


Everyone is used to programs printing out output in a terminal that scrolls as new text appears, but that’s not all your can do: your program can color your text, move the cursor up, down, left or right, or clear portions of the screen if you are going to re-print them later. This is what lets programs like Git implement its dynamic progress indicators, and Vim or Bash implement their editors that let you modify already-displayed text without scrolling the terminal.

有一些库,例如 Readline,Jline 或 Python Prompt Toolkit,可以帮助您以各种编程语言来执行此操作,但您也可以自己执行此操作。这篇文章将探讨如何通过Python中的任何命令行计划控制终端的基础知识,以及您自己的代码如何直接利用终端所提供的所有特殊功能。


There are libraries like Readline, JLine, or the Python Prompt Toolkit that help you do this in various programming languages, but you can also do it yourself. This post will explore the basics of how you can control the terminal from any command-line program, with examples in Python, and how your own code can directly make use of all the special features the terminal has to offer.

About the Author: Haoyi is a software engineer, and the author of many open-source Scala tools such as the Ammonite REPL and the Mill Build Tool. If you enjoyed the contents on this blog, you may also enjoy Haoyi’s book Hands-on Scala Programming



The way that most programs interact with the Unix terminal is through ANSI escape codes. These are special codes that your program can print in order to give the terminal instructions. Various terminals support different subsets of these codes, and it’s difficult to find a “authoritative” list of what every code does. Wikipedia has a reasonable listing of them, as do many other sites.



Nevertheless, it’s possible to write programs that make use of ANSI escape codes, and at least will work on common Unix systems like Ubuntu or OS-X (though not Windows, which I won’t cover here and is its own adventure!).This post will explore the basics of what Ansi escape codes exist, and demonstrate how to use them to write your own interactive command-line from first principles.

打开 python 命令行



To begin with, let’s start off with a plain-old vanilla Python prompt:





The most basic Ansi escape codes are those involved in rendering text. These let you add decorations like Colors, Background Colors or other Decorations to your printed text, but don’t do anything fancy. The text you print will still end up at the bottom of the terminal, and still make your terminal scroll, just now it will be colored text instead of the default black/white color scheme your terminal has.



  • Red: \u001b[31m
  • Reset: \u001b[0m

\u001b 字符是大多数Ansi转义开头的特殊字符;大多数语言都允许这种语法来表示特殊字符,例如JavaPythonJavascript 都允许 \u001b 语法。

The most basic thing you can do to your text is to color it. The Ansi colors all look like

  • Red: \u001b[31m
  • Reset: \u001b[0m

This \u001b character is the special character that starts off most Ansi escapes; most languages allow this syntax for representing special characters, e.g. Java, Python and Javascript all allow the \u001b syntax.

例如,下面打印字符串 "Hello World",并设置为其颜色为红色:

For example here is printing the string "Hello World", but red:


请注意,我们需要在字符串前加上u 即。u"…" 以使其在 Python 2.7.10 中工作。这在Python 3或其他语言中是不必要的。

Note how we need to prefix the string with u i.e. u"..." in order for this to work in Python 2.7.10. This is not necessary in Python 3 or in other languages.

看看从打印的Hello World开始的红色是如何溢出到>>>提示符的。事实上,我们在这个提示符中输入的任何代码也将被标记为红色,就像任何后续输出一样!这就是Ansi颜色的工作原理:一旦您打印出启用一种颜色的特殊代码,该颜色将永远保持下去,直到其他人打印出另一种颜色的代码,或者打印出Reset代码来清除它。

See how the red color, starting from the printed Hello World, ends up spilling into the >>> prompt. In fact, any code we type into this prompt will also be colored red, as will any subsequent output! That is how Ansi colors work: once you print out the special code enabling a color, the color persists forever until someone else prints out the code for a different color, or prints out the Reset code to disable it.


We can disable it by printing the Reset code above:

print u"\u001b[31mHelloWorld\u001b[0m"




And we can see the prompt turns back white. In general, you should always remember to end any colored string you’re printing with a Reset, to make sure you don’t accidentally

To avoid this, we need to make sure we end our colored-string with the Reset code:

print u"\u001b[31mHelloWorld\u001b[0m"



Which propertly resets the color after the string has been printed. You can also Reset halfway through the string to make the second-half un-colored:

print u"\u001b[31mHello\u001b[0mWorld"


8色(8 Colors)


We have seen how Red and Reset work. The most basic terminals have a set of 8 different colors:

  • 黑色(Black): \u001b[30m
  • 红色(Red): \u001b[31m
  • 绿色(Green): \u001b[32m
  • 黄色(Yellow): \u001b[33m
  • 蓝色(Blue): \u001b[34m
  • 红色(Magenta): \u001b[35m
  • 青色(Cyan): \u001b[36m
  • 白(White): \u001b[37m
  • 重置(Reset): \u001b[0m


Which we can demonstrate by printing one letter of each color, followed by a Reset:

print u"\u001b[30m A \u001b[31m B \u001b[32m C \u001b[33m D \u001b[0m"
print u"\u001b[34m E \u001b[35m F \u001b[36m G \u001b[37m H \u001b[0m"



Note how the black A is totally invisible on the black terminal, while the white H looks the same as normal text. If we chose a different color-scheme for our terminal, it would be the opposite:

print u"\u001b[30;1m A \u001b[31;1m B \u001b[32;1m C \u001b[33;1m D \u001b[0m"
print u"\u001b[34;1m E \u001b[35;1m F \u001b[36;1m G \u001b[37;1m H \u001b[0m"



With the black A being obvious and the white H being hard to make out.

16 色(16 Colors)

大多数终端,除了基本的8种颜色外,还支持“明亮”或“粗体”颜色。它们都有自己的一组代码,反映了正常的颜色,但在它们的代码中有一个额外的’;1 ':

Most terminals, apart from the basic set of 8 colors, also support the “bright” or “bold” colors. These have their own set of codes, mirroring the normal colors, but with an additional ;1 in their codes:

  • Bright Black: \u001b[30;1m
  • Bright Red: \u001b[31;1m
  • Bright Green: \u001b[32;1m
  • Bright Yellow: \u001b[33;1m
  • Bright Blue: \u001b[34;1m
  • Bright Magenta: \u001b[35;1m
  • Bright Cyan: \u001b[36;1m
  • Bright White: \u001b[37;1m
  • Reset: \u001b[0m


Note that Reset is the same: this is the reset code that resets all colors and text effects.


We can print out these bright colors and see their effects:



And see that they are, indeed, much brighter than the basic set of 8 colors. Even the black A is now bright enough to be a visible gray on the black background, and the white H is now even brighter than the default text color.

256 色 (256 Colors)


Lastly, after the 16 colors, some terminals support a 256-color extended color set.


These are of the form


如下,可以打印出所有 256 颜色

import sys
for i in range(0, 16):for j in range(0, 16):code = str(i * 16 + j)sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[38;5;" + code + "m " + code.ljust(4))print u"\u001b[0m"



Here we use sys.stdout.write instead of print so we can print multiple items on the same line, but otherwise it’s pretty self-explanatory. Each code from 0 to 255 corresponds to a particular color.

背景色(Background Colors)


The Ansi escape codes let you set the color of the text-background the same way it lets you set the color of the foregrond. For example, the 8 background colors correspond to the codes:

  • Background Black: \u001b[40m
  • Background Red: \u001b[41m
  • Background Green: \u001b[42m
  • Background Yellow: \u001b[43m
  • Background Blue: \u001b[44m
  • Background Magenta: \u001b[45m
  • Background Cyan: \u001b[46m
  • Background White: \u001b[47m


With the bright versions being:

  • Background Bright Black: \u001b[40;1m
  • Background Bright Red: \u001b[41;1m
  • Background Bright Green: \u001b[42;1m
  • Background Bright Yellow: \u001b[43;1m
  • Background Bright Blue: \u001b[44;1m
  • Background Bright Magenta: \u001b[45;1m
  • Background Bright Cyan: \u001b[46;1m
  • Background Bright White: \u001b[47;1m


And reset is the same:

  • Reset: \u001b[0m


We can print them out and see them work

print u"\u001b[40m A \u001b[41m B \u001b[42m C \u001b[43m D \u001b[0m"
print u"\u001b[44m A \u001b[45m B \u001b[46m C \u001b[47m D \u001b[0m"
print u"\u001b[40;1m A \u001b[41;1m B \u001b[42;1m C \u001b[43;1m D \u001b[0m"
print u"\u001b[44;1m A \u001b[45;1m B \u001b[46;1m C \u001b[47;1m D \u001b[0m"



Note that the bright versions of the background colors do not change the background, but rather make the foreground text brighter. This is unintuitive but that’s just the way it works.


256-colored backgrounds work too:

import sys
for i in range(0, 16):for j in range(0, 16):code = str(i * 16 + j)sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[48;5;" + code + "m " + code.ljust(4))print u"\u001b[0m"




Apart from colors, and background-colors, Ansi escape codes also allow decorations on the text:

  • Bold: \u001b[1m
  • Underline: \u001b[4m
  • Reversed: \u001b[7m


Which can be used individually:

print u"\u001b[1m BOLD \u001b[0m\u001b[4m Underline \u001b[0m\u001b[7m Reversed \u001b[0m"



Or together

print u"\u001b[1m\u001b[4m\u001b[7m BOLD Underline Reversed \u001b[0m"



And can be used together with foreground and background colors:

print u"\u001b[1m\u001b[31m Red Bold \u001b[0m"
print u"\u001b[4m\u001b[44m Blue Background Underline \u001b[0m"


光标导航(Cursor Navigation)


The next set of Ansi escape codes are more complex: they allow you to move the cursor around the terminal window, or erase parts of it. These are the Ansi escape codes that programs like Bash use to let you move your cursor left and right across your input command in response to arrow-keys.


The most basic of these moves your cursor up, down, left or right:

  • Up: \u001b[{n}A
  • Down: \u001b[{n}B
  • Right: \u001b[{n}C
  • Left: \u001b[{n}D


To make use of these, first let’s establish a baseline of what the “normal” Python prompt does.

这里,我们添加了一个’ time.sleep(10) ',这样我们就可以看到它是如何工作的。我们可以看到,如果我们打印一些东西,它首先打印输出并将光标移动到下一行:

Here, we add a time.sleep(10) just so we can see it in action. We can see that if we print something, first it prints the output and moves our cursor onto the next line:

import time
print "Hello I Am A Cow"; time.sleep(10)



Then it prints the next prompt and moves our cursor to the right of it.



So that’s the baseline of where the cursor already goes. What can we do with this?

进度(Progress Indicator)


The easiest thing we can do with our cursor-navigation Ansi escape codes is to make a loading prompt:

import time, sys
def loading():print "Loading..."for i in range(0, 100):time.sleep(0.1)sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D" + str(i + 1) + "%")sys.stdout.flush()printloading()

这将打印从’ 1% ‘到’ 100% ‘的文本,因为它使用’ stdout ‘,所以都在同一行上。“写”而不是“打印”。但是,在打印每个百分比之前,它首先打印’ \u001b[1000D ',这意味着“将光标向左移动1000个字符”。这将使它一直移动到屏幕的左侧,从而使打印的新百分比覆盖旧百分比。因此,在函数返回之前,我们看到加载百分比从“1%”无缝地改变为“100%”:

This prints the text from 1% to 100%, all on the same line since it uses stdout.write rather than print. However, before printing each percentage it first prints \u001b[1000D, which means "move cursor left by 1000 characters). This should move it all the way to the left of the screen, thus letting the new percentage that gets printed over-write the old one. Hence we see the loading percentage seamlessly changing from 1% to 100% before the function returns:



It might be a bit hard to visualize in your head where the cursor is moving, but we can easily slow it down and add more sleeps to make the code show us:

import time, sys
def loading():print "Loading..."for i in range(0, 100):time.sleep(1)sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D")sys.stdout.flush()time.sleep(1)sys.stdout.write(str(i + 1) + "%")sys.stdout.flush()printloading()


Here, we split up the write that writes the “move left” escape code, from the write that writes the percentage progress indicator. We also added a 1 second sleep between them, to give us a chance to see the cursors “in between” states rather than just the end result:



Now, we can see the cursor moving left to the edge of the screen, before the new printed percentage over-writes the old one.

ASCII进度条(ASCII Progress Bar)


Now that we know how to make a self-updating progress bar using Ansi escape codes to control the terminal, it becomes relatively easy to modify it to be fancier, e.g. having a ASCII bar that goes across the screen:

import time, sys
def loading():print "Loading..."for i in range(0, 100):time.sleep(0.1)width = (i + 1) / 4bar = "[" + "#" * width + " " * (25 - width) + "]"sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D" +  bar)sys.stdout.flush()printloading()



This works as you would expect: every iteration of the loop, the entire row is erased and a new version of the ASCII bar is drawn.


We could even use the Up and Down cursor movements to let us draw multiple progress bars at once:

import time, sys, random
def loading(count):all_progress = [0] * countsys.stdout.write("\n" * count) # Make sure we have space to draw the barswhile any(x < 100 for x in all_progress):time.sleep(0.01)# Randomly increment one of our progress valuesunfinished = [(i, v) for (i, v) in enumerate(all_progress) if v < 100]index, _ = random.choice(unfinished)all_progress[index] += 1# Draw the progress barssys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D") # Move leftsys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[" + str(count) + "A") # Move upfor progress in all_progress: width = progress / 4print "[" + "#" * width + " " * (25 - width) + "]"loading()


  • 确保我们有足够的空间来绘制进度条!这是通过在函数启动时写入’ “\n” * count '来完成的。这将创建一系列换行符,使终端滚动,确保在终端底部有精确的“count”空白行,以便在其上呈现进度条
  • 模拟多个正在进行的事情与’ all_progress '数组,并有不同的插槽在该数组随机填充
  • 使用Up ansi代码每次移动光标’ count ‘行,这样我们就可以每行打印’ count '进度条

In this snippet, we have to do several things we did not do earlier:

  • Make sure we have enough space to draw the progress bars! This is done by writing "\n" * count when the function starts. This creates a series of newlines that makes the terminal scroll, ensuring that there are exactly count blank lines at the bottom of the terminal for the progress bars to be rendered on
  • Simulated multiple things in progress with the all_progress array, and having the various slots in that array fill up randomly
  • Used the Up ansi code to move the cursor count lines up each time, so we can then print the count progress bars one per linee



也许下次在编写并行下载大量文件的命令行应用程序时,或者在执行类似的并行任务时,可以编写类似的基于ansi -escape代码的进度条,这样用户就可以看到他们的命令是如何执行的。

Perhaps next time you are writing a command line application that’s downloading lots of files in parallel, or doing some similar kind of parallel task, you could write a similar Ansi-escape-code-based progress bar so the user can see how their command is progressing.


Of course, all these progress prompts so far are fake: they’re not really monitoring the progress of any task. Nevertheless, they demonstrate how you can use Ansi escape codes to put a dynamic progress indicator in any command-line program you write, so when you do have something whose progress you can monitor, you now have the ability to put fancy live-updating progress bars on it.

编写命令行(Writing a Command Line)


One of the more fancy things you might do with Ansi escape codes is to implement a command-line. Bash, Python, Ruby, all have their own in-built command line that lets you type out a command and edit its text before submitting it for execution. While it may seem special, in reality this command line is just another program that interacts with the terminal via Ansi escape codes! Since we know how to use Ansi escape codes, we can do it too and write our own command line.

用户输入(User Input)


The first thing we have to do with a command-line, which we haven’t done so far, is to take user input. This can be done with the following code:

import sys, tty
def command_line():tty.setraw(sys.stdin)while True:char = sys.stdin.read(1)if ord(char) == 3: # CTRL-Cbreak;print ord(char)sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D") # Move all the way left

实际上,我们使用 setraw 来确保我们的原始字符输入直接进入我们的进程(没有回显或缓冲或任何东西),然后读取并回显我们看到的字符代码,直到出现’ 3 '(这是 CTRL-C,现有REPL的常用命令)。自从我们 tty.setraw print 不再将光标重置到左边,所以我们需要在每次print之后手动向左移动 \u001b[1000D

In effect, we use setraw to make sure our raw character input goes straight into our process (without echoing or buffering or anything), and then reading and echoing the character-codes we see until 3 appears (which is CTRL-C, the common command for existing a REPL). Since we’ve turned on tty.setraw print doesn’t reset the cursor to the left anymore, so we need to manually move left with \u001b[1000D after each print.


  • A Z‘65’‘90’,‘‘“Z”是“97”“122”
  • 事实上,从32126的每个字符都代表一个可打印字符
  • (左,右,上,下)是(27 91 6827 91 6727 91 6527 91 66)。这可能因终端和操作系统的不同而有所不同。
  • 输入是1310(不同的计算机不同),退格是127

If you run this in the Python prompt (CTRL-C to exit) and try hitting some characters, you will see that:

A to Z are 65 to 90, a to z are 97 to 122

In fact, every character from to 126 represents a Printable Character

(Left, Right, Up, Down) are (27 91 68, 27 91 67, 27 91 65, 27 91 66). This might vary based on your terminal and operating system.

Enter is 13 or 10 (it varies between computers), Backspace is 127


  • 当用户按下可打印字符时,打印该字符
  • 当用户按下“Enter”键时,将此时的用户输入内容打印出来,再加一行,然后开始新的空输入。
  • 当用户按退格键时,在光标所在的位置删除一个字符
  • 当用户按下箭头键时,使用上面看到的Ansi转义码将光标向左或向右移动

Thus, we can try making our first primitive command line that simply echoes whatever the user typed:

  • When the user presses a printable character, print it
  • When the user presses Enter, print out the user input at that point, a new line, and start a new empty input.
  • When a user presses Backspace, delete one character where-ever the cursor is
  • When the user presses an arrow key, move the cursor Left or Right using the Ansi escape codes we saw above


This is obviously greatly simplified; we haven’t even covered all the different kinds of ASCII characters that exist, nevermind all the Unicode stuff! Nevertheless it will be sufficient for a simple proof-of-concept.

基础命令行(A Basic Command Line)


  • 当用户按下可打印字符时,打印该字符
  • 当用户按下“Enter”键时,将此时的用户输入内容打印出来,再加一行,然后开始新的空输入。

To begin with, let’s first implement the first two features:

  • When the user presses a printable character, print it
  • When the user presses Enter, print out the user input at that point, a new line, and start a new empty input.


No Backspace, no keyboard navigation, none of that. That can come later.


The code for that comes out looking something like this:

import sys, ttydef command_line():tty.setraw(sys.stdin)while True: # loop for each line# Define data-model for an input-string with a cursorinput = ""while True: # loop for each characterchar = ord(sys.stdin.read(1)) # read one char and get char code# Manage internal data-modelif char == 3: # CTRL-Creturnelif 32 <= char <= 126:input = input + chr(char)elif char in {10, 13}:sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D")print "\nechoing... ", inputinput = ""# Print current input-stringsys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D")  # Move all the way leftsys.stdout.write(input)sys.stdout.flush()

注意,我们如何使它工作 :

Note how we

And you can see it working:


正如我们所预料的那样,方向键不起作用,导致打印出奇怪的’ [D [A [C [B] '字符,这与我们上面看到的箭头键代码相对应。我们接下来会让它工作。不过,我们可以输入文本,然后按enter键提交。

As we’d expect, arrow keys don’t work and result in odd [D [A [C [B characters being printed, which correspond to the arrow key codes we saw above. We will get that working next. Nevertheless, we can enter text and then submit it with Enter.


Paste this into your own Python prompt to try it out!

光标导航(Cursor Navigation)

下一步是让用户使用方向键移动光标。这是Bash、Python和其他命令行默认提供的,但由于我们在这里实现自己的命令行,因此必须自己完成。我们知道箭头键对应于字符代码’ 27 91 68 ‘,’ 27 91 67 ‘的序列,所以我们可以放入代码来检查这些并适当地移动光标’ index '变量

The next step would be to let the user move the cursor around using arrow-keys. This is provided by default for Bash, Python, and other command-lines, but as we are implementing our own command line here we have to do it ourselves. We know that the arrow keys Left and Right correspond to the sequences of character-codes 27 91 68, 27 91 67, so we can put in code to check for those and appropiately move the cursor index variable

import sys, ttydef command_line():tty.setraw(sys.stdin)while True: # loop for each line# Define data-model for an input-string with a cursorinput = ""index = 0while True: # loop for each characterchar = ord(sys.stdin.read(1)) # read one char and get char code# Manage internal data-modelif char == 3: # CTRL-Creturnelif 32 <= char <= 126:input = input[:index] + chr(char) + input[index:]index += 1elif char in {10, 13}:sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D")print "\nechoing... ", inputinput = ""index = 0elif char == 27:next1, next2 = ord(sys.stdin.read(1)), ord(sys.stdin.read(1))if next1 == 91:if next2 == 68: # Leftindex = max(0, index - 1)elif next2 == 67: # Rightindex = min(len(input), index + 1)# Print current input-stringsys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D") # Move all the way leftsys.stdout.write(input)sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D") # Move all the way left againif index > 0:sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[" + str(index) + "C") # Move cursor too indexsys.stdout.flush()


  • 我们现在维护一个index变量。在此之前,光标总是在“输入”的右端,因为你不能使用方向键将其向左移动,并且新的输入总是附加在右端。现在,我们需要保持一个单独的“索引”,不一定在“输入”的末尾,当用户输入一个字符时,我们将它拼接到“输入”的正确位置。
  • 我们检查“char == 27”,然后检查接下来的两个字符,以识别和**右*箭头键,并增加/减少光标的“索引”(确保将其保持在“输入”字符串内)。
  • 写完input后,我们现在必须手动将光标向左移动,并向右移动光标index对应的正确字符数。在此之前,光标总是位于“输入”的最右侧,因为方向键不起作用,但现在光标可以在任何地方。

The three main changes are:

  • We now maintain an index variable. Previously, the cursor was always at the right-end of the input, since you couldn’t use arrow keys to move it left, and new input was always appended at the right-end. Now, we need to keep a separate index which is not necessarily at the end of the input, and when a user enters a character we splice it into the input in the correct location.
  • We check for char == 27, and then also check for the next two characters to identify the Left and *Right arrow keys, and increment/decrement the index of our cursor (making sure to keep it within the input string.
  • After writing the input, we now have to manually move the cursor all the way to the left and move it rightward the correct number of characters corresponding to our cursor index. Previously the cursor was always at the right-most point of our input because arrow keys didn’t work, but now the cursor could be anywhere.

As you can see, it works:



It would take more effort to make Home and End (or Fn-Left and Fn-Right) work, as well as Bash-like shortcuts like Esc-f and Esc-B, but there’s nothing in principle difficult about those: you just need to write down the code-sequences they produce the same way we did at the start of this section, and make them change our cursor index appropriately.



The last thing on our feature list to implement is deletion: using Backspace should cause one character before the cursor to disappear, and move the cursor left by 1. This can be done naively by inserting an

+ elif char == 127:
+     input = input[:index-1] + input[index:]
+     index -= 1


Into our conditional. This works, somewhat, but not entirely as expected:



As you can see, the deletion works, in that after I delete the characters, they are no longer echoed back at me when I press Enter to submit. However, the characters are still sitting their on screen even as I delete them! At least until they are over-written with new characters, as can be seen in the third line in the above example.


The problem is that so far, we have never actually cleared the entire line: we’ve always just written the new characters over the old characters, assuming that the string of new characters would be longer and over-write them. This is no longer true once we can delete characters.

修复方法是使用Clear Line Ansi转义码\u001b[0K,这是一组Ansi转义码之一,可以让您清除终端的各个部分:

  • Clear Screen: \u001b[{n}J清空屏幕
    • n=0清除光标直到屏幕结束,
    • n=1清除从光标到屏幕开始的位置
    • n=2清除整个屏幕
  • 清除行:\u001b[{n}K清除当前行
    • n=0清除从游标到行尾的内容
    • n=1清除从游标到行首的位置
    • n=2清除整行

A fix is to use the Clear Line Ansi escape code \u001b[0K, one of a set of Ansi escape codes which lets you clear various portions of the terminal:

  • Clear Screen : \u001b[{n}J clears the screen
  • n=0 clears from cursor until end of screen,
  • n=1 clears from cursor to beginning of screen
  • n=2 clears entire screen
  • Clear Line : \u001b[{n}K clears the current line
  • n=0 clears from cursor to end of line
  • n=1 clears from cursor to start of line
  • n=2 clears entire line


This particular code:

+ sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[0K")


Clears all characters from the cursor to the end of the line. That lets us make sure that when we delete and re-print a shorter input after that, any “leftover” text that we’re not over-writing still gets properly cleared from the screen.


The final code looks like:

import sys, ttydef command_line():tty.setraw(sys.stdin)while True: # loop for each line# Define data-model for an input-string with a cursorinput = ""index = 0while True: # loop for each characterchar = ord(sys.stdin.read(1)) # read one char and get char code# Manage internal data-modelif char == 3: # CTRL-Creturnelif 32 <= char <= 126:input = input[:index] + chr(char) + input[index:]index += 1elif char in {10, 13}:sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D")print "\nechoing... ", inputinput = ""index = 0elif char == 27:next1, next2 = ord(sys.stdin.read(1)), ord(sys.stdin.read(1))if next1 == 91:if next2 == 68: # Leftindex = max(0, index - 1)elif next2 == 67: # Rightindex = min(len(input), index + 1)elif char == 127:input = input[:index-1] + input[index:]index -= 1# Print current input-stringsys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D") # Move all the way leftsys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[0K")    # Clear the linesys.stdout.write(input)sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D") # Move all the way left againif index > 0:sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[" + str(index) + "C") # Move cursor too indexsys.stdout.flush()


And i you paste this into the command-line, it works!


在这一点上,值得放入一些 sys.stdout.flush();Time.sleep(0.2);在代码中,在每个sys.stdout之后。写一下,看看它是否有效。如果你这样做,你会看到这样的东西:

At this point, it’s worth putting some sys.stdout.flush(); time.sleep(0.2);s into the code, after every sys.stdout.write, just to see it working. If you do that, you will see something like this:



  • 光标移动到行sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D")的开始
  • 一行被清除sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[0K")
  • 当前输入写入sys.stdout.write(input)
  • 光标再次移动到行sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D")的开头
  • 将光标移动到正确的索引“sys.stdout”上。write(u"\u001b[" + str(index) + “C”) `

Where it is plainly obvious each time you enter a character,

  • The cursor moves to the start of the line sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D")
  • The line is cleared sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[0K")
  • The current input is written sys.stdout.write(input)
  • The cursor is moved again to the start of the line sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D")
  • The cursor is moved to the correct index sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[" + str(index) + "C")


Normally, when you are using this code, it all happens instantly when .flush() is called. However, it is still valuable to see what is actually going on, so that you can understand it when it works and debug it when it misbehaves!


现在我们有了一个最小的命令行,我们自己用’ sys.stdin ‘实现了它。读取’和’ sys.stdout。,使用ANSI转义码来控制终端。它缺少了“标准”命令行提供的许多功能和热键,例如:

We now have a minimal command-line, implemented ourselves using sys.stdin.read and sys.stdout.write, using ANSI escape codes to control the terminal. It is missing out a lot of functionality and hotkeys that “standard” command-lines provide, things like:

  • Alt-f to move one word right
  • Alt-b to move one word left
  • Alt-Backspace to delete one word on the left
  • …many other command command-line hotkeys, some of which are listed here


And currently isn’t robust enough to work with e.g. multi-line input strings, single-line input strings that are long enough to wrap, or display a customizable prompt to the user.


Nevertheless, implementing support for those hotkeys and robustness for various edge-case inputs is just more of the same: picking a use case that doesn’t work, and figuring out the right combination of internal logic and ANSI escape codes to make the terminal behave as we’d expect.


There are other terminal commands that would come in useful; Wikipedia’s table of escape codes is a good listing (the CSI in that table corresponds to the \u001b in our code) but here are some useful ones:

  • Up: \u001b[{n}A moves cursor up by n

  • Down: \u001b[{n}B moves cursor down by n

  • Right: \u001b[{n}C moves cursor right by n

  • Left: \u001b[{n}D moves cursor left by n

  • Next Line: \u001b[{n}E moves cursor to beginning of line n lines down

  • Prev Line: \u001b[{n}F moves cursor to beginning of line n lines down

  • Set Column: \u001b[{n}G moves cursor to column n

  • Set Position: \u001b[{n};{m}H moves cursor to row n column m

  • Clear Screen: \u001b[{n}J clears the screen

    • n=0 clears from cursor until end of screen,
    • n=1 clears from cursor to beginning of screen
    • n=2 clears entire screen
  • Clear Line : \u001b[{n}K clears the current line

    • n=0 clears from cursor to end of line
    • n=1 clears from cursor to start of line
    • n=2 clears entire line
  • Save Position: \u001b[{s} saves the current cursor position

  • Save Position: \u001b[{u} restores the cursor to the last saved position


These are some of the tools you have available when trying to control the cursor and terminal, and can be used for all sorts of things: implementing terminal games, command-lines, text-editors like Vim or Emacs, and other things. Although it is sometimes confusing what exactly the control codes are doing, adding time.sleeps after each control code. So for now, let’s call this “done”…

Customizing your Command Line


If you’ve reached this far, you’ve worked through colorizing your output, writing various dynamic progress indicators, and finally writing a small, bare-bones command line using Ansi escape codes that echoes user input back at them. You may think these three tasks are in descending order of usefulness: colored input is cool, but who needs to implement their own command-line when every programming language already has one? And there are plenty of libraries like Readline or JLine that do it for you?


It turns out, that in 2016, there still are valid use cases for re-implementing your own command-line. Many of the existing command-line libraries aren’t very flexible, and can’t support basic use cases like syntax-highlighting your input. If you want interfaces common in web/desktop programs, like drop-down menus or Shift-Left and Shift-Right to highlight and select parts of your input, most existing implementations will leave you out of luck.

然而,现在我们有了自己的从头开始的实现,语法高亮显示就像在input 字符串上调用 syntax_highlight 函数一样简单,以便在打印字符串之前添加必要的颜色代码:

However, now that we have our own from-scratch implementation, syntax highlighting is as simple as calling a syntax_highlight function on our input string to add the necessary color-codes before printing it:

+            sys.stdout.write(syntax_highlight(input))
-            sys.stdout.write(input)


To demonstrate I’m just going to use a dummy syntax highlighter that highlights trailing whitespace; something many programmers hate.


That’s as simple as:

def syntax_highlight(input):stripped = input.rstrip()return stripped + u"\u001b[41m" + " " *  (len(input) - len(stripped)) + u"\u001b[0m" 


And there you have it!



Again, this is a minimal example, but you could imagine swapping out this syntax_highlight implementation for something like Pygments, which can perform real syntax highlighting on almost any programming language you will be writing a command-line for. Just like that, we’ve added customizable syntax highlighting in just a few lines of Python code. Not bad!


The complete code below, if you want to copy-paste it to try it out yourself:

import sys, tty
def syntax_highlight(input):stripped = input.rstrip()return stripped + u"\u001b[41m" + " " *  (len(input) - len(stripped)) + u"\u001b[0m"def command_line():tty.setraw(sys.stdin)while True: # loop for each line# Define data-model for an input-string with a cursorinput = ""index = 0while True: # loop for each characterchar = ord(sys.stdin.read(1)) # read one char and get char code# Manage internal data-modelif char == 3: # CTRL-Creturnelif 32 <= char <= 126:input = input[:index] + chr(char) + input[index:]index += 1elif char in {10, 13}:sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D")print "\nechoing... ", inputinput = ""index = 0elif char == 27:next1, next2 = ord(sys.stdin.read(1)), ord(sys.stdin.read(1))if next1 == 91:if next2 == 68: # Leftindex = max(0, index - 1)elif next2 == 67: # Rightindex = min(len(input), index + 1)elif char == 127:input = input[:index-1] + input[index:]index -= 1# Print current input-stringsys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D")sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[0K")sys.stdout.write(syntax_highlight(input))sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D")if index > 0:sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[" + str(index) + "C")sys.stdout.flush()

除了语法突出显示之外,现在我们有了自己的相对简单的diy命令行,整个可能性空间就打开了:创建下拉菜单只需要将光标导航到正确的位置并打印正确的内容。实现Shift-LeftShift-Right 用于强调和选择文本只是一种识别正确的输入代码(27 91 49 59 50 6827 91 49 59 50 67 Mac-OSX / iTerm)和应用部分(背景色)(https://www.lihaoyi.com/post/BuildyourownCommandLinewithANSIescapecodes.html背景颜色)或(逆转)(https://www.lihaoyi.com/post/BuildyourownCommandLinewithANSIescapecodes.html)装饰片段之前印刷的颜色。

Apart from syntax-highlighting, now that we have our own relatively-simple DIY-command-line, a whole space of possibilities opens up: creating drop-down menus is just a matter of navigating the cursor into the right place and printing the right things. ImplementingShift-Left and Shift-Right to highlight and select text is just a matter of recognizing the correct input codes (27 91 49 59 50 68 and 27 91 49 59 50 67 on Mac-OSX/iTerm) and applying some background color or reversing the colors for that snippet before printing.


It may be tedious to implement, but it’s all straightforward: once you’re familiar with the basic Ansi codes you can use to interact with the terminal, any feature you want is just a matter of writing the code to make it happen.



This sort of “rich” interaction to your command-line programs is something that most traditional command-line programs and libraries lack. Adding syntax highlighting to Readline would definitely take more than four lines of code! But with your own implementation, everything is possible.

最近,出现了一波新的命令行库,如Python Prompt Toolkit, Fish Shell和aminite Scala REPL(我自己的项目),它们提供了比传统的Readline/JLine基于命令行更丰富的命令行体验,具有语法突出显示输入和多行编辑等功能:

More recently, there are a new wave of command-line libraries like the Python Prompt Toolkit, the Fish Shell and the Ammonite Scala REPL (My own project) that provide a richer command-line experience than traditional Readline/JLine based command-lines, with features like syntax-highlighted input and multi-line editing:



And desktop-style Shift-Left/Shift-Right selection, and IDE-style block-indenting or de-denting with Tab and Shift-Tab:



To build tools like that, you yourself need to understand the various ways you can directly interface with the terminal. While the minimal command-line we implemented above is obviously incomplete and not robust, it is straightforward (if tedious) to flesh out the few-dozen features most people expect a command-line to have. After that, you’re on par with what’s out there, and you are free to implement more features and rich interactions beyond what existing libraries like Readline/Jline provide.

也许你想为一种没有REPL的语言实现一个新的[REPL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read -eval-print_loop) ?也许你想写一个更好的REPL来取代现有的REPL,用更丰富的功能和交互?也许你喜欢Python提示工具包为在Python中编写丰富的命令行提供的功能,并希望在Javascript中具有相同的功能?或者您已经决定实现自己的命令行文本编辑器,如[Vim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vim_(text_editor)或Emacs,但更好?

Perhaps you want to implement a new REPL for a language that doesn’t have one? Perhaps you want to write a better REPL to replace an existing one, with richer features and interactions? Perhaps you like what the Python Prompt Toolkit provides for writing rich command-lines in Python, and want the same functionality in Javascript? Or perhaps you’ve decided to implement your own command-line text editor like Vim or Emacs, but better?


It turns out, learning enough about Ansi escape codes to implement your own rich terminal interface is not nearly as hard as it may seem initially. With a relatively small number of control commands, you can implement your own rich command-line interfaces, and bring progress to what has been a relatively backward field in the world of software engineering.


Have you ever found yourself needing to use these Ansi escape codes as part of your command-line programs? What for? Let us know in the comments below!

原文: [Build your own Command Line with ANSI escape codes](Build your own Command Line with ANSI escape codes (lihaoyi.com))

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例如 shell 中的实现

 echo -e "\033[34;41mThis is blue text with red background\033[0m"






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