction();if (u + v > 1) {u = 1 - u;v = 1 - v;}_face.a.fromBufferAttribute(this.positionAttribute, faceIndex * 3);_face.b.fromBufferAttribute(this.positionAttribute, faceIndex * 3 + 1);_face.c.fromBufferAttribute(this.positionAttribute, faceIndex * 3 + 2);targetPosition.set(0, 0, 0).addScaledVector(_face.a, u).addScaledVector(_face.b, v).addScaledVector(_face.c, 1 - (u + v));if (targetNormal !== undefined) {_face.getNormal(targetNormal);}if (targetColor !== undefined && this.colorAttribute !== undefined) {_face.a.fromBufferAttribute(this.colorAttribute, faceIndex * 3);_face.b.fromBufferAttribute(this.colorAttribute, faceIndex * 3 + 1);_face.c.fromBufferAttribute(this.colorAttribute, faceIndex * 3 + 2);_color.set(0, 0, 0).addScaledVector(_face.a, u).addScaledVector(_face.b, v).addScaledVector(_face.c, 1 - (u + v));targetColor.r = _color.x;targetColor.g = _color.y;targetColor.b = _color.z;}return this;}}THREE.MeshSurfaceSampler = MeshSurfaceSampler;})();</script><script>(function () {const _object_pattern = /^[og]\s*(.+)?/; // mtllib file_referenceconst _material_library_pattern = /^mtllib /; // usemtl material_nameconst _material_use_pattern = /^usemtl /; // usemap map_nameconst _map_use_pattern = /^usemap /;const _vA = new THREE.Vector3();const _vB = new THREE.Vector3();const _vC = new THREE.Vector3();const _ab = new THREE.Vector3();const _cb = new THREE.Vector3();function ParserState() {const state = {objects: [],object: {},vertices: [],normals: [],colors: [],uvs: [],materials: {},materialLibraries: [],startObject: function (name, fromDeclaration) {// If the current object (initial from reset) is not from a g/o declaration in the parsed// file. We need to use it for the first parsed g/o to keep things in sync.if (this.object && this.object.fromDeclaration === false) {this.object.name = name;this.object.fromDeclaration = fromDeclaration !== false;return;}const previousMaterial = this.object && typeof this.object.currentMaterial === 'function' ? this.object.currentMaterial() : undefined;if (this.object && typeof this.object._finalize === 'function') {this.object._finalize(true);}this.object = {name: name || '',fromDeclaration: fromDeclaration !== false,geometry: {vertices: [],normals: [],colors: [],uvs: [],hasUVIndices: false},materials: [],smooth: true,startMaterial: function (name, libraries) {const previous = this._finalize(false); // New usemtl declaration overwrites an inherited material, except if faces were declared// after the material, then it must be preserved for proper MultiMaterial continuation.if (previous && (previous.inherited || previous.groupCount <= 0)) {this.materials.splice(previous.index, 1);}const material = {index: this.materials.length,name: name || '',mtllib: Array.isArray(libraries) && libraries.length > 0 ? libraries[libraries.length - 1] : '',smooth: previous !== undefined ? previous.smooth : this.smooth,groupStart: previous !== undefined ? previous.groupEnd : 0,groupEnd: - 1,groupCount: - 1,inherited: false,clone: function (index) {const cloned = {index: typeof index === 'number' ? index : this.index,name: this.name,mtllib: this.mtllib,smooth: this.smooth,groupStart: 0,groupEnd: - 1,groupCount: - 1,inherited: false};cloned.clone = this.clone.bind(cloned);return cloned;}};this.materials.push(material);return material;},currentMaterial: function () {if (this.materials.length > 0) {return this.materials[this.materials.length - 1];}return undefined;},_finalize: function (end) {const lastMultiMaterial = this.currentMaterial();if (lastMultiMaterial && lastMultiMaterial.groupEnd === - 1) {lastMultiMaterial.groupEnd = this.geometry.vertices.length / 3;lastMultiMaterial.groupCount = lastMultiMaterial.groupEnd - lastMultiMaterial.groupStart;lastMultiMaterial.inherited = false;} // Ignore objects tail materials if no face declarations followed them before a new o/g started.if (end && this.materials.length > 1) {for (let mi = this.materials.length - 1; mi >= 0; mi--) {if (this.materials[mi].groupCount <= 0) {this.materials.splice(mi, 1);}}} // Guarantee at least one empty material, this makes the creation later more straight forward.if (end && this.materials.length === 0) {this.materials.push({name: '',smooth: this.smooth});}
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